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Graphic Design is mainly something that attracts customers to brands and drives advertising. Graphic design is always present in books, posters, websites, newspapers, branding, etc. A good design gives your small business a visual presentation and face as customers have the same experience visiting a company’s site as they do reading its brochure. Graphic design creates a mental positioning in mind. That’s why it is so crucial to people’s everyday lives.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="single-well"> <h4>Graphic Design Services:</h4> <p>Eye catching creative always counts for first impression; especially when you want attention of your customers. And you know that a picture speaks a thousand words. That is what we always offer you; creative designs that will tell your customers – all what you have to say, but in an even better imaginary way. We create unique graphic designs materials for you as:</p> <ul class="marker-list"> <li><b> Print Services – </b> You get corporate Branding, flyers, brochures, stationery, posters etc.</li> <li><b>Image Editing Services – </b> mainly retouching, B/W to Color Conversion.</li> <li><b>The Web – </b> Banners and Advertisements</li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End single page --> <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="single-page"> <div class="page-img elec-page"> <img src="img/service/graphic_design.jpg" alt="graphic design"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4>How Design Pitara Can Help You</h4> <p>Being a creative graphics design company, Design Pitara is always committed and focused on supporting its customers to achieve their marketing goals by creating world class designs of brand logos, creative ads and promotional literatures etc.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <img src="img/service/design_quote.png" alt="design quote"> </div> </div> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4>Brand Identity Design Services</h4> <p>Your company’s identity is always carried forward by your official stationery like your business card, letterhead, envelope etc. They represent you where you cannot always reach. So, it is always seen that in this fiercely competitive world, it is vital to have a unique identity to grab the market share from your competitors and maintain your image with your clients. Our experienced design experts basically create beautiful corporate identity that suits requirements of all kinds.</p> <br><p>In our Corporate Identity Design package includes: Corporate Identity Manual, Logo Design, and Template Design for Brochure, Letterhead, Business card, Envelopes, Datasheet, Case study, Flyers, Email Newsletter, PPT, Merchandise etc.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4>Marketing Collaterals Design</h4> <p>In the world of marketing, “collateral” refers to materials used to educate and persuade the customer—advertisements, flyers, brochures, annual reports, trade show booths, web banners, and much more. You may have the greatest product or service in the world, but if it’s not marketed to reach your target audience, you’re not realizing your full potential! Professionally designed pieces attract more attention.</p> <br><p>A well designed flyer or brochure can always be a great selling tool for your business. We have designed simple flyers for small businesses to Annual Reports for large financial intuitions. We can also advise on the correct format for the information you want to portray and recommend creative ways to display it. Let Design Pitara help you promote your brand and grow your business!</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4>Image Retouching Services</h4> <p>As a graphic design company Design Pitara provide custom photo retouching services for all of your print advertising, web advertising, and other promotional materials. Graphic images basically used in website design are specifically formatted for the internet and designed for visual impact. So, some website graphics may include photos, Flash animation, illustration, and other forms of media.</p> <br><p>As professional graphic designers, we basically re-design your current company logo. We can re-format print logos for use on the web and design new logos for print from an existing logos used on the web.</p> <br><p>We provide photography solutions for fashion industry as model portfolio creation, Calendar design etc.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> <div class="row mar-row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4>Why Hire Us For Your Graphics Design Needs</h4> <p>It is always important to hire a good graphic designer for all your business communication needs, to portray a professional look and to keep a good consistency across all your graphic designs. Design Pitara has in-depth knowledge of what grabs customers’ attention in a good design. Design Pitara mainly understand how to bring out corporate messages via artistic and professional creations that graphically entice customers to go for your product or service. So, keeping with old and new trends, we can create graphics that could suit all ages or special target groups.</p> <br> <p>So in choosing a graphic designer, you always need to hire an experienced and flexible company that will understand your needs. And we are highly confident in saying – always to make your company or project stand out from the crowd, choose Design Pitara, as we mainly offer to help you produce an identity and bring to life your messages, via creative graphic imagery.</p> </div> </div> <!-- end Row --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Start Footer bottom Area --> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?>