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=begin = xmlrpc/server.rb Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 by Michael Neumann (mneumann@ntecs.de) Released under the same term of license as Ruby. = Classes * ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer>)) * ((<XMLRPC::CGIServer>)) * ((<XMLRPC::ModRubyServer>)) * ((<XMLRPC::Server>)) * ((<XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet>)) = XMLRPC::BasicServer == Description Is the base class for all XML-RPC server-types (CGI, standalone). You can add handler and set a default handler. Do not use this server, as this is/should be an abstract class. === How the method to call is found The arity (number of accepted arguments) of a handler (method or (({Proc})) object) is compared to the given arguments submitted by the client for a RPC ((-Remote Procedure Call-)). A handler is only called if it accepts the number of arguments, otherwise the search for another handler will go on. When at the end no handler was found, the ((<default_handler|XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_default_handler>)) will be called. With this technique it is possible to do overloading by number of parameters, but only for (({Proc})) handler, because you cannot define two methods of the same name in the same class. == Class Methods --- XMLRPC::BasicServer.new( class_delim="." ) Creates a new (({XMLRPC::BasicServer})) instance, which should not be done, because (({XMLRPC::BasicServer})) is an abstract class. This method should be called from a subclass indirectly by a (({super})) call in the method (({initialize})). The paramter ((|class_delim|)) is used in ((<add_handler|XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler>)) when an object is added as handler, to delimit the object-prefix and the method-name. == Instance Methods --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler( name, signature=nil, help=nil ) { aBlock } Adds ((|aBlock|)) to the list of handlers, with ((|name|)) as the name of the method. Parameters ((|signature|)) and ((|help|)) are used by the Introspection method if specified, where ((|signature|)) is either an Array containing strings each representing a type of it's signature (the first is the return value) or an Array of Arrays if the method has multiple signatures. Value type-names are "int, boolean, double, string, dateTime.iso8601, base64, array, struct". Parameter ((|help|)) is a String with informations about how to call this method etc. A handler method or code-block can return the types listed at ((<XMLRPC::Client#call|URL:client.html#index:0>)). When a method fails, it can tell it the client by throwing an (({XMLRPC::FaultException})) like in this example: s.add_handler("michael.div") do |a,b| if b == 0 raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, "division by zero") else a / b end end The client gets in the case of (({b==0})) an object back of type (({XMLRPC::FaultException})) that has a ((|faultCode|)) and ((|faultString|)) field. --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler( prefix, obj ) This is the second form of ((<add_handler|XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler>)). To add an object write: server.add_handler("michael", MyHandlerClass.new) All public methods of (({MyHandlerClass})) are accessible to the XML-RPC clients by (('michael."name of method"')). This is where the ((|class_delim|)) in ((<new|XMLRPC::BasicServer.new>)) has it's role, a XML-RPC method-name is defined by ((|prefix|)) + ((|class_delim|)) + (('"name of method"')). --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler( interface, obj ) This is the third form of ((<add_handler|XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_handler>)). Use (({XMLRPC::interface})) to generate an ServiceInterface object, which represents an interface (with signature and help text) for a handler class. Parameter ((|interface|)) must be of type (({XMLRPC::ServiceInterface})). Adds all methods of ((|obj|)) which are defined in ((|interface|)) to the server. This is the recommended way of adding services to a server! --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#get_default_handler Returns the default-handler, which is called when no handler for a method-name is found. It is a (({Proc})) object or (({nil})). --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_default_handler ( &handler ) Sets ((|handler|)) as the default-handler, which is called when no handler for a method-name is found. ((|handler|)) is a code-block. The default-handler is called with the (XML-RPC) method-name as first argument, and the other arguments are the parameters given by the client-call. If no block is specified the default of (({XMLRPC::BasicServer})) is used, which raises a XMLRPC::FaultException saying "method missing". --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_writer( writer ) Sets the XML writer to use for generating XML output. Should be an instance of a class from module (({XMLRPC::XMLWriter})). If this method is not called, then (({XMLRPC::Config::DEFAULT_WRITER})) is used. --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_parser( parser ) Sets the XML parser to use for parsing XML documents. Should be an instance of a class from module (({XMLRPC::XMLParser})). If this method is not called, then (({XMLRPC::Config::DEFAULT_PARSER})) is used. --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_introspection Adds the introspection handlers "system.listMethods", "system.methodSignature" and "system.methodHelp", where only the first one works. --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#add_multicall Adds the multi-call handler "system.multicall". --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#get_service_hook Returns the service-hook, which is called on each service request (RPC) unless it's (({nil})). --- XMLRPC::BasicServer#set_service_hook ( &handler ) A service-hook is called for each service request (RPC). You can use a service-hook for example to wrap existing methods and catch exceptions of them or convert values to values recognized by XMLRPC. You can disable it by passing (({nil})) as parameter ((|handler|)) . The service-hook is called with a (({Proc})) object and with the parameters for this (({Proc})). An example: server.set_service_hook {|obj, *args| begin ret = obj.call(*args) # call the original service-method # could convert the return value rescue # rescue exceptions end } =end require "xmlrpc/parser" require "xmlrpc/create" require "xmlrpc/config" require "xmlrpc/utils" # ParserWriterChooseMixin module XMLRPC class BasicServer include ParserWriterChooseMixin include ParseContentType ERR_METHOD_MISSING = 1 ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION = 2 ERR_MC_WRONG_PARAM = 3 ERR_MC_MISSING_PARAMS = 4 ERR_MC_MISSING_METHNAME = 5 ERR_MC_RECURSIVE_CALL = 6 ERR_MC_WRONG_PARAM_PARAMS = 7 ERR_MC_EXPECTED_STRUCT = 8 def initialize(class_delim=".") @handler = [] @default_handler = nil @service_hook = nil @class_delim = class_delim @create = nil @parser = nil add_multicall if Config::ENABLE_MULTICALL add_introspection if Config::ENABLE_INTROSPECTION end def add_handler(prefix, obj_or_signature=nil, help=nil, &block) if block_given? # proc-handler @handler << [prefix, block, obj_or_signature, help] else if prefix.kind_of? String # class-handler raise ArgumentError, "Expected non-nil value" if obj_or_signature.nil? @handler << [prefix + @class_delim, obj_or_signature] elsif prefix.kind_of? XMLRPC::Service::BasicInterface # class-handler with interface # add all methods @handler += prefix.get_methods(obj_or_signature, @class_delim) else raise ArgumentError, "Wrong type for parameter 'prefix'" end end self end def get_service_hook @service_hook end def set_service_hook(&handler) @service_hook = handler self end def get_default_handler @default_handler end def set_default_handler (&handler) @default_handler = handler self end def add_multicall add_handler("system.multicall", %w(array array), "Multicall Extension") do |arrStructs| unless arrStructs.is_a? Array raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(ERR_MC_WRONG_PARAM, "system.multicall expects an array") end arrStructs.collect {|call| if call.is_a? Hash methodName = call["methodName"] params = call["params"] if params.nil? multicall_fault(ERR_MC_MISSING_PARAMS, "Missing params") elsif methodName.nil? multicall_fault(ERR_MC_MISSING_METHNAME, "Missing methodName") else if methodName == "system.multicall" multicall_fault(ERR_MC_RECURSIVE_CALL, "Recursive system.multicall forbidden") else unless params.is_a? Array multicall_fault(ERR_MC_WRONG_PARAM_PARAMS, "Parameter params have to be an Array") else ok, val = call_method(methodName, *params) if ok # correct return value [val] else # exception multicall_fault(val.faultCode, val.faultString) end end end end else multicall_fault(ERR_MC_EXPECTED_STRUCT, "system.multicall expected struct") end } end # end add_handler self end def add_introspection add_handler("system.listMethods",%w(array), "List methods available on this XML-RPC server") do methods = [] @handler.each do |name, obj| if obj.kind_of? Proc methods << name else obj.class.public_instance_methods(false).each do |meth| methods << "#{name}#{meth}" end end end methods end add_handler("system.methodSignature", %w(array string), "Returns method signature") do |meth| sigs = [] @handler.each do |name, obj, sig| if obj.kind_of? Proc and sig != nil and name == meth if sig[0].kind_of? Array # sig contains multiple signatures, e.g. [["array"], ["array", "string"]] sig.each {|s| sigs << s} else # sig is a single signature, e.g. ["array"] sigs << sig end end end sigs.uniq! || sigs # remove eventually duplicated signatures end add_handler("system.methodHelp", %w(string string), "Returns help on using this method") do |meth| help = nil @handler.each do |name, obj, sig, hlp| if obj.kind_of? Proc and name == meth help = hlp break end end help || "" end self end def process(data) method, params = parser().parseMethodCall(data) handle(method, *params) end private # -------------------------------------------------------------- def multicall_fault(nr, str) {"faultCode" => nr, "faultString" => str} end # # method dispatch # def dispatch(methodname, *args) for name, obj in @handler if obj.kind_of? Proc next unless methodname == name else next unless methodname =~ /^#{name}(.+)$/ next unless obj.respond_to? $1 obj = obj.method($1) end if check_arity(obj, args.size) if @service_hook.nil? return obj.call(*args) else return @service_hook.call(obj, *args) end end end if @default_handler.nil? raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(ERR_METHOD_MISSING, "Method #{methodname} missing or wrong number of parameters!") else @default_handler.call(methodname, *args) end end # # returns true, if the arity of "obj" matches # def check_arity(obj, n_args) ary = obj.arity if ary >= 0 n_args == ary else n_args >= (ary+1).abs end end def call_method(methodname, *args) begin [true, dispatch(methodname, *args)] rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e [false, e] rescue Exception => e [false, XMLRPC::FaultException.new(ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, "Uncaught exception #{e.message} in method #{methodname}")] end end # # # def handle(methodname, *args) create().methodResponse(*call_method(methodname, *args)) end end =begin = XMLRPC::CGIServer == Synopsis require "xmlrpc/server" s = XMLRPC::CGIServer.new s.add_handler("michael.add") do |a,b| a + b end s.add_handler("michael.div") do |a,b| if b == 0 raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, "division by zero") else a / b end end s.set_default_handler do |name, *args| raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(-99, "Method #{name} missing" + " or wrong number of parameters!") end s.serve == Description Implements a CGI-based XML-RPC server. == Superclass ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer>)) == Class Methods --- XMLRPC::CGIServer.new( *a ) Creates a new (({XMLRPC::CGIServer})) instance. All parameters given are by-passed to ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer.new>)). You can only create ((*one*)) (({XMLRPC::CGIServer})) instance, because more than one makes no sense. == Instance Methods --- XMLRPC::CGIServer#serve Call this after you have added all you handlers to the server. This method processes a XML-RPC methodCall and sends the answer back to the client. Make sure that you don't write to standard-output in a handler, or in any other part of your program, this would case a CGI-based server to fail! =end class CGIServer < BasicServer @@obj = nil def CGIServer.new(*a) @@obj = super(*a) if @@obj.nil? @@obj end def initialize(*a) super(*a) end def serve catch(:exit_serve) { length = ENV['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i http_error(405, "Method Not Allowed") unless ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" http_error(400, "Bad Request") unless parse_content_type(ENV['CONTENT_TYPE']).first == "text/xml" http_error(411, "Length Required") unless length > 0 # TODO: do we need a call to binmode? $stdin.binmode if $stdin.respond_to? :binmode data = $stdin.read(length) http_error(400, "Bad Request") if data.nil? or data.bytesize != length http_write(process(data), "Content-type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8") } end private def http_error(status, message) err = "#{status} #{message}" msg = <<-"MSGEND" <html> <head> <title>#{err}</title> </head> <body> <h1>#{err}</h1> <p>Unexpected error occured while processing XML-RPC request!</p> </body> </html> MSGEND http_write(msg, "Status" => err, "Content-type" => "text/html") throw :exit_serve # exit from the #serve method end def http_write(body, header) h = {} header.each {|key, value| h[key.to_s.capitalize] = value} h['Status'] ||= "200 OK" h['Content-length'] ||= body.bytesize.to_s str = "" h.each {|key, value| str << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n"} str << "\r\n#{body}" print str end end =begin = XMLRPC::ModRubyServer == Description Implements a XML-RPC server, which works with Apache mod_ruby. Use it in the same way as CGIServer! == Superclass ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer>)) =end class ModRubyServer < BasicServer def initialize(*a) @ap = Apache::request super(*a) end def serve catch(:exit_serve) { header = {} @ap.headers_in.each {|key, value| header[key.capitalize] = value} length = header['Content-length'].to_i http_error(405, "Method Not Allowed") unless @ap.request_method == "POST" http_error(400, "Bad Request") unless parse_content_type(header['Content-type']).first == "text/xml" http_error(411, "Length Required") unless length > 0 # TODO: do we need a call to binmode? @ap.binmode data = @ap.read(length) http_error(400, "Bad Request") if data.nil? or data.bytesize != length http_write(process(data), 200, "Content-type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8") } end private def http_error(status, message) err = "#{status} #{message}" msg = <<-"MSGEND" <html> <head> <title>#{err}</title> </head> <body> <h1>#{err}</h1> <p>Unexpected error occured while processing XML-RPC request!</p> </body> </html> MSGEND http_write(msg, status, "Status" => err, "Content-type" => "text/html") throw :exit_serve # exit from the #serve method end def http_write(body, status, header) h = {} header.each {|key, value| h[key.to_s.capitalize] = value} h['Status'] ||= "200 OK" h['Content-length'] ||= body.bytesize.to_s h.each {|key, value| @ap.headers_out[key] = value } @ap.content_type = h["Content-type"] @ap.status = status.to_i @ap.send_http_header @ap.print body end end =begin = XMLRPC::Server == Synopsis require "xmlrpc/server" s = XMLRPC::Server.new(8080) s.add_handler("michael.add") do |a,b| a + b end s.add_handler("michael.div") do |a,b| if b == 0 raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, "division by zero") else a / b end end s.set_default_handler do |name, *args| raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(-99, "Method #{name} missing" + " or wrong number of parameters!") end s.serve == Description Implements a standalone XML-RPC server. The method (({serve}))) is left if a SIGHUP is sent to the program. == Superclass ((<XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet>)) == Class Methods --- XMLRPC::Server.new( port=8080, host="", maxConnections=4, stdlog=$stdout, audit=true, debug=true, *a ) Creates a new (({XMLRPC::Server})) instance, which is a XML-RPC server listening on port ((|port|)) and accepts requests for the host ((|host|)), which is by default only the localhost. The server is not started, to start it you have to call ((<serve|XMLRPC::Server#serve>)). Parameters ((|audit|)) and ((|debug|)) are obsolete! All additionally given parameters in ((|*a|)) are by-passed to ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer.new>)). == Instance Methods --- XMLRPC::Server#serve Call this after you have added all you handlers to the server. This method starts the server to listen for XML-RPC requests and answer them. --- XMLRPC::Server#shutdown Stops and shuts the server down. =end class WEBrickServlet < BasicServer; end # forward declaration class Server < WEBrickServlet def initialize(port=8080, host="", maxConnections=4, stdlog=$stdout, audit=true, debug=true, *a) super(*a) require 'webrick' @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => port, :BindAddress => host, :MaxClients => maxConnections, :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new(stdlog)) @server.mount("/", self) end def serve signals = %w[INT TERM HUP] & Signal.list.keys signals.each { |signal| trap(signal) { @server.shutdown } } @server.start end def shutdown @server.shutdown end end =begin = XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet == Synopsis require "webrick" require "xmlrpc/server" s = XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet.new s.add_handler("michael.add") do |a,b| a + b end s.add_handler("michael.div") do |a,b| if b == 0 raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, "division by zero") else a / b end end s.set_default_handler do |name, *args| raise XMLRPC::FaultException.new(-99, "Method #{name} missing" + " or wrong number of parameters!") end httpserver = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => 8080) httpserver.mount("/RPC2", s) trap("HUP") { httpserver.shutdown } # use 1 instead of "HUP" on Windows httpserver.start == Instance Methods --- XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet#set_valid_ip( *ip_addr ) Specifies the valid IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the server. Each IP is either a (({String})) or a (({Regexp})). --- XMLRPC::WEBrickServlet#get_valid_ip Return the via method ((<set_valid_ip|XMLRPC::Server#set_valid_ip>)) specified valid IP addresses. == Description Implements a servlet for use with WEBrick, a pure Ruby (HTTP-) server framework. == Superclass ((<XMLRPC::BasicServer>)) =end class WEBrickServlet < BasicServer def initialize(*a) super require "webrick/httpstatus" @valid_ip = nil end # deprecated from WEBrick/1.2.2. # but does not break anything. def require_path_info? false end def get_instance(config, *options) # TODO: set config & options self end def set_valid_ip(*ip_addr) if ip_addr.size == 1 and ip_addr[0].nil? @valid_ip = nil else @valid_ip = ip_addr end end def get_valid_ip @valid_ip end def service(request, response) if @valid_ip raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Forbidden unless @valid_ip.any? { |ip| request.peeraddr[3] =~ ip } end if request.request_method != "POST" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::MethodNotAllowed, "unsupported method `#{request.request_method}'." end if parse_content_type(request['Content-type']).first != "text/xml" raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::BadRequest end length = (request['Content-length'] || 0).to_i raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::LengthRequired unless length > 0 data = request.body if data.nil? or data.bytesize != length raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::BadRequest end resp = process(data) if resp.nil? or resp.bytesize <= 0 raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::InternalServerError end response.status = 200 response['Content-Length'] = resp.bytesize response['Content-Type'] = "text/xml; charset=utf-8" response.body = resp end end end # module XMLRPC =begin = History $Id: server.rb 32947 2011-08-12 08:06:49Z shugo $ =end