Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ (function() { // Create support tools var appTools = (function(){ var inited = {}; var _init = function(handler) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('message', handler, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", handler); } }; var unbindHandler = function(handler) { if (window.removeEventListener) { window.removeEventListener('message', handler, false); } else { window.detachEvent('onmessage', handler); } }; var _sendCmd = function(o) { var str, type = Object.prototype.toString, objObject = "[object Object]", fn = o.fn || null, id = o.id || '', target = o.target || window, message = o.message || { 'id': id }; if (o.message && type.call(o.message) == objObject) { (o.message.id) ? o.message.id : o.message.id = id; message = o.message; } str = window.JSON.stringify(message, fn); target.postMessage(str, '*'); }; var _hashCreate = function(o, fn) { fn = fn || null; var str = window.JSON.stringify(o, fn); return str; }; var _hashParse = function(str, fn) { fn = fn || null; return window.JSON.parse(str, fn); }; var setCookie = function(name, value, options) { options = options || {}; var expires = options.expires; if (typeof expires == "number" && expires) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + expires*1000); expires = options.expires = d; } if (expires && expires.toUTCString) { options.expires = expires.toUTCString(); } value = encodeURIComponent(value); var updatedCookie = name + "=" + value; for(var propName in options) { var propValue = options[propName]; updatedCookie += "; " + propName; if (propValue !== true) { updatedCookie += "=" + propValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; }; var getCookie = function(name) { var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp( "(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)" )); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined; }; var deleteCookie = function(name) { setCookie(name, "", { expires: -1 }); }; var findFocusable = function(ckEl) { var result = null, focusableSelectors = 'a[href], area[href], input, select, textarea, button, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]'; if(ckEl) { result = ckEl.find(focusableSelectors); } return result; }; var getStyle = function(el, prop) { if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null)[prop]; } else if(el.currentStyle) { return el.currentStyle[prop]; } else { return el.style[prop]; } }; var isHidden = function(el) { return el.offsetWidth === 0 || el.offsetHeight == 0 || getStyle(el, 'display') === 'none'; }; var isVisible = function(el) { return !isHidden(el); }; var hasClass = function (obj, cname) { return !!(obj.className ? obj.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cname+'(\\s|$)')) : false); }; return { postMessage: { init: _init, send: _sendCmd, unbindHandler: unbindHandler }, hash: { create: function() { }, parse: function() { } }, cookie: { set: setCookie, get: getCookie, remove: deleteCookie }, misc: { findFocusable: findFocusable, isVisible: isVisible, hasClass: hasClass } }; })(); var NS = NS || {}; NS.TextAreaNumber = null; NS.load = true; NS.cmd = { "SpellTab": 'spell', "Thesaurus": 'thes', "GrammTab": 'grammar' }; NS.dialog = null; NS.optionNode = null; NS.selectNode = null; NS.grammerSuggest = null; NS.textNode = {}; NS.iframeMain = null; NS.dataTemp = ''; NS.div_overlay = null; NS.textNodeInfo = {}; NS.selectNode = {}; NS.selectNodeResponce = {}; NS.langList = null; NS.langSelectbox = null; NS.banner = ''; NS.show_grammar = null; NS.div_overlay_no_check = null; NS.targetFromFrame = {}; NS.onLoadOverlay = null; NS.LocalizationComing = {}; NS.OverlayPlace = null; NS.sessionid = ''; NS.LocalizationButton = { 'ChangeTo_button': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Change to', 'localizationID': 'ChangeTo' }, 'ChangeAll': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Change All' }, 'IgnoreWord': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Ignore word' }, 'IgnoreAllWords': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Ignore all words' }, 'Options': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Options', 'optionsDialog': { 'instance' : null } }, 'AddWord': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Add word' }, 'FinishChecking_button': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Finish Checking', 'localizationID': 'FinishChecking' }, 'Option_button': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Options', 'localizationID': 'Options' }, 'FinishChecking_button_block': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Finish Checking', 'localizationID': 'FinishChecking' } }; NS.LocalizationLabel = { 'ChangeTo_label': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Change to', 'localizationID': 'ChangeTo' }, 'Suggestions': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Suggestions' }, 'Categories': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Categories' }, 'Synonyms': { 'instance' : null, 'text' : 'Synonyms' } }; var SetLocalizationButton = function(obj) { var el, localizationID; for(var i in obj) { el = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, i); if(el) { el = el.getElement(); } else if(obj[i].instance){ el = obj[i].instance.getElement().getFirst() || obj[i].instance.getElement(); } else{ continue; } localizationID = obj[i].localizationID || i; el.setText(NS.LocalizationComing[localizationID]); } }; var SetLocalizationLabel = function(obj) { var el, localizationID; for(var i in obj) { el = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, i); if(!el) { el = obj[i].instance; } if(el.setLabel) { localizationID = obj[i].localizationID || i; el.setLabel(NS.LocalizationComing[localizationID] + ':'); } } }; var OptionsConfirm = function(state) { if (state) { nameNode.setValue(''); } }; var iframeOnload = false; var nameNode, selectNode, frameId; NS.framesetHtml = function(tab) { var str = '<iframe id=' + NS.iframeNumber + '_' + tab + ' frameborder="0" allowtransparency="1" style="width:100%;border: 1px solid #AEB3B9;overflow: auto;background:#fff; border-radius: 3px;"></iframe>'; return str; }; NS.setIframe = function(that, nameTab) { var iframe, str = NS.framesetHtml(nameTab), iframeId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + nameTab, // tmp.html from wsc/dialogs iframeInnerHtml = '<!DOCTYPE html>' + '<html>' + '<head>' + '<meta charset="UTF-8">' + '<title>iframe</title>' + '<style>' + 'html,body{' + 'margin: 0;' + 'height: 100%;' + 'font: 13px/1.555 "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;' + '}' + 'a{' + 'color: #888;' + 'font-weight: bold;' + 'text-decoration: none;' + 'border-bottom: 1px solid #888;' + '}' + '.main-box {' + 'color:#252525;' + 'padding: 3px 5px;' + 'text-align: justify;' + '}' + '.main-box p{margin: 0 0 14px;}' + '.main-box .cerr{' + 'color: #f00000;' + 'border-bottom-color: #f00000;' + '}' + '</style>' + '</head>' + '<body>' + '<div id="content" class="main-box"></div>' + '<iframe src="" frameborder="0" id="spelltext" name="spelltext" style="display:none; width: 100%" ></iframe>' + '<iframe src="" frameborder="0" id="loadsuggestfirst" name="loadsuggestfirst" style="display:none; width: 100%" ></iframe>' + '<iframe src="" frameborder="0" id="loadspellsuggestall" name="loadspellsuggestall" style="display:none; width: 100%" ></iframe>' + '<iframe src="" frameborder="0" id="loadOptionsForm" name="loadOptionsForm" style="display:none; width: 100%" ></iframe>' + '<script>' + '(function(window) {' + // Constructor Manager PostMessage 'var ManagerPostMessage = function() {' + 'var _init = function(handler) {' + 'if (document.addEventListener) {' + 'window.addEventListener("message", handler, false);' + '} else {' + 'window.attachEvent("onmessage", handler);' + '};' + '};' + 'var _sendCmd = function(o) {' + 'var str,' + 'type = Object.prototype.toString,' + 'fn = o.fn || null,' + 'id = o.id || "",' + 'target = o.target || window,' + 'message = o.message || { "id": id };' + 'if (o.message && type.call(o.message) == "[object Object]") {' + '(o.message["id"]) ? o.message["id"] : o.message["id"] = id;' + 'message = o.message;' + '};' + 'str = JSON.stringify(message, fn);' + 'target.postMessage(str, "*");' + '};' + 'return {' + 'init: _init,' + 'send: _sendCmd' + '};' + '};' + 'var manageMessageTmp = new ManagerPostMessage;' + 'var appString = (function(){' + 'var spell = parent.CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.scriptPath;' + 'var serverUrl = parent.CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.serviceHost;' + 'return serverUrl + spell;' + '})();' + 'function loadScript(src, callback) {' + 'var scriptTag = document.createElement("script");' + 'scriptTag.type = "text/javascript";' + 'callback ? callback : callback = function() {};' + 'if(scriptTag.readyState) {' + //IE 'scriptTag.onreadystatechange = function() {' + 'if (scriptTag.readyState == "loaded" ||' + 'scriptTag.readyState == "complete") {' + 'scriptTag.onreadystatechange = null;' + 'setTimeout(function(){scriptTag.parentNode.removeChild(scriptTag)},1);' + 'callback();' + '}' + '};' + '}else{' + //Others 'scriptTag.onload = function() {' + 'setTimeout(function(){scriptTag.parentNode.removeChild(scriptTag)},1);' + 'callback();' + '};' + '};' + 'scriptTag.src = src;' + 'document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptTag);' + '};' + 'window.onload = function(){' + 'loadScript(appString, function(){' + 'manageMessageTmp.send({' + '"id": "iframeOnload",' + '"target": window.parent' + '});' + '});' + '}' + '})(this);' + '</script>' + '</body>' + '</html>'; that.getElement().setHtml(str); iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframe = (iframe.contentWindow) ? iframe.contentWindow : (iframe.contentDocument.document) ? iframe.contentDocument.document : iframe.contentDocument; iframe.document.open(); iframe.document.write(iframeInnerHtml); iframe.document.close(); NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); iframeOnload = true; }; NS.setCurrentIframe = function(currentTab) { var that = NS.dialog._.contents[currentTab].Content, tabID, iframe; NS.setIframe(that, currentTab); }; NS.setHeightBannerFrame = function() { var height = "90px", bannerPlaceSpellTab = NS.dialog.getContentElement('SpellTab', 'banner').getElement(), bannerPlaceGrammTab = NS.dialog.getContentElement('GrammTab', 'banner').getElement(), bannerPlaceThesaurus = NS.dialog.getContentElement('Thesaurus', 'banner').getElement(); bannerPlaceSpellTab.setStyle('height', height); bannerPlaceGrammTab.setStyle('height', height); bannerPlaceThesaurus.setStyle('height', height); }; NS.setHeightFrame = function() { var currentTab = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, tabID = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTab, iframe = document.getElementById(tabID); iframe.style.height = '240px'; }; NS.sendData = function(scope) { var currentTab = scope._.currentTabId, that = scope._.contents[currentTab].Content, tabID, iframe; NS.previousTab = currentTab; NS.setIframe(that, currentTab); var loadNewTab = function(event) { currentTab = scope._.currentTabId; event = event || window.event; if (!event.data.getTarget().is('a')) { return; } if(currentTab === NS.previousTab) return; NS.previousTab = currentTab; that = scope._.contents[currentTab].Content; tabID = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTab; NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); if (!that.getElement().getChildCount()) { NS.setIframe(that, currentTab); iframe = document.getElementById(tabID); NS.targetFromFrame[tabID] = iframe.contentWindow; } else { sendData(NS.targetFromFrame[tabID], NS.cmd[currentTab]); } }; scope.parts.tabs.removeListener('click', loadNewTab); scope.parts.tabs.on('click', loadNewTab); }; NS.buildSelectLang = function(aId) { var divContainer = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('div'), selectContainer = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('select'), id = "wscLang" + aId; divContainer.addClass("cke_dialog_ui_input_select"); divContainer.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); divContainer.setStyles({ 'height': 'auto', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '0', 'top': '-1px', 'width': '160px', 'white-space': 'normal' }); selectContainer.setAttribute('id', id); selectContainer.addClass("cke_dialog_ui_input_select"); selectContainer.setStyles({ 'width': '160px' }); var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; divContainer.append(selectContainer); return divContainer; }; NS.buildOptionLang = function(key, aId) { var id = "wscLang" + aId; var select = document.getElementById(id), fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), create_option, txt_option, sort = []; if(select.options.length === 0) { for (var lang in key) { sort.push([lang, key[lang]]); } sort.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < sort.length; i++) { create_option=document.createElement("option"); create_option.setAttribute("value", sort[i][1]); txt_option = document.createTextNode(sort[i][0]); create_option.appendChild(txt_option); fragment.appendChild(create_option); } select.appendChild(fragment); } // make appropriate option selected according to current selected language for (var j = 0; j < select.options.length; j++) { if (select.options[j].value == NS.selectingLang) { select.options[j].selected = "selected"; } } }; NS.buildOptionSynonyms = function(key) { var syn = NS.selectNodeResponce[key]; var select = getSelect( NS.selectNode['Synonyms'] ); NS.selectNode['Synonyms'].clear(); for (var i = 0; i < syn.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = syn[i]; option.value = syn[i]; select.$.add(option, i); } NS.selectNode['Synonyms'].getInputElement().$.firstChild.selected = true; NS.textNode['Thesaurus'].setValue(NS.selectNode['Synonyms'].getInputElement().getValue()); }; var setBannerInPlace = function(htmlBanner) { var findBannerPlace = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'banner').getElement(); findBannerPlace.setHtml(htmlBanner); }; var overlayBlock = function overlayBlock(opt) { var progress = opt.progress || "", doc = document, target = opt.target || doc.body, overlayId = opt.id || "overlayBlock", opacity = opt.opacity || "0.9", background = opt.background || "#f1f1f1", getOverlay = doc.getElementById(overlayId), thisOverlay = getOverlay || doc.createElement("div"); thisOverlay.style.cssText = "position: absolute;" + "top:30px;" + "bottom:41px;" + "left:1px;" + "right:1px;" + "z-index: 10020;" + "padding:0;" + "margin:0;" + "background:" + background + ";" + "opacity: " + opacity + ";" + "filter: alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ");" + "display: none;"; thisOverlay.id = overlayId; if (!getOverlay) { target.appendChild(thisOverlay); } return { setDisable: function() { thisOverlay.style.display = "none"; }, setEnable: function() { thisOverlay.style.display = "block"; } }; }; var buildRadioInputs = function(key, value, check) { var divContainer = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('div'), radioButton = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('input'), radioLabel = new CKEDITOR.dom.element('label'), id = "wscGrammerSuggest" + key + "_" + value; divContainer.addClass("cke_dialog_ui_input_radio"); divContainer.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); divContainer.setStyles({ width: "97%", padding: "5px", 'white-space': 'normal' }); radioButton.setAttributes({ type: "radio", value: value, name: 'wscGrammerSuggest', id: id }); radioButton.setStyles({ "float":"left" }); radioButton.on("click", function(data) { NS.textNode['GrammTab'].setValue(data.sender.getValue()); }); (check) ? radioButton.setAttribute("checked", true) : false; radioButton.addClass("cke_dialog_ui_radio_input"); radioLabel.appendText(key); radioLabel.setAttribute("for", id); radioLabel.setStyles({ 'display': "block", 'line-height': '16px', 'margin-left': '18px', 'white-space': 'normal' }); divContainer.append(radioButton); divContainer.append(radioLabel); return divContainer; }; var statusGrammarTab = function(aState) { //#19221 aState = aState || 'true'; if(aState !== null && aState == 'false'){ hideGrammTab(); } }; var langConstructor = function(lang) { var langSelectBox = new __constructLangSelectbox(lang), selectId = "wscLang" + NS.dialog.getParentEditor().name, selectContainer = document.getElementById(selectId), currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, langGroup, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; NS.buildOptionLang(langSelectBox.setLangList, NS.dialog.getParentEditor().name); langGroup = langSelectBox.getCurrentLangGroup(NS.selectingLang); if(langGroup) { tabView[langGroup].onShow(); } statusGrammarTab(NS.show_grammar); selectContainer.onchange = function(e) { var langGroup = langSelectBox.getCurrentLangGroup(this.value), currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, cmd; e = e || window.event; tabView[langGroup].onShow(); statusGrammarTab(NS.show_grammar); NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); NS.selectingLang = this.value; // get command for current opened tan cmd = NS.cmd[currentTabId]; // check whether current tab can be opened after language switching if(!langGroup || !tabView[langGroup] || !tabView[langGroup].allowedTabCommands[cmd]) { // if not so - set default tab to open after reload cmd = tabView[langGroup].defaultTabCommand; } for(var key in NS.cmd) { if(NS.cmd[key] == cmd) { NS.previousTab = key; break; } } appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': { 'changeLang': NS.selectingLang, 'interfaceLang' : NS.interfaceLang, 'text': NS.dataTemp, 'cmd': cmd }, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId], 'id': 'selectionLang_outer__page' }); }; }; var disableButtonSuggest = function(word) { var changeToButton, changeAllButton, styleDisable = function(instanceButton) { var button = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, instanceButton) || NS.LocalizationButton[instanceButton].instance; button.getElement().hasClass('cke_disabled') ? button.getElement().setStyle('color', '#a0a0a0') : button.disable(); }, styleEnable = function(instanceButton) { var button = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, instanceButton) || NS.LocalizationButton[instanceButton].instance; button.enable(); button.getElement().setStyle('color', '#333'); }; if (word == 'no_any_suggestions') { word = 'No suggestions'; changeToButton = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'ChangeTo_button') || NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeTo_button'].instance; changeToButton.disable(); changeAllButton = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'ChangeAll') || NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeAll'].instance; changeAllButton.disable(); styleDisable('ChangeTo_button'); styleDisable('ChangeAll'); return word; } else { styleEnable('ChangeTo_button'); styleEnable('ChangeAll'); return word; } }; function getSelect( obj ) { if ( obj && obj.domId && obj.getInputElement().$ ) return obj.getInputElement(); else if ( obj && obj.$ ) return obj; return false; } var handlerId = { iframeOnload: function(response) { var currentTab = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, tabId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTab; sendData(NS.targetFromFrame[tabId], NS.cmd[currentTab]); }, suggestlist: function(response) { delete response.id; NS.div_overlay_no_check.setDisable(); hideCurrentFinishChecking(); langConstructor(NS.langList); var word = disableButtonSuggest(response.word), suggestionsList = ''; if (word instanceof Array) { word = response.word[0]; } word = word.split(','); suggestionsList = word; NS.textNode['SpellTab'].setValue(suggestionsList[0]); var select = getSelect( selectNode ); selectNode.clear(); for (var i = 0; i < suggestionsList.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = suggestionsList[i]; option.value = suggestionsList[i]; select.$.add(option, i); } showCurrentTabs(); NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); }, grammerSuggest: function(response) { delete response.id; delete response.mocklangs; hideCurrentFinishChecking(); langConstructor(NS.langList); // Show select language for this command CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd var firstSuggestValue = response.grammSuggest[0];// ? firstSuggestValue = response.grammSuggest[0] : firstSuggestValue = 'No suggestion for this words'; NS.grammerSuggest.getElement().setHtml(''); NS.textNode['GrammTab'].reset(); NS.textNode['GrammTab'].setValue(firstSuggestValue); NS.textNodeInfo['GrammTab'].getElement().setHtml(''); NS.textNodeInfo['GrammTab'].getElement().setText(response.info); var arr = response.grammSuggest, len = arr.length, check = true; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { NS.grammerSuggest.getElement().append(buildRadioInputs(arr[i], arr[i], check)); check = false; } showCurrentTabs(); NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); }, thesaurusSuggest: function(response) { delete response.id; delete response.mocklangs; hideCurrentFinishChecking(); langConstructor(NS.langList); // Show select language for this command CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd NS.selectNodeResponce = response; NS.textNode['Thesaurus'].reset(); var select = getSelect( NS.selectNode['Categories'] ), count = 0; NS.selectNode['Categories'].clear(); for (var i in response) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = i; option.value = i; select.$.add(option, count); count++ } var synKey = NS.selectNode['Categories'].getInputElement().getChildren().$[0].value; NS.selectNode['Categories'].getInputElement().getChildren().$[0].selected = true; NS.buildOptionSynonyms(synKey); showCurrentTabs(); NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); count = 0; }, finish: function(response) { delete response.id; hideCurrentTabs(); showCurrentFinishChecking(); NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); }, settext: function(response) { delete response.id; function setData() { try { editor.focus(); } catch(e) {} editor.setData(response.text, function(){ NS.dataTemp = ''; editor.unlockSelection(); editor.fire('saveSnapshot'); NS.dialog.hide(); }); } var command = NS.dialog.getParentEditor().getCommand( 'checkspell' ), editor = NS.dialog.getParentEditor(), scaytPlugin = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt, scaytInstance = editor.scayt; //scayt on wsc UserDictionary and UserDictionaryName synchronization if (scaytPlugin && editor.wsc) { var wscUDN = editor.wsc.udn, wscUD = editor.wsc.ud, wscUDarray, i; if (scaytInstance) { // if SCAYT active function udActionCallback() { if (wscUD) { wscUDarray = wscUD.split(','); for (i = 0; i < wscUDarray.length; i += 1) { scaytInstance.addWordToUserDictionary(wscUDarray[i]); } }else { editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary', []); } setData(); } if(scaytPlugin.state.scayt[editor.name]) { scaytInstance.setMarkupPaused(false); } if (!wscUDN) { editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary_name', ''); scaytInstance.removeUserDictionary(undefined, udActionCallback, udActionCallback); } else { editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary_name', wscUDN); scaytInstance.restoreUserDictionary(wscUDN, udActionCallback, udActionCallback); } } else { //if SCAYT not active if (!wscUDN) { editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary_name', ''); } else { editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary_name', wscUDN); } if (wscUD) { wscUDarray = wscUD.split(','); editor.wsc.DataStorage.setData('scayt_user_dictionary', wscUDarray); } setData(); } } else { setData(); } }, ReplaceText: function(response) { delete response.id; NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); NS.dataTemp = response.text; NS.selectingLang = response.currentLang; if (response.cmd = 'spell' && response.len !== '0' && response.len) { NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { try { NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); } catch(e) {} }, 500); } SetLocalizationButton(NS.LocalizationButton); SetLocalizationLabel(NS.LocalizationLabel); }, options_checkbox_send: function(response) { delete response.id; var obj = { 'osp': appTools.cookie.get('osp'), 'udn': appTools.cookie.get('udn'), 'cust_dic_ids': NS.cust_dic_ids }; var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': obj, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId], 'id': 'options_outer__page' }); }, getOptions: function(response) { var udn = response.DefOptions.udn; NS.LocalizationComing = response.DefOptions.localizationButtonsAndText; NS.show_grammar = response.show_grammar; NS.langList = response.lang; NS.bnr = response.bannerId; NS.sessionid = response.sessionid; if (response.bannerId) { NS.setHeightBannerFrame(); setBannerInPlace(response.banner); } else { NS.setHeightFrame(); } if (udn == 'undefined') { if (NS.userDictionaryName) { udn = NS.userDictionaryName; var obj = { 'osp': appTools.cookie.get('osp'), 'udn': NS.userDictionaryName, 'cust_dic_ids': NS.cust_dic_ids, 'id': 'options_dic_send', 'udnCmd': 'create' }; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': obj, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId] }); } else{ udn = ''; } } appTools.cookie.set('osp', response.DefOptions.osp); appTools.cookie.set('udn', udn); appTools.cookie.set('cust_dic_ids', response.DefOptions.cust_dic_ids); appTools.postMessage.send({ 'id': 'giveOptions' }); }, options_dic_send: function(response) { var obj = { 'osp': appTools.cookie.get('osp'), 'udn': appTools.cookie.get('udn'), 'cust_dic_ids': NS.cust_dic_ids, 'id': 'options_dic_send', 'udnCmd': appTools.cookie.get('udnCmd') }; var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': obj, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId] }); }, data: function(response) { delete response.id; }, giveOptions: function() { }, setOptionsConfirmF:function() { OptionsConfirm(false); }, setOptionsConfirmT:function() { OptionsConfirm(true); }, clickBusy: function() { NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); }, suggestAllCame: function() { NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); NS.div_overlay_no_check.setDisable(); }, TextCorrect: function() { langConstructor(NS.langList); } }; var handlerIncomingData = function(event) { event = event || window.event; var response; try { response = window.JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (e) {} if(response && response.id) { handlerId[response.id](response); } }; var handlerButtonOptions = function(event) { event = event || window.event; var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': { 'cmd': 'Options' }, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId], 'id': 'cmd' }); }; var sendData = function(frameTarget, cmd, sendText, reset_suggest) { cmd = cmd || CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd; reset_suggest = reset_suggest || false; sendText = sendText || NS.dataTemp; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': { 'customerId': NS.wsc_customerId, 'text': sendText, 'txt_ctrl': NS.TextAreaNumber, 'cmd': cmd, 'cust_dic_ids': NS.cust_dic_ids, 'udn': NS.userDictionaryName, 'slang': NS.selectingLang, 'interfaceLang' : NS.interfaceLang, 'reset_suggest': reset_suggest, 'sessionid': NS.sessionid }, 'target': frameTarget, 'id': 'data_outer__page' }); NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); }; var tabView = { "superset": { onShow: function() { showThesaurusTab(); showGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); }, allowedTabCommands: { "spell": true, "grammar": true, "thes": true }, defaultTabCommand: "spell" }, "usual": { onShow: function() { hideThesaurusTab(); hideGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); }, allowedTabCommands: { "spell": true }, defaultTabCommand: "spell" }, "rtl": { onShow: function() { hideThesaurusTab(); hideGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); }, allowedTabCommands: { "spell": true }, defaultTabCommand: "spell" }, "spellgrammar": { onShow: function() { hideThesaurusTab(); showGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); }, allowedTabCommands: { "spell": true, "grammar": true }, defaultTabCommand: "spell" }, "spellthes": { onShow: function() { showThesaurusTab(); hideGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); }, allowedTabCommands: { "spell": true, "thes": true }, defaultTabCommand: "spell" } }; var showFirstTab = function(scope) { var cmdManger = function(cmdView) { var obj = {}; var _getCmd = function(cmd) { for (var tabId in cmdView) { obj[cmdView[tabId]] = tabId; } return obj[cmd]; }; return { getCmdByTab: _getCmd }; }; var cmdM = new cmdManger(NS.cmd), tabToOpen = cmdM.getCmdByTab(CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd); showCurrentTabs(); scope.selectPage(tabToOpen); NS.sendData(scope); }; var showThesaurusTab = function() { NS.dialog.showPage('Thesaurus'); }; var hideThesaurusTab = function() { NS.dialog.hidePage('Thesaurus'); }; var showGrammTab = function() { NS.dialog.showPage('GrammTab'); }; var hideGrammTab = function() { NS.dialog.hidePage('GrammTab'); }; var showSpellTab = function() { NS.dialog.showPage('SpellTab'); }; var hideSpellTab = function() { NS.dialog.hidePage('SpellTab'); }; var showCurrentTabs = function() { var target = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'bottomGroup').getElement(); target.removeStyle('display'); target.removeStyle('position'); target.removeStyle('left'); target.show(); }; var hideCurrentTabs = function() { var target = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'bottomGroup').getElement(), activeElement = document.activeElement, focusableElements; target.setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }); setTimeout(function() { target.removeStyle('display'); target.removeStyle('position'); target.removeStyle('left'); target.hide(); NS.dialog._.editor.focusManager.currentActive.focusNext(); focusableElements = appTools.misc.findFocusable(NS.dialog.parts.contents); if(!appTools.misc.hasClass(activeElement, 'cke_dialog_tab') && !appTools.misc.hasClass(activeElement, 'cke_dialog_contents_body') && appTools.misc.isVisible(activeElement)) { try { activeElement.focus(); } catch(e) {} } else { for(var i = 0, tmpCkEl; i < focusableElements.count(); i++) { tmpCkEl = focusableElements.getItem(i); if(appTools.misc.isVisible(tmpCkEl.$)) { try { tmpCkEl.$.focus(); } catch(e) {} break; } } } }, 0); }; var showCurrentFinishChecking = function() { var target = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'BlockFinishChecking').getElement(); target.removeStyle('display'); target.removeStyle('position'); target.removeStyle('left'); target.show(); }; var hideCurrentFinishChecking = function() { var target = NS.dialog.getContentElement(NS.dialog._.currentTabId, 'BlockFinishChecking').getElement(), activeElement = document.activeElement, focusableElements; target.setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }); setTimeout(function() { target.removeStyle('display'); target.removeStyle('position'); target.removeStyle('left'); target.hide(); NS.dialog._.editor.focusManager.currentActive.focusNext(); focusableElements = appTools.misc.findFocusable(NS.dialog.parts.contents); if(!appTools.misc.hasClass(activeElement, 'cke_dialog_tab') && !appTools.misc.hasClass(activeElement, 'cke_dialog_contents_body') && appTools.misc.isVisible(activeElement)) { try { activeElement.focus(); } catch(e) {} } else { for(var i = 0, tmpCkEl; i < focusableElements.count(); i++) { tmpCkEl = focusableElements.getItem(i); if(appTools.misc.isVisible(tmpCkEl.$)) { try { tmpCkEl.$.focus(); } catch(e) {} break; } } } }, 0); }; function __constructLangSelectbox(languageGroup) { if( !languageGroup ) { throw "Languages-by-groups list are required for construct selectbox"; } var that = this, o_arr = [], priorLang ="en_US", priorLangTitle = "", currLang = NS.selectingLang; for ( var group in languageGroup){ for ( var langCode in languageGroup[group]){ var langName = languageGroup[group][langCode]; if ( langName == priorLang ) { priorLangTitle = langName; } else { o_arr.push( langName ); } } } o_arr.sort(); if(priorLangTitle) { o_arr.unshift( priorLangTitle ); } var searchGroup = function ( code ){ for ( var group in languageGroup){ for ( var langCode in languageGroup[group]){ if ( langCode.toUpperCase() === code.toUpperCase() ) { return group; } } } return ""; }; var _setLangList = function() { var langList = {}, langArray = []; for (var group in languageGroup) { for ( var langCode in languageGroup[group]){ langList[languageGroup[group][langCode]] = langCode; } } return langList; }; var _return = { getCurrentLangGroup: function(code) { return searchGroup(code); }, setLangList: _setLangList() }; return _return; } CKEDITOR.dialog.add('checkspell', function(editor) { var handlerButtons = function(event) { event = event || window.event; // because in chrome and safary document.activeElement returns <body> tag. We need to signal that clicked element is active this.getElement().focus(); NS.div_overlay.setEnable(); var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId, new_word = NS.textNode[currentTabId].getValue(), cmd = this.getElement().getAttribute("title-cmd"); appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': { 'cmd': cmd, 'tabId': currentTabId, 'new_word': new_word }, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId], 'id': 'cmd_outer__page' }); if (cmd == 'ChangeTo' || cmd == 'ChangeAll') { editor.fire('saveSnapshot'); } if (cmd == 'FinishChecking') { editor.config.wsc_onFinish.call(CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getFrame()); } }, constraints = { minWidth: 560, minHeight: 444 }; function initView(dialog) { var newViewSettings = { left: parseInt(editor.config.wsc_left, 10), top: parseInt(editor.config.wsc_top, 10), width: parseInt(editor.config.wsc_width, 10), height: parseInt(editor.config.wsc_height, 10) }, viewSize = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize(), currentPosition = dialog.getPosition(), currentSize = dialog.getSize(), savePosition = 0; if(!dialog._.resized) { var wrapperHeight = currentSize.height - dialog.parts.contents.getSize('height', !(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks)), wrapperWidth = currentSize.width - dialog.parts.contents.getSize('width', 1); if(newViewSettings.width < constraints.minWidth || isNaN(newViewSettings.width)) { newViewSettings.width = constraints.minWidth; } if(newViewSettings.width > viewSize.width - wrapperWidth) { newViewSettings.width = viewSize.width - wrapperWidth; } if(newViewSettings.height < constraints.minHeight || isNaN(newViewSettings.height)) { newViewSettings.height = constraints.minHeight; } if(newViewSettings.height > viewSize.height - wrapperHeight) { newViewSettings.height = viewSize.height - wrapperHeight; } currentSize.width = newViewSettings.width + wrapperWidth; currentSize.height = newViewSettings.height + wrapperHeight; dialog._.fromResizeEvent = false; dialog.resize(newViewSettings.width, newViewSettings.height); setTimeout(function() { dialog._.fromResizeEvent = false; CKEDITOR.dialog.fire('resize', { dialog: dialog, width: newViewSettings.width, height: newViewSettings.height }, editor); }, 300); } if(!dialog._.moved) { savePosition = isNaN(newViewSettings.left) && isNaN(newViewSettings.top) ? 0 : 1; if(isNaN(newViewSettings.left)) { newViewSettings.left = (viewSize.width - currentSize.width) / 2; } if(newViewSettings.left < 0) { newViewSettings.left = 0; } if(newViewSettings.left > viewSize.width - currentSize.width) { newViewSettings.left = viewSize.width - currentSize.width; } if(isNaN(newViewSettings.top)) { newViewSettings.top = (viewSize.height - currentSize.height) / 2; } if(newViewSettings.top < 0) { newViewSettings.top = 0; } if(newViewSettings.top > viewSize.height - currentSize.height) { newViewSettings.top = viewSize.height - currentSize.height; } dialog.move(newViewSettings.left, newViewSettings.top, savePosition); } } function createWscObjectForUdAndUdnSyncrhonization() { editor.wsc = {}; //DataStorage object for cookies and localStorage manipulation (function( object ) { 'use strict'; var DataTypeManager = { separator: '<$>', getDataType: function(value) { var type; if(typeof value === 'undefined') { type = 'undefined'; } else if(value === null) { type = 'null'; } else { type = Object.prototype.toString.call(value).slice(8, -1); } return type; }, convertDataToString: function(value) { var str, type = this.getDataType(value).toLowerCase(); str = type + this.separator + value; return str; }, // get value type and convert value due to type, since all stored values are String restoreDataFromString: function(str) { var value = str, type, separatorStartIndex; // @TODO: remove this line much later. Support of old format for options str = this.backCompatibility(str); if(typeof str === 'string') { separatorStartIndex = str.indexOf(this.separator); type = str.substring(0, separatorStartIndex); value = str.substring(separatorStartIndex + this.separator.length); switch(type) { case 'boolean': value = value === 'true'; break; case 'number': value = parseFloat(value); break; // we assume that we will store string values only, due to performance case 'array': value = value === '' ? [] : value.split(','); break; case 'null': value = null; break; case 'undefined': value = undefined; break; } } return value; }, // old data type support // here we trying to convert data from old format into new // @TODO: remove this function much later backCompatibility: function(str) { var convertedStr = str, value, separatorStartIndex; if(typeof str === 'string') { separatorStartIndex = str.indexOf(this.separator); // is it old format? if(separatorStartIndex < 0) { // try to get number from string value = parseFloat(str); // is it not a number? if(isNaN(value)) { // yes, this is not a number. Lets check is this is an array "[comma,separated,values]" if((str[0] === '[') && (str[str.length - 1] === ']')) { // this is an array. Lets remove brackets symbols and extract the words str = str.replace('[', ''); str = str.replace(']', ''); if(str === '') { value = []; } else { value = str.split(','); } // value = str === '[]' ? [] : str.split(','); } else if(str === 'true' || str === 'false') { // this is boolean value value = str === 'true'; } else { // this is string value = str; } } convertedStr = this.convertDataToString(value); } } return convertedStr; } }; var LocalStorage = { get: function( key ) { var value = DataTypeManager.restoreDataFromString( window.localStorage.getItem(key) ); return value; }, set: function( key, value ) { var _value = DataTypeManager.convertDataToString( value ); window.localStorage.setItem( key, _value ); }, del: function( key ) { window.localStorage.removeItem( key ); }, clear: function() { window.localStorage.clear(); } }; var CookiesStorage = { expiration: (function() { return 60 * 60 * 24 * 366; }()), get: function(key) { var value = DataTypeManager.restoreDataFromString(this.getCookie(key)); return value; }, set: function(key, value) { var _value = DataTypeManager.convertDataToString(value); this.setCookie(key, _value, {expires: this.expiration}); }, del: function(key) { this.deleteCookie(key); }, getCookie: function(name) { var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)")); return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : undefined; }, setCookie: function(name, value, props) { props = props || {}; var exp = props.expires; if (typeof exp === "number" && exp) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + exp * 1000); exp = props.expires = d; } if(exp && exp.toUTCString) { props.expires = exp.toUTCString(); } value = encodeURIComponent(value); var updatedCookie = name + "=" + value; for(var propName in props) { var propValue = props[propName]; updatedCookie += "; " + propName; if(propValue !== true) { updatedCookie += "=" + propValue; } } document.cookie = updatedCookie; }, deleteCookie: function(name) { this.setCookie(name, null, {expires: -1}); }, // delete all cookies clear: function() { var cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("="); var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substr(0, eqPos) : cookie; this.deleteCookie(name); } } }; var strategy = window.localStorage ? LocalStorage : CookiesStorage; var DataStorage = { // Get data within storage for key getData: function( key ) { return strategy.get( key ); }, // Set data within storage setData: function( key, value ) { strategy.set( key, value ); }, // Delete data within storage for key deleteData: function( key ) { strategy.del( key ); }, // Clear storage clear: function() { strategy.clear(); } }; // Static Module of Storage Data in the localStorage. object.DataStorage = DataStorage; }( editor.wsc )); editor.wsc.operationWithUDN = function(command, UDName) { var obj = { 'udn': UDName, 'id': 'operationWithUDN', 'udnCmd': command }; var currentTabId = NS.dialog._.currentTabId, frameId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId; appTools.postMessage.send({ 'message': obj, 'target': NS.targetFromFrame[frameId] }); }; editor.wsc.getLocalStorageUDN = function() { var udn = editor.wsc.DataStorage.getData('scayt_user_dictionary_name'); if (!udn) { return; } return udn; }; editor.wsc.getLocalStorageUD = function() { var ud = editor.wsc.DataStorage.getData('scayt_user_dictionary'); if (!ud) { return; } return ud; }; editor.wsc.addWords = function(words, callback) { var url = editor.config.wsc.DefaultParams.serviceHost + editor.config.wsc.DefaultParams.ssrvHost + '?cmd=dictionary&format=json&' + 'customerid=1%3AncttD3-fIoSf2-huzwE4-Y5muI2-mD0Tt-kG9Wz-UEDFC-tYu243-1Uq474-d9Z2l3&' + 'action=addword&word='+ words + '&callback=toString&synchronization=true', script = document.createElement('script'); script['type'] = 'text/javascript'; script['src'] = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); //chrome, firefox, safari script.onload = callback; //IE script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 'loaded') { callback(); } }; }; editor.wsc.cgiOrigin = function() { var wscServiceHostString = editor.config.wsc.DefaultParams.serviceHost, wscServiceHostArray = wscServiceHostString.split('/'), cgiOrigin = wscServiceHostArray[0] + '//' + wscServiceHostArray[2]; return cgiOrigin; }; editor.wsc.isSsrvSame = false; } return { title: editor.config.wsc_dialogTitle || editor.lang.wsc.title, minWidth: constraints.minWidth, minHeight: constraints.minHeight, buttons: [CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton], onLoad: function() { NS.dialog = this; hideThesaurusTab(); hideGrammTab(); showSpellTab(); //creating wsc object for UD synchronization between wsc and scayt if (editor.plugins.scayt) { createWscObjectForUdAndUdnSyncrhonization(); } }, onShow: function() { NS.dialog = this; editor.lockSelection(editor.getSelection()); NS.TextAreaNumber = 'cke_textarea_' + editor.name; appTools.postMessage.init(handlerIncomingData); NS.dataTemp = editor.getData(); //NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); NS.OverlayPlace = NS.dialog.parts.tabs.getParent().$; if(CKEDITOR && CKEDITOR.config){ NS.wsc_customerId = editor.config.wsc_customerId; NS.cust_dic_ids = editor.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds; NS.userDictionaryName = editor.config.wsc_userDictionaryName; NS.defaultLanguage = CKEDITOR.config.defaultLanguage; var protocol = document.location.protocol == "file:" ? "http:" : document.location.protocol; var wscCoreUrl = editor.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || ( protocol + '//www.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/lf/22/js/wsc_fck2plugin.js'); } else { NS.dialog.hide(); return; } initView(this); CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(wscCoreUrl, function(success) { if(CKEDITOR.config && CKEDITOR.config.wsc && CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams){ NS.serverLocationHash = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.serviceHost; NS.logotype = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.logoPath; NS.loadIcon = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.iconPath; NS.loadIconEmptyEditor = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.iconPathEmptyEditor; NS.LangComparer = new CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams._SP_FCK_LangCompare(); }else{ NS.serverLocationHash = DefaultParams.serviceHost; NS.logotype = DefaultParams.logoPath; NS.loadIcon = DefaultParams.iconPath; NS.loadIconEmptyEditor = DefaultParams.iconPathEmptyEditor; NS.LangComparer = new _SP_FCK_LangCompare(); } NS.pluginPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl(editor.plugins.wsc.path); NS.iframeNumber = NS.TextAreaNumber; NS.templatePath = NS.pluginPath + 'dialogs/tmp.html'; NS.LangComparer.setDefaulLangCode( NS.defaultLanguage ); NS.currentLang = editor.config.wsc_lang || NS.LangComparer.getSPLangCode( editor.langCode ) || 'en_US'; NS.interfaceLang = editor.config.wsc_interfaceLang; //option to customize the interface language 12/28/2015 NS.selectingLang = NS.currentLang; NS.div_overlay = new overlayBlock({ opacity: "1", background: "#fff url(" + NS.loadIcon + ") no-repeat 50% 50%", target: NS.OverlayPlace }); var number_ck = NS.dialog.parts.tabs.getId(), dialogPartsTab = CKEDITOR.document.getById(number_ck); dialogPartsTab.setStyle('width', '97%'); if (!dialogPartsTab.getElementsByTag('DIV').count()){ dialogPartsTab.append(NS.buildSelectLang(NS.dialog.getParentEditor().name)); } NS.div_overlay_no_check = new overlayBlock({ opacity: "1", id: 'no_check_over', background: "#fff url(" + NS.loadIconEmptyEditor + ") no-repeat 50% 50%", target: NS.OverlayPlace }); if (success) { showFirstTab(NS.dialog); NS.dialog.setupContent(NS.dialog); } if (editor.plugins.scayt) { //is ssrv.cgi path for WSC and scayt same editor.wsc.isSsrvSame = (function() { var wscSsrvWholePath, wscServiceHost = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.serviceHost.replace('lf/22/js/../../../', '').split('//')[1], wscSsrvHost = CKEDITOR.config.wsc.DefaultParams.ssrvHost, scaytSsrvWholePath, scaytSsrvProtocol, scaytSsrvHost, scaytSsrvPath, scaytSrcUrl = editor.config.scayt_srcUrl, scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvProtocol, scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvHost, scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvPath, scaytBasePath, scaytBasePathSsrvProtocol, scaytBasePathSsrvHost, scaytBasePathSsrvPath; if (window.SCAYT && window.SCAYT.CKSCAYT) { scaytBasePath = SCAYT.CKSCAYT.prototype.basePath; scaytBasePathSsrvProtocol = scaytBasePath.split('//')[0]; scaytBasePathSsrvHost = scaytBasePath.split('//')[1].split('/')[0]; scaytBasePathSsrvPath = scaytBasePath.split(scaytBasePathSsrvHost + '/')[1].replace('/lf/scayt3/ckscayt/', '') + '/script/ssrv.cgi'; } if (scaytSrcUrl && !scaytBasePath && !editor.config.scayt_servicePath) { scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvProtocol = scaytSrcUrl.split('//')[0]; scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvHost = scaytSrcUrl.split('//')[1].split('/')[0]; scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvPath = scaytSrcUrl.split(scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvHost + '/')[1].replace('/lf/scayt3/ckscayt/ckscayt.js', '') + '/script/ssrv.cgi'; } scaytSsrvProtocol = editor.config.scayt_serviceProtocol || scaytBasePathSsrvProtocol || scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvProtocol; scaytSsrvHost = editor.config.scayt_serviceHost || scaytBasePathSsrvHost || scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvHost; scaytSsrvPath = editor.config.scayt_servicePath || scaytBasePathSsrvPath || scaytSsrvSrcUrlSsrvPath; wscSsrvWholePath = '//' + wscServiceHost + wscSsrvHost; scaytSsrvWholePath = '//' + scaytSsrvHost + '/' + scaytSsrvPath; return wscSsrvWholePath === scaytSsrvWholePath; })(); } //wsc on scayt UserDictionary and UserDictionaryName synchronization if (window.SCAYT && editor.wsc) { var cgiOrigin = editor.wsc.cgiOrigin(); editor.wsc.syncIsDone = false; var getUdOrUdn = function (e) { if (e.origin === cgiOrigin) { var data = JSON.parse(e.data); if (data.ud && data.ud !== 'undefined') { editor.wsc.ud = data.ud; } else if (data.ud === 'undefined') { editor.wsc.ud = undefined; } if (data.udn && data.udn !== 'undefined') { editor.wsc.udn = data.udn; } else if (data.udn === 'undefined') { editor.wsc.udn = undefined; } if (!editor.wsc.syncIsDone) { udSynchronization(editor.wsc.ud); editor.wsc.syncIsDone = true; } } }; var udSynchronization = function(cookieUd) { var localStorageUdArray = editor.wsc.getLocalStorageUD(), newUd; if (localStorageUdArray instanceof Array) { newUd = localStorageUdArray.toString(); } if (newUd !== undefined && newUd !== '') { setTimeout(function() { editor.wsc.addWords(newUd, function() { showFirstTab(NS.dialog); NS.dialog.setupContent(NS.dialog); }); }, 400); } }; if (window.addEventListener){ addEventListener("message", getUdOrUdn, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", getUdOrUdn); } //wsc on scayt UserDictionaryName synchronization setTimeout( function() { var udn = editor.wsc.getLocalStorageUDN(); if (udn !== undefined) { editor.wsc.operationWithUDN('restore', udn); } }, 500); //need to wait spell.js file to load } }); }, onHide: function() { editor.unlockSelection(); NS.dataTemp = ''; NS.sessionid = ''; appTools.postMessage.unbindHandler(handlerIncomingData); }, contents: [ { id: 'SpellTab', label: 'SpellChecker', accessKey: 'S', elements: [ { type: 'html', id: 'banner', label: 'banner', style: '', //TODO html: '<div></div>' }, { type: 'html', id: 'Content', label: 'spellContent', html: '', setup: function(dialog) { var tabId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + dialog._.currentTabId; var iframe = document.getElementById(tabId); NS.targetFromFrame[tabId] = iframe.contentWindow; } }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'bottomGroup', style: 'width:560px; margin: 0 auto;', widths: ['50%', '50%'], className: 'wsc-spelltab-bottom', children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'leftCol', align: 'left', width: '50%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol1', widths: ['50%', '50%'], children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'ChangeTo_label', label: NS.LocalizationLabel['ChangeTo_label'].text + ':', labelLayout: 'horizontal', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', width: '140px', 'default': '', onShow: function() { NS.textNode['SpellTab'] = this; NS.LocalizationLabel['ChangeTo_label'].instance = this; }, onHide: function() { this.reset(); } }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'rightCol', align: 'right', width: '30%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__left', children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'labelSuggestions', label: NS.LocalizationLabel['Suggestions'].text + ':', onShow: function() { NS.LocalizationLabel['Suggestions'].instance = this; this.getInputElement().setStyles({ display: 'none' }); } }, { type: 'html', id: 'logo', html: '', setup: function(dialog) { this.getElement().$.src = NS.logotype; this.getElement().getParent().setStyles({ "text-align": "left" }); } } ] }, { type: 'select', id: 'list_of_suggestions', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', size: '6', inputStyle: 'width: 140px; height: auto;', items: [['loading...']], onShow: function() { selectNode = this; }, onChange: function() { NS.textNode['SpellTab'].setValue(this.getValue()); } } ] } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'rightCol', align: 'right', width: '50%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__left', widths: ['50%', '50%', '50%', '50%'], children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'ChangeTo_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeTo_button'].text, title: 'Change to', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'ChangeTo'); NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeTo_button'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'ChangeAll', label: NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeAll'].text, title: 'Change All', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeAll'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'AddWord', label: NS.LocalizationButton['AddWord'].text, title: 'Add word', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); NS.LocalizationButton['AddWord'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 100%;margin-top: 9px;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__right', widths: ['50%', '50%', '50%'], children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'IgnoreWord', label: NS.LocalizationButton['IgnoreWord'].text, title: 'Ignore word', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); NS.LocalizationButton['IgnoreWord'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'IgnoreAllWords', label: NS.LocalizationButton['IgnoreAllWords'].text, title: 'Ignore all words', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); NS.LocalizationButton['IgnoreAllWords'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'Options', label: NS.LocalizationButton['Options'].text, title: 'Option', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { NS.LocalizationButton['Options'].instance = this; if (document.location.protocol == "file:") { this.disable(); } }, onClick: function() { // because in chrome and safary document.activeElement returns <body> tag. We need to signal that clicked element is active this.getElement().focus(); if (document.location.protocol == "file:") { alert('WSC: Options functionality is disabled when runing from file system'); } else { activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.openDialog('options'); } } } ] } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'BlockFinishChecking', style: 'width:560px; margin: 0 auto;', widths: ['70%', '30%'], onShow: function() { this.getElement().setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }); }, onHide: showCurrentTabs, children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'leftCol', align: 'left', width: '70%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol1', setup: function() { this.getChild()[0].getElement().$.src = NS.logotype; this.getChild()[0].getElement().getParent().setStyles({ "text-align": "center" }); }, children: [ { type: 'html', id: 'logo', html: '' } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'rightCol', align: 'right', width: '30%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__left', children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'Option_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['Options'].text, title: 'Option', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); if (document.location.protocol == "file:") { this.disable(); } }, onClick: function() { // because in chrome and safary document.activeElement returns <body> tag. We need to signal that clicked element is active this.getElement().focus(); if (document.location.protocol == "file:") { alert('WSC: Options functionality is disabled when runing from file system'); } else { activeElement = document.activeElement; editor.openDialog('options'); } } }, { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button_block', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button_block'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { id: 'GrammTab', label: 'Grammar', accessKey: 'G', elements: [ { type: 'html', id: 'banner', label: 'banner', style: '', //TODO html: '<div></div>' }, { type: 'html', id: 'Content', label: 'GrammarContent', html: '', setup: function() { var tabId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + NS.dialog._.currentTabId; var iframe = document.getElementById(tabId); NS.targetFromFrame[tabId] = iframe.contentWindow; } }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'bottomGroup', style: 'width:560px; margin: 0 auto;', children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'leftCol', widths: ['66%', '34%'], children: [ { type: 'vbox', children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'text', label: "Change to:", labelLayout: 'horizontal', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', inputStyle: 'float: right; width: 200px;', 'default': '', onShow: function() { NS.textNode['GrammTab'] = this; }, onHide: function() { this.reset(); } }, { type: 'html', id: 'html_text', html: "<div style='min-height: 17px; line-height: 17px; padding: 5px; text-align: left;background: #F1F1F1;color: #595959; white-space: normal!important;'></div>", onShow: function(e) { NS.textNodeInfo['GrammTab'] = this; } }, { type: 'html', id: 'radio', html: "", onShow: function() { NS.grammerSuggest = this; } } ] }, { type: 'vbox', children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'ChangeTo_button', label: 'Change to', title: 'Change to', style: 'width: 133px; float: right;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'ChangeTo'); }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'IgnoreWord', label: 'Ignore word', title: 'Ignore word', style: 'width: 133px; float: right;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'IgnoreAllWords', label: 'Ignore Problem', title: 'Ignore Problem', style: 'width: 133px; float: right;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onClick: handlerButtons }, { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 133px; float: right; margin-top: 9px;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'BlockFinishChecking', style: 'width:560px; margin: 0 auto;', widths: ['70%', '30%'], onShow: function() { this.getElement().setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }); }, onHide: showCurrentTabs, children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'leftCol', align: 'left', width: '70%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol1', children: [ { type: 'html', id: 'logo', html: '', setup: function() { this.getElement().$.src = NS.logotype; this.getElement().getParent().setStyles({ "text-align": "center" }); } } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'rightCol', align: 'right', width: '30%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__left', children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button_block', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button_block'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { id: 'Thesaurus', label: 'Thesaurus', accessKey: 'T', elements: [ { type: 'html', id: 'banner', label: 'banner', style: '', //TODO html: '<div></div>' }, { type: 'html', id: 'Content', label: 'spellContent', html: '', setup: function() { var tabId = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + NS.dialog._.currentTabId; var iframe = document.getElementById(tabId); NS.targetFromFrame[tabId] = iframe.contentWindow; } }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'bottomGroup', style: 'width:560px; margin: -10px auto; overflow: hidden;', children: [ { type: 'hbox', widths: ['75%', '25%'], children: [ { type: 'vbox', children: [ { type: 'hbox', widths: ['65%', '35%'], children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'ChangeTo_label', label: NS.LocalizationLabel['ChangeTo_label'].text + ':', labelLayout: 'horizontal', inputStyle: 'width: 160px;', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', 'default': '', onShow: function(e) { NS.textNode['Thesaurus'] = this; NS.LocalizationLabel['ChangeTo_label'].instance = this; }, onHide: function() { this.reset(); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'ChangeTo_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeTo_button'].text, title: 'Change to', style: 'width: 121px; margin-top: 1px;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'ChangeTo'); NS.LocalizationButton['ChangeTo_button'].instance = this; }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] }, { type: 'hbox', children: [ { type: 'select', id: 'Categories', label: NS.LocalizationLabel['Categories'].text + ':', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', size: '5', inputStyle: 'width: 180px; height: auto;', items: [], onShow: function() { NS.selectNode['Categories'] = this; NS.LocalizationLabel['Categories'].instance = this; }, onChange: function() { NS.buildOptionSynonyms(this.getValue()); } }, { type: 'select', id: 'Synonyms', label: NS.LocalizationLabel['Synonyms'].text + ':', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', size: '5', inputStyle: 'width: 180px; height: auto;', items: [], onShow: function() { NS.selectNode['Synonyms'] = this; NS.textNode['Thesaurus'].setValue(this.getValue()); NS.LocalizationLabel['Synonyms'].instance = this; }, onChange: function(e) { NS.textNode['Thesaurus'].setValue(this.getValue()); } } ] } ] }, { type: 'vbox', width: '120px', style: "margin-top:46px;", children: [ { type: 'html', id: 'logotype', label: 'WebSpellChecker.net', html: '', setup: function() { this.getElement().$.src = NS.logotype; this.getElement().getParent().setStyles({ "text-align": "center" }); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 100%; float: right; margin-top: 9px;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'BlockFinishChecking', style: 'width:560px; margin: 0 auto;', widths: ['70%', '30%'], onShow: function() { this.getElement().setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: '-9999px' }); }, children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'leftCol', align: 'left', width: '70%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol1', children: [ { type: 'html', id: 'logo', html: '', setup: function() { this.getElement().$.src = NS.logotype; this.getElement().getParent().setStyles({ "text-align": "center" }); } } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'rightCol', align: 'right', width: '30%', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'rightCol_col__left', children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'FinishChecking_button_block', label: NS.LocalizationButton['FinishChecking_button_block'].text, title: 'Finish Checking', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", 'FinishChecking'); }, onClick: handlerButtons } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }; }); var activeElement = null; // Options dialog CKEDITOR.dialog.add('options', function(editor) { var dialog = null; var linkOnCheckbox = {}; var checkboxState = {}; var ospString = null; var OptionsTextError = null; var cmd = null; var set_osp = []; var dictionaryState = { 'udn': appTools.cookie.get('udn'), 'osp': appTools.cookie.get('osp') }; var setHandlerOptions = function() { var osp = appTools.cookie.get('osp'), strToArr = osp.split(""); checkboxState['IgnoreAllCapsWords'] = strToArr[0]; checkboxState['IgnoreWordsNumbers'] = strToArr[1]; checkboxState['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'] = strToArr[2]; checkboxState['IgnoreDomainNames'] = strToArr[3]; }; var sendDicOptions = function(event) { event = event || window.event; cmd = this.getElement().getAttribute("title-cmd"); var osp = []; osp[0] = checkboxState['IgnoreAllCapsWords']; osp[1] = checkboxState['IgnoreWordsNumbers']; osp[2] = checkboxState['IgnoreMixedCaseWords']; osp[3] = checkboxState['IgnoreDomainNames']; osp = osp.toString().replace(/,/g, ""); appTools.cookie.set('osp', osp); appTools.cookie.set('udnCmd', cmd ? cmd : 'ignore'); if (cmd == "delete") { appTools.postMessage.send({ 'id': 'options_dic_send' }); } else { var udn = ''; if(nameNode.getValue() !== ''){ udn = nameNode.getValue(); } appTools.cookie.set('udn', udn); appTools.postMessage.send({ 'id': 'options_dic_send' }); } }; var sendAllOptions = function() { var osp = []; osp[0] = checkboxState['IgnoreAllCapsWords']; osp[1] = checkboxState['IgnoreWordsNumbers']; osp[2] = checkboxState['IgnoreMixedCaseWords']; osp[3] = checkboxState['IgnoreDomainNames']; osp = osp.toString().replace(/,/g, ""); appTools.cookie.set('osp', osp); appTools.postMessage.send({ 'id': 'options_checkbox_send' }); }; var cameOptions = function() { OptionsTextError.getElement().setHtml(NS.LocalizationComing['error']); OptionsTextError.getElement().show(); }; return { title: NS.LocalizationComing['Options'], minWidth: 430, minHeight: 130, resizable: CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE, contents: [ { id: 'OptionsTab', label: 'Options', accessKey: 'O', elements: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'options_error', children: [ { type: 'html', style: "display: block;text-align: center;white-space: normal!important; font-size: 12px;color:red", html: '<div></div>', onShow: function() { OptionsTextError = this; } } ] }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'Options_content', children: [ { type: 'hbox', id: 'Options_manager', widths: ['52%', '48%'], children: [ { type: 'fieldset', label: 'Spell Checking Options', style: 'border: none;margin-top: 13px;padding: 10px 0 10px 10px', onShow: function() { this.getInputElement().$.children[0].innerHTML = NS.LocalizationComing['SpellCheckingOptions']; }, children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'Options_checkbox', children: [ { type: 'checkbox', id: 'IgnoreAllCapsWords', label: 'Ignore All-Caps Words', labelStyle: 'margin-left: 5px; font: 12px/16px arial, sans-serif;display: inline-block;white-space: normal;', style: "float:left; min-height: 16px;", 'default': '', onClick: function() { checkboxState[this.id] = (!this.getValue()) ? 0 : 1; } }, { type: 'checkbox', id: 'IgnoreWordsNumbers', label: 'Ignore Words with Numbers', labelStyle: 'margin-left: 5px; font: 12px/16px arial, sans-serif;display: inline-block;white-space: normal;', style: "float:left; min-height: 16px;", 'default': '', onClick: function() { checkboxState[this.id] = (!this.getValue()) ? 0 : 1; } }, { type: 'checkbox', id: 'IgnoreMixedCaseWords', label: 'Ignore Mixed-Case Words', labelStyle: 'margin-left: 5px; font: 12px/16px arial, sans-serif;display: inline-block;white-space: normal;', style: "float:left; min-height: 16px;", 'default': '', onClick: function() { checkboxState[this.id] = (!this.getValue()) ? 0 : 1; } }, { type: 'checkbox', id: 'IgnoreDomainNames', label: 'Ignore Domain Names', labelStyle: 'margin-left: 5px; font: 12px/16px arial, sans-serif;display: inline-block;white-space: normal;', style: "float:left; min-height: 16px;", 'default': '', onClick: function() { checkboxState[this.id] = (!this.getValue()) ? 0 : 1; } } ] } ] }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'Options_DictionaryName', children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'DictionaryName', style: 'margin-bottom: 10px', label: 'Dictionary Name:', labelLayout: 'vertical', labelStyle: 'font: 12px/25px arial, sans-serif;', 'default': '', onLoad: function() { nameNode = this; var udn = NS.userDictionaryName ? NS.userDictionaryName : appTools.cookie.get('udn') && undefined ? ' ' : this.getValue(); this.setValue(udn); }, onShow: function() { nameNode = this; var udn = !appTools.cookie.get('udn') ? this.getValue() : appTools.cookie.get('udn'); this.setValue(udn); this.setLabel(NS.LocalizationComing['DictionaryName']); }, onHide: function() { this.reset(); } }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'Options_buttons', children: [ { type: 'vbox', id: 'Options_leftCol_col', widths: ['50%', '50%'], children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'create', label: 'Create', title: 'Create', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onShow: function() { var el = this.getElement().getFirst() || this.getElement(); el.setText(NS.LocalizationComing['Create']); }, onClick: sendDicOptions }, { type: 'button', id: 'restore', label: 'Restore', title: 'Restore', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onShow: function() { var el = this.getElement().getFirst() || this.getElement(); el.setText(NS.LocalizationComing['Restore']); }, onClick: sendDicOptions } ] }, { type: 'vbox', id: 'Options_rightCol_col', widths: ['50%', '50%'], children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'rename', label: 'Rename', title: 'Rename', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onShow: function() { var el = this.getElement().getFirst() || this.getElement(); el.setText(NS.LocalizationComing['Rename']); }, onClick: sendDicOptions }, { type: 'button', id: 'delete', label: 'Remove', title: 'Remove', style: 'width: 100%;', onLoad: function() { this.getElement().setAttribute("title-cmd", this.id); }, onShow: function() { var el = this.getElement().getFirst() || this.getElement(); el.setText(NS.LocalizationComing['Remove']); }, onClick: sendDicOptions } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { type: 'hbox', id: 'Options_text', children: [ { type: 'html', style: "text-align: justify;margin-top: 15px;white-space: normal!important; font-size: 12px;color:#777;", html: "<div>" + NS.LocalizationComing['OptionsTextIntro'] + "</div>", onShow: function() { this.getElement().setText(NS.LocalizationComing['OptionsTextIntro']); } } ] } ] } ] } ], buttons: [CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton], onOk: function() { sendAllOptions(); OptionsTextError.getElement().hide(); OptionsTextError.getElement().setHtml(' '); }, onLoad: function() { dialog = this; // appTools.postMessage.init(cameOptions); linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreAllCapsWords'] = dialog.getContentElement('OptionsTab', 'IgnoreAllCapsWords'); linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreWordsNumbers'] = dialog.getContentElement('OptionsTab', 'IgnoreWordsNumbers'); linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'] = dialog.getContentElement('OptionsTab', 'IgnoreMixedCaseWords'); linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreDomainNames'] = dialog.getContentElement('OptionsTab', 'IgnoreDomainNames'); }, onShow: function() { appTools.postMessage.init(cameOptions); setHandlerOptions(); (!parseInt(checkboxState['IgnoreAllCapsWords'], 10)) ? linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreAllCapsWords'].setValue('', false) : linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreAllCapsWords'].setValue('checked', false); (!parseInt(checkboxState['IgnoreWordsNumbers'], 10)) ? linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreWordsNumbers'].setValue('', false) : linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreWordsNumbers'].setValue('checked', false); (!parseInt(checkboxState['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'], 10)) ? linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'].setValue('', false) : linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'].setValue('checked', false); (!parseInt(checkboxState['IgnoreDomainNames'], 10)) ? linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreDomainNames'].setValue('', false) : linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreDomainNames'].setValue('checked', false); checkboxState['IgnoreAllCapsWords'] = (!linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreAllCapsWords'].getValue()) ? 0 : 1; checkboxState['IgnoreWordsNumbers'] = (!linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreWordsNumbers'].getValue()) ? 0 : 1; checkboxState['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'] = (!linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'].getValue()) ? 0 : 1; checkboxState['IgnoreDomainNames'] = (!linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreDomainNames'].getValue()) ? 0 : 1; linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreAllCapsWords'].getElement().$.lastChild.innerHTML = NS.LocalizationComing['IgnoreAllCapsWords']; linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreWordsNumbers'].getElement().$.lastChild.innerHTML = NS.LocalizationComing['IgnoreWordsWithNumbers']; linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreMixedCaseWords'].getElement().$.lastChild.innerHTML = NS.LocalizationComing['IgnoreMixedCaseWords']; linkOnCheckbox['IgnoreDomainNames'].getElement().$.lastChild.innerHTML = NS.LocalizationComing['IgnoreDomainNames']; }, onHide: function() { appTools.postMessage.unbindHandler(cameOptions); if(activeElement) { try { activeElement.focus(); } catch(e) {} } } }; }); // Expand the spell-check frame when dialog resized. (#6829) CKEDITOR.dialog.on( 'resize', function( evt ) { var data = evt.data, dialog = data.dialog, currentTabId = dialog._.currentTabId, tabID = NS.iframeNumber + '_' + currentTabId, iframe = CKEDITOR.document.getById(tabID); if ( dialog._.name == 'checkspell' ) { if (NS.bnr) { iframe && iframe.setSize( 'height', data.height - '310' ); } else { iframe && iframe.setSize( 'height', data.height - '220' ); } // add flag that indicate whether dialog has been resized by user if(dialog._.fromResizeEvent && !dialog._.resized) { dialog._.resized = true; } dialog._.fromResizeEvent = true; } }); CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(dialogDefinitionEvent) { if(dialogDefinitionEvent.data.name === 'checkspell') { var dialogDefinition = dialogDefinitionEvent.data.definition; NS.onLoadOverlay = new overlayBlock({ opacity: "1", background: "#fff", target: dialogDefinition.dialog.parts.tabs.getParent().$ }); NS.onLoadOverlay.setEnable(); dialogDefinition.dialog.on('cancel', function(cancelEvent) { dialogDefinition.dialog.getParentEditor().config.wsc_onClose.call(this.document.getWindow().getFrame()); NS.div_overlay.setDisable(); NS.onLoadOverlay.setDisable(); return false; }, this, null, -1); } }); })();