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That means if you don't have an online presence it can twist up damaging your business in the long run. So, in today's world, most of the businesses have their website, but that doesn't mean they are worth visiting. <a href="/website-designing" title="website design company in gurgaon">Web Design</a> is mainly not just a service, it is an art.</p> </div> </div> <!-- End single page --> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="single-page"> <div class="page-img elec-page"> <img src="img/service/website_design_and_development.jpg" alt="website design and development"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="single-well"> <h4>The better your website will look, the more comfortable people will also feel while visiting.</h4> <p>The better your website will look, the more comfortable people will also feel while visiting as per the web credibility research from Stanford, 75% of people admit judging the credibility of a business based on their web design. So for sure, credibility has a straight relation to how likely people are to make a purchase. That clearly means one is mainy losing his clients if their site has a poor design. One mainly needs to ensure that his website conveys that they are in a genuine and trustworthy business, which is often decided by the caliber of the web design.</p> <p>Navigation is always one of the most important parts of a website. Website navigation typically involves a navigation bar or list of tags that distinguish the pages of the website. Great navigation should also be simple to detect and understand – making fast and easy to navigate the entire website. So, one should always make overall ease of navigation as one of the top priorities while designing website for lasting success.</p> <p>A site with good design mainly encourages people to continue clicking around to know more about your services, instead of the ones with incompetent designs. So, you must always need to have a well-designed website to attract these users who can be your customers. </p> <p>Counted among the most creative and innovative web designing firms in India, we mainly offer web design solutions to accommodate your business’ requirements. Our team of designers and developers work cohesively to bring about the best in their work. Always backed by knowledge of latest web designing technologies and tools, we ensure that the ensuing website is aesthetically and functionally appealing so that it reaches out to its target audience and sustain their attention.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> </div> </div> <?php include 'website-project.php'; ?> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "name": "Design Pitara", "alternateName": "Design Pitara", "url": "https://www.designpitara.com/website-design-and-development-services", "logo": "https://designpitara.com/img/logo/logo2.png", "contactPoint": { "@type": "ContactPoint", "telephone": "9811477138", "contactType": "technical support", "areaServed": "IN", "availableLanguage": "en" }, "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/designpitara/", "https://twitter.com/designpitara", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/designpitara", "https://designpitara.tumblr.com/", "https://in.pinterest.com/designpitara/", "https://www.instagram.com/designpitaralive/" ] } </script> <!-- Start Footer bottom Area --> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?>