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Installation Guide.txt
I. OVERVIEW This Prism Highlighter plugin requires CKEditor 4.4 or later versions, and it extends the Code Snippet widget/plugin. It requires CKEditor 4.4 since the Code Snippet's mechanism for extending/overriding the highlighting engine is only available starting from that version. Hence, the Code Snippet plugin is also a hard dependency (which also depends on Widget and Line Utilities). In essence, we need to download these plugins: a. Widget (http://ckeditor.com/addon/widget) b. Line Utilities (http://ckeditor.com/addon/lineutils) c. Code Snippet (http://ckeditor.com/addon/codesnippet), d. Prism Highlighter plugin (http://ckeditor.com/addon/prism). For Linux users, after downloading, make sure that the zipped folders or the target CKEditor folders have right read/write/execute permissions, otherwise you might encounter loading issues like the "File x could not be found" notice. You might need to run "sudo chmod 777 -R lineutils", "sudo chmod 777 -R widget", "sudo chmod 777 -R codesnippet", and "sudo chmod 777 -R prism", before or after copying them in the appropriate CKEditor folders. After the installation (Part 2 for Non-Drupal, Part 3 for Drupal), read the important notes in part 4 also to avoid surprises. II. STANDARD INSTALLATION (Usual Setup) 1) After unzipping the folder, paste the 4 folders ("lineutils", "widget", "codesnippet", and "prism") to "ckeditor/plugins" folder. After that, you should have the following folder structures: "ckeditor/plugins/lineutils" "ckeditor/plugins/widget" "ckeditor/plugins/codesnippet" "ckeditor/plugins/prism" 2) Edit the "ckeditor/config.js" file, and add the following: if there's no existing line yet: config.extraPlugins = "lineutils,widget,codesnippet,prism"; otherwise, append it to the existing list, no extra spaces are allowed: config.extraPlugins = "existing_plugin,another_existing_plugin,lineutils,widget,codesnippet,prism"; 3.) Just to make sure, clear the web browser's cache after modifying your configuration. Clearing the browser's cache is also very important since the CKEditor's JS and CSS assets/components are cached also in the browser. III. DRUPAL INSTALLATION In Drupal, the typical/recommended way to embed the CKEditor WSYIWYG is through the CKEditor module (https://drupal.org/project/ckeditor), and then building/loading the corresponding CKEditor JS library (http://ckeditor.com/). Drupal's CKEditor module is typically installed to have this internal path: sites/all/modules/ckeditor or sites/all/modules/contrib/ckeditor. Moreover, the CKEditor JS Library is typically installed to have this internal path: "sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" or "sites/all/modules/contrib/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js" or "sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.js." With Drupal's latest CKEditor (https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor, 7.x-1.16), the Widget and Lineutils plugins are already bundled and enabled by default which is indicated as the "Full" CKEditor.js build if you check in the the CKEditor Global Profile admin page "admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg" Path to CKEditor: //cdn.ckeditor.com/4.4.3/full-all the path is pointing to the CDN copy/build of CKEditor 4.4.3 with Full Plugins, so the Widget and Lineutils plugins should not be downloaded anymore, including the Code Snippet (but Code Snippet must still be activated in the Drupal's CKEditor Configuration page since it's not activated by default); actually, conflicts and console error like this will show if you try to still download and integrate them into the setup: Uncaught TypeError: CKEDITOR.tools.getIndex is not a function Hence, it is highly recommended that you use the latest Drupal CKEditor module since it would be the easiest to setup, especially in the context of Prism Highlighter plugin. Summary of Drupal's CKEditor 7.x-1.16 version: a. Widget and Line Utilities are already bundled and activated by default. b. Code Snippet is bundled but not activated c. Prism Highlighter must be downloaded and activated. The instructions below are guides on how to do (b) and (c) above. These are the possible plugin setups, the idea is to copy the plugin folder, enable it, and make it visible in the toolbar: A. DRUPAL INSTALLATION OPTION 1 (Easier Setup Than Option 2) 1.) Download and unzip the plugin here (depending on your setup): "sites/all/modules/ckeditor/plugins" or "sites/all/modules/contrib/ckeditor/plugins". After that, you should have this folder structure: "ckeditor/plugins/prism" 2.) We should now activate the new plugin and add them to the toolbar. This is done by configuring the CKEditor Profile Settings, in which by default is located in: "admin/config/content/ckeditor/edit/Advanced" A. Activate the Code Snippet and Prism Highlighter Plugins In EDITOR APPEARANCE >>> Plugins section: Enable the corresponding checkboxes for the Code Snippet and Prism Highlighter. This is the text displayed adjacent to their checkboxes: "Plugin for inserting Code Snippets ..." "Plugin file: prism" B. Add the Code Snippet plugin to the Toolbar Prism Highlighter just overrides the highlighting engine (back-end) of Code Snippet so it doesn't need another toolbar button/icon and it could just utilize the existing one used by Code Snippet. In other words, Prism Highlighter is just the Code Snippet plugin but with some overrides under the hood. Ultimately, we should then make the activated Code Snippet plugin visible in the toolbar, skipping this step will make the Code Snippet plugin (and consequently Prism Highligher) inaccessible in the toolbar. In EDITOR APPEARANCE >>> Toolbar section: Drag the Code Snippet icon (black-colored) from the 'All Buttons' section to the 'Used Buttons' section. 3.) Then, click the Save button. Clear the Drupal's overall cache AND clear the browser's cache. Clearing the browser's cache is also very important since the CKEditor's JS and CSS assets/components are cached also in the browser. As indicated above, using the "sites/all/modules/ckeditor/plugins" or "sites/all/modules/contrib/ckeditor/plugins" will work with no additional custom hooks programming since by default CKEditor utilize that folder in the CKEditor Global Profile Settings: "admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg". If you go that Global Profile Settings page, this will be indicated (unless you override the default configuration): Path to the CKEditor plugins directory: "%m/plugins" In which "%m" refers to the base URL path where the CKEditor module is stored, and defaults to "sites/all/modules/ckeditor" or "sites/all/modules/contrib/ckeditor". B. DRUPAL INSTALLATION OPTION 2 With the advent of Libraries API (https://drupal.org/project/libraries), Drupal offers more flexibility in the handling of external/third-party libraries, which means a clean mechanism that provides a separation of control between the CKEditor module and CKEditor library, and implies that we could safely upgrade the library and module independent to each other. Having a Libraries folder (sites/all/libraries) is also a very common setup in Drupal. This setup assumes that you've already installed and enabled the Libraries API module and configured the CKEditor library (sites/all/libraries/ckeditor). Make sure also that the "Path to CKEditor" settings indicated in the CKEditor's Global Profile (admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg) is indicated as "%l/ckeditor", in which "%l" refers to the "sites/all/libraries". 1.) Download and unzip the plugin here: "sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins" After that, you should have this folder structure: "ckeditor/plugins/prism" 2.) We should now activate the new plugin. This is done by implementing first the hook_ckeditor_plugin() in a custom module: function MYMODULE_ckeditor_plugin() { return array( 'prism' => array( 'name' => 'prism', 'desc' => t('Prism Highlighter Plugin'), 'path' => libraries_get_path('ckeditor') . '/plugins/prism/', ), ); } That hook will make it possible for the Prism Highlighter to show in the Drupal's CKEditor Configuration page. 3. We should now activate the new plugin and add them to the toolbar. This is done by configuring the CKEditor Profile Settings, in which by default is located in: "admin/config/content/ckeditor/edit/Advanced" A. Activate the Code Snippet and Prism Highlighter Plugins In EDITOR APPEARANCE >>> Plugins section: Enable the corresponding checkboxes for the Code Snippet and Prism Highlighter. This is the text displayed adjacent to their checkboxes: "Plugin for inserting Code Snippets ..." "Prism Highlighter Plugin" B. Add the Code Snippet plugin to the Toolbar Prism Highlighter just overrides the highlighting engine (back-end) of Code Snippet so it doesn't need another toolbar button/icon and it could just utilize the existing one used by Code Snippet. In other words, Prism Highlighter is just the Code Snippet plugin but with some overrides under the hood. Ultimately, we should then make the activated Code Snippet plugin visible in the toolbar, skipping this step will make the Code Snippet plugin (and consequently Prism Highligher) inaccessible in the toolbar. In EDITOR APPEARANCE >>> Toolbar section: Drag the Code Snippet icon (black-colored) from the 'All Buttons' section to the 'Used Buttons' section. 4.) Then, click the Save button. Clear the Drupal's overall cache AND clear the browser's cache. Clearing the browser's cache is also very important since the CKEditor's JS and CSS assets/components are cached also in the browser. IV. IMPORTANT NOTES A. HTML (SECURITY) FILTERING ISSUES Code Snippet/Prism Syntax Highlighter inserts <PRE><CODE>...</CODE></PRE> tags/blocks in your webpages. The <PRE><CODE> is one of the main basis for the styling/syntax highlighting. Yet, for some systems like Drupal, <PRE> tag is blacklisted by default when filtering/rendering page contents (actually <pre><code> will become <p><code> when rendered). In Drupal, <CODE> is allowed by default. Hence, you must allow/whitelist <PRE> tag in order for the syntax highlighter to work as intended. In Drupal, you should add the "<pre>"" tag as one of the whitelisted tags in the 'Allowed HTML tags' section in 'Limit allowed HTML tags' filter/tab in "admin/config/content/formats/filtered_html" page. B. VIEWING THE PAGE This syntax highlighter utilizes the Prism JS/CSS files in order to work as intended. Typically, there are 2 view modes for every page in CMS: CKEditor Mode and Page Mode. In CKEditor Mode (when editing the page), the Prism Highlighter handles the auto-loading of Prism JS and CSS files. In Page Mode (when rendering/viewing the actual page), Prism Highlighiter is not loaded anymore (since it depends on CKEditor.) In effect, you have to load the Prism JS and CSS files when displaying the page. You should add these link and script tags in your HTML <head>: <head> ... <link href="PATH_TO/prism_patched.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="PATH_TO/prism_patched.min.js"></script> </head> For example, in my personal site I have these values: <head> ... <link href=" http://ranelpadon.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/prism/lib/prism/prism_patched.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=" http://ranelpadon.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/prism/lib/prism/prism_patched.min.js"></script> </head> Note that even if you're not using Prism Syntax Highlighter, and just using the Code Snippet plugin, you'll have to do the same steps: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_codesnippet. In Drupal, you could easily add the script using JS Injector module https://www.drupal.org/project/js_injector and for adding the stylesheet, you could use the CSS Injector module https://www.drupal.org/project/css_injector If you're a Drupal developer, you could do the JS/CSS insertions using the drupal_add_js() and drupal_add_css() functions in a custom module.