Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ ( function() { // This function is to be called under a "walker" instance scope. function iterate( rtl, breakOnFalse ) { var range = this.range; // Return null if we have reached the end. if ( this._.end ) return null; // This is the first call. Initialize it. if ( !this._.start ) { this._.start = 1; // A collapsed range must return null at first call. if ( range.collapsed ) { this.end(); return null; } // Move outside of text node edges. range.optimize(); } var node, startCt = range.startContainer, endCt = range.endContainer, startOffset = range.startOffset, endOffset = range.endOffset, guard, userGuard = this.guard, type = this.type, getSourceNodeFn = ( rtl ? 'getPreviousSourceNode' : 'getNextSourceNode' ); // Create the LTR guard function, if necessary. if ( !rtl && !this._.guardLTR ) { // The node that stops walker from moving up. var limitLTR = endCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? endCt : endCt.getParent(); // The node that stops the walker from going to next. var blockerLTR = endCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? endCt.getChild( endOffset ) : endCt.getNext(); this._.guardLTR = function( node, movingOut ) { return ( ( !movingOut || !limitLTR.equals( node ) ) && ( !blockerLTR || !node.equals( blockerLTR ) ) && ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || !node.equals( range.root ) ) ); }; } // Create the RTL guard function, if necessary. if ( rtl && !this._.guardRTL ) { // The node that stops walker from moving up. var limitRTL = startCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? startCt : startCt.getParent(); // The node that stops the walker from going to next. var blockerRTL = startCt.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? startOffset ? startCt.getChild( startOffset - 1 ) : null : startCt.getPrevious(); this._.guardRTL = function( node, movingOut ) { return ( ( !movingOut || !limitRTL.equals( node ) ) && ( !blockerRTL || !node.equals( blockerRTL ) ) && ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !movingOut || !node.equals( range.root ) ) ); }; } // Define which guard function to use. var stopGuard = rtl ? this._.guardRTL : this._.guardLTR; // Make the user defined guard function participate in the process, // otherwise simply use the boundary guard. if ( userGuard ) { guard = function( node, movingOut ) { if ( stopGuard( node, movingOut ) === false ) return false; return userGuard( node, movingOut ); }; } else { guard = stopGuard; } if ( this.current ) node = this.current[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard ); else { // Get the first node to be returned. if ( rtl ) { node = endCt; if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) { if ( endOffset > 0 ) node = node.getChild( endOffset - 1 ); else node = ( guard( node, true ) === false ) ? null : node.getPreviousSourceNode( true, type, guard ); } } else { node = startCt; if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) { if ( !( node = node.getChild( startOffset ) ) ) node = ( guard( startCt, true ) === false ) ? null : startCt.getNextSourceNode( true, type, guard ); } } if ( node && guard( node ) === false ) node = null; } while ( node && !this._.end ) { this.current = node; if ( !this.evaluator || this.evaluator( node ) !== false ) { if ( !breakOnFalse ) return node; } else if ( breakOnFalse && this.evaluator ) { return false; } node = node[ getSourceNodeFn ]( false, type, guard ); } this.end(); return this.current = null; } function iterateToLast( rtl ) { var node, last = null; while ( ( node = iterate.call( this, rtl ) ) ) last = node; return last; } /** * Utility class to "walk" the DOM inside range boundaries. If the * range starts or ends in the middle of the text node, this node will * be included as a whole. Outside changes to the range may break the walker. * * The walker may return nodes that are not totally included in the * range boundaries. Let us take the following range representation, * where the square brackets indicate the boundaries: * * [<p>Some <b>sample] text</b> * * While walking forward into the above range, the following nodes are * returned: `<p>`, `"Some "`, `<b>` and `"sample"`. Going * backwards instead we have: `"sample"` and `"Some "`. So note that the * walker always returns nodes when "entering" them, but not when * "leaving" them. The {@link #guard} function is instead called both when * entering and when leaving nodes. * * @class */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( { /** * Creates a walker class instance. * * @constructor * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.range} range The range within which to walk. */ $: function( range ) { this.range = range; /** * A function executed for every matched node to check whether * it is to be considered in the walk or not. If not provided, all * matched nodes are considered good. * * If the function returns `false`, the node is ignored. * * @property {Function} evaluator */ // this.evaluator = null; /** * A function executed for every node the walk passes by to check * whether the walk is to be finished. It is called both when * entering and when exiting nodes, as well as for the matched nodes. * * If this function returns `false`, the walking ends and no more * nodes are evaluated. * @property {Function} guard */ // this.guard = null; /** @private */ this._ = {}; }, // statics : // { // /* Creates a CKEDITOR.dom.walker instance to walk inside DOM boundaries set by nodes. // * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} startNode The node from which the walk // * will start. // * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.node} [endNode] The last node to be considered // * in the walk. No more nodes are retrieved after touching or // * passing it. If not provided, the walker stops at the // * <body> closing boundary. // * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.walker} A DOM walker for the nodes between the // * provided nodes. // */ // createOnNodes : function( startNode, endNode, startInclusive, endInclusive ) // { // var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(); // if ( startNode ) // range.setStartAt( startNode, startInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END ) ; // else // range.setStartAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START ) ; // // if ( endNode ) // range.setEndAt( endNode, endInclusive ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START ) ; // else // range.setEndAt( startNode.getDocument().getBody(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END ) ; // // return new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( range ); // } // }, // proto: { /** * Stops walking. No more nodes are retrieved if this function is called. */ end: function() { this._.end = 1; }, /** * Retrieves the next node (on the right). * * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The next node or `null` if no more * nodes are available. */ next: function() { return iterate.call( this ); }, /** * Retrieves the previous node (on the left). * * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The previous node or `null` if no more * nodes are available. */ previous: function() { return iterate.call( this, 1 ); }, /** * Checks all nodes on the right, executing the evaluation function. * * @returns {Boolean} `false` if the evaluator function returned * `false` for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise `true`. */ checkForward: function() { return iterate.call( this, 0, 1 ) !== false; }, /** * Check all nodes on the left, executing the evaluation function. * * @returns {Boolean} `false` if the evaluator function returned * `false` for any of the matched nodes. Otherwise `true`. */ checkBackward: function() { return iterate.call( this, 1, 1 ) !== false; }, /** * Executes a full walk forward (to the right), until no more nodes * are available, returning the last valid node. * * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node on the right or `null` * if no valid nodes are available. */ lastForward: function() { return iterateToLast.call( this ); }, /** * Executes a full walk backwards (to the left), until no more nodes * are available, returning the last valid node. * * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The last node on the left or `null` * if no valid nodes are available. */ lastBackward: function() { return iterateToLast.call( this, 1 ); }, /** * Resets the walker. */ reset: function() { delete this.current; this._ = {}; } } } ); // Anything whose display computed style is block, list-item, table, // table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, // table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, table-caption, or whose node // name is hr, br (when enterMode is br only) is a block boundary. var blockBoundaryDisplayMatch = { block: 1, 'list-item': 1, table: 1, 'table-row-group': 1, 'table-header-group': 1, 'table-footer-group': 1, 'table-row': 1, 'table-column-group': 1, 'table-column': 1, 'table-cell': 1, 'table-caption': 1 }, outOfFlowPositions = { absolute: 1, fixed: 1 }; /** * Checks whether an element is displayed as a block. * * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element * @param [customNodeNames] Custom list of nodes which will extend * the default {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$block} list. * @returns {Boolean} */ CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.isBlockBoundary = function( customNodeNames ) { // Whether element is in normal page flow. Floated or positioned elements are out of page flow. // Don't consider floated or positioned formatting as block boundary, fall back to dtd check in that case. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/6297) var inPageFlow = this.getComputedStyle( 'float' ) == 'none' && !( this.getComputedStyle( 'position' ) in outOfFlowPositions ); if ( inPageFlow && blockBoundaryDisplayMatch[ this.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) ] ) return true; // Either in $block or in customNodeNames if defined. return !!( this.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) || customNodeNames && this.is( customNodeNames ) ); }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is a block boundary. * See {@link CKEDITOR.dom.element#isBlockBoundary}. * * @static * @param customNodeNames * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary = function( customNodeNames ) { return function( node ) { return !( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.isBlockBoundary( customNodeNames ) ); }; }; /** * @static * @todo */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.listItemBoundary = function() { return this.blockBoundary( { br: 1 } ); }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is a bookmark node or the bookmark node * inner content. * * @static * @param {Boolean} [contentOnly=false] Whether only test against the text content of * a bookmark node instead of the element itself (default). * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether to return `false` for the bookmark * node instead of `true` (default). * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark = function( contentOnly, isReject ) { function isBookmarkNode( node ) { return ( node && node.getName && node.getName() == 'span' && node.data( 'cke-bookmark' ) ); } return function( node ) { var isBookmark, parent; // Is bookmark inner text node? isBookmark = ( node && node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ( parent = node.getParent() ) && isBookmarkNode( parent ) ); // Is bookmark node? isBookmark = contentOnly ? isBookmark : isBookmark || isBookmarkNode( node ); return !!( isReject ^ isBookmark ); }; }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is a text node containing only whitespace characters. * * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces = function( isReject ) { return function( node ) { var isWhitespace; if ( node && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) { // Whitespace, as well as the Filling Char Sequence text node used in Webkit. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9384, https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13816) isWhitespace = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ) || CKEDITOR.env.webkit && node.getText() == CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE; } return !!( isReject ^ isWhitespace ); }; }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is invisible in the WYSIWYG mode. * * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible = function( isReject ) { var whitespace = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(), // https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/12221 (Chrome) plus https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11111 (Safari). offsetWidth0 = CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 1 : 0; return function( node ) { var invisible; if ( whitespace( node ) ) invisible = 1; else { // Visibility should be checked on element. if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) node = node.getParent(); // Nodes that take no spaces in wysiwyg: // 1. White-spaces but not including NBSP. // 2. Empty inline elements, e.g. <b></b>. // 3. <br> elements (bogus, surrounded by text) (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/12423). invisible = node.$.offsetWidth <= offsetWidth0; } return !!( isReject ^ invisible ); }; }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node type is equal to the passed one. * * @static * @param {Number} type * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType = function( type, isReject ) { return function( node ) { return !!( isReject ^ ( node.type == type ) ); }; }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is a bogus (filler) node from * `contenteditable` element's point of view. * * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus = function( isReject ) { function nonEmpty( node ) { return !isWhitespaces( node ) && !isBookmark( node ); } return function( node ) { var isBogus = CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? node.is && node.is( 'br' ) : node.getText && tailNbspRegex.test( node.getText() ); if ( isBogus ) { var parent = node.getParent(), next = node.getNext( nonEmpty ); isBogus = parent.isBlockBoundary() && ( !next || next.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && next.isBlockBoundary() ); } return !!( isReject ^ isBogus ); }; }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is a temporary element * (element with the `data-cke-temp` attribute) or its child. * * @since 4.3.0 * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether to return `false` for the * temporary element instead of `true` (default). * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.temp = function( isReject ) { return function( node ) { if ( node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) node = node.getParent(); var isTemp = node && node.hasAttribute( 'data-cke-temp' ); return !!( isReject ^ isTemp ); }; }; var tailNbspRegex = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?: |\xa0)$/, isWhitespaces = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(), isBookmark = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(), isTemp = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.temp(), toSkip = function( node ) { return isBookmark( node ) || isWhitespaces( node ) || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline ) && !node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty ); }; /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node should be ignored in terms of "editability". * * This includes: * * * whitespaces (see {@link CKEDITOR.dom.walker#whitespaces}), * * bookmarks (see {@link CKEDITOR.dom.walker#bookmark}), * * temporary elements (see {@link CKEDITOR.dom.walker#temp}). * * @since 4.3.0 * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether to return `false` for the * ignored element instead of `true` (default). * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.ignored = function( isReject ) { return function( node ) { var isIgnored = isWhitespaces( node ) || isBookmark( node ) || isTemp( node ); return !!( isReject ^ isIgnored ); }; }; var isIgnored = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.ignored(); /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node is empty. * * @since 4.5.0 * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether to return `false` for the * ignored element instead of `true` (default). * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty = function( isReject ) { return function( node ) { var i = 0, l = node.getChildCount(); for ( ; i < l; ++i ) { if ( !isIgnored( node.getChild( i ) ) ) { return !!isReject; } } return !isReject; }; }; var isEmpty = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty(); function filterTextContainers( dtd ) { var hash = {}, name; for ( name in dtd ) { if ( CKEDITOR.dtd[ name ][ '#' ] ) hash[ name ] = 1; } return hash; } /** * A hash of element names which in browsers that {@link CKEDITOR.env#needsBrFiller do not need `<br>` fillers} * can be selection containers despite being empty. * * @since 4.5.0 * @static * @property {Object} validEmptyBlockContainers */ var validEmptyBlocks = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.validEmptyBlockContainers = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( filterTextContainers( CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ), { caption: 1, td: 1, th: 1 } ); function isEditable( node ) { // Skip temporary elements, bookmarks and whitespaces. if ( isIgnored( node ) ) return false; if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) return true; if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) { // All inline and non-editable elements are valid editable places. // Note: the <hr> is currently the only element in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty and CKEDITOR.dtd.$block, // but generally speaking we need an intersection of these two sets. // Note: non-editable block has to be treated differently (should be selected entirely). if ( node.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline ) || node.is( 'hr' ) || node.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' ) return true; // Empty blocks are editable on IE. if ( !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && node.is( validEmptyBlocks ) && isEmpty( node ) ) return true; } // Skip all other nodes. return false; } /** * Returns a function which checks whether the node can be a container or a sibling * of the selection end. * * This includes: * * * text nodes (but not whitespaces), * * inline elements, * * intersection of {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$empty} and {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$block} (currently * it is only `<hr>`), * * non-editable blocks (special case — such blocks cannot be containers nor * siblings, they need to be selected entirely), * * empty {@link #validEmptyBlockContainers blocks} which can contain text * ({@link CKEDITOR.env#needsBrFiller old IEs only}). * * @since 4.3.0 * @static * @param {Boolean} [isReject=false] Whether to return `false` for the * ignored element instead of `true` (default). * @returns {Function} */ CKEDITOR.dom.walker.editable = function( isReject ) { return function( node ) { return !!( isReject ^ isEditable( node ) ); }; }; /** * Checks if there is a filler node at the end of an element, and returns it. * * @member CKEDITOR.dom.element * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node/Boolean} Bogus node or `false`. */ CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getBogus = function() { // Bogus are not always at the end, e.g. <p><a>text<br /></a></p> (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/7070). var tail = this; do { tail = tail.getPreviousSourceNode(); } while ( toSkip( tail ) ); if ( tail && ( CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? tail.is && tail.is( 'br' ) : tail.getText && tailNbspRegex.test( tail.getText() ) ) ) return tail; return false; }; } )();