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// Flex Admin Demo Chart JavaScript //Morris Area Chart var sales_data = [ {date: '2014-1-25', productA: 80.26, productB: 78.26, productC: 79.91, productD: 81.63}, {date: '2014-1-26', productA: 48.34, productB: 50.62, productC: 51.34, productD: 49.35}, {date: '2014-1-27', productA: 64.91, productB: 65.26, productC: 63.48, productD: 68.61}, {date: '2014-1-28', productA: 91.23, productB: 87.94, productC: 95.79, productD: 90.24}, {date: '2014-1-29', productA: 148.26, productB: 151.98, productC: 164.33, productD: 142.43}, {date: '2014-1-30', productA: 74.53, productB: 71.26, productC: 78.91, productD: 76.32}, {date: '2014-1-31', productA: 84.26, productB: 62.87, productC: 63.72, productD: 58.06}, ]; Morris.Area({ element: 'morris-chart-area', data: sales_data, xkey: 'date', xLabelFormat: function(date) { return (date.getMonth()+1)+'/'+date.getDate()+'/'+date.getFullYear(); }, xLabels: 'day', ykeys: ['productA', 'productB', 'productC', 'productD'], yLabelFormat: function (y) { return "$" + y ;}, labels: ['Product A', 'Product B', 'Product C', 'Product D'], lineColors: ['#e74c3c','#f39c12', '#2980b9', '#16a085'], hideHover: 'auto', resize: true, gridTextFamily: ['Open Sans'], dateFormat: function(date) { d = new Date(date); return (d.getMonth()+1)+'/'+d.getDate()+'/'+d.getFullYear(); }, }); //Morris Donut Chart Morris.Donut({ element: 'morris-chart-donut', data: [ {label: "Referrals", value: 42.7}, {label: "Direct", value: 8.3}, {label: "Social", value: 12.8}, {label: "Organic", value: 36.2} ], resize: true, colors: ['#16a085','#2980b9', '#f39c12', '#e74c3c'], formatter: function (y) { return y + "%" ;} }); //Morris Line Chart Morris.Line({ // ID of the element in which to draw the chart. element: 'morris-chart-line', // Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on // the chart. data: [ { d: '2012-10-01', visits: 802, pageViews: 1651 }, { d: '2012-10-02', visits: 783, pageViews: 1598 }, { d: '2012-10-03', visits: 820, pageViews: 1684 }, { d: '2012-10-04', visits: 839, pageViews: 1488 }, { d: '2012-10-05', visits: 792, pageViews: 1465 }, { d: '2012-10-06', visits: 859, pageViews: 1521 }, { d: '2012-10-07', visits: 790, pageViews: 1598 }, { d: '2012-10-08', visits: 1680, pageViews: 2615 }, { d: '2012-10-09', visits: 1592, pageViews: 3165 }, { d: '2012-10-10', visits: 1420, pageViews: 1798 }, { d: '2012-10-11', visits: 882, pageViews: 1754 }, { d: '2012-10-12', visits: 889, pageViews: 1654 }, { d: '2012-10-13', visits: 819, pageViews: 1521 }, { d: '2012-10-14', visits: 849, pageViews: 1794 }, { d: '2012-10-15', visits: 870, pageViews: 1549 }, { d: '2012-10-16', visits: 1063, pageViews: 2615 }, { d: '2012-10-17', visits: 1192, pageViews: 2498 }, { d: '2012-10-18', visits: 1224, pageViews: 2684 }, { d: '2012-10-19', visits: 1329, pageViews: 2888 }, { d: '2012-10-20', visits: 1329, pageViews: 2998 }, { d: '2012-10-21', visits: 1239, pageViews: 2945 }, { d: '2012-10-22', visits: 1190, pageViews: 2151 }, { d: '2012-10-23', visits: 1312, pageViews: 2632 }, { d: '2012-10-24', visits: 1293, pageViews: 2361 }, { d: '2012-10-25', visits: 1283, pageViews: 2451 }, { d: '2012-10-26', visits: 1248, pageViews: 2416 }, { d: '2012-10-27', visits: 1323, pageViews: 2684 }, { d: '2012-10-28', visits: 1390, pageViews: 2165 }, { d: '2012-10-29', visits: 1420, pageViews: 2864 }, { d: '2012-10-30', visits: 1529, pageViews: 3021 }, { d: '2012-10-31', visits: 1892, pageViews: 4251 }, ], // The name of the data record attribute that contains x-visitss. xkey: 'd', // A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-visitss. ykeys: ['visits', 'pageViews'], // Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the // chart. lineColors: ['#16a085','#f39c12'], labels: ['Visits', 'Page Views'], // Disables line smoothing smooth: false, resize: true }); //Morris Bar Chart Morris.Bar({ element: 'morris-chart-bar', data: [ { y: '2006', a: 100, b: 90 }, { y: '2007', a: 75, b: 65 }, { y: '2008', a: 50, b: 40 }, { y: '2009', a: 75, b: 65 }, { y: '2010', a: 50, b: 40 }, { y: '2011', a: 75, b: 65 }, { y: '2012', a: 100, b: 90 } ], xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['a', 'b'], labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'], barColors: ['#8e44ad','#e74c3c'], resize: true });