Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __esm = (fn2, res) => function __init() { return fn2 && (res = (0, fn2[__getOwnPropNames(fn2)[0]])(fn2 = 0)), res; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name2 in all) __defProp(target, name2, { get: all[name2], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // .yarn/cache/typanion-npm-3.14.0-8af344c436-8b03b19844.zip/node_modules/typanion/lib/index.mjs var lib_exports = {}; __export(lib_exports, { KeyRelationship: () => KeyRelationship, TypeAssertionError: () => TypeAssertionError, applyCascade: () => applyCascade, as: () => as, assert: () => assert, assertWithErrors: () => assertWithErrors, cascade: () => cascade, fn: () => fn, hasAtLeastOneKey: () => hasAtLeastOneKey, hasExactLength: () => hasExactLength, hasForbiddenKeys: () => hasForbiddenKeys, hasKeyRelationship: () => hasKeyRelationship, hasMaxLength: () => hasMaxLength, hasMinLength: () => hasMinLength, hasMutuallyExclusiveKeys: () => hasMutuallyExclusiveKeys, hasRequiredKeys: () => hasRequiredKeys, hasUniqueItems: () => hasUniqueItems, isArray: () => isArray, isAtLeast: () => isAtLeast, isAtMost: () => isAtMost, isBase64: () => isBase64, isBoolean: () => isBoolean, isDate: () => isDate, isDict: () => isDict, isEnum: () => isEnum, isHexColor: () => isHexColor, isISO8601: () => isISO8601, isInExclusiveRange: () => isInExclusiveRange, isInInclusiveRange: () => isInInclusiveRange, isInstanceOf: () => isInstanceOf, isInteger: () => isInteger, isJSON: () => isJSON, isLiteral: () => isLiteral, isLowerCase: () => isLowerCase, isMap: () => isMap, isNegative: () => isNegative, isNullable: () => isNullable, isNumber: () => isNumber, isObject: () => isObject, isOneOf: () => isOneOf, isOptional: () => isOptional, isPartial: () => isPartial, isPayload: () => isPayload, isPositive: () => isPositive, isRecord: () => isRecord, isSet: () => isSet, isString: () => isString, isTuple: () => isTuple, isUUID4: () => isUUID4, isUnknown: () => isUnknown, isUpperCase: () => isUpperCase, makeTrait: () => makeTrait, makeValidator: () => makeValidator, matchesRegExp: () => matchesRegExp, softAssert: () => softAssert }); function getPrintable(value) { if (value === null) return `null`; if (value === void 0) return `undefined`; if (value === ``) return `an empty string`; if (typeof value === "symbol") return `<${value.toString()}>`; if (Array.isArray(value)) return `an array`; return JSON.stringify(value); } function getPrintableArray(value, conjunction) { if (value.length === 0) return `nothing`; if (value.length === 1) return getPrintable(value[0]); const rest = value.slice(0, -1); const trailing = value[value.length - 1]; const separator = value.length > 2 ? `, ${conjunction} ` : ` ${conjunction} `; return `${rest.map((value2) => getPrintable(value2)).join(`, `)}${separator}${getPrintable(trailing)}`; } function computeKey(state, key) { var _a, _b, _c; if (typeof key === `number`) { return `${(_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`}[${key}]`; } else if (simpleKeyRegExp.test(key)) { return `${(_b = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.p) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ``}.${key}`; } else { return `${(_c = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.p) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : `.`}[${JSON.stringify(key)}]`; } } function plural(n, singular, plural2) { return n === 1 ? singular : plural2; } function pushError({ errors, p } = {}, message) { errors === null || errors === void 0 ? void 0 : errors.push(`${p !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : `.`}: ${message}`); return false; } function makeSetter(target, key) { return (v) => { target[key] = v; }; } function makeCoercionFn(target, key) { return (v) => { const previous = target[key]; target[key] = v; return makeCoercionFn(target, key).bind(null, previous); }; } function makeLazyCoercionFn(fn2, orig, generator) { const commit = () => { fn2(generator()); return revert; }; const revert = () => { fn2(orig); return commit; }; return commit; } function isUnknown() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { return true; } }); } function isLiteral(expected) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (value !== expected) return pushError(state, `Expected ${getPrintable(expected)} (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isString() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (typeof value !== `string`) return pushError(state, `Expected a string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isEnum(enumSpec) { const valuesArray = Array.isArray(enumSpec) ? enumSpec : Object.values(enumSpec); const isAlphaNum = valuesArray.every((item) => typeof item === "string" || typeof item === "number"); const values = new Set(valuesArray); if (values.size === 1) return isLiteral([...values][0]); return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!values.has(value)) { if (isAlphaNum) { return pushError(state, `Expected one of ${getPrintableArray(valuesArray, `or`)} (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } else { return pushError(state, `Expected a valid enumeration value (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } } return true; } }); } function isBoolean() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (typeof value !== `boolean`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); const coercion = BOOLEAN_COERCIONS.get(value); if (typeof coercion !== `undefined`) { state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, coercion)]); return true; } } return pushError(state, `Expected a boolean (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } return true; } }); } function isNumber() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (typeof value !== `number`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); let coercion; if (typeof value === `string`) { let val; try { val = JSON.parse(value); } catch (_b) { } if (typeof val === `number`) { if (JSON.stringify(val) === value) { coercion = val; } else { return pushError(state, `Received a number that can't be safely represented by the runtime (${value})`); } } } if (typeof coercion !== `undefined`) { state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, coercion)]); return true; } } return pushError(state, `Expected a number (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } return true; } }); } function isPayload(spec) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `The isPayload predicate can only be used with coercion enabled`); if (typeof state.coercion === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); if (typeof value !== `string`) return pushError(state, `Expected a string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); let inner; try { inner = JSON.parse(value); } catch (_b) { return pushError(state, `Expected a JSON string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } const wrapper = { value: inner }; if (!spec(inner, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: makeCoercionFn(wrapper, `value`) }))) return false; state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, wrapper.value)]); return true; } }); } function isDate() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (!(value instanceof Date)) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); let coercion; if (typeof value === `string` && iso8601RegExp.test(value)) { coercion = new Date(value); } else { let timestamp; if (typeof value === `string`) { let val; try { val = JSON.parse(value); } catch (_b) { } if (typeof val === `number`) { timestamp = val; } } else if (typeof value === `number`) { timestamp = value; } if (typeof timestamp !== `undefined`) { if (Number.isSafeInteger(timestamp) || !Number.isSafeInteger(timestamp * 1e3)) { coercion = new Date(timestamp * 1e3); } else { return pushError(state, `Received a timestamp that can't be safely represented by the runtime (${value})`); } } } if (typeof coercion !== `undefined`) { state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, coercion)]); return true; } } return pushError(state, `Expected a date (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } return true; } }); } function isArray(spec, { delimiter } = {}) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; const originalValue = value; if (typeof value === `string` && typeof delimiter !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); value = value.split(delimiter); } } if (!Array.isArray(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected an array (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); let valid = true; for (let t = 0, T = value.length; t < T; ++t) { valid = spec(value[t], Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, t), coercion: makeCoercionFn(value, t) })) && valid; if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } } if (value !== originalValue) state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, value)]); return valid; } }); } function isSet(spec, { delimiter } = {}) { const isArrayValidator = isArray(spec, { delimiter }); return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a, _b; if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value).toString() === `[object Set]`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); const originalValues = [...value]; const coercedValues = [...value]; if (!isArrayValidator(coercedValues, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: void 0 }))) return false; const updateValue = () => coercedValues.some((val, t) => val !== originalValues[t]) ? new Set(coercedValues) : value; state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, makeLazyCoercionFn(state.coercion, value, updateValue)]); return true; } else { let valid = true; for (const subValue of value) { valid = spec(subValue, Object.assign({}, state)) && valid; if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } } return valid; } } if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); const store = { value }; if (!isArrayValidator(value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: makeCoercionFn(store, `value`) }))) return false; state.coercions.push([(_b = state.p) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : `.`, makeLazyCoercionFn(state.coercion, value, () => new Set(store.value))]); return true; } return pushError(state, `Expected a set (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } }); } function isMap(keySpec, valueSpec) { const isArrayValidator = isArray(isTuple([keySpec, valueSpec])); const isRecordValidator = isRecord(valueSpec, { keys: keySpec }); return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a, _b, _c; if (Object.getPrototypeOf(value).toString() === `[object Map]`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); const originalValues = [...value]; const coercedValues = [...value]; if (!isArrayValidator(coercedValues, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: void 0 }))) return false; const updateValue = () => coercedValues.some((val, t) => val[0] !== originalValues[t][0] || val[1] !== originalValues[t][1]) ? new Map(coercedValues) : value; state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, makeLazyCoercionFn(state.coercion, value, updateValue)]); return true; } else { let valid = true; for (const [key, subValue] of value) { valid = keySpec(key, Object.assign({}, state)) && valid; if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } valid = valueSpec(subValue, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key) })) && valid; if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } } return valid; } } if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); const store = { value }; if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (!isArrayValidator(value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: void 0 }))) return false; state.coercions.push([(_b = state.p) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : `.`, makeLazyCoercionFn(state.coercion, value, () => new Map(store.value))]); return true; } else { if (!isRecordValidator(value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: makeCoercionFn(store, `value`) }))) return false; state.coercions.push([(_c = state.p) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : `.`, makeLazyCoercionFn(state.coercion, value, () => new Map(Object.entries(store.value)))]); return true; } } return pushError(state, `Expected a map (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } }); } function isTuple(spec, { delimiter } = {}) { const lengthValidator = hasExactLength(spec.length); return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (typeof value === `string` && typeof delimiter !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); value = value.split(delimiter); state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, value)]); } } if (!Array.isArray(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected a tuple (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); let valid = lengthValidator(value, Object.assign({}, state)); for (let t = 0, T = value.length; t < T && t < spec.length; ++t) { valid = spec[t](value[t], Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, t), coercion: makeCoercionFn(value, t) })) && valid; if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } } return valid; } }); } function isRecord(spec, { keys: keySpec = null } = {}) { const isArrayValidator = isArray(isTuple([keySpec !== null && keySpec !== void 0 ? keySpec : isString(), spec])); return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a; if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); if (!isArrayValidator(value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: void 0 }))) return false; value = Object.fromEntries(value); state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, value)]); return true; } } if (typeof value !== `object` || value === null) return pushError(state, `Expected an object (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); const keys = Object.keys(value); let valid = true; for (let t = 0, T = keys.length; t < T && (valid || (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) != null); ++t) { const key = keys[t]; const sub = value[key]; if (key === `__proto__` || key === `constructor`) { valid = pushError(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key) }), `Unsafe property name`); continue; } if (keySpec !== null && !keySpec(key, state)) { valid = false; continue; } if (!spec(sub, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key), coercion: makeCoercionFn(value, key) }))) { valid = false; continue; } } return valid; } }); } function isDict(spec, opts = {}) { return isRecord(spec, opts); } function isObject(props, { extra: extraSpec = null } = {}) { const specKeys = Object.keys(props); const validator = makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (typeof value !== `object` || value === null) return pushError(state, `Expected an object (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); const keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...specKeys, ...Object.keys(value)]); const extra = {}; let valid = true; for (const key of keys) { if (key === `constructor` || key === `__proto__`) { valid = pushError(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key) }), `Unsafe property name`); } else { const spec = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(props, key) ? props[key] : void 0; const sub = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, key) ? value[key] : void 0; if (typeof spec !== `undefined`) { valid = spec(sub, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key), coercion: makeCoercionFn(value, key) })) && valid; } else if (extraSpec === null) { valid = pushError(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { p: computeKey(state, key) }), `Extraneous property (got ${getPrintable(sub)})`); } else { Object.defineProperty(extra, key, { enumerable: true, get: () => sub, set: makeSetter(value, key) }); } } if (!valid && (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) == null) { break; } } if (extraSpec !== null && (valid || (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) != null)) valid = extraSpec(extra, state) && valid; return valid; } }); return Object.assign(validator, { properties: props }); } function isPartial(props) { return isObject(props, { extra: isRecord(isUnknown()) }); } function makeTrait(value) { return () => { return value; }; } function makeValidator({ test }) { return makeTrait(test)(); } function assert(val, validator) { if (!validator(val)) { throw new TypeAssertionError(); } } function assertWithErrors(val, validator) { const errors = []; if (!validator(val, { errors })) { throw new TypeAssertionError({ errors }); } } function softAssert(val, validator) { } function as(value, validator, { coerce = false, errors: storeErrors, throw: throws } = {}) { const errors = storeErrors ? [] : void 0; if (!coerce) { if (validator(value, { errors })) { return throws ? value : { value, errors: void 0 }; } else if (!throws) { return { value: void 0, errors: errors !== null && errors !== void 0 ? errors : true }; } else { throw new TypeAssertionError({ errors }); } } const state = { value }; const coercion = makeCoercionFn(state, `value`); const coercions = []; if (!validator(value, { errors, coercion, coercions })) { if (!throws) { return { value: void 0, errors: errors !== null && errors !== void 0 ? errors : true }; } else { throw new TypeAssertionError({ errors }); } } for (const [, apply] of coercions) apply(); if (throws) { return state.value; } else { return { value: state.value, errors: void 0 }; } } function fn(validators, fn2) { const isValidArgList = isTuple(validators); return (...args) => { const check = isValidArgList(args); if (!check) throw new TypeAssertionError(); return fn2(...args); }; } function hasMinLength(length) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value.length >= length)) return pushError(state, `Expected to have a length of at least ${length} elements (got ${value.length})`); return true; } }); } function hasMaxLength(length) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value.length <= length)) return pushError(state, `Expected to have a length of at most ${length} elements (got ${value.length})`); return true; } }); } function hasExactLength(length) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value.length === length)) return pushError(state, `Expected to have a length of exactly ${length} elements (got ${value.length})`); return true; } }); } function hasUniqueItems({ map } = {}) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const set = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const dup = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (let t = 0, T = value.length; t < T; ++t) { const sub = value[t]; const key = typeof map !== `undefined` ? map(sub) : sub; if (set.has(key)) { if (dup.has(key)) continue; pushError(state, `Expected to contain unique elements; got a duplicate with ${getPrintable(value)}`); dup.add(key); } else { set.add(key); } } return dup.size === 0; } }); } function isNegative() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value <= 0)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be negative (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isPositive() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value >= 0)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be positive (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isAtLeast(n) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value >= n)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be at least ${n} (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isAtMost(n) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value <= n)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be at most ${n} (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isInInclusiveRange(a, b) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value >= a && value <= b)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be in the [${a}; ${b}] range (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isInExclusiveRange(a, b) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value >= a && value < b)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be in the [${a}; ${b}[ range (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isInteger({ unsafe = false } = {}) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (value !== Math.round(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be an integer (got ${value})`); if (!unsafe && !Number.isSafeInteger(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be a safe integer (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function matchesRegExp(regExp) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!regExp.test(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to match the pattern ${regExp.toString()} (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isLowerCase() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (value !== value.toLowerCase()) return pushError(state, `Expected to be all-lowercase (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isUpperCase() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (value !== value.toUpperCase()) return pushError(state, `Expected to be all-uppercase (got ${value})`); return true; } }); } function isUUID4() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!uuid4RegExp.test(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be a valid UUID v4 (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isISO8601() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!iso8601RegExp.test(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be a valid ISO 8601 date string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isHexColor({ alpha = false }) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const res = alpha ? colorStringRegExp.test(value) : colorStringAlphaRegExp.test(value); if (!res) return pushError(state, `Expected to be a valid hexadecimal color string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isBase64() { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!base64RegExp.test(value)) return pushError(state, `Expected to be a valid base 64 string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); } function isJSON(spec = isUnknown()) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { let data; try { data = JSON.parse(value); } catch (_a) { return pushError(state, `Expected to be a valid JSON string (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); } return spec(data, state); } }); } function cascade(spec, ...followups) { const resolvedFollowups = Array.isArray(followups[0]) ? followups[0] : followups; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a, _b; const context = { value }; const subCoercion = typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined` ? makeCoercionFn(context, `value`) : void 0; const subCoercions = typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined` ? [] : void 0; if (!spec(value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { coercion: subCoercion, coercions: subCoercions }))) return false; const reverts = []; if (typeof subCoercions !== `undefined`) for (const [, coercion] of subCoercions) reverts.push(coercion()); try { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined`) { if (context.value !== value) { if (typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercion) === `undefined`) return pushError(state, `Unbound coercion result`); state.coercions.push([(_a = state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`, state.coercion.bind(null, context.value)]); } (_b = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.push(...subCoercions); } return resolvedFollowups.every((spec2) => { return spec2(context.value, state); }); } finally { for (const revert of reverts) { revert(); } } } }); } function applyCascade(spec, ...followups) { const resolvedFollowups = Array.isArray(followups[0]) ? followups[0] : followups; return cascade(spec, resolvedFollowups); } function isOptional(spec) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (typeof value === `undefined`) return true; return spec(value, state); } }); } function isNullable(spec) { return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (value === null) return true; return spec(value, state); } }); } function hasRequiredKeys(requiredKeys, options) { var _a; const requiredSet = new Set(requiredKeys); const check = checks[(_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.missingIf) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "missing"]; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const keys = new Set(Object.keys(value)); const problems = []; for (const key of requiredSet) if (!check(keys, key, value)) problems.push(key); if (problems.length > 0) return pushError(state, `Missing required ${plural(problems.length, `property`, `properties`)} ${getPrintableArray(problems, `and`)}`); return true; } }); } function hasAtLeastOneKey(requiredKeys, options) { var _a; const requiredSet = new Set(requiredKeys); const check = checks[(_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.missingIf) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "missing"]; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const keys = Object.keys(value); const valid = keys.some((key) => check(requiredSet, key, value)); if (!valid) return pushError(state, `Missing at least one property from ${getPrintableArray(Array.from(requiredSet), `or`)}`); return true; } }); } function hasForbiddenKeys(forbiddenKeys, options) { var _a; const forbiddenSet = new Set(forbiddenKeys); const check = checks[(_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.missingIf) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "missing"]; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const keys = new Set(Object.keys(value)); const problems = []; for (const key of forbiddenSet) if (check(keys, key, value)) problems.push(key); if (problems.length > 0) return pushError(state, `Forbidden ${plural(problems.length, `property`, `properties`)} ${getPrintableArray(problems, `and`)}`); return true; } }); } function hasMutuallyExclusiveKeys(exclusiveKeys, options) { var _a; const exclusiveSet = new Set(exclusiveKeys); const check = checks[(_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.missingIf) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "missing"]; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const keys = new Set(Object.keys(value)); const used = []; for (const key of exclusiveSet) if (check(keys, key, value)) used.push(key); if (used.length > 1) return pushError(state, `Mutually exclusive properties ${getPrintableArray(used, `and`)}`); return true; } }); } function hasKeyRelationship(subject, relationship, others, options) { var _a, _b; const skipped = new Set((_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.ignore) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []); const check = checks[(_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.missingIf) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "missing"]; const otherSet = new Set(others); const spec = keyRelationships[relationship]; const conjunction = relationship === KeyRelationship.Forbids ? `or` : `and`; return makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { const keys = new Set(Object.keys(value)); if (!check(keys, subject, value) || skipped.has(value[subject])) return true; const problems = []; for (const key of otherSet) if ((check(keys, key, value) && !skipped.has(value[key])) !== spec.expect) problems.push(key); if (problems.length >= 1) return pushError(state, `Property "${subject}" ${spec.message} ${plural(problems.length, `property`, `properties`)} ${getPrintableArray(problems, conjunction)}`); return true; } }); } var simpleKeyRegExp, colorStringRegExp, colorStringAlphaRegExp, base64RegExp, uuid4RegExp, iso8601RegExp, BOOLEAN_COERCIONS, isInstanceOf, isOneOf, TypeAssertionError, checks, KeyRelationship, keyRelationships; var init_lib = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/typanion-npm-3.14.0-8af344c436-8b03b19844.zip/node_modules/typanion/lib/index.mjs"() { simpleKeyRegExp = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/; colorStringRegExp = /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i; colorStringAlphaRegExp = /^#[0-9a-f]{6}([0-9a-f]{2})?$/i; base64RegExp = /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/; uuid4RegExp = /^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/i; iso8601RegExp = /^(?:[1-9]\d{3}(-?)(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])\1(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])(?:\1)31|00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3(?:[0-5]\d|6[0-5]))|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)(?:(-?)02(?:\2)29|-?366))T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3])(:?)[0-5]\d(?:\3[0-5]\d)?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?:\3[0-5]\d)?)$/; BOOLEAN_COERCIONS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [`true`, true], [`True`, true], [`1`, true], [1, true], [`false`, false], [`False`, false], [`0`, false], [0, false] ]); isInstanceOf = (constructor) => makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { if (!(value instanceof constructor)) return pushError(state, `Expected an instance of ${constructor.name} (got ${getPrintable(value)})`); return true; } }); isOneOf = (specs, { exclusive = false } = {}) => makeValidator({ test: (value, state) => { var _a, _b, _c; const matches = []; const errorBuffer = typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) !== `undefined` ? [] : void 0; for (let t = 0, T = specs.length; t < T; ++t) { const subErrors = typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) !== `undefined` ? [] : void 0; const subCoercions = typeof (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) !== `undefined` ? [] : void 0; if (specs[t](value, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { errors: subErrors, coercions: subCoercions, p: `${(_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.p) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `.`}#${t + 1}` }))) { matches.push([`#${t + 1}`, subCoercions]); if (!exclusive) { break; } } else { errorBuffer === null || errorBuffer === void 0 ? void 0 : errorBuffer.push(subErrors[0]); } } if (matches.length === 1) { const [, subCoercions] = matches[0]; if (typeof subCoercions !== `undefined`) (_b = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.coercions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.push(...subCoercions); return true; } if (matches.length > 1) pushError(state, `Expected to match exactly a single predicate (matched ${matches.join(`, `)})`); else (_c = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.errors) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.push(...errorBuffer); return false; } }); TypeAssertionError = class extends Error { constructor({ errors } = {}) { let errorMessage = `Type mismatch`; if (errors && errors.length > 0) { errorMessage += ` `; for (const error of errors) { errorMessage += ` - ${error}`; } } super(errorMessage); } }; checks = { missing: (keys, key) => keys.has(key), undefined: (keys, key, value) => keys.has(key) && typeof value[key] !== `undefined`, nil: (keys, key, value) => keys.has(key) && value[key] != null, falsy: (keys, key, value) => keys.has(key) && !!value[key] }; (function(KeyRelationship2) { KeyRelationship2["Forbids"] = "Forbids"; KeyRelationship2["Requires"] = "Requires"; })(KeyRelationship || (KeyRelationship = {})); keyRelationships = { [KeyRelationship.Forbids]: { expect: false, message: `forbids using` }, [KeyRelationship.Requires]: { expect: true, message: `requires using` } }; } }); // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/platform/node.js var require_node = __commonJS({ ".yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/platform/node.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tty2 = require("tty"); function _interopDefaultLegacy(e) { return e && typeof e === "object" && "default" in e ? e : { "default": e }; } var tty__default = /* @__PURE__ */ _interopDefaultLegacy(tty2); function getDefaultColorDepth2() { if (tty__default["default"] && `getColorDepth` in tty__default["default"].WriteStream.prototype) return tty__default["default"].WriteStream.prototype.getColorDepth(); if (process.env.FORCE_COLOR === `0`) return 1; if (process.env.FORCE_COLOR === `1`) return 8; if (typeof process.stdout !== `undefined` && process.stdout.isTTY) return 8; return 1; } var gContextStorage; function getCaptureActivator2(context) { let contextStorage = gContextStorage; if (typeof contextStorage === `undefined`) { if (context.stdout === process.stdout && context.stderr === process.stderr) return null; const { AsyncLocalStorage: LazyAsyncLocalStorage } = require("async_hooks"); contextStorage = gContextStorage = new LazyAsyncLocalStorage(); const origStdoutWrite = process.stdout._write; process.stdout._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { const context2 = contextStorage.getStore(); if (typeof context2 === `undefined`) return origStdoutWrite.call(this, chunk, encoding, cb); return context2.stdout.write(chunk, encoding, cb); }; const origStderrWrite = process.stderr._write; process.stderr._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { const context2 = contextStorage.getStore(); if (typeof context2 === `undefined`) return origStderrWrite.call(this, chunk, encoding, cb); return context2.stderr.write(chunk, encoding, cb); }; } return (fn2) => { return contextStorage.run(context, fn2); }; } exports2.getCaptureActivator = getCaptureActivator2; exports2.getDefaultColorDepth = getDefaultColorDepth2; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js var require_debug = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js"(exports2, module2) { var debug2 = typeof process === "object" && process.env && process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG) ? (...args) => console.error("SEMVER", ...args) : () => { }; module2.exports = debug2; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js var require_constants = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js"(exports2, module2) { var SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = "2.0.0"; var MAX_LENGTH = 256; var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || /* istanbul ignore next */ 9007199254740991; var MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH = 16; var MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH = MAX_LENGTH - 6; var RELEASE_TYPES = [ "major", "premajor", "minor", "preminor", "patch", "prepatch", "prerelease" ]; module2.exports = { MAX_LENGTH, MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, RELEASE_TYPES, SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION, FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE: 1, FLAG_LOOSE: 2 }; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/re.js var require_re = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/re.js"(exports2, module2) { var { MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH, MAX_LENGTH } = require_constants(); var debug2 = require_debug(); exports2 = module2.exports = {}; var re = exports2.re = []; var safeRe = exports2.safeRe = []; var src = exports2.src = []; var t = exports2.t = {}; var R = 0; var LETTERDASHNUMBER = "[a-zA-Z0-9-]"; var safeRegexReplacements = [ ["\\s", 1], ["\\d", MAX_LENGTH], [LETTERDASHNUMBER, MAX_SAFE_BUILD_LENGTH] ]; var makeSafeRegex = (value) => { for (const [token, max] of safeRegexReplacements) { value = value.split(`${token}*`).join(`${token}{0,${max}}`).split(`${token}+`).join(`${token}{1,${max}}`); } return value; }; var createToken = (name2, value, isGlobal) => { const safe = makeSafeRegex(value); const index = R++; debug2(name2, index, value); t[name2] = index; src[index] = value; re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? "g" : void 0); safeRe[index] = new RegExp(safe, isGlobal ? "g" : void 0); }; createToken("NUMERICIDENTIFIER", "0|[1-9]\\d*"); createToken("NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE", "\\d+"); createToken("NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER", `\\d*[a-zA-Z-]${LETTERDASHNUMBER}*`); createToken("MAINVERSION", `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})\\.(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`); createToken("MAINVERSIONLOOSE", `(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})\\.(${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})`); createToken("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER", `(?:${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|${src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`); createToken("PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE", `(?:${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|${src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER]})`); createToken("PRERELEASE", `(?:-(${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER]})*))`); createToken("PRERELEASELOOSE", `(?:-?(${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}(?:\\.${src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})*))`); createToken("BUILDIDENTIFIER", `${LETTERDASHNUMBER}+`); createToken("BUILD", `(?:\\+(${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]}(?:\\.${src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER]})*))`); createToken("FULLPLAIN", `v?${src[t.MAINVERSION]}${src[t.PRERELEASE]}?${src[t.BUILD]}?`); createToken("FULL", `^${src[t.FULLPLAIN]}$`); createToken("LOOSEPLAIN", `[v=\\s]*${src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]}${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]}?${src[t.BUILD]}?`); createToken("LOOSE", `^${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}$`); createToken("GTLT", "((?:<|>)?=?)"); createToken("XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE", `${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE]}|x|X|\\*`); createToken("XRANGEIDENTIFIER", `${src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER]}|x|X|\\*`); createToken("XRANGEPLAIN", `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER]})(?:${src[t.PRERELEASE]})?${src[t.BUILD]}?)?)?`); createToken("XRANGEPLAINLOOSE", `[v=\\s]*(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:\\.(${src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE]})(?:${src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE]})?${src[t.BUILD]}?)?)?`); createToken("XRANGE", `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`); createToken("XRANGELOOSE", `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`); createToken("COERCEPLAIN", `${"(^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,"}${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}})(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?(?:\\.(\\d{1,${MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH}}))?`); createToken("COERCE", `${src[t.COERCEPLAIN]}(?:$|[^\\d])`); createToken("COERCEFULL", src[t.COERCEPLAIN] + `(?:${src[t.PRERELEASE]})?(?:${src[t.BUILD]})?(?:$|[^\\d])`); createToken("COERCERTL", src[t.COERCE], true); createToken("COERCERTLFULL", src[t.COERCEFULL], true); createToken("LONETILDE", "(?:~>?)"); createToken("TILDETRIM", `(\\s*)${src[t.LONETILDE]}\\s+`, true); exports2.tildeTrimReplace = "$1~"; createToken("TILDE", `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`); createToken("TILDELOOSE", `^${src[t.LONETILDE]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`); createToken("LONECARET", "(?:\\^)"); createToken("CARETTRIM", `(\\s*)${src[t.LONECARET]}\\s+`, true); exports2.caretTrimReplace = "$1^"; createToken("CARET", `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]}$`); createToken("CARETLOOSE", `^${src[t.LONECARET]}${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]}$`); createToken("COMPARATORLOOSE", `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]})$|^$`); createToken("COMPARATOR", `^${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.FULLPLAIN]})$|^$`); createToken("COMPARATORTRIM", `(\\s*)${src[t.GTLT]}\\s*(${src[t.LOOSEPLAIN]}|${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})`, true); exports2.comparatorTrimReplace = "$1$2$3"; createToken("HYPHENRANGE", `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s+-\\s+(${src[t.XRANGEPLAIN]})\\s*$`); createToken("HYPHENRANGELOOSE", `^\\s*(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s+-\\s+(${src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE]})\\s*$`); createToken("STAR", "(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*"); createToken("GTE0", "^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0\\s*$"); createToken("GTE0PRE", "^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0-0\\s*$"); } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js var require_parse_options = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js"(exports2, module2) { var looseOption = Object.freeze({ loose: true }); var emptyOpts = Object.freeze({}); var parseOptions = (options) => { if (!options) { return emptyOpts; } if (typeof options !== "object") { return looseOption; } return options; }; module2.exports = parseOptions; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js var require_identifiers = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js"(exports2, module2) { var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/; var compareIdentifiers = (a, b) => { const anum = numeric.test(a); const bnum = numeric.test(b); if (anum && bnum) { a = +a; b = +b; } return a === b ? 0 : anum && !bnum ? -1 : bnum && !anum ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 1; }; var rcompareIdentifiers = (a, b) => compareIdentifiers(b, a); module2.exports = { compareIdentifiers, rcompareIdentifiers }; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js var require_semver = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js"(exports2, module2) { var debug2 = require_debug(); var { MAX_LENGTH, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } = require_constants(); var { safeRe: re, t } = require_re(); var parseOptions = require_parse_options(); var { compareIdentifiers } = require_identifiers(); var SemVer3 = class _SemVer { constructor(version3, options) { options = parseOptions(options); if (version3 instanceof _SemVer) { if (version3.loose === !!options.loose && version3.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) { return version3; } else { version3 = version3.version; } } else if (typeof version3 !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Invalid version. Must be a string. Got type "${typeof version3}".`); } if (version3.length > MAX_LENGTH) { throw new TypeError( `version is longer than ${MAX_LENGTH} characters` ); } debug2("SemVer", version3, options); this.options = options; this.loose = !!options.loose; this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease; const m = version3.trim().match(options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL]); if (!m) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid Version: ${version3}`); } this.raw = version3; this.major = +m[1]; this.minor = +m[2]; this.patch = +m[3]; if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) { throw new TypeError("Invalid major version"); } if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) { throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version"); } if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) { throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version"); } if (!m[4]) { this.prerelease = []; } else { this.prerelease = m[4].split(".").map((id) => { if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) { const num = +id; if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { return num; } } return id; }); } this.build = m[5] ? m[5].split(".") : []; this.format(); } format() { this.version = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`; if (this.prerelease.length) { this.version += `-${this.prerelease.join(".")}`; } return this.version; } toString() { return this.version; } compare(other) { debug2("SemVer.compare", this.version, this.options, other); if (!(other instanceof _SemVer)) { if (typeof other === "string" && other === this.version) { return 0; } other = new _SemVer(other, this.options); } if (other.version === this.version) { return 0; } return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other); } compareMain(other) { if (!(other instanceof _SemVer)) { other = new _SemVer(other, this.options); } return compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) || compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) || compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch); } comparePre(other) { if (!(other instanceof _SemVer)) { other = new _SemVer(other, this.options); } if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) { return -1; } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) { return 1; } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) { return 0; } let i = 0; do { const a = this.prerelease[i]; const b = other.prerelease[i]; debug2("prerelease compare", i, a, b); if (a === void 0 && b === void 0) { return 0; } else if (b === void 0) { return 1; } else if (a === void 0) { return -1; } else if (a === b) { continue; } else { return compareIdentifiers(a, b); } } while (++i); } compareBuild(other) { if (!(other instanceof _SemVer)) { other = new _SemVer(other, this.options); } let i = 0; do { const a = this.build[i]; const b = other.build[i]; debug2("build compare", i, a, b); if (a === void 0 && b === void 0) { return 0; } else if (b === void 0) { return 1; } else if (a === void 0) { return -1; } else if (a === b) { continue; } else { return compareIdentifiers(a, b); } } while (++i); } // preminor will bump the version up to the next minor release, and immediately // down to pre-release. premajor and prepatch work the same way. inc(release, identifier, identifierBase) { switch (release) { case "premajor": this.prerelease.length = 0; this.patch = 0; this.minor = 0; this.major++; this.inc("pre", identifier, identifierBase); break; case "preminor": this.prerelease.length = 0; this.patch = 0; this.minor++; this.inc("pre", identifier, identifierBase); break; case "prepatch": this.prerelease.length = 0; this.inc("patch", identifier, identifierBase); this.inc("pre", identifier, identifierBase); break; case "prerelease": if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { this.inc("patch", identifier, identifierBase); } this.inc("pre", identifier, identifierBase); break; case "major": if (this.minor !== 0 || this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) { this.major++; } this.minor = 0; this.patch = 0; this.prerelease = []; break; case "minor": if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) { this.minor++; } this.patch = 0; this.prerelease = []; break; case "patch": if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { this.patch++; } this.prerelease = []; break; case "pre": { const base = Number(identifierBase) ? 1 : 0; if (!identifier && identifierBase === false) { throw new Error("invalid increment argument: identifier is empty"); } if (this.prerelease.length === 0) { this.prerelease = [base]; } else { let i = this.prerelease.length; while (--i >= 0) { if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === "number") { this.prerelease[i]++; i = -2; } } if (i === -1) { if (identifier === this.prerelease.join(".") && identifierBase === false) { throw new Error("invalid increment argument: identifier already exists"); } this.prerelease.push(base); } } if (identifier) { let prerelease = [identifier, base]; if (identifierBase === false) { prerelease = [identifier]; } if (compareIdentifiers(this.prerelease[0], identifier) === 0) { if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) { this.prerelease = prerelease; } } else { this.prerelease = prerelease; } } break; } default: throw new Error(`invalid increment argument: ${release}`); } this.raw = this.format(); if (this.build.length) { this.raw += `+${this.build.join(".")}`; } return this; } }; module2.exports = SemVer3; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js var require_compare = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js"(exports2, module2) { var SemVer3 = require_semver(); var compare = (a, b, loose) => new SemVer3(a, loose).compare(new SemVer3(b, loose)); module2.exports = compare; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js var require_rcompare = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var rcompare = (a, b, loose) => compare(b, a, loose); module2.exports = rcompare; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js var require_parse = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js"(exports2, module2) { var SemVer3 = require_semver(); var parse5 = (version3, options, throwErrors = false) => { if (version3 instanceof SemVer3) { return version3; } try { return new SemVer3(version3, options); } catch (er) { if (!throwErrors) { return null; } throw er; } }; module2.exports = parse5; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js var require_valid = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js"(exports2, module2) { var parse5 = require_parse(); var valid = (version3, options) => { const v = parse5(version3, options); return v ? v.version : null; }; module2.exports = valid; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/lrucache.js var require_lrucache = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/internal/lrucache.js"(exports2, module2) { var LRUCache = class { constructor() { this.max = 1e3; this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get(key) { const value = this.map.get(key); if (value === void 0) { return void 0; } else { this.map.delete(key); this.map.set(key, value); return value; } } delete(key) { return this.map.delete(key); } set(key, value) { const deleted = this.delete(key); if (!deleted && value !== void 0) { if (this.map.size >= this.max) { const firstKey = this.map.keys().next().value; this.delete(firstKey); } this.map.set(key, value); } return this; } }; module2.exports = LRUCache; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js var require_eq = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var eq = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) === 0; module2.exports = eq; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js var require_neq = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var neq = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) !== 0; module2.exports = neq; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js var require_gt = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var gt = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) > 0; module2.exports = gt; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js var require_gte = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var gte = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) >= 0; module2.exports = gte; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js var require_lt = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var lt = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) < 0; module2.exports = lt; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js var require_lte = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js"(exports2, module2) { var compare = require_compare(); var lte = (a, b, loose) => compare(a, b, loose) <= 0; module2.exports = lte; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js var require_cmp = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js"(exports2, module2) { var eq = require_eq(); var neq = require_neq(); var gt = require_gt(); var gte = require_gte(); var lt = require_lt(); var lte = require_lte(); var cmp = (a, op, b, loose) => { switch (op) { case "===": if (typeof a === "object") { a = a.version; } if (typeof b === "object") { b = b.version; } return a === b; case "!==": if (typeof a === "object") { a = a.version; } if (typeof b === "object") { b = b.version; } return a !== b; case "": case "=": case "==": return eq(a, b, loose); case "!=": return neq(a, b, loose); case ">": return gt(a, b, loose); case ">=": return gte(a, b, loose); case "<": return lt(a, b, loose); case "<=": return lte(a, b, loose); default: throw new TypeError(`Invalid operator: ${op}`); } }; module2.exports = cmp; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js var require_comparator = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js"(exports2, module2) { var ANY = Symbol("SemVer ANY"); var Comparator = class _Comparator { static get ANY() { return ANY; } constructor(comp, options) { options = parseOptions(options); if (comp instanceof _Comparator) { if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) { return comp; } else { comp = comp.value; } } comp = comp.trim().split(/\s+/).join(" "); debug2("comparator", comp, options); this.options = options; this.loose = !!options.loose; this.parse(comp); if (this.semver === ANY) { this.value = ""; } else { this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version; } debug2("comp", this); } parse(comp) { const r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]; const m = comp.match(r); if (!m) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid comparator: ${comp}`); } this.operator = m[1] !== void 0 ? m[1] : ""; if (this.operator === "=") { this.operator = ""; } if (!m[2]) { this.semver = ANY; } else { this.semver = new SemVer3(m[2], this.options.loose); } } toString() { return this.value; } test(version3) { debug2("Comparator.test", version3, this.options.loose); if (this.semver === ANY || version3 === ANY) { return true; } if (typeof version3 === "string") { try { version3 = new SemVer3(version3, this.options); } catch (er) { return false; } } return cmp(version3, this.operator, this.semver, this.options); } intersects(comp, options) { if (!(comp instanceof _Comparator)) { throw new TypeError("a Comparator is required"); } if (this.operator === "") { if (this.value === "") { return true; } return new Range3(comp.value, options).test(this.value); } else if (comp.operator === "") { if (comp.value === "") { return true; } return new Range3(this.value, options).test(comp.semver); } options = parseOptions(options); if (options.includePrerelease && (this.value === "<0.0.0-0" || comp.value === "<0.0.0-0")) { return false; } if (!options.includePrerelease && (this.value.startsWith("<0.0.0") || comp.value.startsWith("<0.0.0"))) { return false; } if (this.operator.startsWith(">") && comp.operator.startsWith(">")) { return true; } if (this.operator.startsWith("<") && comp.operator.startsWith("<")) { return true; } if (this.semver.version === comp.semver.version && this.operator.includes("=") && comp.operator.includes("=")) { return true; } if (cmp(this.semver, "<", comp.semver, options) && this.operator.startsWith(">") && comp.operator.startsWith("<")) { return true; } if (cmp(this.semver, ">", comp.semver, options) && this.operator.startsWith("<") && comp.operator.startsWith(">")) { return true; } return false; } }; module2.exports = Comparator; var parseOptions = require_parse_options(); var { safeRe: re, t } = require_re(); var cmp = require_cmp(); var debug2 = require_debug(); var SemVer3 = require_semver(); var Range3 = require_range(); } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/range.js var require_range = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/classes/range.js"(exports2, module2) { var SPACE_CHARACTERS = /\s+/g; var Range3 = class _Range { constructor(range, options) { options = parseOptions(options); if (range instanceof _Range) { if (range.loose === !!options.loose && range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) { return range; } else { return new _Range(range.raw, options); } } if (range instanceof Comparator) { this.raw = range.value; this.set = [[range]]; this.formatted = void 0; return this; } this.options = options; this.loose = !!options.loose; this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease; this.raw = range.trim().replace(SPACE_CHARACTERS, " "); this.set = this.raw.split("||").map((r) => this.parseRange(r.trim())).filter((c) => c.length); if (!this.set.length) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid SemVer Range: ${this.raw}`); } if (this.set.length > 1) { const first = this.set[0]; this.set = this.set.filter((c) => !isNullSet(c[0])); if (this.set.length === 0) { this.set = [first]; } else if (this.set.length > 1) { for (const c of this.set) { if (c.length === 1 && isAny(c[0])) { this.set = [c]; break; } } } } this.formatted = void 0; } get range() { if (this.formatted === void 0) { this.formatted = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { this.formatted += "||"; } const comps = this.set[i]; for (let k = 0; k < comps.length; k++) { if (k > 0) { this.formatted += " "; } this.formatted += comps[k].toString().trim(); } } } return this.formatted; } format() { return this.range; } toString() { return this.range; } parseRange(range) { const memoOpts = (this.options.includePrerelease && FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE) | (this.options.loose && FLAG_LOOSE); const memoKey = memoOpts + ":" + range; const cached = cache.get(memoKey); if (cached) { return cached; } const loose = this.options.loose; const hr = loose ? re[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re[t.HYPHENRANGE]; range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace(this.options.includePrerelease)); debug2("hyphen replace", range); range = range.replace(re[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace); debug2("comparator trim", range); range = range.replace(re[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace); debug2("tilde trim", range); range = range.replace(re[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace); debug2("caret trim", range); let rangeList = range.split(" ").map((comp) => parseComparator(comp, this.options)).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map((comp) => replaceGTE0(comp, this.options)); if (loose) { rangeList = rangeList.filter((comp) => { debug2("loose invalid filter", comp, this.options); return !!comp.match(re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE]); }); } debug2("range list", rangeList); const rangeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const comparators = rangeList.map((comp) => new Comparator(comp, this.options)); for (const comp of comparators) { if (isNullSet(comp)) { return [comp]; } rangeMap.set(comp.value, comp); } if (rangeMap.size > 1 && rangeMap.has("")) { rangeMap.delete(""); } const result = [...rangeMap.values()]; cache.set(memoKey, result); return result; } intersects(range, options) { if (!(range instanceof _Range)) { throw new TypeError("a Range is required"); } return this.set.some((thisComparators) => { return isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) && range.set.some((rangeComparators) => { return isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) && thisComparators.every((thisComparator) => { return rangeComparators.every((rangeComparator) => { return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options); }); }); }); }); } // if ANY of the sets match ALL of its comparators, then pass test(version3) { if (!version3) { return false; } if (typeof version3 === "string") { try { version3 = new SemVer3(version3, this.options); } catch (er) { return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) { if (testSet(this.set[i], version3, this.options)) { return true; } } return false; } }; module2.exports = Range3; var LRU = require_lrucache(); var cache = new LRU(); var parseOptions = require_parse_options(); var Comparator = require_comparator(); var debug2 = require_debug(); var SemVer3 = require_semver(); var { safeRe: re, t, comparatorTrimReplace, tildeTrimReplace, caretTrimReplace } = require_re(); var { FLAG_INCLUDE_PRERELEASE, FLAG_LOOSE } = require_constants(); var isNullSet = (c) => c.value === "<0.0.0-0"; var isAny = (c) => c.value === ""; var isSatisfiable = (comparators, options) => { let result = true; const remainingComparators = comparators.slice(); let testComparator = remainingComparators.pop(); while (result && remainingComparators.length) { result = remainingComparators.every((otherComparator) => { return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options); }); testComparator = remainingComparators.pop(); } return result; }; var parseComparator = (comp, options) => { debug2("comp", comp, options); comp = replaceCarets(comp, options); debug2("caret", comp); comp = replaceTildes(comp, options); debug2("tildes", comp); comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options); debug2("xrange", comp); comp = replaceStars(comp, options); debug2("stars", comp); return comp; }; var isX = (id) => !id || id.toLowerCase() === "x" || id === "*"; var replaceTildes = (comp, options) => { return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map((c) => replaceTilde(c, options)).join(" "); }; var replaceTilde = (comp, options) => { const r = options.loose ? re[t.TILDELOOSE] : re[t.TILDE]; return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => { debug2("tilde", comp, _, M, m, p, pr); let ret; if (isX(M)) { ret = ""; } else if (isX(m)) { ret = `>=${M}.0.0 <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } else if (isX(p)) { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0 <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } else if (pr) { debug2("replaceTilde pr", pr); ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } debug2("tilde return", ret); return ret; }); }; var replaceCarets = (comp, options) => { return comp.trim().split(/\s+/).map((c) => replaceCaret(c, options)).join(" "); }; var replaceCaret = (comp, options) => { debug2("caret", comp, options); const r = options.loose ? re[t.CARETLOOSE] : re[t.CARET]; const z = options.includePrerelease ? "-0" : ""; return comp.replace(r, (_, M, m, p, pr) => { debug2("caret", comp, _, M, m, p, pr); let ret; if (isX(M)) { ret = ""; } else if (isX(m)) { ret = `>=${M}.0.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } else if (isX(p)) { if (M === "0") { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${z} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } } else if (pr) { debug2("replaceCaret pr", pr); if (M === "0") { if (m === "0") { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`; } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}-${pr} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } } else { debug2("no pr"); if (M === "0") { if (m === "0") { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}${z} <${M}.${m}.${+p + 1}-0`; } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p}${z} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } } else { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.${p} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } } debug2("caret return", ret); return ret; }); }; var replaceXRanges = (comp, options) => { debug2("replaceXRanges", comp, options); return comp.split(/\s+/).map((c) => replaceXRange(c, options)).join(" "); }; var replaceXRange = (comp, options) => { comp = comp.trim(); const r = options.loose ? re[t.XRANGELOOSE] : re[t.XRANGE]; return comp.replace(r, (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) => { debug2("xRange", comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr); const xM = isX(M); const xm = xM || isX(m); const xp = xm || isX(p); const anyX = xp; if (gtlt === "=" && anyX) { gtlt = ""; } pr = options.includePrerelease ? "-0" : ""; if (xM) { if (gtlt === ">" || gtlt === "<") { ret = "<0.0.0-0"; } else { ret = "*"; } } else if (gtlt && anyX) { if (xm) { m = 0; } p = 0; if (gtlt === ">") { gtlt = ">="; if (xm) { M = +M + 1; m = 0; p = 0; } else { m = +m + 1; p = 0; } } else if (gtlt === "<=") { gtlt = "<"; if (xm) { M = +M + 1; } else { m = +m + 1; } } if (gtlt === "<") { pr = "-0"; } ret = `${gtlt + M}.${m}.${p}${pr}`; } else if (xm) { ret = `>=${M}.0.0${pr} <${+M + 1}.0.0-0`; } else if (xp) { ret = `>=${M}.${m}.0${pr} <${M}.${+m + 1}.0-0`; } debug2("xRange return", ret); return ret; }); }; var replaceStars = (comp, options) => { debug2("replaceStars", comp, options); return comp.trim().replace(re[t.STAR], ""); }; var replaceGTE0 = (comp, options) => { debug2("replaceGTE0", comp, options); return comp.trim().replace(re[options.includePrerelease ? t.GTE0PRE : t.GTE0], ""); }; var hyphenReplace = (incPr) => ($0, from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb, to, tM, tm, tp, tpr) => { if (isX(fM)) { from = ""; } else if (isX(fm)) { from = `>=${fM}.0.0${incPr ? "-0" : ""}`; } else if (isX(fp)) { from = `>=${fM}.${fm}.0${incPr ? "-0" : ""}`; } else if (fpr) { from = `>=${from}`; } else { from = `>=${from}${incPr ? "-0" : ""}`; } if (isX(tM)) { to = ""; } else if (isX(tm)) { to = `<${+tM + 1}.0.0-0`; } else if (isX(tp)) { to = `<${tM}.${+tm + 1}.0-0`; } else if (tpr) { to = `<=${tM}.${tm}.${tp}-${tpr}`; } else if (incPr) { to = `<${tM}.${tm}.${+tp + 1}-0`; } else { to = `<=${to}`; } return `${from} ${to}`.trim(); }; var testSet = (set, version3, options) => { for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { if (!set[i].test(version3)) { return false; } } if (version3.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) { for (let i = 0; i < set.length; i++) { debug2(set[i].semver); if (set[i].semver === Comparator.ANY) { continue; } if (set[i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) { const allowed = set[i].semver; if (allowed.major === version3.major && allowed.minor === version3.minor && allowed.patch === version3.patch) { return true; } } } return false; } return true; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js var require_valid2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js"(exports2, module2) { var Range3 = require_range(); var validRange = (range, options) => { try { return new Range3(range, options).range || "*"; } catch (er) { return null; } }; module2.exports = validRange; } }); // .yarn/cache/ms-npm-2.1.2-ec0c1512ff-a437714e2f.zip/node_modules/ms/index.js var require_ms = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/ms-npm-2.1.2-ec0c1512ff-a437714e2f.zip/node_modules/ms/index.js"(exports2, module2) { var s = 1e3; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var w = d * 7; var y = d * 365.25; module2.exports = function(val, options) { options = options || {}; var type = typeof val; if (type === "string" && val.length > 0) { return parse5(val); } else if (type === "number" && isFinite(val)) { return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); } throw new Error( "val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(val) ); }; function parse5(str) { str = String(str); if (str.length > 100) { return; } var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( str ); if (!match) { return; } var n = parseFloat(match[1]); var type = (match[2] || "ms").toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case "years": case "year": case "yrs": case "yr": case "y": return n * y; case "weeks": case "week": case "w": return n * w; case "days": case "day": case "d": return n * d; case "hours": case "hour": case "hrs": case "hr": case "h": return n * h; case "minutes": case "minute": case "mins": case "min": case "m": return n * m; case "seconds": case "second": case "secs": case "sec": case "s": return n * s; case "milliseconds": case "millisecond": case "msecs": case "msec": case "ms": return n; default: return void 0; } } function fmtShort(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return Math.round(ms / d) + "d"; } if (msAbs >= h) { return Math.round(ms / h) + "h"; } if (msAbs >= m) { return Math.round(ms / m) + "m"; } if (msAbs >= s) { return Math.round(ms / s) + "s"; } return ms + "ms"; } function fmtLong(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return plural2(ms, msAbs, d, "day"); } if (msAbs >= h) { return plural2(ms, msAbs, h, "hour"); } if (msAbs >= m) { return plural2(ms, msAbs, m, "minute"); } if (msAbs >= s) { return plural2(ms, msAbs, s, "second"); } return ms + " ms"; } function plural2(ms, msAbs, n, name2) { var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5; return Math.round(ms / n) + " " + name2 + (isPlural ? "s" : ""); } } }); // .yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/common.js var require_common = __commonJS({ ".yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/common.js"(exports2, module2) { function setup(env2) { createDebug.debug = createDebug; createDebug.default = createDebug; createDebug.coerce = coerce; createDebug.disable = disable; createDebug.enable = enable; createDebug.enabled = enabled; createDebug.humanize = require_ms(); createDebug.destroy = destroy; Object.keys(env2).forEach((key) => { createDebug[key] = env2[key]; }); createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; createDebug.formatters = {}; function selectColor(namespace) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) { hash = (hash << 5) - hash + namespace.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; } return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length]; } createDebug.selectColor = selectColor; function createDebug(namespace) { let prevTime; let enableOverride = null; let namespacesCache; let enabledCache; function debug2(...args) { if (!debug2.enabled) { return; } const self2 = debug2; const curr = Number(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()); const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); self2.diff = ms; self2.prev = prevTime; self2.curr = curr; prevTime = curr; args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]); if (typeof args[0] !== "string") { args.unshift("%O"); } let index = 0; args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { if (match === "%%") { return "%"; } index++; const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format]; if (typeof formatter === "function") { const val = args[index]; match = formatter.call(self2, val); args.splice(index, 1); index--; } return match; }); createDebug.formatArgs.call(self2, args); const logFn = self2.log || createDebug.log; logFn.apply(self2, args); } debug2.namespace = namespace; debug2.useColors = createDebug.useColors(); debug2.color = createDebug.selectColor(namespace); debug2.extend = extend; debug2.destroy = createDebug.destroy; Object.defineProperty(debug2, "enabled", { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: () => { if (enableOverride !== null) { return enableOverride; } if (namespacesCache !== createDebug.namespaces) { namespacesCache = createDebug.namespaces; enabledCache = createDebug.enabled(namespace); } return enabledCache; }, set: (v) => { enableOverride = v; } }); if (typeof createDebug.init === "function") { createDebug.init(debug2); } return debug2; } function extend(namespace, delimiter) { const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === "undefined" ? ":" : delimiter) + namespace); newDebug.log = this.log; return newDebug; } function enable(namespaces) { createDebug.save(namespaces); createDebug.namespaces = namespaces; createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; let i; const split = (typeof namespaces === "string" ? namespaces : "").split(/[\s,]+/); const len = split.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!split[i]) { continue; } namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, ".*?"); if (namespaces[0] === "-") { createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces.slice(1) + "$")); } else { createDebug.names.push(new RegExp("^" + namespaces + "$")); } } } function disable() { const namespaces = [ ...createDebug.names.map(toNamespace), ...createDebug.skips.map(toNamespace).map((namespace) => "-" + namespace) ].join(","); createDebug.enable(""); return namespaces; } function enabled(name2) { if (name2[name2.length - 1] === "*") { return true; } let i; let len; for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name2)) { return false; } } for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.names[i].test(name2)) { return true; } } return false; } function toNamespace(regexp) { return regexp.toString().substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2).replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*"); } function coerce(val) { if (val instanceof Error) { return val.stack || val.message; } return val; } function destroy() { console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`."); } createDebug.enable(createDebug.load()); return createDebug; } module2.exports = setup; } }); // .yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/browser.js var require_browser = __commonJS({ ".yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/browser.js"(exports2, module2) { exports2.formatArgs = formatArgs; exports2.save = save; exports2.load = load; exports2.useColors = useColors; exports2.storage = localstorage(); exports2.destroy = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => { let warned = false; return () => { if (!warned) { warned = true; console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`."); } }; })(); exports2.colors = [ "#0000CC", "#0000FF", "#0033CC", "#0033FF", "#0066CC", "#0066FF", "#0099CC", "#0099FF", "#00CC00", "#00CC33", "#00CC66", "#00CC99", "#00CCCC", "#00CCFF", "#3300CC", "#3300FF", "#3333CC", "#3333FF", "#3366CC", "#3366FF", "#3399CC", "#3399FF", "#33CC00", "#33CC33", "#33CC66", "#33CC99", "#33CCCC", "#33CCFF", "#6600CC", "#6600FF", "#6633CC", "#6633FF", "#66CC00", "#66CC33", "#9900CC", "#9900FF", "#9933CC", "#9933FF", "#99CC00", "#99CC33", "#CC0000", "#CC0033", "#CC0066", "#CC0099", "#CC00CC", "#CC00FF", "#CC3300", "#CC3333", "#CC3366", "#CC3399", "#CC33CC", "#CC33FF", "#CC6600", "#CC6633", "#CC9900", "#CC9933", "#CCCC00", "#CCCC33", "#FF0000", "#FF0033", "#FF0066", "#FF0099", "#FF00CC", "#FF00FF", "#FF3300", "#FF3333", "#FF3366", "#FF3399", "#FF33CC", "#FF33FF", "#FF6600", "#FF6633", "#FF9900", "#FF9933", "#FFCC00", "#FFCC33" ]; function useColors() { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.process && (window.process.type === "renderer" || window.process.__nwjs)) { return true; } if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) { return false; } return typeof document !== "undefined" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance || // Is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 typeof window !== "undefined" && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || // Is firefox >= v31? // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31 || // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/); } function formatArgs(args) { args[0] = (this.useColors ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") + args[0] + (this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + module2.exports.humanize(this.diff); if (!this.useColors) { return; } const c = "color: " + this.color; args.splice(1, 0, c, "color: inherit"); let index = 0; let lastC = 0; args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, (match) => { if (match === "%%") { return; } index++; if (match === "%c") { lastC = index; } }); args.splice(lastC, 0, c); } exports2.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => { }); function save(namespaces) { try { if (namespaces) { exports2.storage.setItem("debug", namespaces); } else { exports2.storage.removeItem("debug"); } } catch (error) { } } function load() { let r; try { r = exports2.storage.getItem("debug"); } catch (error) { } if (!r && typeof process !== "undefined" && "env" in process) { r = process.env.DEBUG; } return r; } function localstorage() { try { return localStorage; } catch (error) { } } module2.exports = require_common()(exports2); var { formatters } = module2.exports; formatters.j = function(v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v); } catch (error) { return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + error.message; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/supports-color-npm-9.4.0-a415f39758-6c24e6b2b6.zip/node_modules/supports-color/index.js var supports_color_exports = {}; __export(supports_color_exports, { createSupportsColor: () => createSupportsColor, default: () => supports_color_default }); function hasFlag(flag, argv = globalThis.Deno ? globalThis.Deno.args : import_node_process.default.argv) { const prefix = flag.startsWith("-") ? "" : flag.length === 1 ? "-" : "--"; const position = argv.indexOf(prefix + flag); const terminatorPosition = argv.indexOf("--"); return position !== -1 && (terminatorPosition === -1 || position < terminatorPosition); } function envForceColor() { if ("FORCE_COLOR" in env) { if (env.FORCE_COLOR === "true") { return 1; } if (env.FORCE_COLOR === "false") { return 0; } return env.FORCE_COLOR.length === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(Number.parseInt(env.FORCE_COLOR, 10), 3); } } function translateLevel(level) { if (level === 0) { return false; } return { level, hasBasic: true, has256: level >= 2, has16m: level >= 3 }; } function _supportsColor(haveStream, { streamIsTTY, sniffFlags = true } = {}) { const noFlagForceColor = envForceColor(); if (noFlagForceColor !== void 0) { flagForceColor = noFlagForceColor; } const forceColor = sniffFlags ? flagForceColor : noFlagForceColor; if (forceColor === 0) { return 0; } if (sniffFlags) { if (hasFlag("color=16m") || hasFlag("color=full") || hasFlag("color=truecolor")) { return 3; } if (hasFlag("color=256")) { return 2; } } if ("TF_BUILD" in env && "AGENT_NAME" in env) { return 1; } if (haveStream && !streamIsTTY && forceColor === void 0) { return 0; } const min = forceColor || 0; if (env.TERM === "dumb") { return min; } if (import_node_process.default.platform === "win32") { const osRelease = import_node_os.default.release().split("."); if (Number(osRelease[0]) >= 10 && Number(osRelease[2]) >= 10586) { return Number(osRelease[2]) >= 14931 ? 3 : 2; } return 1; } if ("CI" in env) { if ("GITHUB_ACTIONS" in env || "GITEA_ACTIONS" in env) { return 3; } if (["TRAVIS", "CIRCLECI", "APPVEYOR", "GITLAB_CI", "BUILDKITE", "DRONE"].some((sign) => sign in env) || env.CI_NAME === "codeship") { return 1; } return min; } if ("TEAMCITY_VERSION" in env) { return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? 1 : 0; } if (env.COLORTERM === "truecolor") { return 3; } if (env.TERM === "xterm-kitty") { return 3; } if ("TERM_PROGRAM" in env) { const version3 = Number.parseInt((env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || "").split(".")[0], 10); switch (env.TERM_PROGRAM) { case "iTerm.app": { return version3 >= 3 ? 3 : 2; } case "Apple_Terminal": { return 2; } } } if (/-256(color)?$/i.test(env.TERM)) { return 2; } if (/^screen|^xterm|^vt100|^vt220|^rxvt|color|ansi|cygwin|linux/i.test(env.TERM)) { return 1; } if ("COLORTERM" in env) { return 1; } return min; } function createSupportsColor(stream, options = {}) { const level = _supportsColor(stream, { streamIsTTY: stream && stream.isTTY, ...options }); return translateLevel(level); } var import_node_process, import_node_os, import_node_tty, env, flagForceColor, supportsColor, supports_color_default; var init_supports_color = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/supports-color-npm-9.4.0-a415f39758-6c24e6b2b6.zip/node_modules/supports-color/index.js"() { import_node_process = __toESM(require("node:process"), 1); import_node_os = __toESM(require("node:os"), 1); import_node_tty = __toESM(require("node:tty"), 1); ({ env } = import_node_process.default); if (hasFlag("no-color") || hasFlag("no-colors") || hasFlag("color=false") || hasFlag("color=never")) { flagForceColor = 0; } else if (hasFlag("color") || hasFlag("colors") || hasFlag("color=true") || hasFlag("color=always")) { flagForceColor = 1; } supportsColor = { stdout: createSupportsColor({ isTTY: import_node_tty.default.isatty(1) }), stderr: createSupportsColor({ isTTY: import_node_tty.default.isatty(2) }) }; supports_color_default = supportsColor; } }); // .yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/node.js var require_node2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/node.js"(exports2, module2) { var tty2 = require("tty"); var util = require("util"); exports2.init = init; exports2.log = log2; exports2.formatArgs = formatArgs; exports2.save = save; exports2.load = load; exports2.useColors = useColors; exports2.destroy = util.deprecate( () => { }, "Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`." ); exports2.colors = [6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]; try { const supportsColor2 = (init_supports_color(), __toCommonJS(supports_color_exports)); if (supportsColor2 && (supportsColor2.stderr || supportsColor2).level >= 2) { exports2.colors = [ 20, 21, 26, 27, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 56, 57, 62, 63, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 92, 93, 98, 99, 112, 113, 128, 129, 134, 135, 148, 149, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 178, 179, 184, 185, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214, 215, 220, 221 ]; } } catch (error) { } exports2.inspectOpts = Object.keys(process.env).filter((key) => { return /^debug_/i.test(key); }).reduce((obj, key) => { const prop = key.substring(6).toLowerCase().replace(/_([a-z])/g, (_, k) => { return k.toUpperCase(); }); let val = process.env[key]; if (/^(yes|on|true|enabled)$/i.test(val)) { val = true; } else if (/^(no|off|false|disabled)$/i.test(val)) { val = false; } else if (val === "null") { val = null; } else { val = Number(val); } obj[prop] = val; return obj; }, {}); function useColors() { return "colors" in exports2.inspectOpts ? Boolean(exports2.inspectOpts.colors) : tty2.isatty(process.stderr.fd); } function formatArgs(args) { const { namespace: name2, useColors: useColors2 } = this; if (useColors2) { const c = this.color; const colorCode = "\x1B[3" + (c < 8 ? c : "8;5;" + c); const prefix = ` ${colorCode};1m${name2} \x1B[0m`; args[0] = prefix + args[0].split("\n").join("\n" + prefix); args.push(colorCode + "m+" + module2.exports.humanize(this.diff) + "\x1B[0m"); } else { args[0] = getDate() + name2 + " " + args[0]; } } function getDate() { if (exports2.inspectOpts.hideDate) { return ""; } return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString() + " "; } function log2(...args) { return process.stderr.write(util.formatWithOptions(exports2.inspectOpts, ...args) + "\n"); } function save(namespaces) { if (namespaces) { process.env.DEBUG = namespaces; } else { delete process.env.DEBUG; } } function load() { return process.env.DEBUG; } function init(debug2) { debug2.inspectOpts = {}; const keys = Object.keys(exports2.inspectOpts); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { debug2.inspectOpts[keys[i]] = exports2.inspectOpts[keys[i]]; } } module2.exports = require_common()(exports2); var { formatters } = module2.exports; formatters.o = function(v) { this.inspectOpts.colors = this.useColors; return util.inspect(v, this.inspectOpts).split("\n").map((str) => str.trim()).join(" "); }; formatters.O = function(v) { this.inspectOpts.colors = this.useColors; return util.inspect(v, this.inspectOpts); }; } }); // .yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/index.js var require_src = __commonJS({ ".yarn/__virtual__/debug-virtual-710203f68e/0/cache/debug-npm-4.3.5-b5001f59b7-082c375a2b.zip/node_modules/debug/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) { if (typeof process === "undefined" || process.type === "renderer" || process.browser === true || process.__nwjs) { module2.exports = require_browser(); } else { module2.exports = require_node2(); } } }); // .yarn/cache/proxy-from-env-npm-1.1.0-c13d07f26b-fe7dd8b1bd.zip/node_modules/proxy-from-env/index.js var require_proxy_from_env = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/proxy-from-env-npm-1.1.0-c13d07f26b-fe7dd8b1bd.zip/node_modules/proxy-from-env/index.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var parseUrl = require("url").parse; var DEFAULT_PORTS = { ftp: 21, gopher: 70, http: 80, https: 443, ws: 80, wss: 443 }; var stringEndsWith = String.prototype.endsWith || function(s) { return s.length <= this.length && this.indexOf(s, this.length - s.length) !== -1; }; function getProxyForUrl(url) { var parsedUrl = typeof url === "string" ? parseUrl(url) : url || {}; var proto = parsedUrl.protocol; var hostname = parsedUrl.host; var port = parsedUrl.port; if (typeof hostname !== "string" || !hostname || typeof proto !== "string") { return ""; } proto = proto.split(":", 1)[0]; hostname = hostname.replace(/:\d*$/, ""); port = parseInt(port) || DEFAULT_PORTS[proto] || 0; if (!shouldProxy(hostname, port)) { return ""; } var proxy = getEnv("npm_config_" + proto + "_proxy") || getEnv(proto + "_proxy") || getEnv("npm_config_proxy") || getEnv("all_proxy"); if (proxy && proxy.indexOf("://") === -1) { proxy = proto + "://" + proxy; } return proxy; } function shouldProxy(hostname, port) { var NO_PROXY = (getEnv("npm_config_no_proxy") || getEnv("no_proxy")).toLowerCase(); if (!NO_PROXY) { return true; } if (NO_PROXY === "*") { return false; } return NO_PROXY.split(/[,\s]/).every(function(proxy) { if (!proxy) { return true; } var parsedProxy = proxy.match(/^(.+):(\d+)$/); var parsedProxyHostname = parsedProxy ? parsedProxy[1] : proxy; var parsedProxyPort = parsedProxy ? parseInt(parsedProxy[2]) : 0; if (parsedProxyPort && parsedProxyPort !== port) { return true; } if (!/^[.*]/.test(parsedProxyHostname)) { return hostname !== parsedProxyHostname; } if (parsedProxyHostname.charAt(0) === "*") { parsedProxyHostname = parsedProxyHostname.slice(1); } return !stringEndsWith.call(hostname, parsedProxyHostname); }); } function getEnv(key) { return process.env[key.toLowerCase()] || process.env[key.toUpperCase()] || ""; } exports2.getProxyForUrl = getProxyForUrl; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/errors.js var require_errors = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/errors.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var UndiciError = class extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "UndiciError"; this.code = "UND_ERR"; } }; var ConnectTimeoutError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "ConnectTimeoutError"; this.message = message || "Connect Timeout Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT"; } }; var HeadersTimeoutError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "HeadersTimeoutError"; this.message = message || "Headers Timeout Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_HEADERS_TIMEOUT"; } }; var HeadersOverflowError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "HeadersOverflowError"; this.message = message || "Headers Overflow Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_HEADERS_OVERFLOW"; } }; var BodyTimeoutError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "BodyTimeoutError"; this.message = message || "Body Timeout Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_BODY_TIMEOUT"; } }; var ResponseStatusCodeError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message, statusCode, headers, body) { super(message); this.name = "ResponseStatusCodeError"; this.message = message || "Response Status Code Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE"; this.body = body; this.status = statusCode; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.headers = headers; } }; var InvalidArgumentError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "InvalidArgumentError"; this.message = message || "Invalid Argument Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_INVALID_ARG"; } }; var InvalidReturnValueError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "InvalidReturnValueError"; this.message = message || "Invalid Return Value Error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE"; } }; var AbortError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "AbortError"; this.message = message || "The operation was aborted"; } }; var RequestAbortedError = class extends AbortError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "AbortError"; this.message = message || "Request aborted"; this.code = "UND_ERR_ABORTED"; } }; var InformationalError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "InformationalError"; this.message = message || "Request information"; this.code = "UND_ERR_INFO"; } }; var RequestContentLengthMismatchError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "RequestContentLengthMismatchError"; this.message = message || "Request body length does not match content-length header"; this.code = "UND_ERR_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH"; } }; var ResponseContentLengthMismatchError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "ResponseContentLengthMismatchError"; this.message = message || "Response body length does not match content-length header"; this.code = "UND_ERR_RES_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH"; } }; var ClientDestroyedError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "ClientDestroyedError"; this.message = message || "The client is destroyed"; this.code = "UND_ERR_DESTROYED"; } }; var ClientClosedError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "ClientClosedError"; this.message = message || "The client is closed"; this.code = "UND_ERR_CLOSED"; } }; var SocketError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message, socket) { super(message); this.name = "SocketError"; this.message = message || "Socket error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_SOCKET"; this.socket = socket; } }; var NotSupportedError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "NotSupportedError"; this.message = message || "Not supported error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; } }; var BalancedPoolMissingUpstreamError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "MissingUpstreamError"; this.message = message || "No upstream has been added to the BalancedPool"; this.code = "UND_ERR_BPL_MISSING_UPSTREAM"; } }; var HTTPParserError = class extends Error { constructor(message, code2, data) { super(message); this.name = "HTTPParserError"; this.code = code2 ? `HPE_${code2}` : void 0; this.data = data ? data.toString() : void 0; } }; var ResponseExceededMaxSizeError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "ResponseExceededMaxSizeError"; this.message = message || "Response content exceeded max size"; this.code = "UND_ERR_RES_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE"; } }; var RequestRetryError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(message, code2, { headers, data }) { super(message); this.name = "RequestRetryError"; this.message = message || "Request retry error"; this.code = "UND_ERR_REQ_RETRY"; this.statusCode = code2; this.data = data; this.headers = headers; } }; var SecureProxyConnectionError = class extends UndiciError { constructor(cause, message, options) { super(message, { cause, ...options ?? {} }); this.name = "SecureProxyConnectionError"; this.message = message || "Secure Proxy Connection failed"; this.code = "UND_ERR_PRX_TLS"; this.cause = cause; } }; module2.exports = { AbortError, HTTPParserError, UndiciError, HeadersTimeoutError, HeadersOverflowError, BodyTimeoutError, RequestContentLengthMismatchError, ConnectTimeoutError, ResponseStatusCodeError, InvalidArgumentError, InvalidReturnValueError, RequestAbortedError, ClientDestroyedError, ClientClosedError, InformationalError, SocketError, NotSupportedError, ResponseContentLengthMismatchError, BalancedPoolMissingUpstreamError, ResponseExceededMaxSizeError, RequestRetryError, SecureProxyConnectionError }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/symbols.js var require_symbols = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/symbols.js"(exports2, module2) { module2.exports = { kClose: Symbol("close"), kDestroy: Symbol("destroy"), kDispatch: Symbol("dispatch"), kUrl: Symbol("url"), kWriting: Symbol("writing"), kResuming: Symbol("resuming"), kQueue: Symbol("queue"), kConnect: Symbol("connect"), kConnecting: Symbol("connecting"), kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout: Symbol("default keep alive timeout"), kKeepAliveMaxTimeout: Symbol("max keep alive timeout"), kKeepAliveTimeoutThreshold: Symbol("keep alive timeout threshold"), kKeepAliveTimeoutValue: Symbol("keep alive timeout"), kKeepAlive: Symbol("keep alive"), kHeadersTimeout: Symbol("headers timeout"), kBodyTimeout: Symbol("body timeout"), kServerName: Symbol("server name"), kLocalAddress: Symbol("local address"), kHost: Symbol("host"), kNoRef: Symbol("no ref"), kBodyUsed: Symbol("used"), kBody: Symbol("abstracted request body"), kRunning: Symbol("running"), kBlocking: Symbol("blocking"), kPending: Symbol("pending"), kSize: Symbol("size"), kBusy: Symbol("busy"), kQueued: Symbol("queued"), kFree: Symbol("free"), kConnected: Symbol("connected"), kClosed: Symbol("closed"), kNeedDrain: Symbol("need drain"), kReset: Symbol("reset"), kDestroyed: Symbol.for("nodejs.stream.destroyed"), kResume: Symbol("resume"), kOnError: Symbol("on error"), kMaxHeadersSize: Symbol("max headers size"), kRunningIdx: Symbol("running index"), kPendingIdx: Symbol("pending index"), kError: Symbol("error"), kClients: Symbol("clients"), kClient: Symbol("client"), kParser: Symbol("parser"), kOnDestroyed: Symbol("destroy callbacks"), kPipelining: Symbol("pipelining"), kSocket: Symbol("socket"), kHostHeader: Symbol("host header"), kConnector: Symbol("connector"), kStrictContentLength: Symbol("strict content length"), kMaxRedirections: Symbol("maxRedirections"), kMaxRequests: Symbol("maxRequestsPerClient"), kProxy: Symbol("proxy agent options"), kCounter: Symbol("socket request counter"), kInterceptors: Symbol("dispatch interceptors"), kMaxResponseSize: Symbol("max response size"), kHTTP2Session: Symbol("http2Session"), kHTTP2SessionState: Symbol("http2Session state"), kRetryHandlerDefaultRetry: Symbol("retry agent default retry"), kConstruct: Symbol("constructable"), kListeners: Symbol("listeners"), kHTTPContext: Symbol("http context"), kMaxConcurrentStreams: Symbol("max concurrent streams"), kNoProxyAgent: Symbol("no proxy agent"), kHttpProxyAgent: Symbol("http proxy agent"), kHttpsProxyAgent: Symbol("https proxy agent") }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/constants.js var require_constants2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/constants.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var headerNameLowerCasedRecord = {}; var wellknownHeaderNames = [ "Accept", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Language", "Accept-Ranges", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "Access-Control-Max-Age", "Access-Control-Request-Headers", "Access-Control-Request-Method", "Age", "Allow", "Alt-Svc", "Alt-Used", "Authorization", "Cache-Control", "Clear-Site-Data", "Connection", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Encoding", "Content-Language", "Content-Length", "Content-Location", "Content-Range", "Content-Security-Policy", "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only", "Content-Type", "Cookie", "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy", "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy", "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy", "Date", "Device-Memory", "Downlink", "ECT", "ETag", "Expect", "Expect-CT", "Expires", "Forwarded", "From", "Host", "If-Match", "If-Modified-Since", "If-None-Match", "If-Range", "If-Unmodified-Since", "Keep-Alive", "Last-Modified", "Link", "Location", "Max-Forwards", "Origin", "Permissions-Policy", "Pragma", "Proxy-Authenticate", "Proxy-Authorization", "RTT", "Range", "Referer", "Referrer-Policy", "Refresh", "Retry-After", "Sec-WebSocket-Accept", "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions", "Sec-WebSocket-Key", "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "Sec-WebSocket-Version", "Server", "Server-Timing", "Service-Worker-Allowed", "Service-Worker-Navigation-Preload", "Set-Cookie", "SourceMap", "Strict-Transport-Security", "Supports-Loading-Mode", "TE", "Timing-Allow-Origin", "Trailer", "Transfer-Encoding", "Upgrade", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "User-Agent", "Vary", "Via", "WWW-Authenticate", "X-Content-Type-Options", "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control", "X-Frame-Options", "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies", "X-Powered-By", "X-Requested-With", "X-XSS-Protection" ]; for (let i = 0; i < wellknownHeaderNames.length; ++i) { const key = wellknownHeaderNames[i]; const lowerCasedKey = key.toLowerCase(); headerNameLowerCasedRecord[key] = headerNameLowerCasedRecord[lowerCasedKey] = lowerCasedKey; } Object.setPrototypeOf(headerNameLowerCasedRecord, null); module2.exports = { wellknownHeaderNames, headerNameLowerCasedRecord }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/tree.js var require_tree = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/tree.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { wellknownHeaderNames, headerNameLowerCasedRecord } = require_constants2(); var TstNode = class _TstNode { /** @type {any} */ value = null; /** @type {null | TstNode} */ left = null; /** @type {null | TstNode} */ middle = null; /** @type {null | TstNode} */ right = null; /** @type {number} */ code; /** * @param {string} key * @param {any} value * @param {number} index */ constructor(key, value, index) { if (index === void 0 || index >= key.length) { throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } const code2 = this.code = key.charCodeAt(index); if (code2 > 127) { throw new TypeError("key must be ascii string"); } if (key.length !== ++index) { this.middle = new _TstNode(key, value, index); } else { this.value = value; } } /** * @param {string} key * @param {any} value */ add(key, value) { const length = key.length; if (length === 0) { throw new TypeError("Unreachable"); } let index = 0; let node = this; while (true) { const code2 = key.charCodeAt(index); if (code2 > 127) { throw new TypeError("key must be ascii string"); } if (node.code === code2) { if (length === ++index) { node.value = value; break; } else if (node.middle !== null) { node = node.middle; } else { node.middle = new _TstNode(key, value, index); break; } } else if (node.code < code2) { if (node.left !== null) { node = node.left; } else { node.left = new _TstNode(key, value, index); break; } } else if (node.right !== null) { node = node.right; } else { node.right = new _TstNode(key, value, index); break; } } } /** * @param {Uint8Array} key * @return {TstNode | null} */ search(key) { const keylength = key.length; let index = 0; let node = this; while (node !== null && index < keylength) { let code2 = key[index]; if (code2 <= 90 && code2 >= 65) { code2 |= 32; } while (node !== null) { if (code2 === node.code) { if (keylength === ++index) { return node; } node = node.middle; break; } node = node.code < code2 ? node.left : node.right; } } return null; } }; var TernarySearchTree = class { /** @type {TstNode | null} */ node = null; /** * @param {string} key * @param {any} value * */ insert(key, value) { if (this.node === null) { this.node = new TstNode(key, value, 0); } else { this.node.add(key, value); } } /** * @param {Uint8Array} key * @return {any} */ lookup(key) { return this.node?.search(key)?.value ?? null; } }; var tree = new TernarySearchTree(); for (let i = 0; i < wellknownHeaderNames.length; ++i) { const key = headerNameLowerCasedRecord[wellknownHeaderNames[i]]; tree.insert(key, key); } module2.exports = { TernarySearchTree, tree }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/util.js var require_util = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/util.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { kDestroyed, kBodyUsed, kListeners, kBody } = require_symbols(); var { IncomingMessage } = require("node:http"); var stream = require("node:stream"); var net = require("node:net"); var { Blob: Blob2 } = require("node:buffer"); var nodeUtil = require("node:util"); var { stringify } = require("node:querystring"); var { EventEmitter: EE3 } = require("node:events"); var { InvalidArgumentError } = require_errors(); var { headerNameLowerCasedRecord } = require_constants2(); var { tree } = require_tree(); var [nodeMajor, nodeMinor] = process.versions.node.split(".").map((v) => Number(v)); var BodyAsyncIterable = class { constructor(body) { this[kBody] = body; this[kBodyUsed] = false; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { assert5(!this[kBodyUsed], "disturbed"); this[kBodyUsed] = true; yield* this[kBody]; } }; function wrapRequestBody(body) { if (isStream2(body)) { if (bodyLength(body) === 0) { body.on("data", function() { assert5(false); }); } if (typeof body.readableDidRead !== "boolean") { body[kBodyUsed] = false; EE3.prototype.on.call(body, "data", function() { this[kBodyUsed] = true; }); } return body; } else if (body && typeof body.pipeTo === "function") { return new BodyAsyncIterable(body); } else if (body && typeof body !== "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView(body) && isIterable(body)) { return new BodyAsyncIterable(body); } else { return body; } } function nop() { } function isStream2(obj) { return obj && typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.pipe === "function" && typeof obj.on === "function"; } function isBlobLike(object) { if (object === null) { return false; } else if (object instanceof Blob2) { return true; } else if (typeof object !== "object") { return false; } else { const sTag = object[Symbol.toStringTag]; return (sTag === "Blob" || sTag === "File") && ("stream" in object && typeof object.stream === "function" || "arrayBuffer" in object && typeof object.arrayBuffer === "function"); } } function buildURL(url, queryParams) { if (url.includes("?") || url.includes("#")) { throw new Error('Query params cannot be passed when url already contains "?" or "#".'); } const stringified = stringify(queryParams); if (stringified) { url += "?" + stringified; } return url; } function isValidPort(port) { const value = parseInt(port, 10); return value === Number(port) && value >= 0 && value <= 65535; } function isHttpOrHttpsPrefixed(value) { return value != null && value[0] === "h" && value[1] === "t" && value[2] === "t" && value[3] === "p" && (value[4] === ":" || value[4] === "s" && value[5] === ":"); } function parseURL(url) { if (typeof url === "string") { url = new URL(url); if (!isHttpOrHttpsPrefixed(url.origin || url.protocol)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL protocol: the URL must start with `http:` or `https:`."); } return url; } if (!url || typeof url !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL: The URL argument must be a non-null object."); } if (!(url instanceof URL)) { if (url.port != null && url.port !== "" && isValidPort(url.port) === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL: port must be a valid integer or a string representation of an integer."); } if (url.path != null && typeof url.path !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL path: the path must be a string or null/undefined."); } if (url.pathname != null && typeof url.pathname !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL pathname: the pathname must be a string or null/undefined."); } if (url.hostname != null && typeof url.hostname !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL hostname: the hostname must be a string or null/undefined."); } if (url.origin != null && typeof url.origin !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL origin: the origin must be a string or null/undefined."); } if (!isHttpOrHttpsPrefixed(url.origin || url.protocol)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL protocol: the URL must start with `http:` or `https:`."); } const port = url.port != null ? url.port : url.protocol === "https:" ? 443 : 80; let origin = url.origin != null ? url.origin : `${url.protocol || ""}//${url.hostname || ""}:${port}`; let path16 = url.path != null ? url.path : `${url.pathname || ""}${url.search || ""}`; if (origin[origin.length - 1] === "/") { origin = origin.slice(0, origin.length - 1); } if (path16 && path16[0] !== "/") { path16 = `/${path16}`; } return new URL(`${origin}${path16}`); } if (!isHttpOrHttpsPrefixed(url.origin || url.protocol)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Invalid URL protocol: the URL must start with `http:` or `https:`."); } return url; } function parseOrigin(url) { url = parseURL(url); if (url.pathname !== "/" || url.search || url.hash) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid url"); } return url; } function getHostname(host) { if (host[0] === "[") { const idx2 = host.indexOf("]"); assert5(idx2 !== -1); return host.substring(1, idx2); } const idx = host.indexOf(":"); if (idx === -1) return host; return host.substring(0, idx); } function getServerName(host) { if (!host) { return null; } assert5.strictEqual(typeof host, "string"); const servername = getHostname(host); if (net.isIP(servername)) { return ""; } return servername; } function deepClone(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); } function isAsyncIterable(obj) { return !!(obj != null && typeof obj[Symbol.asyncIterator] === "function"); } function isIterable(obj) { return !!(obj != null && (typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === "function" || typeof obj[Symbol.asyncIterator] === "function")); } function bodyLength(body) { if (body == null) { return 0; } else if (isStream2(body)) { const state = body._readableState; return state && state.objectMode === false && state.ended === true && Number.isFinite(state.length) ? state.length : null; } else if (isBlobLike(body)) { return body.size != null ? body.size : null; } else if (isBuffer(body)) { return body.byteLength; } return null; } function isDestroyed(body) { return body && !!(body.destroyed || body[kDestroyed] || stream.isDestroyed?.(body)); } function destroy(stream2, err) { if (stream2 == null || !isStream2(stream2) || isDestroyed(stream2)) { return; } if (typeof stream2.destroy === "function") { if (Object.getPrototypeOf(stream2).constructor === IncomingMessage) { stream2.socket = null; } stream2.destroy(err); } else if (err) { queueMicrotask(() => { stream2.emit("error", err); }); } if (stream2.destroyed !== true) { stream2[kDestroyed] = true; } } var KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_EXPR = /timeout=(\d+)/; function parseKeepAliveTimeout(val) { const m = val.toString().match(KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_EXPR); return m ? parseInt(m[1], 10) * 1e3 : null; } function headerNameToString(value) { return typeof value === "string" ? headerNameLowerCasedRecord[value] ?? value.toLowerCase() : tree.lookup(value) ?? value.toString("latin1").toLowerCase(); } function bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName(value) { return tree.lookup(value) ?? value.toString("latin1").toLowerCase(); } function parseHeaders(headers, obj) { if (obj === void 0) obj = {}; for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { const key = headerNameToString(headers[i]); let val = obj[key]; if (val) { if (typeof val === "string") { val = [val]; obj[key] = val; } val.push(headers[i + 1].toString("utf8")); } else { const headersValue = headers[i + 1]; if (typeof headersValue === "string") { obj[key] = headersValue; } else { obj[key] = Array.isArray(headersValue) ? headersValue.map((x) => x.toString("utf8")) : headersValue.toString("utf8"); } } } if ("content-length" in obj && "content-disposition" in obj) { obj["content-disposition"] = Buffer.from(obj["content-disposition"]).toString("latin1"); } return obj; } function parseRawHeaders(headers) { const len = headers.length; const ret = new Array(len); let hasContentLength = false; let contentDispositionIdx = -1; let key; let val; let kLen = 0; for (let n = 0; n < headers.length; n += 2) { key = headers[n]; val = headers[n + 1]; typeof key !== "string" && (key = key.toString()); typeof val !== "string" && (val = val.toString("utf8")); kLen = key.length; if (kLen === 14 && key[7] === "-" && (key === "content-length" || key.toLowerCase() === "content-length")) { hasContentLength = true; } else if (kLen === 19 && key[7] === "-" && (key === "content-disposition" || key.toLowerCase() === "content-disposition")) { contentDispositionIdx = n + 1; } ret[n] = key; ret[n + 1] = val; } if (hasContentLength && contentDispositionIdx !== -1) { ret[contentDispositionIdx] = Buffer.from(ret[contentDispositionIdx]).toString("latin1"); } return ret; } function isBuffer(buffer) { return buffer instanceof Uint8Array || Buffer.isBuffer(buffer); } function validateHandler(handler, method, upgrade) { if (!handler || typeof handler !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("handler must be an object"); } if (typeof handler.onConnect !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onConnect method"); } if (typeof handler.onError !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onError method"); } if (typeof handler.onBodySent !== "function" && handler.onBodySent !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onBodySent method"); } if (upgrade || method === "CONNECT") { if (typeof handler.onUpgrade !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onUpgrade method"); } } else { if (typeof handler.onHeaders !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onHeaders method"); } if (typeof handler.onData !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onData method"); } if (typeof handler.onComplete !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onComplete method"); } } } function isDisturbed(body) { return !!(body && (stream.isDisturbed(body) || body[kBodyUsed])); } function isErrored(body) { return !!(body && stream.isErrored(body)); } function isReadable2(body) { return !!(body && stream.isReadable(body)); } function getSocketInfo(socket) { return { localAddress: socket.localAddress, localPort: socket.localPort, remoteAddress: socket.remoteAddress, remotePort: socket.remotePort, remoteFamily: socket.remoteFamily, timeout: socket.timeout, bytesWritten: socket.bytesWritten, bytesRead: socket.bytesRead }; } function ReadableStreamFrom(iterable) { let iterator; return new ReadableStream( { async start() { iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator](); }, async pull(controller) { const { done, value } = await iterator.next(); if (done) { queueMicrotask(() => { controller.close(); controller.byobRequest?.respond(0); }); } else { const buf = Buffer.isBuffer(value) ? value : Buffer.from(value); if (buf.byteLength) { controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array(buf)); } } return controller.desiredSize > 0; }, async cancel(reason) { await iterator.return(); }, type: "bytes" } ); } function isFormDataLike(object) { return object && typeof object === "object" && typeof object.append === "function" && typeof object.delete === "function" && typeof object.get === "function" && typeof object.getAll === "function" && typeof object.has === "function" && typeof object.set === "function" && object[Symbol.toStringTag] === "FormData"; } function addAbortListener(signal, listener) { if ("addEventListener" in signal) { signal.addEventListener("abort", listener, { once: true }); return () => signal.removeEventListener("abort", listener); } signal.addListener("abort", listener); return () => signal.removeListener("abort", listener); } var hasToWellFormed = typeof String.prototype.toWellFormed === "function"; var hasIsWellFormed = typeof String.prototype.isWellFormed === "function"; function toUSVString(val) { return hasToWellFormed ? `${val}`.toWellFormed() : nodeUtil.toUSVString(val); } function isUSVString(val) { return hasIsWellFormed ? `${val}`.isWellFormed() : toUSVString(val) === `${val}`; } function isTokenCharCode(c) { switch (c) { case 34: case 40: case 41: case 44: case 47: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 63: case 64: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 123: case 125: return false; default: return c >= 33 && c <= 126; } } function isValidHTTPToken(characters) { if (characters.length === 0) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < characters.length; ++i) { if (!isTokenCharCode(characters.charCodeAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } var headerCharRegex = /[^\t\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]/; function isValidHeaderValue(characters) { return !headerCharRegex.test(characters); } function parseRangeHeader(range) { if (range == null || range === "") return { start: 0, end: null, size: null }; const m = range ? range.match(/^bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)?$/) : null; return m ? { start: parseInt(m[1]), end: m[2] ? parseInt(m[2]) : null, size: m[3] ? parseInt(m[3]) : null } : null; } function addListener(obj, name2, listener) { const listeners = obj[kListeners] ??= []; listeners.push([name2, listener]); obj.on(name2, listener); return obj; } function removeAllListeners(obj) { for (const [name2, listener] of obj[kListeners] ?? []) { obj.removeListener(name2, listener); } obj[kListeners] = null; } function errorRequest(client, request, err) { try { request.onError(err); assert5(request.aborted); } catch (err2) { client.emit("error", err2); } } var kEnumerableProperty = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); kEnumerableProperty.enumerable = true; var normalizedMethodRecordsBase = { delete: "DELETE", DELETE: "DELETE", get: "GET", GET: "GET", head: "HEAD", HEAD: "HEAD", options: "OPTIONS", OPTIONS: "OPTIONS", post: "POST", POST: "POST", put: "PUT", PUT: "PUT" }; var normalizedMethodRecords = { ...normalizedMethodRecordsBase, patch: "patch", PATCH: "PATCH" }; Object.setPrototypeOf(normalizedMethodRecordsBase, null); Object.setPrototypeOf(normalizedMethodRecords, null); module2.exports = { kEnumerableProperty, nop, isDisturbed, isErrored, isReadable: isReadable2, toUSVString, isUSVString, isBlobLike, parseOrigin, parseURL, getServerName, isStream: isStream2, isIterable, isAsyncIterable, isDestroyed, headerNameToString, bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName, addListener, removeAllListeners, errorRequest, parseRawHeaders, parseHeaders, parseKeepAliveTimeout, destroy, bodyLength, deepClone, ReadableStreamFrom, isBuffer, validateHandler, getSocketInfo, isFormDataLike, buildURL, addAbortListener, isValidHTTPToken, isValidHeaderValue, isTokenCharCode, parseRangeHeader, normalizedMethodRecordsBase, normalizedMethodRecords, isValidPort, isHttpOrHttpsPrefixed, nodeMajor, nodeMinor, safeHTTPMethods: ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"], wrapRequestBody }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/readable.js var require_readable = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/readable.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { Readable: Readable2 } = require("node:stream"); var { RequestAbortedError, NotSupportedError, InvalidArgumentError, AbortError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { ReadableStreamFrom } = require_util(); var kConsume = Symbol("kConsume"); var kReading = Symbol("kReading"); var kBody = Symbol("kBody"); var kAbort = Symbol("kAbort"); var kContentType = Symbol("kContentType"); var kContentLength = Symbol("kContentLength"); var noop2 = () => { }; var BodyReadable = class extends Readable2 { constructor({ resume, abort, contentType = "", contentLength, highWaterMark = 64 * 1024 // Same as nodejs fs streams. }) { super({ autoDestroy: true, read: resume, highWaterMark }); this._readableState.dataEmitted = false; this[kAbort] = abort; this[kConsume] = null; this[kBody] = null; this[kContentType] = contentType; this[kContentLength] = contentLength; this[kReading] = false; } destroy(err) { if (!err && !this._readableState.endEmitted) { err = new RequestAbortedError(); } if (err) { this[kAbort](); } return super.destroy(err); } _destroy(err, callback) { if (!this[kReading]) { setImmediate(() => { callback(err); }); } else { callback(err); } } on(ev, ...args) { if (ev === "data" || ev === "readable") { this[kReading] = true; } return super.on(ev, ...args); } addListener(ev, ...args) { return this.on(ev, ...args); } off(ev, ...args) { const ret = super.off(ev, ...args); if (ev === "data" || ev === "readable") { this[kReading] = this.listenerCount("data") > 0 || this.listenerCount("readable") > 0; } return ret; } removeListener(ev, ...args) { return this.off(ev, ...args); } push(chunk) { if (this[kConsume] && chunk !== null) { consumePush(this[kConsume], chunk); return this[kReading] ? super.push(chunk) : true; } return super.push(chunk); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-text async text() { return consume(this, "text"); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-json async json() { return consume(this, "json"); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-blob async blob() { return consume(this, "blob"); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-arraybuffer async arrayBuffer() { return consume(this, "arrayBuffer"); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-formdata async formData() { throw new NotSupportedError(); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-bodyused get bodyUsed() { return util.isDisturbed(this); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-body get body() { if (!this[kBody]) { this[kBody] = ReadableStreamFrom(this); if (this[kConsume]) { this[kBody].getReader(); assert5(this[kBody].locked); } } return this[kBody]; } async dump(opts) { let limit = Number.isFinite(opts?.limit) ? opts.limit : 128 * 1024; const signal = opts?.signal; if (signal != null && (typeof signal !== "object" || !("aborted" in signal))) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an AbortSignal"); } signal?.throwIfAborted(); if (this._readableState.closeEmitted) { return null; } return await new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { if (this[kContentLength] > limit) { this.destroy(new AbortError()); } const onAbort = () => { this.destroy(signal.reason ?? new AbortError()); }; signal?.addEventListener("abort", onAbort); this.on("close", function() { signal?.removeEventListener("abort", onAbort); if (signal?.aborted) { reject(signal.reason ?? new AbortError()); } else { resolve2(null); } }).on("error", noop2).on("data", function(chunk) { limit -= chunk.length; if (limit <= 0) { this.destroy(); } }).resume(); }); } }; function isLocked(self2) { return self2[kBody] && self2[kBody].locked === true || self2[kConsume]; } function isUnusable(self2) { return util.isDisturbed(self2) || isLocked(self2); } async function consume(stream, type) { assert5(!stream[kConsume]); return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { if (isUnusable(stream)) { const rState = stream._readableState; if (rState.destroyed && rState.closeEmitted === false) { stream.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }).on("close", () => { reject(new TypeError("unusable")); }); } else { reject(rState.errored ?? new TypeError("unusable")); } } else { queueMicrotask(() => { stream[kConsume] = { type, stream, resolve: resolve2, reject, length: 0, body: [] }; stream.on("error", function(err) { consumeFinish(this[kConsume], err); }).on("close", function() { if (this[kConsume].body !== null) { consumeFinish(this[kConsume], new RequestAbortedError()); } }); consumeStart(stream[kConsume]); }); } }); } function consumeStart(consume2) { if (consume2.body === null) { return; } const { _readableState: state } = consume2.stream; if (state.bufferIndex) { const start = state.bufferIndex; const end = state.buffer.length; for (let n = start; n < end; n++) { consumePush(consume2, state.buffer[n]); } } else { for (const chunk of state.buffer) { consumePush(consume2, chunk); } } if (state.endEmitted) { consumeEnd(this[kConsume]); } else { consume2.stream.on("end", function() { consumeEnd(this[kConsume]); }); } consume2.stream.resume(); while (consume2.stream.read() != null) { } } function chunksDecode(chunks, length) { if (chunks.length === 0 || length === 0) { return ""; } const buffer = chunks.length === 1 ? chunks[0] : Buffer.concat(chunks, length); const bufferLength = buffer.length; const start = bufferLength > 2 && buffer[0] === 239 && buffer[1] === 187 && buffer[2] === 191 ? 3 : 0; return buffer.utf8Slice(start, bufferLength); } function consumeEnd(consume2) { const { type, body, resolve: resolve2, stream, length } = consume2; try { if (type === "text") { resolve2(chunksDecode(body, length)); } else if (type === "json") { resolve2(JSON.parse(chunksDecode(body, length))); } else if (type === "arrayBuffer") { const dst = new Uint8Array(length); let pos2 = 0; for (const buf of body) { dst.set(buf, pos2); pos2 += buf.byteLength; } resolve2(dst.buffer); } else if (type === "blob") { resolve2(new Blob(body, { type: stream[kContentType] })); } consumeFinish(consume2); } catch (err) { stream.destroy(err); } } function consumePush(consume2, chunk) { consume2.length += chunk.length; consume2.body.push(chunk); } function consumeFinish(consume2, err) { if (consume2.body === null) { return; } if (err) { consume2.reject(err); } else { consume2.resolve(); } consume2.type = null; consume2.stream = null; consume2.resolve = null; consume2.reject = null; consume2.length = 0; consume2.body = null; } module2.exports = { Readable: BodyReadable, chunksDecode }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/util.js var require_util2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/util.js"(exports2, module2) { var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { ResponseStatusCodeError } = require_errors(); var { chunksDecode } = require_readable(); var CHUNK_LIMIT = 128 * 1024; async function getResolveErrorBodyCallback({ callback, body, contentType, statusCode, statusMessage, headers }) { assert5(body); let chunks = []; let length = 0; try { for await (const chunk of body) { chunks.push(chunk); length += chunk.length; if (length > CHUNK_LIMIT) { chunks = []; length = 0; break; } } } catch { chunks = []; length = 0; } const message = `Response status code ${statusCode}${statusMessage ? `: ${statusMessage}` : ""}`; if (statusCode === 204 || !contentType || !length) { queueMicrotask(() => callback(new ResponseStatusCodeError(message, statusCode, headers))); return; } const stackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit; Error.stackTraceLimit = 0; let payload; try { if (isContentTypeApplicationJson(contentType)) { payload = JSON.parse(chunksDecode(chunks, length)); } else if (isContentTypeText(contentType)) { payload = chunksDecode(chunks, length); } } catch { } finally { Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit; } queueMicrotask(() => callback(new ResponseStatusCodeError(message, statusCode, headers, payload))); } var isContentTypeApplicationJson = (contentType) => { return contentType.length > 15 && contentType[11] === "/" && contentType[0] === "a" && contentType[1] === "p" && contentType[2] === "p" && contentType[3] === "l" && contentType[4] === "i" && contentType[5] === "c" && contentType[6] === "a" && contentType[7] === "t" && contentType[8] === "i" && contentType[9] === "o" && contentType[10] === "n" && contentType[12] === "j" && contentType[13] === "s" && contentType[14] === "o" && contentType[15] === "n"; }; var isContentTypeText = (contentType) => { return contentType.length > 4 && contentType[4] === "/" && contentType[0] === "t" && contentType[1] === "e" && contentType[2] === "x" && contentType[3] === "t"; }; module2.exports = { getResolveErrorBodyCallback, isContentTypeApplicationJson, isContentTypeText }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-request.js var require_api_request = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-request.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { Readable: Readable2 } = require_readable(); var { InvalidArgumentError, RequestAbortedError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { getResolveErrorBodyCallback } = require_util2(); var { AsyncResource } = require("node:async_hooks"); var RequestHandler = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(opts, callback) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid opts"); } const { signal, method, opaque, body, onInfo, responseHeaders, throwOnError, highWaterMark } = opts; try { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } if (highWaterMark && (typeof highWaterMark !== "number" || highWaterMark < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid highWaterMark"); } if (signal && typeof signal.on !== "function" && typeof signal.addEventListener !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an EventEmitter or EventTarget"); } if (method === "CONNECT") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid method"); } if (onInfo && typeof onInfo !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onInfo callback"); } super("UNDICI_REQUEST"); } catch (err) { if (util.isStream(body)) { util.destroy(body.on("error", util.nop), err); } throw err; } this.method = method; this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; this.opaque = opaque || null; this.callback = callback; this.res = null; this.abort = null; this.body = body; this.trailers = {}; this.context = null; this.onInfo = onInfo || null; this.throwOnError = throwOnError; this.highWaterMark = highWaterMark; this.signal = signal; this.reason = null; this.removeAbortListener = null; if (util.isStream(body)) { body.on("error", (err) => { this.onError(err); }); } if (this.signal) { if (this.signal.aborted) { this.reason = this.signal.reason ?? new RequestAbortedError(); } else { this.removeAbortListener = util.addAbortListener(this.signal, () => { this.reason = this.signal.reason ?? new RequestAbortedError(); if (this.res) { util.destroy(this.res, this.reason); } else if (this.abort) { this.abort(this.reason); } if (this.removeAbortListener) { this.res?.off("close", this.removeAbortListener); this.removeAbortListener(); this.removeAbortListener = null; } }); } } } onConnect(abort, context) { if (this.reason) { abort(this.reason); return; } assert5(this.callback); this.abort = abort; this.context = context; } onHeaders(statusCode, rawHeaders, resume, statusMessage) { const { callback, opaque, abort, context, responseHeaders, highWaterMark } = this; const headers = responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); if (statusCode < 200) { if (this.onInfo) { this.onInfo({ statusCode, headers }); } return; } const parsedHeaders = responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders) : headers; const contentType = parsedHeaders["content-type"]; const contentLength = parsedHeaders["content-length"]; const res = new Readable2({ resume, abort, contentType, contentLength: this.method !== "HEAD" && contentLength ? Number(contentLength) : null, highWaterMark }); if (this.removeAbortListener) { res.on("close", this.removeAbortListener); } this.callback = null; this.res = res; if (callback !== null) { if (this.throwOnError && statusCode >= 400) { this.runInAsyncScope( getResolveErrorBodyCallback, null, { callback, body: res, contentType, statusCode, statusMessage, headers } ); } else { this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, null, { statusCode, headers, trailers: this.trailers, opaque, body: res, context }); } } } onData(chunk) { return this.res.push(chunk); } onComplete(trailers) { util.parseHeaders(trailers, this.trailers); this.res.push(null); } onError(err) { const { res, callback, body, opaque } = this; if (callback) { this.callback = null; queueMicrotask(() => { this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, err, { opaque }); }); } if (res) { this.res = null; queueMicrotask(() => { util.destroy(res, err); }); } if (body) { this.body = null; util.destroy(body, err); } if (this.removeAbortListener) { res?.off("close", this.removeAbortListener); this.removeAbortListener(); this.removeAbortListener = null; } } }; function request(opts, callback) { if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { request.call(this, opts, (err, data) => { return err ? reject(err) : resolve2(data); }); }); } try { this.dispatch(opts, new RequestHandler(opts, callback)); } catch (err) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw err; } const opaque = opts?.opaque; queueMicrotask(() => callback(err, { opaque })); } } module2.exports = request; module2.exports.RequestHandler = RequestHandler; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/abort-signal.js var require_abort_signal = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/abort-signal.js"(exports2, module2) { var { addAbortListener } = require_util(); var { RequestAbortedError } = require_errors(); var kListener = Symbol("kListener"); var kSignal = Symbol("kSignal"); function abort(self2) { if (self2.abort) { self2.abort(self2[kSignal]?.reason); } else { self2.reason = self2[kSignal]?.reason ?? new RequestAbortedError(); } removeSignal(self2); } function addSignal(self2, signal) { self2.reason = null; self2[kSignal] = null; self2[kListener] = null; if (!signal) { return; } if (signal.aborted) { abort(self2); return; } self2[kSignal] = signal; self2[kListener] = () => { abort(self2); }; addAbortListener(self2[kSignal], self2[kListener]); } function removeSignal(self2) { if (!self2[kSignal]) { return; } if ("removeEventListener" in self2[kSignal]) { self2[kSignal].removeEventListener("abort", self2[kListener]); } else { self2[kSignal].removeListener("abort", self2[kListener]); } self2[kSignal] = null; self2[kListener] = null; } module2.exports = { addSignal, removeSignal }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-stream.js var require_api_stream = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-stream.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { finished, PassThrough } = require("node:stream"); var { InvalidArgumentError, InvalidReturnValueError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { getResolveErrorBodyCallback } = require_util2(); var { AsyncResource } = require("node:async_hooks"); var { addSignal, removeSignal } = require_abort_signal(); var StreamHandler = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(opts, factory, callback) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid opts"); } const { signal, method, opaque, body, onInfo, responseHeaders, throwOnError } = opts; try { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } if (typeof factory !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid factory"); } if (signal && typeof signal.on !== "function" && typeof signal.addEventListener !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an EventEmitter or EventTarget"); } if (method === "CONNECT") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid method"); } if (onInfo && typeof onInfo !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onInfo callback"); } super("UNDICI_STREAM"); } catch (err) { if (util.isStream(body)) { util.destroy(body.on("error", util.nop), err); } throw err; } this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; this.opaque = opaque || null; this.factory = factory; this.callback = callback; this.res = null; this.abort = null; this.context = null; this.trailers = null; this.body = body; this.onInfo = onInfo || null; this.throwOnError = throwOnError || false; if (util.isStream(body)) { body.on("error", (err) => { this.onError(err); }); } addSignal(this, signal); } onConnect(abort, context) { if (this.reason) { abort(this.reason); return; } assert5(this.callback); this.abort = abort; this.context = context; } onHeaders(statusCode, rawHeaders, resume, statusMessage) { const { factory, opaque, context, callback, responseHeaders } = this; const headers = responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); if (statusCode < 200) { if (this.onInfo) { this.onInfo({ statusCode, headers }); } return; } this.factory = null; let res; if (this.throwOnError && statusCode >= 400) { const parsedHeaders = responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders) : headers; const contentType = parsedHeaders["content-type"]; res = new PassThrough(); this.callback = null; this.runInAsyncScope( getResolveErrorBodyCallback, null, { callback, body: res, contentType, statusCode, statusMessage, headers } ); } else { if (factory === null) { return; } res = this.runInAsyncScope(factory, null, { statusCode, headers, opaque, context }); if (!res || typeof res.write !== "function" || typeof res.end !== "function" || typeof res.on !== "function") { throw new InvalidReturnValueError("expected Writable"); } finished(res, { readable: false }, (err) => { const { callback: callback2, res: res2, opaque: opaque2, trailers, abort } = this; this.res = null; if (err || !res2.readable) { util.destroy(res2, err); } this.callback = null; this.runInAsyncScope(callback2, null, err || null, { opaque: opaque2, trailers }); if (err) { abort(); } }); } res.on("drain", resume); this.res = res; const needDrain = res.writableNeedDrain !== void 0 ? res.writableNeedDrain : res._writableState?.needDrain; return needDrain !== true; } onData(chunk) { const { res } = this; return res ? res.write(chunk) : true; } onComplete(trailers) { const { res } = this; removeSignal(this); if (!res) { return; } this.trailers = util.parseHeaders(trailers); res.end(); } onError(err) { const { res, callback, opaque, body } = this; removeSignal(this); this.factory = null; if (res) { this.res = null; util.destroy(res, err); } else if (callback) { this.callback = null; queueMicrotask(() => { this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, err, { opaque }); }); } if (body) { this.body = null; util.destroy(body, err); } } }; function stream(opts, factory, callback) { if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { stream.call(this, opts, factory, (err, data) => { return err ? reject(err) : resolve2(data); }); }); } try { this.dispatch(opts, new StreamHandler(opts, factory, callback)); } catch (err) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw err; } const opaque = opts?.opaque; queueMicrotask(() => callback(err, { opaque })); } } module2.exports = stream; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-pipeline.js var require_api_pipeline = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-pipeline.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { Readable: Readable2, Duplex, PassThrough } = require("node:stream"); var { InvalidArgumentError, InvalidReturnValueError, RequestAbortedError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { AsyncResource } = require("node:async_hooks"); var { addSignal, removeSignal } = require_abort_signal(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var kResume = Symbol("resume"); var PipelineRequest = class extends Readable2 { constructor() { super({ autoDestroy: true }); this[kResume] = null; } _read() { const { [kResume]: resume } = this; if (resume) { this[kResume] = null; resume(); } } _destroy(err, callback) { this._read(); callback(err); } }; var PipelineResponse = class extends Readable2 { constructor(resume) { super({ autoDestroy: true }); this[kResume] = resume; } _read() { this[kResume](); } _destroy(err, callback) { if (!err && !this._readableState.endEmitted) { err = new RequestAbortedError(); } callback(err); } }; var PipelineHandler = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(opts, handler) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid opts"); } if (typeof handler !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid handler"); } const { signal, method, opaque, onInfo, responseHeaders } = opts; if (signal && typeof signal.on !== "function" && typeof signal.addEventListener !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an EventEmitter or EventTarget"); } if (method === "CONNECT") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid method"); } if (onInfo && typeof onInfo !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onInfo callback"); } super("UNDICI_PIPELINE"); this.opaque = opaque || null; this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; this.handler = handler; this.abort = null; this.context = null; this.onInfo = onInfo || null; this.req = new PipelineRequest().on("error", util.nop); this.ret = new Duplex({ readableObjectMode: opts.objectMode, autoDestroy: true, read: () => { const { body } = this; if (body?.resume) { body.resume(); } }, write: (chunk, encoding, callback) => { const { req } = this; if (req.push(chunk, encoding) || req._readableState.destroyed) { callback(); } else { req[kResume] = callback; } }, destroy: (err, callback) => { const { body, req, res, ret, abort } = this; if (!err && !ret._readableState.endEmitted) { err = new RequestAbortedError(); } if (abort && err) { abort(); } util.destroy(body, err); util.destroy(req, err); util.destroy(res, err); removeSignal(this); callback(err); } }).on("prefinish", () => { const { req } = this; req.push(null); }); this.res = null; addSignal(this, signal); } onConnect(abort, context) { const { ret, res } = this; if (this.reason) { abort(this.reason); return; } assert5(!res, "pipeline cannot be retried"); assert5(!ret.destroyed); this.abort = abort; this.context = context; } onHeaders(statusCode, rawHeaders, resume) { const { opaque, handler, context } = this; if (statusCode < 200) { if (this.onInfo) { const headers = this.responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); this.onInfo({ statusCode, headers }); } return; } this.res = new PipelineResponse(resume); let body; try { this.handler = null; const headers = this.responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); body = this.runInAsyncScope(handler, null, { statusCode, headers, opaque, body: this.res, context }); } catch (err) { this.res.on("error", util.nop); throw err; } if (!body || typeof body.on !== "function") { throw new InvalidReturnValueError("expected Readable"); } body.on("data", (chunk) => { const { ret, body: body2 } = this; if (!ret.push(chunk) && body2.pause) { body2.pause(); } }).on("error", (err) => { const { ret } = this; util.destroy(ret, err); }).on("end", () => { const { ret } = this; ret.push(null); }).on("close", () => { const { ret } = this; if (!ret._readableState.ended) { util.destroy(ret, new RequestAbortedError()); } }); this.body = body; } onData(chunk) { const { res } = this; return res.push(chunk); } onComplete(trailers) { const { res } = this; res.push(null); } onError(err) { const { ret } = this; this.handler = null; util.destroy(ret, err); } }; function pipeline(opts, handler) { try { const pipelineHandler = new PipelineHandler(opts, handler); this.dispatch({ ...opts, body: pipelineHandler.req }, pipelineHandler); return pipelineHandler.ret; } catch (err) { return new PassThrough().destroy(err); } } module2.exports = pipeline; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-upgrade.js var require_api_upgrade = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-upgrade.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { InvalidArgumentError, SocketError } = require_errors(); var { AsyncResource } = require("node:async_hooks"); var util = require_util(); var { addSignal, removeSignal } = require_abort_signal(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var UpgradeHandler = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(opts, callback) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid opts"); } if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } const { signal, opaque, responseHeaders } = opts; if (signal && typeof signal.on !== "function" && typeof signal.addEventListener !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an EventEmitter or EventTarget"); } super("UNDICI_UPGRADE"); this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; this.opaque = opaque || null; this.callback = callback; this.abort = null; this.context = null; addSignal(this, signal); } onConnect(abort, context) { if (this.reason) { abort(this.reason); return; } assert5(this.callback); this.abort = abort; this.context = null; } onHeaders() { throw new SocketError("bad upgrade", null); } onUpgrade(statusCode, rawHeaders, socket) { const { callback, opaque, context } = this; assert5.strictEqual(statusCode, 101); removeSignal(this); this.callback = null; const headers = this.responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, null, { headers, socket, opaque, context }); } onError(err) { const { callback, opaque } = this; removeSignal(this); if (callback) { this.callback = null; queueMicrotask(() => { this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, err, { opaque }); }); } } }; function upgrade(opts, callback) { if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { upgrade.call(this, opts, (err, data) => { return err ? reject(err) : resolve2(data); }); }); } try { const upgradeHandler = new UpgradeHandler(opts, callback); this.dispatch({ ...opts, method: opts.method || "GET", upgrade: opts.protocol || "Websocket" }, upgradeHandler); } catch (err) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw err; } const opaque = opts?.opaque; queueMicrotask(() => callback(err, { opaque })); } } module2.exports = upgrade; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-connect.js var require_api_connect = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/api-connect.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { AsyncResource } = require("node:async_hooks"); var { InvalidArgumentError, SocketError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { addSignal, removeSignal } = require_abort_signal(); var ConnectHandler = class extends AsyncResource { constructor(opts, callback) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid opts"); } if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } const { signal, opaque, responseHeaders } = opts; if (signal && typeof signal.on !== "function" && typeof signal.addEventListener !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("signal must be an EventEmitter or EventTarget"); } super("UNDICI_CONNECT"); this.opaque = opaque || null; this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders || null; this.callback = callback; this.abort = null; addSignal(this, signal); } onConnect(abort, context) { if (this.reason) { abort(this.reason); return; } assert5(this.callback); this.abort = abort; this.context = context; } onHeaders() { throw new SocketError("bad connect", null); } onUpgrade(statusCode, rawHeaders, socket) { const { callback, opaque, context } = this; removeSignal(this); this.callback = null; let headers = rawHeaders; if (headers != null) { headers = this.responseHeaders === "raw" ? util.parseRawHeaders(rawHeaders) : util.parseHeaders(rawHeaders); } this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, null, { statusCode, headers, socket, opaque, context }); } onError(err) { const { callback, opaque } = this; removeSignal(this); if (callback) { this.callback = null; queueMicrotask(() => { this.runInAsyncScope(callback, null, err, { opaque }); }); } } }; function connect(opts, callback) { if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { connect.call(this, opts, (err, data) => { return err ? reject(err) : resolve2(data); }); }); } try { const connectHandler = new ConnectHandler(opts, callback); this.dispatch({ ...opts, method: "CONNECT" }, connectHandler); } catch (err) { if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw err; } const opaque = opts?.opaque; queueMicrotask(() => callback(err, { opaque })); } } module2.exports = connect; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/index.js var require_api = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/api/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports.request = require_api_request(); module2.exports.stream = require_api_stream(); module2.exports.pipeline = require_api_pipeline(); module2.exports.upgrade = require_api_upgrade(); module2.exports.connect = require_api_connect(); } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/dispatcher.js var require_dispatcher = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var EventEmitter2 = require("node:events"); var Dispatcher = class extends EventEmitter2 { dispatch() { throw new Error("not implemented"); } close() { throw new Error("not implemented"); } destroy() { throw new Error("not implemented"); } compose(...args) { const interceptors = Array.isArray(args[0]) ? args[0] : args; let dispatch = this.dispatch.bind(this); for (const interceptor of interceptors) { if (interceptor == null) { continue; } if (typeof interceptor !== "function") { throw new TypeError(`invalid interceptor, expected function received ${typeof interceptor}`); } dispatch = interceptor(dispatch); if (dispatch == null || typeof dispatch !== "function" || dispatch.length !== 2) { throw new TypeError("invalid interceptor"); } } return new ComposedDispatcher(this, dispatch); } }; var ComposedDispatcher = class extends Dispatcher { #dispatcher = null; #dispatch = null; constructor(dispatcher, dispatch) { super(); this.#dispatcher = dispatcher; this.#dispatch = dispatch; } dispatch(...args) { this.#dispatch(...args); } close(...args) { return this.#dispatcher.close(...args); } destroy(...args) { return this.#dispatcher.destroy(...args); } }; module2.exports = Dispatcher; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/dispatcher-base.js var require_dispatcher_base = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/dispatcher-base.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var Dispatcher = require_dispatcher(); var { ClientDestroyedError, ClientClosedError, InvalidArgumentError } = require_errors(); var { kDestroy, kClose, kClosed, kDestroyed, kDispatch, kInterceptors } = require_symbols(); var kOnDestroyed = Symbol("onDestroyed"); var kOnClosed = Symbol("onClosed"); var kInterceptedDispatch = Symbol("Intercepted Dispatch"); var DispatcherBase = class extends Dispatcher { constructor() { super(); this[kDestroyed] = false; this[kOnDestroyed] = null; this[kClosed] = false; this[kOnClosed] = []; } get destroyed() { return this[kDestroyed]; } get closed() { return this[kClosed]; } get interceptors() { return this[kInterceptors]; } set interceptors(newInterceptors) { if (newInterceptors) { for (let i = newInterceptors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const interceptor = this[kInterceptors][i]; if (typeof interceptor !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("interceptor must be an function"); } } } this[kInterceptors] = newInterceptors; } close(callback) { if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { this.close((err, data) => { return err ? reject(err) : resolve2(data); }); }); } if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } if (this[kDestroyed]) { queueMicrotask(() => callback(new ClientDestroyedError(), null)); return; } if (this[kClosed]) { if (this[kOnClosed]) { this[kOnClosed].push(callback); } else { queueMicrotask(() => callback(null, null)); } return; } this[kClosed] = true; this[kOnClosed].push(callback); const onClosed = () => { const callbacks = this[kOnClosed]; this[kOnClosed] = null; for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](null, null); } }; this[kClose]().then(() => this.destroy()).then(() => { queueMicrotask(onClosed); }); } destroy(err, callback) { if (typeof err === "function") { callback = err; err = null; } if (callback === void 0) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { this.destroy(err, (err2, data) => { return err2 ? ( /* istanbul ignore next: should never error */ reject(err2) ) : resolve2(data); }); }); } if (typeof callback !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid callback"); } if (this[kDestroyed]) { if (this[kOnDestroyed]) { this[kOnDestroyed].push(callback); } else { queueMicrotask(() => callback(null, null)); } return; } if (!err) { err = new ClientDestroyedError(); } this[kDestroyed] = true; this[kOnDestroyed] = this[kOnDestroyed] || []; this[kOnDestroyed].push(callback); const onDestroyed = () => { const callbacks = this[kOnDestroyed]; this[kOnDestroyed] = null; for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](null, null); } }; this[kDestroy](err).then(() => { queueMicrotask(onDestroyed); }); } [kInterceptedDispatch](opts, handler) { if (!this[kInterceptors] || this[kInterceptors].length === 0) { this[kInterceptedDispatch] = this[kDispatch]; return this[kDispatch](opts, handler); } let dispatch = this[kDispatch].bind(this); for (let i = this[kInterceptors].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dispatch = this[kInterceptors][i](dispatch); } this[kInterceptedDispatch] = dispatch; return dispatch(opts, handler); } dispatch(opts, handler) { if (!handler || typeof handler !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("handler must be an object"); } try { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("opts must be an object."); } if (this[kDestroyed] || this[kOnDestroyed]) { throw new ClientDestroyedError(); } if (this[kClosed]) { throw new ClientClosedError(); } return this[kInterceptedDispatch](opts, handler); } catch (err) { if (typeof handler.onError !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid onError method"); } handler.onError(err); return false; } } }; module2.exports = DispatcherBase; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/fixed-queue.js var require_fixed_queue = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/fixed-queue.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var kSize = 2048; var kMask = kSize - 1; var FixedCircularBuffer = class { constructor() { this.bottom = 0; this.top = 0; this.list = new Array(kSize); this.next = null; } isEmpty() { return this.top === this.bottom; } isFull() { return (this.top + 1 & kMask) === this.bottom; } push(data) { this.list[this.top] = data; this.top = this.top + 1 & kMask; } shift() { const nextItem = this.list[this.bottom]; if (nextItem === void 0) return null; this.list[this.bottom] = void 0; this.bottom = this.bottom + 1 & kMask; return nextItem; } }; module2.exports = class FixedQueue { constructor() { this.head = this.tail = new FixedCircularBuffer(); } isEmpty() { return this.head.isEmpty(); } push(data) { if (this.head.isFull()) { this.head = this.head.next = new FixedCircularBuffer(); } this.head.push(data); } shift() { const tail = this.tail; const next = tail.shift(); if (tail.isEmpty() && tail.next !== null) { this.tail = tail.next; } return next; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool-stats.js var require_pool_stats = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool-stats.js"(exports2, module2) { var { kFree, kConnected, kPending, kQueued, kRunning, kSize } = require_symbols(); var kPool = Symbol("pool"); var PoolStats = class { constructor(pool) { this[kPool] = pool; } get connected() { return this[kPool][kConnected]; } get free() { return this[kPool][kFree]; } get pending() { return this[kPool][kPending]; } get queued() { return this[kPool][kQueued]; } get running() { return this[kPool][kRunning]; } get size() { return this[kPool][kSize]; } }; module2.exports = PoolStats; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool-base.js var require_pool_base = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool-base.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var DispatcherBase = require_dispatcher_base(); var FixedQueue = require_fixed_queue(); var { kConnected, kSize, kRunning, kPending, kQueued, kBusy, kFree, kUrl, kClose, kDestroy, kDispatch } = require_symbols(); var PoolStats = require_pool_stats(); var kClients = Symbol("clients"); var kNeedDrain = Symbol("needDrain"); var kQueue = Symbol("queue"); var kClosedResolve = Symbol("closed resolve"); var kOnDrain = Symbol("onDrain"); var kOnConnect = Symbol("onConnect"); var kOnDisconnect = Symbol("onDisconnect"); var kOnConnectionError = Symbol("onConnectionError"); var kGetDispatcher = Symbol("get dispatcher"); var kAddClient = Symbol("add client"); var kRemoveClient = Symbol("remove client"); var kStats = Symbol("stats"); var PoolBase = class extends DispatcherBase { constructor() { super(); this[kQueue] = new FixedQueue(); this[kClients] = []; this[kQueued] = 0; const pool = this; this[kOnDrain] = function onDrain(origin, targets) { const queue = pool[kQueue]; let needDrain = false; while (!needDrain) { const item = queue.shift(); if (!item) { break; } pool[kQueued]--; needDrain = !this.dispatch(item.opts, item.handler); } this[kNeedDrain] = needDrain; if (!this[kNeedDrain] && pool[kNeedDrain]) { pool[kNeedDrain] = false; pool.emit("drain", origin, [pool, ...targets]); } if (pool[kClosedResolve] && queue.isEmpty()) { Promise.all(pool[kClients].map((c) => c.close())).then(pool[kClosedResolve]); } }; this[kOnConnect] = (origin, targets) => { pool.emit("connect", origin, [pool, ...targets]); }; this[kOnDisconnect] = (origin, targets, err) => { pool.emit("disconnect", origin, [pool, ...targets], err); }; this[kOnConnectionError] = (origin, targets, err) => { pool.emit("connectionError", origin, [pool, ...targets], err); }; this[kStats] = new PoolStats(this); } get [kBusy]() { return this[kNeedDrain]; } get [kConnected]() { return this[kClients].filter((client) => client[kConnected]).length; } get [kFree]() { return this[kClients].filter((client) => client[kConnected] && !client[kNeedDrain]).length; } get [kPending]() { let ret = this[kQueued]; for (const { [kPending]: pending } of this[kClients]) { ret += pending; } return ret; } get [kRunning]() { let ret = 0; for (const { [kRunning]: running } of this[kClients]) { ret += running; } return ret; } get [kSize]() { let ret = this[kQueued]; for (const { [kSize]: size } of this[kClients]) { ret += size; } return ret; } get stats() { return this[kStats]; } async [kClose]() { if (this[kQueue].isEmpty()) { return Promise.all(this[kClients].map((c) => c.close())); } else { return new Promise((resolve2) => { this[kClosedResolve] = resolve2; }); } } async [kDestroy](err) { while (true) { const item = this[kQueue].shift(); if (!item) { break; } item.handler.onError(err); } return Promise.all(this[kClients].map((c) => c.destroy(err))); } [kDispatch](opts, handler) { const dispatcher = this[kGetDispatcher](); if (!dispatcher) { this[kNeedDrain] = true; this[kQueue].push({ opts, handler }); this[kQueued]++; } else if (!dispatcher.dispatch(opts, handler)) { dispatcher[kNeedDrain] = true; this[kNeedDrain] = !this[kGetDispatcher](); } return !this[kNeedDrain]; } [kAddClient](client) { client.on("drain", this[kOnDrain]).on("connect", this[kOnConnect]).on("disconnect", this[kOnDisconnect]).on("connectionError", this[kOnConnectionError]); this[kClients].push(client); if (this[kNeedDrain]) { queueMicrotask(() => { if (this[kNeedDrain]) { this[kOnDrain](client[kUrl], [this, client]); } }); } return this; } [kRemoveClient](client) { client.close(() => { const idx = this[kClients].indexOf(client); if (idx !== -1) { this[kClients].splice(idx, 1); } }); this[kNeedDrain] = this[kClients].some((dispatcher) => !dispatcher[kNeedDrain] && dispatcher.closed !== true && dispatcher.destroyed !== true); } }; module2.exports = { PoolBase, kClients, kNeedDrain, kAddClient, kRemoveClient, kGetDispatcher }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/diagnostics.js var require_diagnostics = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/diagnostics.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var diagnosticsChannel = require("node:diagnostics_channel"); var util = require("node:util"); var undiciDebugLog = util.debuglog("undici"); var fetchDebuglog = util.debuglog("fetch"); var websocketDebuglog = util.debuglog("websocket"); var isClientSet = false; var channels = { // Client beforeConnect: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:beforeConnect"), connected: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connected"), connectError: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connectError"), sendHeaders: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:sendHeaders"), // Request create: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:create"), bodySent: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:bodySent"), headers: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:headers"), trailers: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:trailers"), error: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:error"), // WebSocket open: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:open"), close: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:close"), socketError: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:socket_error"), ping: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:ping"), pong: diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:pong") }; if (undiciDebugLog.enabled || fetchDebuglog.enabled) { const debuglog = fetchDebuglog.enabled ? fetchDebuglog : undiciDebugLog; diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:beforeConnect").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host } } = evt; debuglog( "connecting to %s using %s%s", `${host}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`, protocol, version3 ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connected").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host } } = evt; debuglog( "connected to %s using %s%s", `${host}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`, protocol, version3 ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connectError").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host }, error } = evt; debuglog( "connection to %s using %s%s errored - %s", `${host}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`, protocol, version3, error.message ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:sendHeaders").subscribe((evt) => { const { request: { method, path: path16, origin } } = evt; debuglog("sending request to %s %s/%s", method, origin, path16); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:headers").subscribe((evt) => { const { request: { method, path: path16, origin }, response: { statusCode } } = evt; debuglog( "received response to %s %s/%s - HTTP %d", method, origin, path16, statusCode ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:trailers").subscribe((evt) => { const { request: { method, path: path16, origin } } = evt; debuglog("trailers received from %s %s/%s", method, origin, path16); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:request:error").subscribe((evt) => { const { request: { method, path: path16, origin }, error } = evt; debuglog( "request to %s %s/%s errored - %s", method, origin, path16, error.message ); }); isClientSet = true; } if (websocketDebuglog.enabled) { if (!isClientSet) { const debuglog = undiciDebugLog.enabled ? undiciDebugLog : websocketDebuglog; diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:beforeConnect").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host } } = evt; debuglog( "connecting to %s%s using %s%s", host, port ? `:${port}` : "", protocol, version3 ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connected").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host } } = evt; debuglog( "connected to %s%s using %s%s", host, port ? `:${port}` : "", protocol, version3 ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:connectError").subscribe((evt) => { const { connectParams: { version: version3, protocol, port, host }, error } = evt; debuglog( "connection to %s%s using %s%s errored - %s", host, port ? `:${port}` : "", protocol, version3, error.message ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:client:sendHeaders").subscribe((evt) => { const { request: { method, path: path16, origin } } = evt; debuglog("sending request to %s %s/%s", method, origin, path16); }); } diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:open").subscribe((evt) => { const { address: { address, port } } = evt; websocketDebuglog("connection opened %s%s", address, port ? `:${port}` : ""); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:close").subscribe((evt) => { const { websocket, code: code2, reason } = evt; websocketDebuglog( "closed connection to %s - %s %s", websocket.url, code2, reason ); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:socket_error").subscribe((err) => { websocketDebuglog("connection errored - %s", err.message); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:ping").subscribe((evt) => { websocketDebuglog("ping received"); }); diagnosticsChannel.channel("undici:websocket:pong").subscribe((evt) => { websocketDebuglog("pong received"); }); } module2.exports = { channels }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/request.js var require_request = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/request.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { InvalidArgumentError, NotSupportedError } = require_errors(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { isValidHTTPToken, isValidHeaderValue, isStream: isStream2, destroy, isBuffer, isFormDataLike, isIterable, isBlobLike, buildURL, validateHandler, getServerName, normalizedMethodRecords } = require_util(); var { channels } = require_diagnostics(); var { headerNameLowerCasedRecord } = require_constants2(); var invalidPathRegex = /[^\u0021-\u00ff]/; var kHandler = Symbol("handler"); var Request = class { constructor(origin, { path: path16, method, body, headers, query, idempotent, blocking, upgrade, headersTimeout, bodyTimeout, reset, throwOnError, expectContinue, servername }, handler) { if (typeof path16 !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("path must be a string"); } else if (path16[0] !== "/" && !(path16.startsWith("http://") || path16.startsWith("https://")) && method !== "CONNECT") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("path must be an absolute URL or start with a slash"); } else if (invalidPathRegex.test(path16)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid request path"); } if (typeof method !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("method must be a string"); } else if (normalizedMethodRecords[method] === void 0 && !isValidHTTPToken(method)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid request method"); } if (upgrade && typeof upgrade !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("upgrade must be a string"); } if (headersTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(headersTimeout) || headersTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid headersTimeout"); } if (bodyTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(bodyTimeout) || bodyTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid bodyTimeout"); } if (reset != null && typeof reset !== "boolean") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid reset"); } if (expectContinue != null && typeof expectContinue !== "boolean") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid expectContinue"); } this.headersTimeout = headersTimeout; this.bodyTimeout = bodyTimeout; this.throwOnError = throwOnError === true; this.method = method; this.abort = null; if (body == null) { this.body = null; } else if (isStream2(body)) { this.body = body; const rState = this.body._readableState; if (!rState || !rState.autoDestroy) { this.endHandler = function autoDestroy() { destroy(this); }; this.body.on("end", this.endHandler); } this.errorHandler = (err) => { if (this.abort) { this.abort(err); } else { this.error = err; } }; this.body.on("error", this.errorHandler); } else if (isBuffer(body)) { this.body = body.byteLength ? body : null; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { this.body = body.buffer.byteLength ? Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength) : null; } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { this.body = body.byteLength ? Buffer.from(body) : null; } else if (typeof body === "string") { this.body = body.length ? Buffer.from(body) : null; } else if (isFormDataLike(body) || isIterable(body) || isBlobLike(body)) { this.body = body; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentError("body must be a string, a Buffer, a Readable stream, an iterable, or an async iterable"); } this.completed = false; this.aborted = false; this.upgrade = upgrade || null; this.path = query ? buildURL(path16, query) : path16; this.origin = origin; this.idempotent = idempotent == null ? method === "HEAD" || method === "GET" : idempotent; this.blocking = blocking == null ? false : blocking; this.reset = reset == null ? null : reset; this.host = null; this.contentLength = null; this.contentType = null; this.headers = []; this.expectContinue = expectContinue != null ? expectContinue : false; if (Array.isArray(headers)) { if (headers.length % 2 !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("headers array must be even"); } for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { processHeader(this, headers[i], headers[i + 1]); } } else if (headers && typeof headers === "object") { if (headers[Symbol.iterator]) { for (const header of headers) { if (!Array.isArray(header) || header.length !== 2) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("headers must be in key-value pair format"); } processHeader(this, header[0], header[1]); } } else { const keys = Object.keys(headers); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { processHeader(this, keys[i], headers[keys[i]]); } } } else if (headers != null) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("headers must be an object or an array"); } validateHandler(handler, method, upgrade); this.servername = servername || getServerName(this.host); this[kHandler] = handler; if (channels.create.hasSubscribers) { channels.create.publish({ request: this }); } } onBodySent(chunk) { if (this[kHandler].onBodySent) { try { return this[kHandler].onBodySent(chunk); } catch (err) { this.abort(err); } } } onRequestSent() { if (channels.bodySent.hasSubscribers) { channels.bodySent.publish({ request: this }); } if (this[kHandler].onRequestSent) { try { return this[kHandler].onRequestSent(); } catch (err) { this.abort(err); } } } onConnect(abort) { assert5(!this.aborted); assert5(!this.completed); if (this.error) { abort(this.error); } else { this.abort = abort; return this[kHandler].onConnect(abort); } } onResponseStarted() { return this[kHandler].onResponseStarted?.(); } onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume, statusText) { assert5(!this.aborted); assert5(!this.completed); if (channels.headers.hasSubscribers) { channels.headers.publish({ request: this, response: { statusCode, headers, statusText } }); } try { return this[kHandler].onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume, statusText); } catch (err) { this.abort(err); } } onData(chunk) { assert5(!this.aborted); assert5(!this.completed); try { return this[kHandler].onData(chunk); } catch (err) { this.abort(err); return false; } } onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket) { assert5(!this.aborted); assert5(!this.completed); return this[kHandler].onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket); } onComplete(trailers) { this.onFinally(); assert5(!this.aborted); this.completed = true; if (channels.trailers.hasSubscribers) { channels.trailers.publish({ request: this, trailers }); } try { return this[kHandler].onComplete(trailers); } catch (err) { this.onError(err); } } onError(error) { this.onFinally(); if (channels.error.hasSubscribers) { channels.error.publish({ request: this, error }); } if (this.aborted) { return; } this.aborted = true; return this[kHandler].onError(error); } onFinally() { if (this.errorHandler) { this.body.off("error", this.errorHandler); this.errorHandler = null; } if (this.endHandler) { this.body.off("end", this.endHandler); this.endHandler = null; } } addHeader(key, value) { processHeader(this, key, value); return this; } }; function processHeader(request, key, val) { if (val && (typeof val === "object" && !Array.isArray(val))) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`); } else if (val === void 0) { return; } let headerName = headerNameLowerCasedRecord[key]; if (headerName === void 0) { headerName = key.toLowerCase(); if (headerNameLowerCasedRecord[headerName] === void 0 && !isValidHTTPToken(headerName)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid header key"); } } if (Array.isArray(val)) { const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (typeof val[i] === "string") { if (!isValidHeaderValue(val[i])) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`); } arr.push(val[i]); } else if (val[i] === null) { arr.push(""); } else if (typeof val[i] === "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`); } else { arr.push(`${val[i]}`); } } val = arr; } else if (typeof val === "string") { if (!isValidHeaderValue(val)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${key} header`); } } else if (val === null) { val = ""; } else { val = `${val}`; } if (request.host === null && headerName === "host") { if (typeof val !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid host header"); } request.host = val; } else if (request.contentLength === null && headerName === "content-length") { request.contentLength = parseInt(val, 10); if (!Number.isFinite(request.contentLength)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid content-length header"); } } else if (request.contentType === null && headerName === "content-type") { request.contentType = val; request.headers.push(key, val); } else if (headerName === "transfer-encoding" || headerName === "keep-alive" || headerName === "upgrade") { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`invalid ${headerName} header`); } else if (headerName === "connection") { const value = typeof val === "string" ? val.toLowerCase() : null; if (value !== "close" && value !== "keep-alive") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid connection header"); } if (value === "close") { request.reset = true; } } else if (headerName === "expect") { throw new NotSupportedError("expect header not supported"); } else { request.headers.push(key, val); } } module2.exports = Request; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/connect.js var require_connect = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/core/connect.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var net = require("node:net"); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var util = require_util(); var { InvalidArgumentError, ConnectTimeoutError } = require_errors(); var tls; var SessionCache; if (global.FinalizationRegistry && !(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE || process.env.UNDICI_NO_FG)) { SessionCache = class WeakSessionCache { constructor(maxCachedSessions) { this._maxCachedSessions = maxCachedSessions; this._sessionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._sessionRegistry = new global.FinalizationRegistry((key) => { if (this._sessionCache.size < this._maxCachedSessions) { return; } const ref = this._sessionCache.get(key); if (ref !== void 0 && ref.deref() === void 0) { this._sessionCache.delete(key); } }); } get(sessionKey) { const ref = this._sessionCache.get(sessionKey); return ref ? ref.deref() : null; } set(sessionKey, session) { if (this._maxCachedSessions === 0) { return; } this._sessionCache.set(sessionKey, new WeakRef(session)); this._sessionRegistry.register(session, sessionKey); } }; } else { SessionCache = class SimpleSessionCache { constructor(maxCachedSessions) { this._maxCachedSessions = maxCachedSessions; this._sessionCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get(sessionKey) { return this._sessionCache.get(sessionKey); } set(sessionKey, session) { if (this._maxCachedSessions === 0) { return; } if (this._sessionCache.size >= this._maxCachedSessions) { const { value: oldestKey } = this._sessionCache.keys().next(); this._sessionCache.delete(oldestKey); } this._sessionCache.set(sessionKey, session); } }; } function buildConnector({ allowH2, maxCachedSessions, socketPath, timeout, session: customSession, ...opts }) { if (maxCachedSessions != null && (!Number.isInteger(maxCachedSessions) || maxCachedSessions < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxCachedSessions must be a positive integer or zero"); } const options = { path: socketPath, ...opts }; const sessionCache = new SessionCache(maxCachedSessions == null ? 100 : maxCachedSessions); timeout = timeout == null ? 1e4 : timeout; allowH2 = allowH2 != null ? allowH2 : false; return function connect({ hostname, host, protocol, port, servername, localAddress, httpSocket }, callback) { let socket; if (protocol === "https:") { if (!tls) { tls = require("node:tls"); } servername = servername || options.servername || util.getServerName(host) || null; const sessionKey = servername || hostname; const session = customSession || sessionCache.get(sessionKey) || null; assert5(sessionKey); socket = tls.connect({ highWaterMark: 16384, // TLS in node can't have bigger HWM anyway... ...options, servername, session, localAddress, // TODO(HTTP/2): Add support for h2c ALPNProtocols: allowH2 ? ["http/1.1", "h2"] : ["http/1.1"], socket: httpSocket, // upgrade socket connection port: port || 443, host: hostname }); socket.on("session", function(session2) { sessionCache.set(sessionKey, session2); }); } else { assert5(!httpSocket, "httpSocket can only be sent on TLS update"); socket = net.connect({ highWaterMark: 64 * 1024, // Same as nodejs fs streams. ...options, localAddress, port: port || 80, host: hostname }); } if (options.keepAlive == null || options.keepAlive) { const keepAliveInitialDelay = options.keepAliveInitialDelay === void 0 ? 6e4 : options.keepAliveInitialDelay; socket.setKeepAlive(true, keepAliveInitialDelay); } const cancelTimeout = setupTimeout(() => onConnectTimeout(socket), timeout); socket.setNoDelay(true).once(protocol === "https:" ? "secureConnect" : "connect", function() { cancelTimeout(); if (callback) { const cb = callback; callback = null; cb(null, this); } }).on("error", function(err) { cancelTimeout(); if (callback) { const cb = callback; callback = null; cb(err); } }); return socket; }; } function setupTimeout(onConnectTimeout2, timeout) { if (!timeout) { return () => { }; } let s1 = null; let s2 = null; const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { s1 = setImmediate(() => { if (process.platform === "win32") { s2 = setImmediate(() => onConnectTimeout2()); } else { onConnectTimeout2(); } }); }, timeout); return () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); clearImmediate(s1); clearImmediate(s2); }; } function onConnectTimeout(socket) { let message = "Connect Timeout Error"; if (Array.isArray(socket.autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses)) { message += ` (attempted addresses: ${socket.autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses.join(", ")})`; } util.destroy(socket, new ConnectTimeoutError(message)); } module2.exports = buildConnector; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/util/timers.js var require_timers = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/util/timers.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var TICK_MS = 499; var fastNow = Date.now(); var fastNowTimeout; var fastTimers = []; function onTimeout() { fastNow = Date.now(); let len = fastTimers.length; let idx = 0; while (idx < len) { const timer = fastTimers[idx]; if (timer.state === 0) { timer.state = fastNow + timer.delay - TICK_MS; } else if (timer.state > 0 && fastNow >= timer.state) { timer.state = -1; timer.callback(timer.opaque); } if (timer.state === -1) { timer.state = -2; if (idx !== len - 1) { fastTimers[idx] = fastTimers.pop(); } else { fastTimers.pop(); } len -= 1; } else { idx += 1; } } if (fastTimers.length > 0) { refreshTimeout(); } } function refreshTimeout() { if (fastNowTimeout?.refresh) { fastNowTimeout.refresh(); } else { clearTimeout(fastNowTimeout); fastNowTimeout = setTimeout(onTimeout, TICK_MS); if (fastNowTimeout.unref) { fastNowTimeout.unref(); } } } var Timeout = class { constructor(callback, delay, opaque) { this.callback = callback; this.delay = delay; this.opaque = opaque; this.state = -2; this.refresh(); } refresh() { if (this.state === -2) { fastTimers.push(this); if (!fastNowTimeout || fastTimers.length === 1) { refreshTimeout(); } } this.state = 0; } clear() { this.state = -1; } }; module2.exports = { setTimeout(callback, delay, opaque) { return delay <= 1e3 ? setTimeout(callback, delay, opaque) : new Timeout(callback, delay, opaque); }, clearTimeout(timeout) { if (timeout instanceof Timeout) { timeout.clear(); } else { clearTimeout(timeout); } } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/utils.js var require_utils = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/utils.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.enumToMap = void 0; function enumToMap(obj) { const res = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { const value = obj[key]; if (typeof value === "number") { res[key] = value; } }); return res; } exports2.enumToMap = enumToMap; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/constants.js var require_constants3 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/constants.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.SPECIAL_HEADERS = exports2.HEADER_STATE = exports2.MINOR = exports2.MAJOR = exports2.CONNECTION_TOKEN_CHARS = exports2.HEADER_CHARS = exports2.TOKEN = exports2.STRICT_TOKEN = exports2.HEX = exports2.URL_CHAR = exports2.STRICT_URL_CHAR = exports2.USERINFO_CHARS = exports2.MARK = exports2.ALPHANUM = exports2.NUM = exports2.HEX_MAP = exports2.NUM_MAP = exports2.ALPHA = exports2.FINISH = exports2.H_METHOD_MAP = exports2.METHOD_MAP = exports2.METHODS_RTSP = exports2.METHODS_ICE = exports2.METHODS_HTTP = exports2.METHODS = exports2.LENIENT_FLAGS = exports2.FLAGS = exports2.TYPE = exports2.ERROR = void 0; var utils_1 = require_utils(); var ERROR2; (function(ERROR3) { ERROR3[ERROR3["OK"] = 0] = "OK"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INTERNAL"] = 1] = "INTERNAL"; ERROR3[ERROR3["STRICT"] = 2] = "STRICT"; ERROR3[ERROR3["LF_EXPECTED"] = 3] = "LF_EXPECTED"; ERROR3[ERROR3["UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 4] = "UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTH"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CLOSED_CONNECTION"] = 5] = "CLOSED_CONNECTION"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_METHOD"] = 6] = "INVALID_METHOD"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_URL"] = 7] = "INVALID_URL"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_CONSTANT"] = 8] = "INVALID_CONSTANT"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_VERSION"] = 9] = "INVALID_VERSION"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN"] = 10] = "INVALID_HEADER_TOKEN"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 11] = "INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTH"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE"] = 12] = "INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_STATUS"] = 13] = "INVALID_STATUS"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_EOF_STATE"] = 14] = "INVALID_EOF_STATE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING"] = 15] = "INVALID_TRANSFER_ENCODING"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CB_MESSAGE_BEGIN"] = 16] = "CB_MESSAGE_BEGIN"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CB_HEADERS_COMPLETE"] = 17] = "CB_HEADERS_COMPLETE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CB_MESSAGE_COMPLETE"] = 18] = "CB_MESSAGE_COMPLETE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CB_CHUNK_HEADER"] = 19] = "CB_CHUNK_HEADER"; ERROR3[ERROR3["CB_CHUNK_COMPLETE"] = 20] = "CB_CHUNK_COMPLETE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["PAUSED"] = 21] = "PAUSED"; ERROR3[ERROR3["PAUSED_UPGRADE"] = 22] = "PAUSED_UPGRADE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["PAUSED_H2_UPGRADE"] = 23] = "PAUSED_H2_UPGRADE"; ERROR3[ERROR3["USER"] = 24] = "USER"; })(ERROR2 = exports2.ERROR || (exports2.ERROR = {})); var TYPE; (function(TYPE2) { TYPE2[TYPE2["BOTH"] = 0] = "BOTH"; TYPE2[TYPE2["REQUEST"] = 1] = "REQUEST"; TYPE2[TYPE2["RESPONSE"] = 2] = "RESPONSE"; })(TYPE = exports2.TYPE || (exports2.TYPE = {})); var FLAGS; (function(FLAGS2) { FLAGS2[FLAGS2["CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE"] = 1] = "CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["CONNECTION_CLOSE"] = 2] = "CONNECTION_CLOSE"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["CONNECTION_UPGRADE"] = 4] = "CONNECTION_UPGRADE"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["CHUNKED"] = 8] = "CHUNKED"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["UPGRADE"] = 16] = "UPGRADE"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 32] = "CONTENT_LENGTH"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["SKIPBODY"] = 64] = "SKIPBODY"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["TRAILING"] = 128] = "TRAILING"; FLAGS2[FLAGS2["TRANSFER_ENCODING"] = 512] = "TRANSFER_ENCODING"; })(FLAGS = exports2.FLAGS || (exports2.FLAGS = {})); var LENIENT_FLAGS; (function(LENIENT_FLAGS2) { LENIENT_FLAGS2[LENIENT_FLAGS2["HEADERS"] = 1] = "HEADERS"; LENIENT_FLAGS2[LENIENT_FLAGS2["CHUNKED_LENGTH"] = 2] = "CHUNKED_LENGTH"; LENIENT_FLAGS2[LENIENT_FLAGS2["KEEP_ALIVE"] = 4] = "KEEP_ALIVE"; })(LENIENT_FLAGS = exports2.LENIENT_FLAGS || (exports2.LENIENT_FLAGS = {})); var METHODS; (function(METHODS2) { METHODS2[METHODS2["DELETE"] = 0] = "DELETE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["GET"] = 1] = "GET"; METHODS2[METHODS2["HEAD"] = 2] = "HEAD"; METHODS2[METHODS2["POST"] = 3] = "POST"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PUT"] = 4] = "PUT"; METHODS2[METHODS2["CONNECT"] = 5] = "CONNECT"; METHODS2[METHODS2["OPTIONS"] = 6] = "OPTIONS"; METHODS2[METHODS2["TRACE"] = 7] = "TRACE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["COPY"] = 8] = "COPY"; METHODS2[METHODS2["LOCK"] = 9] = "LOCK"; METHODS2[METHODS2["MKCOL"] = 10] = "MKCOL"; METHODS2[METHODS2["MOVE"] = 11] = "MOVE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PROPFIND"] = 12] = "PROPFIND"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PROPPATCH"] = 13] = "PROPPATCH"; METHODS2[METHODS2["SEARCH"] = 14] = "SEARCH"; METHODS2[METHODS2["UNLOCK"] = 15] = "UNLOCK"; METHODS2[METHODS2["BIND"] = 16] = "BIND"; METHODS2[METHODS2["REBIND"] = 17] = "REBIND"; METHODS2[METHODS2["UNBIND"] = 18] = "UNBIND"; METHODS2[METHODS2["ACL"] = 19] = "ACL"; METHODS2[METHODS2["REPORT"] = 20] = "REPORT"; METHODS2[METHODS2["MKACTIVITY"] = 21] = "MKACTIVITY"; METHODS2[METHODS2["CHECKOUT"] = 22] = "CHECKOUT"; METHODS2[METHODS2["MERGE"] = 23] = "MERGE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["M-SEARCH"] = 24] = "M-SEARCH"; METHODS2[METHODS2["NOTIFY"] = 25] = "NOTIFY"; METHODS2[METHODS2["SUBSCRIBE"] = 26] = "SUBSCRIBE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["UNSUBSCRIBE"] = 27] = "UNSUBSCRIBE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PATCH"] = 28] = "PATCH"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PURGE"] = 29] = "PURGE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["MKCALENDAR"] = 30] = "MKCALENDAR"; METHODS2[METHODS2["LINK"] = 31] = "LINK"; METHODS2[METHODS2["UNLINK"] = 32] = "UNLINK"; METHODS2[METHODS2["SOURCE"] = 33] = "SOURCE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PRI"] = 34] = "PRI"; METHODS2[METHODS2["DESCRIBE"] = 35] = "DESCRIBE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["ANNOUNCE"] = 36] = "ANNOUNCE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["SETUP"] = 37] = "SETUP"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PLAY"] = 38] = "PLAY"; METHODS2[METHODS2["PAUSE"] = 39] = "PAUSE"; METHODS2[METHODS2["TEARDOWN"] = 40] = "TEARDOWN"; METHODS2[METHODS2["GET_PARAMETER"] = 41] = "GET_PARAMETER"; METHODS2[METHODS2["SET_PARAMETER"] = 42] = "SET_PARAMETER"; METHODS2[METHODS2["REDIRECT"] = 43] = "REDIRECT"; METHODS2[METHODS2["RECORD"] = 44] = "RECORD"; METHODS2[METHODS2["FLUSH"] = 45] = "FLUSH"; })(METHODS = exports2.METHODS || (exports2.METHODS = {})); exports2.METHODS_HTTP = [ METHODS.DELETE, METHODS.GET, METHODS.HEAD, METHODS.POST, METHODS.PUT, METHODS.CONNECT, METHODS.OPTIONS, METHODS.TRACE, METHODS.COPY, METHODS.LOCK, METHODS.MKCOL, METHODS.MOVE, METHODS.PROPFIND, METHODS.PROPPATCH, METHODS.SEARCH, METHODS.UNLOCK, METHODS.BIND, METHODS.REBIND, METHODS.UNBIND, METHODS.ACL, METHODS.REPORT, METHODS.MKACTIVITY, METHODS.CHECKOUT, METHODS.MERGE, METHODS["M-SEARCH"], METHODS.NOTIFY, METHODS.SUBSCRIBE, METHODS.UNSUBSCRIBE, METHODS.PATCH, METHODS.PURGE, METHODS.MKCALENDAR, METHODS.LINK, METHODS.UNLINK, METHODS.PRI, // TODO(indutny): should we allow it with HTTP? METHODS.SOURCE ]; exports2.METHODS_ICE = [ METHODS.SOURCE ]; exports2.METHODS_RTSP = [ METHODS.OPTIONS, METHODS.DESCRIBE, METHODS.ANNOUNCE, METHODS.SETUP, METHODS.PLAY, METHODS.PAUSE, METHODS.TEARDOWN, METHODS.GET_PARAMETER, METHODS.SET_PARAMETER, METHODS.REDIRECT, METHODS.RECORD, METHODS.FLUSH, // For AirPlay METHODS.GET, METHODS.POST ]; exports2.METHOD_MAP = utils_1.enumToMap(METHODS); exports2.H_METHOD_MAP = {}; Object.keys(exports2.METHOD_MAP).forEach((key) => { if (/^H/.test(key)) { exports2.H_METHOD_MAP[key] = exports2.METHOD_MAP[key]; } }); var FINISH; (function(FINISH2) { FINISH2[FINISH2["SAFE"] = 0] = "SAFE"; FINISH2[FINISH2["SAFE_WITH_CB"] = 1] = "SAFE_WITH_CB"; FINISH2[FINISH2["UNSAFE"] = 2] = "UNSAFE"; })(FINISH = exports2.FINISH || (exports2.FINISH = {})); exports2.ALPHA = []; for (let i = "A".charCodeAt(0); i <= "Z".charCodeAt(0); i++) { exports2.ALPHA.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); exports2.ALPHA.push(String.fromCharCode(i + 32)); } exports2.NUM_MAP = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9 }; exports2.HEX_MAP = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, A: 10, B: 11, C: 12, D: 13, E: 14, F: 15, a: 10, b: 11, c: 12, d: 13, e: 14, f: 15 }; exports2.NUM = [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ]; exports2.ALPHANUM = exports2.ALPHA.concat(exports2.NUM); exports2.MARK = ["-", "_", ".", "!", "~", "*", "'", "(", ")"]; exports2.USERINFO_CHARS = exports2.ALPHANUM.concat(exports2.MARK).concat(["%", ";", ":", "&", "=", "+", "$", ","]); exports2.STRICT_URL_CHAR = [ "!", '"', "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "@", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~" ].concat(exports2.ALPHANUM); exports2.URL_CHAR = exports2.STRICT_URL_CHAR.concat([" ", "\f"]); for (let i = 128; i <= 255; i++) { exports2.URL_CHAR.push(i); } exports2.HEX = exports2.NUM.concat(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]); exports2.STRICT_TOKEN = [ "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "*", "+", "-", ".", "^", "_", "`", "|", "~" ].concat(exports2.ALPHANUM); exports2.TOKEN = exports2.STRICT_TOKEN.concat([" "]); exports2.HEADER_CHARS = [" "]; for (let i = 32; i <= 255; i++) { if (i !== 127) { exports2.HEADER_CHARS.push(i); } } exports2.CONNECTION_TOKEN_CHARS = exports2.HEADER_CHARS.filter((c) => c !== 44); exports2.MAJOR = exports2.NUM_MAP; exports2.MINOR = exports2.MAJOR; var HEADER_STATE; (function(HEADER_STATE2) { HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["GENERAL"] = 0] = "GENERAL"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["CONNECTION"] = 1] = "CONNECTION"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 2] = "CONTENT_LENGTH"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["TRANSFER_ENCODING"] = 3] = "TRANSFER_ENCODING"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["UPGRADE"] = 4] = "UPGRADE"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE"] = 5] = "CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["CONNECTION_CLOSE"] = 6] = "CONNECTION_CLOSE"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["CONNECTION_UPGRADE"] = 7] = "CONNECTION_UPGRADE"; HEADER_STATE2[HEADER_STATE2["TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED"] = 8] = "TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED"; })(HEADER_STATE = exports2.HEADER_STATE || (exports2.HEADER_STATE = {})); exports2.SPECIAL_HEADERS = { "connection": HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION, "content-length": HEADER_STATE.CONTENT_LENGTH, "proxy-connection": HEADER_STATE.CONNECTION, "transfer-encoding": HEADER_STATE.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "upgrade": HEADER_STATE.UPGRADE }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/llhttp-wasm.js var require_llhttp_wasm = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/llhttp-wasm.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { Buffer: Buffer3 } = require("node:buffer"); module2.exports = Buffer3.from("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"base64"); } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/llhttp_simd-wasm.js var require_llhttp_simd_wasm = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/llhttp/llhttp_simd-wasm.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { Buffer: Buffer3 } = require("node:buffer"); module2.exports = 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"base64"); } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/constants.js var require_constants4 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/constants.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var corsSafeListedMethods = ["GET", "HEAD", "POST"]; var corsSafeListedMethodsSet = new Set(corsSafeListedMethods); var nullBodyStatus = [101, 204, 205, 304]; var redirectStatus = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; var redirectStatusSet = new Set(redirectStatus); var badPorts = [ "1", "7", "9", "11", "13", "15", "17", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "25", "37", "42", "43", "53", "69", "77", "79", "87", "95", "101", "102", "103", "104", "109", "110", "111", "113", "115", "117", "119", "123", "135", "137", "139", "143", "161", "179", "389", "427", "465", "512", "513", "514", "515", "526", "530", "531", "532", "540", "548", "554", "556", "563", "587", "601", "636", "989", "990", "993", "995", "1719", "1720", "1723", "2049", "3659", "4045", "4190", "5060", "5061", "6000", "6566", "6665", "6666", "6667", "6668", "6669", "6679", "6697", "10080" ]; var badPortsSet = new Set(badPorts); var referrerPolicy = [ "", "no-referrer", "no-referrer-when-downgrade", "same-origin", "origin", "strict-origin", "origin-when-cross-origin", "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", "unsafe-url" ]; var referrerPolicySet = new Set(referrerPolicy); var requestRedirect = ["follow", "manual", "error"]; var safeMethods = ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"]; var safeMethodsSet = new Set(safeMethods); var requestMode = ["navigate", "same-origin", "no-cors", "cors"]; var requestCredentials = ["omit", "same-origin", "include"]; var requestCache = [ "default", "no-store", "reload", "no-cache", "force-cache", "only-if-cached" ]; var requestBodyHeader = [ "content-encoding", "content-language", "content-location", "content-type", // See https://github.com/nodejs/undici/issues/2021 // 'Content-Length' is a forbidden header name, which is typically // removed in the Headers implementation. However, undici doesn't // filter out headers, so we add it here. "content-length" ]; var requestDuplex = [ "half" ]; var forbiddenMethods = ["CONNECT", "TRACE", "TRACK"]; var forbiddenMethodsSet = new Set(forbiddenMethods); var subresource = [ "audio", "audioworklet", "font", "image", "manifest", "paintworklet", "script", "style", "track", "video", "xslt", "" ]; var subresourceSet = new Set(subresource); module2.exports = { subresource, forbiddenMethods, requestBodyHeader, referrerPolicy, requestRedirect, requestMode, requestCredentials, requestCache, redirectStatus, corsSafeListedMethods, nullBodyStatus, safeMethods, badPorts, requestDuplex, subresourceSet, badPortsSet, redirectStatusSet, corsSafeListedMethodsSet, safeMethodsSet, forbiddenMethodsSet, referrerPolicySet }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/global.js var require_global = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/global.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var globalOrigin = Symbol.for("undici.globalOrigin.1"); function getGlobalOrigin() { return globalThis[globalOrigin]; } function setGlobalOrigin(newOrigin) { if (newOrigin === void 0) { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, globalOrigin, { value: void 0, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false }); return; } const parsedURL = new URL(newOrigin); if (parsedURL.protocol !== "http:" && parsedURL.protocol !== "https:") { throw new TypeError(`Only http & https urls are allowed, received ${parsedURL.protocol}`); } Object.defineProperty(globalThis, globalOrigin, { value: parsedURL, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false }); } module2.exports = { getGlobalOrigin, setGlobalOrigin }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/data-url.js var require_data_url = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/data-url.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var encoder = new TextEncoder(); var HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS = /^[!#$%&'*+\-.^_|~A-Za-z0-9]+$/; var HTTP_WHITESPACE_REGEX = /[\u000A\u000D\u0009\u0020]/; var ASCII_WHITESPACE_REPLACE_REGEX = /[\u0009\u000A\u000C\u000D\u0020]/g; var HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKENS = /^[\u0009\u0020-\u007E\u0080-\u00FF]+$/; function dataURLProcessor(dataURL) { assert5(dataURL.protocol === "data:"); let input = URLSerializer(dataURL, true); input = input.slice(5); const position = { position: 0 }; let mimeType = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast( ",", input, position ); const mimeTypeLength = mimeType.length; mimeType = removeASCIIWhitespace(mimeType, true, true); if (position.position >= input.length) { return "failure"; } position.position++; const encodedBody = input.slice(mimeTypeLength + 1); let body = stringPercentDecode(encodedBody); if (/;(\u0020){0,}base64$/i.test(mimeType)) { const stringBody = isomorphicDecode(body); body = forgivingBase64(stringBody); if (body === "failure") { return "failure"; } mimeType = mimeType.slice(0, -6); mimeType = mimeType.replace(/(\u0020)+$/, ""); mimeType = mimeType.slice(0, -1); } if (mimeType.startsWith(";")) { mimeType = "text/plain" + mimeType; } let mimeTypeRecord = parseMIMEType(mimeType); if (mimeTypeRecord === "failure") { mimeTypeRecord = parseMIMEType("text/plain;charset=US-ASCII"); } return { mimeType: mimeTypeRecord, body }; } function URLSerializer(url, excludeFragment = false) { if (!excludeFragment) { return url.href; } const href = url.href; const hashLength = url.hash.length; const serialized = hashLength === 0 ? href : href.substring(0, href.length - hashLength); if (!hashLength && href.endsWith("#")) { return serialized.slice(0, -1); } return serialized; } function collectASequenceOfCodePoints(condition, input, position) { let result = ""; while (position.position < input.length && condition(input[position.position])) { result += input[position.position]; position.position++; } return result; } function collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast(char, input, position) { const idx = input.indexOf(char, position.position); const start = position.position; if (idx === -1) { position.position = input.length; return input.slice(start); } position.position = idx; return input.slice(start, position.position); } function stringPercentDecode(input) { const bytes = encoder.encode(input); return percentDecode(bytes); } function isHexCharByte(byte) { return byte >= 48 && byte <= 57 || byte >= 65 && byte <= 70 || byte >= 97 && byte <= 102; } function hexByteToNumber(byte) { return ( // 0-9 byte >= 48 && byte <= 57 ? byte - 48 : (byte & 223) - 55 ); } function percentDecode(input) { const length = input.length; const output = new Uint8Array(length); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const byte = input[i]; if (byte !== 37) { output[j++] = byte; } else if (byte === 37 && !(isHexCharByte(input[i + 1]) && isHexCharByte(input[i + 2]))) { output[j++] = 37; } else { output[j++] = hexByteToNumber(input[i + 1]) << 4 | hexByteToNumber(input[i + 2]); i += 2; } } return length === j ? output : output.subarray(0, j); } function parseMIMEType(input) { input = removeHTTPWhitespace(input, true, true); const position = { position: 0 }; const type = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast( "/", input, position ); if (type.length === 0 || !HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(type)) { return "failure"; } if (position.position > input.length) { return "failure"; } position.position++; let subtype = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast( ";", input, position ); subtype = removeHTTPWhitespace(subtype, false, true); if (subtype.length === 0 || !HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(subtype)) { return "failure"; } const typeLowercase = type.toLowerCase(); const subtypeLowercase = subtype.toLowerCase(); const mimeType = { type: typeLowercase, subtype: subtypeLowercase, /** @type {Map<string, string>} */ parameters: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), // https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/#mime-type-essence essence: `${typeLowercase}/${subtypeLowercase}` }; while (position.position < input.length) { position.position++; collectASequenceOfCodePoints( // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#http-whitespace (char) => HTTP_WHITESPACE_REGEX.test(char), input, position ); let parameterName = collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char !== ";" && char !== "=", input, position ); parameterName = parameterName.toLowerCase(); if (position.position < input.length) { if (input[position.position] === ";") { continue; } position.position++; } if (position.position > input.length) { break; } let parameterValue = null; if (input[position.position] === '"') { parameterValue = collectAnHTTPQuotedString(input, position, true); collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast( ";", input, position ); } else { parameterValue = collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast( ";", input, position ); parameterValue = removeHTTPWhitespace(parameterValue, false, true); if (parameterValue.length === 0) { continue; } } if (parameterName.length !== 0 && HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(parameterName) && (parameterValue.length === 0 || HTTP_QUOTED_STRING_TOKENS.test(parameterValue)) && !mimeType.parameters.has(parameterName)) { mimeType.parameters.set(parameterName, parameterValue); } } return mimeType; } function forgivingBase64(data) { data = data.replace(ASCII_WHITESPACE_REPLACE_REGEX, ""); let dataLength = data.length; if (dataLength % 4 === 0) { if (data.charCodeAt(dataLength - 1) === 61) { --dataLength; if (data.charCodeAt(dataLength - 1) === 61) { --dataLength; } } } if (dataLength % 4 === 1) { return "failure"; } if (/[^+/0-9A-Za-z]/.test(data.length === dataLength ? data : data.substring(0, dataLength))) { return "failure"; } const buffer = Buffer.from(data, "base64"); return new Uint8Array(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength); } function collectAnHTTPQuotedString(input, position, extractValue) { const positionStart = position.position; let value = ""; assert5(input[position.position] === '"'); position.position++; while (true) { value += collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char !== '"' && char !== "\\", input, position ); if (position.position >= input.length) { break; } const quoteOrBackslash = input[position.position]; position.position++; if (quoteOrBackslash === "\\") { if (position.position >= input.length) { value += "\\"; break; } value += input[position.position]; position.position++; } else { assert5(quoteOrBackslash === '"'); break; } } if (extractValue) { return value; } return input.slice(positionStart, position.position); } function serializeAMimeType(mimeType) { assert5(mimeType !== "failure"); const { parameters, essence } = mimeType; let serialization = essence; for (let [name2, value] of parameters.entries()) { serialization += ";"; serialization += name2; serialization += "="; if (!HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(value)) { value = value.replace(/(\\|")/g, "\\$1"); value = '"' + value; value += '"'; } serialization += value; } return serialization; } function isHTTPWhiteSpace(char) { return char === 13 || char === 10 || char === 9 || char === 32; } function removeHTTPWhitespace(str, leading = true, trailing = true) { return removeChars(str, leading, trailing, isHTTPWhiteSpace); } function isASCIIWhitespace(char) { return char === 13 || char === 10 || char === 9 || char === 12 || char === 32; } function removeASCIIWhitespace(str, leading = true, trailing = true) { return removeChars(str, leading, trailing, isASCIIWhitespace); } function removeChars(str, leading, trailing, predicate) { let lead = 0; let trail = str.length - 1; if (leading) { while (lead < str.length && predicate(str.charCodeAt(lead))) lead++; } if (trailing) { while (trail > 0 && predicate(str.charCodeAt(trail))) trail--; } return lead === 0 && trail === str.length - 1 ? str : str.slice(lead, trail + 1); } function isomorphicDecode(input) { const length = input.length; if ((2 << 15) - 1 > length) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, input); } let result = ""; let i = 0; let addition = (2 << 15) - 1; while (i < length) { if (i + addition > length) { addition = length - i; } result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, input.subarray(i, i += addition)); } return result; } function minimizeSupportedMimeType(mimeType) { switch (mimeType.essence) { case "application/ecmascript": case "application/javascript": case "application/x-ecmascript": case "application/x-javascript": case "text/ecmascript": case "text/javascript": case "text/javascript1.0": case "text/javascript1.1": case "text/javascript1.2": case "text/javascript1.3": case "text/javascript1.4": case "text/javascript1.5": case "text/jscript": case "text/livescript": case "text/x-ecmascript": case "text/x-javascript": return "text/javascript"; case "application/json": case "text/json": return "application/json"; case "image/svg+xml": return "image/svg+xml"; case "text/xml": case "application/xml": return "application/xml"; } if (mimeType.subtype.endsWith("+json")) { return "application/json"; } if (mimeType.subtype.endsWith("+xml")) { return "application/xml"; } return ""; } module2.exports = { dataURLProcessor, URLSerializer, collectASequenceOfCodePoints, collectASequenceOfCodePointsFast, stringPercentDecode, parseMIMEType, collectAnHTTPQuotedString, serializeAMimeType, removeChars, removeHTTPWhitespace, minimizeSupportedMimeType, HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS, isomorphicDecode }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js var require_webidl = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/webidl.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { types, inspect } = require("node:util"); var { toUSVString } = require_util(); var webidl = {}; webidl.converters = {}; webidl.util = {}; webidl.errors = {}; webidl.errors.exception = function(message) { return new TypeError(`${message.header}: ${message.message}`); }; webidl.errors.conversionFailed = function(context) { const plural2 = context.types.length === 1 ? "" : " one of"; const message = `${context.argument} could not be converted to${plural2}: ${context.types.join(", ")}.`; return webidl.errors.exception({ header: context.prefix, message }); }; webidl.errors.invalidArgument = function(context) { return webidl.errors.exception({ header: context.prefix, message: `"${context.value}" is an invalid ${context.type}.` }); }; webidl.brandCheck = function(V, I, opts) { if (opts?.strict !== false) { if (!(V instanceof I)) { const err = new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); err.code = "ERR_INVALID_THIS"; throw err; } } else { if (V?.[Symbol.toStringTag] !== I.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]) { const err = new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); err.code = "ERR_INVALID_THIS"; throw err; } } }; webidl.argumentLengthCheck = function({ length }, min, ctx) { if (length < min) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ message: `${min} argument${min !== 1 ? "s" : ""} required, but${length ? " only" : ""} ${length} found.`, header: ctx }); } }; webidl.illegalConstructor = function() { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "TypeError", message: "Illegal constructor" }); }; webidl.util.Type = function(V) { switch (typeof V) { case "undefined": return "Undefined"; case "boolean": return "Boolean"; case "string": return "String"; case "symbol": return "Symbol"; case "number": return "Number"; case "bigint": return "BigInt"; case "function": case "object": { if (V === null) { return "Null"; } return "Object"; } } }; webidl.util.ConvertToInt = function(V, bitLength, signedness, opts) { let upperBound; let lowerBound; if (bitLength === 64) { upperBound = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; if (signedness === "unsigned") { lowerBound = 0; } else { lowerBound = Math.pow(-2, 53) + 1; } } else if (signedness === "unsigned") { lowerBound = 0; upperBound = Math.pow(2, bitLength) - 1; } else { lowerBound = Math.pow(-2, bitLength) - 1; upperBound = Math.pow(2, bitLength - 1) - 1; } let x = Number(V); if (x === 0) { x = 0; } if (opts?.enforceRange === true) { if (Number.isNaN(x) || x === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || x === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "Integer conversion", message: `Could not convert ${webidl.util.Stringify(V)} to an integer.` }); } x = webidl.util.IntegerPart(x); if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "Integer conversion", message: `Value must be between ${lowerBound}-${upperBound}, got ${x}.` }); } return x; } if (!Number.isNaN(x) && opts?.clamp === true) { x = Math.min(Math.max(x, lowerBound), upperBound); if (Math.floor(x) % 2 === 0) { x = Math.floor(x); } else { x = Math.ceil(x); } return x; } if (Number.isNaN(x) || x === 0 && Object.is(0, x) || x === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || x === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return 0; } x = webidl.util.IntegerPart(x); x = x % Math.pow(2, bitLength); if (signedness === "signed" && x >= Math.pow(2, bitLength) - 1) { return x - Math.pow(2, bitLength); } return x; }; webidl.util.IntegerPart = function(n) { const r = Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); if (n < 0) { return -1 * r; } return r; }; webidl.util.Stringify = function(V) { const type = webidl.util.Type(V); switch (type) { case "Symbol": return `Symbol(${V.description})`; case "Object": return inspect(V); case "String": return `"${V}"`; default: return `${V}`; } }; webidl.sequenceConverter = function(converter) { return (V, prefix, argument, Iterable) => { if (webidl.util.Type(V) !== "Object") { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${argument} (${webidl.util.Stringify(V)}) is not iterable.` }); } const method = typeof Iterable === "function" ? Iterable() : V?.[Symbol.iterator]?.(); const seq = []; let index = 0; if (method === void 0 || typeof method.next !== "function") { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${argument} is not iterable.` }); } while (true) { const { done, value } = method.next(); if (done) { break; } seq.push(converter(value, prefix, `${argument}[${index++}]`)); } return seq; }; }; webidl.recordConverter = function(keyConverter, valueConverter) { return (O, prefix, argument) => { if (webidl.util.Type(O) !== "Object") { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${argument} ("${webidl.util.Type(O)}") is not an Object.` }); } const result = {}; if (!types.isProxy(O)) { const keys2 = [...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O), ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O)]; for (const key of keys2) { const typedKey = keyConverter(key, prefix, argument); const typedValue = valueConverter(O[key], prefix, argument); result[typedKey] = typedValue; } return result; } const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(O); for (const key of keys) { const desc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, key); if (desc?.enumerable) { const typedKey = keyConverter(key, prefix, argument); const typedValue = valueConverter(O[key], prefix, argument); result[typedKey] = typedValue; } } return result; }; }; webidl.interfaceConverter = function(i) { return (V, prefix, argument, opts) => { if (opts?.strict !== false && !(V instanceof i)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `Expected ${argument} ("${webidl.util.Stringify(V)}") to be an instance of ${i.name}.` }); } return V; }; }; webidl.dictionaryConverter = function(converters) { return (dictionary, prefix, argument) => { const type = webidl.util.Type(dictionary); const dict = {}; if (type === "Null" || type === "Undefined") { return dict; } else if (type !== "Object") { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `Expected ${dictionary} to be one of: Null, Undefined, Object.` }); } for (const options of converters) { const { key, defaultValue, required, converter } = options; if (required === true) { if (!Object.hasOwn(dictionary, key)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `Missing required key "${key}".` }); } } let value = dictionary[key]; const hasDefault = Object.hasOwn(options, "defaultValue"); if (hasDefault && value !== null) { value ??= defaultValue(); } if (required || hasDefault || value !== void 0) { value = converter(value, prefix, `${argument}.${key}`); if (options.allowedValues && !options.allowedValues.includes(value)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${value} is not an accepted type. Expected one of ${options.allowedValues.join(", ")}.` }); } dict[key] = value; } } return dict; }; }; webidl.nullableConverter = function(converter) { return (V, prefix, argument) => { if (V === null) { return V; } return converter(V, prefix, argument); }; }; webidl.converters.DOMString = function(V, prefix, argument, opts) { if (V === null && opts?.legacyNullToEmptyString) { return ""; } if (typeof V === "symbol") { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${argument} is a symbol, which cannot be converted to a DOMString.` }); } return String(V); }; webidl.converters.ByteString = function(V, prefix, argument) { const x = webidl.converters.DOMString(V, prefix, argument); for (let index = 0; index < x.length; index++) { if (x.charCodeAt(index) > 255) { throw new TypeError( `Cannot convert argument to a ByteString because the character at index ${index} has a value of ${x.charCodeAt(index)} which is greater than 255.` ); } } return x; }; webidl.converters.USVString = toUSVString; webidl.converters.boolean = function(V) { const x = Boolean(V); return x; }; webidl.converters.any = function(V) { return V; }; webidl.converters["long long"] = function(V, prefix, argument) { const x = webidl.util.ConvertToInt(V, 64, "signed", void 0, prefix, argument); return x; }; webidl.converters["unsigned long long"] = function(V, prefix, argument) { const x = webidl.util.ConvertToInt(V, 64, "unsigned", void 0, prefix, argument); return x; }; webidl.converters["unsigned long"] = function(V, prefix, argument) { const x = webidl.util.ConvertToInt(V, 32, "unsigned", void 0, prefix, argument); return x; }; webidl.converters["unsigned short"] = function(V, prefix, argument, opts) { const x = webidl.util.ConvertToInt(V, 16, "unsigned", opts, prefix, argument); return x; }; webidl.converters.ArrayBuffer = function(V, prefix, argument, opts) { if (webidl.util.Type(V) !== "Object" || !types.isAnyArrayBuffer(V)) { throw webidl.errors.conversionFailed({ prefix, argument: `${argument} ("${webidl.util.Stringify(V)}")`, types: ["ArrayBuffer"] }); } if (opts?.allowShared === false && types.isSharedArrayBuffer(V)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "SharedArrayBuffer is not allowed." }); } if (V.resizable || V.growable) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "Received a resizable ArrayBuffer." }); } return V; }; webidl.converters.TypedArray = function(V, T, prefix, name2, opts) { if (webidl.util.Type(V) !== "Object" || !types.isTypedArray(V) || V.constructor.name !== T.name) { throw webidl.errors.conversionFailed({ prefix, argument: `${name2} ("${webidl.util.Stringify(V)}")`, types: [T.name] }); } if (opts?.allowShared === false && types.isSharedArrayBuffer(V.buffer)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "SharedArrayBuffer is not allowed." }); } if (V.buffer.resizable || V.buffer.growable) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "Received a resizable ArrayBuffer." }); } return V; }; webidl.converters.DataView = function(V, prefix, name2, opts) { if (webidl.util.Type(V) !== "Object" || !types.isDataView(V)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: prefix, message: `${name2} is not a DataView.` }); } if (opts?.allowShared === false && types.isSharedArrayBuffer(V.buffer)) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "SharedArrayBuffer is not allowed." }); } if (V.buffer.resizable || V.buffer.growable) { throw webidl.errors.exception({ header: "ArrayBuffer", message: "Received a resizable ArrayBuffer." }); } return V; }; webidl.converters.BufferSource = function(V, prefix, name2, opts) { if (types.isAnyArrayBuffer(V)) { return webidl.converters.ArrayBuffer(V, prefix, name2, { ...opts, allowShared: false }); } if (types.isTypedArray(V)) { return webidl.converters.TypedArray(V, V.constructor, prefix, name2, { ...opts, allowShared: false }); } if (types.isDataView(V)) { return webidl.converters.DataView(V, prefix, name2, { ...opts, allowShared: false }); } throw webidl.errors.conversionFailed({ prefix, argument: `${name2} ("${webidl.util.Stringify(V)}")`, types: ["BufferSource"] }); }; webidl.converters["sequence<ByteString>"] = webidl.sequenceConverter( webidl.converters.ByteString ); webidl.converters["sequence<sequence<ByteString>>"] = webidl.sequenceConverter( webidl.converters["sequence<ByteString>"] ); webidl.converters["record<ByteString, ByteString>"] = webidl.recordConverter( webidl.converters.ByteString, webidl.converters.ByteString ); module2.exports = { webidl }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/util.js var require_util3 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/util.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { Transform } = require("node:stream"); var zlib = require("node:zlib"); var { redirectStatusSet, referrerPolicySet: referrerPolicyTokens, badPortsSet } = require_constants4(); var { getGlobalOrigin } = require_global(); var { collectASequenceOfCodePoints, collectAnHTTPQuotedString, removeChars, parseMIMEType } = require_data_url(); var { performance } = require("node:perf_hooks"); var { isBlobLike, ReadableStreamFrom, isValidHTTPToken, normalizedMethodRecordsBase } = require_util(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { isUint8Array } = require("node:util/types"); var { webidl } = require_webidl(); var supportedHashes = []; var crypto; try { crypto = require("node:crypto"); const possibleRelevantHashes = ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512"]; supportedHashes = crypto.getHashes().filter((hash) => possibleRelevantHashes.includes(hash)); } catch { } function responseURL(response) { const urlList = response.urlList; const length = urlList.length; return length === 0 ? null : urlList[length - 1].toString(); } function responseLocationURL(response, requestFragment) { if (!redirectStatusSet.has(response.status)) { return null; } let location = response.headersList.get("location", true); if (location !== null && isValidHeaderValue(location)) { if (!isValidEncodedURL(location)) { location = normalizeBinaryStringToUtf8(location); } location = new URL(location, responseURL(response)); } if (location && !location.hash) { location.hash = requestFragment; } return location; } function isValidEncodedURL(url) { for (let i = 0; i < url.length; ++i) { const code2 = url.charCodeAt(i); if (code2 > 126 || // Non-US-ASCII + DEL code2 < 32) { return false; } } return true; } function normalizeBinaryStringToUtf8(value) { return Buffer.from(value, "binary").toString("utf8"); } function requestCurrentURL(request) { return request.urlList[request.urlList.length - 1]; } function requestBadPort(request) { const url = requestCurrentURL(request); if (urlIsHttpHttpsScheme(url) && badPortsSet.has(url.port)) { return "blocked"; } return "allowed"; } function isErrorLike(object) { return object instanceof Error || (object?.constructor?.name === "Error" || object?.constructor?.name === "DOMException"); } function isValidReasonPhrase(statusText) { for (let i = 0; i < statusText.length; ++i) { const c = statusText.charCodeAt(i); if (!(c === 9 || // HTAB c >= 32 && c <= 126 || // SP / VCHAR c >= 128 && c <= 255)) { return false; } } return true; } var isValidHeaderName = isValidHTTPToken; function isValidHeaderValue(potentialValue) { return (potentialValue[0] === " " || potentialValue[0] === " " || potentialValue[potentialValue.length - 1] === " " || potentialValue[potentialValue.length - 1] === " " || potentialValue.includes("\n") || potentialValue.includes("\r") || potentialValue.includes("\0")) === false; } function setRequestReferrerPolicyOnRedirect(request, actualResponse) { const { headersList } = actualResponse; const policyHeader = (headersList.get("referrer-policy", true) ?? "").split(","); let policy = ""; if (policyHeader.length > 0) { for (let i = policyHeader.length; i !== 0; i--) { const token = policyHeader[i - 1].trim(); if (referrerPolicyTokens.has(token)) { policy = token; break; } } } if (policy !== "") { request.referrerPolicy = policy; } } function crossOriginResourcePolicyCheck() { return "allowed"; } function corsCheck() { return "success"; } function TAOCheck() { return "success"; } function appendFetchMetadata(httpRequest) { let header = null; header = httpRequest.mode; httpRequest.headersList.set("sec-fetch-mode", header, true); } function appendRequestOriginHeader(request) { let serializedOrigin = request.origin; if (serializedOrigin === "client" || serializedOrigin === void 0) { return; } if (request.responseTainting === "cors" || request.mode === "websocket") { request.headersList.append("origin", serializedOrigin, true); } else if (request.method !== "GET" && request.method !== "HEAD") { switch (request.referrerPolicy) { case "no-referrer": serializedOrigin = null; break; case "no-referrer-when-downgrade": case "strict-origin": case "strict-origin-when-cross-origin": if (request.origin && urlHasHttpsScheme(request.origin) && !urlHasHttpsScheme(requestCurrentURL(request))) { serializedOrigin = null; } break; case "same-origin": if (!sameOrigin(request, requestCurrentURL(request))) { serializedOrigin = null; } break; default: } request.headersList.append("origin", serializedOrigin, true); } } function coarsenTime(timestamp, crossOriginIsolatedCapability) { return timestamp; } function clampAndCoarsenConnectionTimingInfo(connectionTimingInfo, defaultStartTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability) { if (!connectionTimingInfo?.startTime || connectionTimingInfo.startTime < defaultStartTime) { return { domainLookupStartTime: defaultStartTime, domainLookupEndTime: defaultStartTime, connectionStartTime: defaultStartTime, connectionEndTime: defaultStartTime, secureConnectionStartTime: defaultStartTime, ALPNNegotiatedProtocol: connectionTimingInfo?.ALPNNegotiatedProtocol }; } return { domainLookupStartTime: coarsenTime(connectionTimingInfo.domainLookupStartTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability), domainLookupEndTime: coarsenTime(connectionTimingInfo.domainLookupEndTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability), connectionStartTime: coarsenTime(connectionTimingInfo.connectionStartTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability), connectionEndTime: coarsenTime(connectionTimingInfo.connectionEndTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability), secureConnectionStartTime: coarsenTime(connectionTimingInfo.secureConnectionStartTime, crossOriginIsolatedCapability), ALPNNegotiatedProtocol: connectionTimingInfo.ALPNNegotiatedProtocol }; } function coarsenedSharedCurrentTime(crossOriginIsolatedCapability) { return coarsenTime(performance.now(), crossOriginIsolatedCapability); } function createOpaqueTimingInfo(timingInfo) { return { startTime: timingInfo.startTime ?? 0, redirectStartTime: 0, redirectEndTime: 0, postRedirectStartTime: timingInfo.startTime ?? 0, finalServiceWorkerStartTime: 0, finalNetworkResponseStartTime: 0, finalNetworkRequestStartTime: 0, endTime: 0, encodedBodySize: 0, decodedBodySize: 0, finalConnectionTimingInfo: null }; } function makePolicyContainer() { return { referrerPolicy: "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" }; } function clonePolicyContainer(policyContainer) { return { referrerPolicy: policyContainer.referrerPolicy }; } function determineRequestsReferrer(request) { const policy = request.referrerPolicy; assert5(policy); let referrerSource = null; if (request.referrer === "client") { const globalOrigin = getGlobalOrigin(); if (!globalOrigin || globalOrigin.origin === "null") { return "no-referrer"; } referrerSource = new URL(globalOrigin); } else if (request.referrer instanceof URL) { referrerSource = request.referrer; } let referrerURL = stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource); const referrerOrigin = stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource, true); if (referrerURL.toString().length > 4096) { referrerURL = referrerOrigin; } const areSameOrigin = sameOrigin(request, referrerURL); const isNonPotentiallyTrustWorthy = isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(request.url); switch (policy) { case "origin": return referrerOrigin != null ? referrerOrigin : stripURLForReferrer(referrerSource, true); case "unsafe-url": return referrerURL; case "same-origin": return areSameOrigin ? referrerOrigin : "no-referrer"; case "origin-when-cross-origin": return areSameOrigin ? referrerURL : referrerOrigin; case "strict-origin-when-cross-origin": { const currentURL = requestCurrentURL(request); if (sameOrigin(referrerURL, currentURL)) { return referrerURL; } if (isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(referrerURL) && !isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(currentURL)) { return "no-referrer"; } return referrerOrigin; } case "strict-origin": case "no-referrer-when-downgrade": default: return isNonPotentiallyTrustWorthy ? "no-referrer" : referrerOrigin; } } function stripURLForReferrer(url, originOnly) { assert5(url instanceof URL); url = new URL(url); if (url.protocol === "file:" || url.protocol === "about:" || url.protocol === "blank:") { return "no-referrer"; } url.username = ""; url.password = ""; url.hash = ""; if (originOnly) { url.pathname = ""; url.search = ""; } return url; } function isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy(url) { if (!(url instanceof URL)) { return false; } if (url.href === "about:blank" || url.href === "about:srcdoc") { return true; } if (url.protocol === "data:") return true; if (url.protocol === "file:") return true; return isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(url.origin); function isOriginPotentiallyTrustworthy(origin) { if (origin == null || origin === "null") return false; const originAsURL = new URL(origin); if (originAsURL.protocol === "https:" || originAsURL.protocol === "wss:") { return true; } if (/^127(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2}\.[0-9]+$|^\[(?:0*:)*?:?0*1\]$/.test(originAsURL.hostname) || (originAsURL.hostname === "localhost" || originAsURL.hostname.includes("localhost.")) || originAsURL.hostname.endsWith(".localhost")) { return true; } return false; } } function bytesMatch(bytes, metadataList) { if (crypto === void 0) { return true; } const parsedMetadata = parseMetadata(metadataList); if (parsedMetadata === "no metadata") { return true; } if (parsedMetadata.length === 0) { return true; } const strongest = getStrongestMetadata(parsedMetadata); const metadata = filterMetadataListByAlgorithm(parsedMetadata, strongest); for (const item of metadata) { const algorithm = item.algo; const expectedValue = item.hash; let actualValue = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(bytes).digest("base64"); if (actualValue[actualValue.length - 1] === "=") { if (actualValue[actualValue.length - 2] === "=") { actualValue = actualValue.slice(0, -2); } else { actualValue = actualValue.slice(0, -1); } } if (compareBase64Mixed(actualValue, expectedValue)) { return true; } } return false; } var parseHashWithOptions = /(?<algo>sha256|sha384|sha512)-((?<hash>[A-Za-z0-9+/]+|[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)={0,2}(?:\s|$)( +[!-~]*)?)?/i; function parseMetadata(metadata) { const result = []; let empty = true; for (const token of metadata.split(" ")) { empty = false; const parsedToken = parseHashWithOptions.exec(token); if (parsedToken === null || parsedToken.groups === void 0 || parsedToken.groups.algo === void 0) { continue; } const algorithm = parsedToken.groups.algo.toLowerCase(); if (supportedHashes.includes(algorithm)) { result.push(parsedToken.groups); } } if (empty === true) { return "no metadata"; } return result; } function getStrongestMetadata(metadataList) { let algorithm = metadataList[0].algo; if (algorithm[3] === "5") { return algorithm; } for (let i = 1; i < metadataList.length; ++i) { const metadata = metadataList[i]; if (metadata.algo[3] === "5") { algorithm = "sha512"; break; } else if (algorithm[3] === "3") { continue; } else if (metadata.algo[3] === "3") { algorithm = "sha384"; } } return algorithm; } function filterMetadataListByAlgorithm(metadataList, algorithm) { if (metadataList.length === 1) { return metadataList; } let pos2 = 0; for (let i = 0; i < metadataList.length; ++i) { if (metadataList[i].algo === algorithm) { metadataList[pos2++] = metadataList[i]; } } metadataList.length = pos2; return metadataList; } function compareBase64Mixed(actualValue, expectedValue) { if (actualValue.length !== expectedValue.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < actualValue.length; ++i) { if (actualValue[i] !== expectedValue[i]) { if (actualValue[i] === "+" && expectedValue[i] === "-" || actualValue[i] === "/" && expectedValue[i] === "_") { continue; } return false; } } return true; } function tryUpgradeRequestToAPotentiallyTrustworthyURL(request) { } function sameOrigin(A, B) { if (A.origin === B.origin && A.origin === "null") { return true; } if (A.protocol === B.protocol && A.hostname === B.hostname && A.port === B.port) { return true; } return false; } function createDeferredPromise() { let res; let rej; const promise = new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { res = resolve2; rej = reject; }); return { promise, resolve: res, reject: rej }; } function isAborted(fetchParams) { return fetchParams.controller.state === "aborted"; } function isCancelled(fetchParams) { return fetchParams.controller.state === "aborted" || fetchParams.controller.state === "terminated"; } function normalizeMethod(method) { return normalizedMethodRecordsBase[method.toLowerCase()] ?? method; } function serializeJavascriptValueToJSONString(value) { const result = JSON.stringify(value); if (result === void 0) { throw new TypeError("Value is not JSON serializable"); } assert5(typeof result === "string"); return result; } var esIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]())); function createIterator(name2, kInternalIterator, keyIndex = 0, valueIndex = 1) { class FastIterableIterator { /** @type {any} */ #target; /** @type {'key' | 'value' | 'key+value'} */ #kind; /** @type {number} */ #index; /** * @see https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#dfn-default-iterator-object * @param {unknown} target * @param {'key' | 'value' | 'key+value'} kind */ constructor(target, kind) { this.#target = target; this.#kind = kind; this.#index = 0; } next() { if (typeof this !== "object" || this === null || !(#target in this)) { throw new TypeError( `'next' called on an object that does not implement interface ${name2} Iterator.` ); } const index = this.#index; const values = this.#target[kInternalIterator]; const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: void 0, done: true }; } const { [keyIndex]: key, [valueIndex]: value } = values[index]; this.#index = index + 1; let result; switch (this.#kind) { case "key": result = key; break; case "value": result = value; break; case "key+value": result = [key, value]; break; } return { value: result, done: false }; } } delete FastIterableIterator.prototype.constructor; Object.setPrototypeOf(FastIterableIterator.prototype, esIteratorPrototype); Object.defineProperties(FastIterableIterator.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: `${name2} Iterator` }, next: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true } }); return function(target, kind) { return new FastIterableIterator(target, kind); }; } function iteratorMixin(name2, object, kInternalIterator, keyIndex = 0, valueIndex = 1) { const makeIterator = createIterator(name2, kInternalIterator, keyIndex, valueIndex); const properties = { keys: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: function keys() { webidl.brandCheck(this, object); return makeIterator(this, "key"); } }, values: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: function values() { webidl.brandCheck(this, object); return makeIterator(this, "value"); } }, entries: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: function entries() { webidl.brandCheck(this, object); return makeIterator(this, "key+value"); } }, forEach: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: function forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = globalThis) { webidl.brandCheck(this, object); webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, `${name2}.forEach`); if (typeof callbackfn !== "function") { throw new TypeError( `Failed to execute 'forEach' on '${name2}': parameter 1 is not of type 'Function'.` ); } for (const { 0: key, 1: value } of makeIterator(this, "key+value")) { callbackfn.call(thisArg, value, key, this); } } } }; return Object.defineProperties(object.prototype, { ...properties, [Symbol.iterator]: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: properties.entries.value } }); } async function fullyReadBody(body, processBody, processBodyError) { const successSteps = processBody; const errorSteps = processBodyError; let reader; try { reader = body.stream.getReader(); } catch (e) { errorSteps(e); return; } try { successSteps(await readAllBytes(reader)); } catch (e) { errorSteps(e); } } function isReadableStreamLike(stream) { return stream instanceof ReadableStream || stream[Symbol.toStringTag] === "ReadableStream" && typeof stream.tee === "function"; } function readableStreamClose(controller) { try { controller.close(); controller.byobRequest?.respond(0); } catch (err) { if (!err.message.includes("Controller is already closed") && !err.message.includes("ReadableStream is already closed")) { throw err; } } } var invalidIsomorphicEncodeValueRegex = /[^\x00-\xFF]/; function isomorphicEncode(input) { assert5(!invalidIsomorphicEncodeValueRegex.test(input)); return input; } async function readAllBytes(reader) { const bytes = []; let byteLength = 0; while (true) { const { done, value: chunk } = await reader.read(); if (done) { return Buffer.concat(bytes, byteLength); } if (!isUint8Array(chunk)) { throw new TypeError("Received non-Uint8Array chunk"); } bytes.push(chunk); byteLength += chunk.length; } } function urlIsLocal(url) { assert5("protocol" in url); const protocol = url.protocol; return protocol === "about:" || protocol === "blob:" || protocol === "data:"; } function urlHasHttpsScheme(url) { return typeof url === "string" && url[5] === ":" && url[0] === "h" && url[1] === "t" && url[2] === "t" && url[3] === "p" && url[4] === "s" || url.protocol === "https:"; } function urlIsHttpHttpsScheme(url) { assert5("protocol" in url); const protocol = url.protocol; return protocol === "http:" || protocol === "https:"; } function simpleRangeHeaderValue(value, allowWhitespace) { const data = value; if (!data.startsWith("bytes")) { return "failure"; } const position = { position: 5 }; if (allowWhitespace) { collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char === " " || char === " ", data, position ); } if (data.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 61) { return "failure"; } position.position++; if (allowWhitespace) { collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char === " " || char === " ", data, position ); } const rangeStart = collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => { const code2 = char.charCodeAt(0); return code2 >= 48 && code2 <= 57; }, data, position ); const rangeStartValue = rangeStart.length ? Number(rangeStart) : null; if (allowWhitespace) { collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char === " " || char === " ", data, position ); } if (data.charCodeAt(position.position) !== 45) { return "failure"; } position.position++; if (allowWhitespace) { collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char === " " || char === " ", data, position ); } const rangeEnd = collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => { const code2 = char.charCodeAt(0); return code2 >= 48 && code2 <= 57; }, data, position ); const rangeEndValue = rangeEnd.length ? Number(rangeEnd) : null; if (position.position < data.length) { return "failure"; } if (rangeEndValue === null && rangeStartValue === null) { return "failure"; } if (rangeStartValue > rangeEndValue) { return "failure"; } return { rangeStartValue, rangeEndValue }; } function buildContentRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, fullLength) { let contentRange = "bytes "; contentRange += isomorphicEncode(`${rangeStart}`); contentRange += "-"; contentRange += isomorphicEncode(`${rangeEnd}`); contentRange += "/"; contentRange += isomorphicEncode(`${fullLength}`); return contentRange; } var InflateStream = class extends Transform { _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (!this._inflateStream) { if (chunk.length === 0) { callback(); return; } this._inflateStream = (chunk[0] & 15) === 8 ? zlib.createInflate() : zlib.createInflateRaw(); this._inflateStream.on("data", this.push.bind(this)); this._inflateStream.on("end", () => this.push(null)); this._inflateStream.on("error", (err) => this.destroy(err)); } this._inflateStream.write(chunk, encoding, callback); } _final(callback) { if (this._inflateStream) { this._inflateStream.end(); this._inflateStream = null; } callback(); } }; function createInflate() { return new InflateStream(); } function extractMimeType(headers) { let charset = null; let essence = null; let mimeType = null; const values = getDecodeSplit("content-type", headers); if (values === null) { return "failure"; } for (const value of values) { const temporaryMimeType = parseMIMEType(value); if (temporaryMimeType === "failure" || temporaryMimeType.essence === "*/*") { continue; } mimeType = temporaryMimeType; if (mimeType.essence !== essence) { charset = null; if (mimeType.parameters.has("charset")) { charset = mimeType.parameters.get("charset"); } essence = mimeType.essence; } else if (!mimeType.parameters.has("charset") && charset !== null) { mimeType.parameters.set("charset", charset); } } if (mimeType == null) { return "failure"; } return mimeType; } function gettingDecodingSplitting(value) { const input = value; const position = { position: 0 }; const values = []; let temporaryValue = ""; while (position.position < input.length) { temporaryValue += collectASequenceOfCodePoints( (char) => char !== '"' && char !== ",", input, position ); if (position.position < input.length) { if (input.charCodeAt(position.position) === 34) { temporaryValue += collectAnHTTPQuotedString( input, position ); if (position.position < input.length) { continue; } } else { assert5(input.charCodeAt(position.position) === 44); position.position++; } } temporaryValue = removeChars(temporaryValue, true, true, (char) => char === 9 || char === 32); values.push(temporaryValue); temporaryValue = ""; } return values; } function getDecodeSplit(name2, list2) { const value = list2.get(name2, true); if (value === null) { return null; } return gettingDecodingSplitting(value); } var textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); function utf8DecodeBytes(buffer) { if (buffer.length === 0) { return ""; } if (buffer[0] === 239 && buffer[1] === 187 && buffer[2] === 191) { buffer = buffer.subarray(3); } const output = textDecoder.decode(buffer); return output; } var EnvironmentSettingsObjectBase = class { get baseUrl() { return getGlobalOrigin(); } get origin() { return this.baseUrl?.origin; } policyContainer = makePolicyContainer(); }; var EnvironmentSettingsObject = class { settingsObject = new EnvironmentSettingsObjectBase(); }; var environmentSettingsObject = new EnvironmentSettingsObject(); module2.exports = { isAborted, isCancelled, isValidEncodedURL, createDeferredPromise, ReadableStreamFrom, tryUpgradeRequestToAPotentiallyTrustworthyURL, clampAndCoarsenConnectionTimingInfo, coarsenedSharedCurrentTime, determineRequestsReferrer, makePolicyContainer, clonePolicyContainer, appendFetchMetadata, appendRequestOriginHeader, TAOCheck, corsCheck, crossOriginResourcePolicyCheck, createOpaqueTimingInfo, setRequestReferrerPolicyOnRedirect, isValidHTTPToken, requestBadPort, requestCurrentURL, responseURL, responseLocationURL, isBlobLike, isURLPotentiallyTrustworthy, isValidReasonPhrase, sameOrigin, normalizeMethod, serializeJavascriptValueToJSONString, iteratorMixin, createIterator, isValidHeaderName, isValidHeaderValue, isErrorLike, fullyReadBody, bytesMatch, isReadableStreamLike, readableStreamClose, isomorphicEncode, urlIsLocal, urlHasHttpsScheme, urlIsHttpHttpsScheme, readAllBytes, simpleRangeHeaderValue, buildContentRange, parseMetadata, createInflate, extractMimeType, getDecodeSplit, utf8DecodeBytes, environmentSettingsObject }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/symbols.js var require_symbols2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/symbols.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = { kUrl: Symbol("url"), kHeaders: Symbol("headers"), kSignal: Symbol("signal"), kState: Symbol("state"), kDispatcher: Symbol("dispatcher") }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/file.js var require_file = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/file.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { Blob: Blob2, File } = require("node:buffer"); var { kState } = require_symbols2(); var { webidl } = require_webidl(); var FileLike = class _FileLike { constructor(blobLike, fileName, options = {}) { const n = fileName; const t = options.type; const d = options.lastModified ?? Date.now(); this[kState] = { blobLike, name: n, type: t, lastModified: d }; } stream(...args) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.stream(...args); } arrayBuffer(...args) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.arrayBuffer(...args); } slice(...args) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.slice(...args); } text(...args) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.text(...args); } get size() { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.size; } get type() { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].blobLike.type; } get name() { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].name; } get lastModified() { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FileLike); return this[kState].lastModified; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "File"; } }; webidl.converters.Blob = webidl.interfaceConverter(Blob2); function isFileLike(object) { return object instanceof File || object && (typeof object.stream === "function" || typeof object.arrayBuffer === "function") && object[Symbol.toStringTag] === "File"; } module2.exports = { FileLike, isFileLike }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js var require_formdata = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { isBlobLike, iteratorMixin } = require_util3(); var { kState } = require_symbols2(); var { kEnumerableProperty } = require_util(); var { FileLike, isFileLike } = require_file(); var { webidl } = require_webidl(); var { File: NativeFile } = require("node:buffer"); var nodeUtil = require("node:util"); var File = globalThis.File ?? NativeFile; var FormData = class _FormData { constructor(form) { if (form !== void 0) { throw webidl.errors.conversionFailed({ prefix: "FormData constructor", argument: "Argument 1", types: ["undefined"] }); } this[kState] = []; } append(name2, value, filename = void 0) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.append"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 2, prefix); if (arguments.length === 3 && !isBlobLike(value)) { throw new TypeError( "Failed to execute 'append' on 'FormData': parameter 2 is not of type 'Blob'" ); } name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); value = isBlobLike(value) ? webidl.converters.Blob(value, prefix, "value", { strict: false }) : webidl.converters.USVString(value, prefix, "value"); filename = arguments.length === 3 ? webidl.converters.USVString(filename, prefix, "filename") : void 0; const entry = makeEntry(name2, value, filename); this[kState].push(entry); } delete(name2) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.delete"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, prefix); name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); this[kState] = this[kState].filter((entry) => entry.name !== name2); } get(name2) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.get"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, prefix); name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); const idx = this[kState].findIndex((entry) => entry.name === name2); if (idx === -1) { return null; } return this[kState][idx].value; } getAll(name2) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.getAll"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, prefix); name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); return this[kState].filter((entry) => entry.name === name2).map((entry) => entry.value); } has(name2) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.has"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 1, prefix); name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); return this[kState].findIndex((entry) => entry.name === name2) !== -1; } set(name2, value, filename = void 0) { webidl.brandCheck(this, _FormData); const prefix = "FormData.set"; webidl.argumentLengthCheck(arguments, 2, prefix); if (arguments.length === 3 && !isBlobLike(value)) { throw new TypeError( "Failed to execute 'set' on 'FormData': parameter 2 is not of type 'Blob'" ); } name2 = webidl.converters.USVString(name2, prefix, "name"); value = isBlobLike(value) ? webidl.converters.Blob(value, prefix, "name", { strict: false }) : webidl.converters.USVString(value, prefix, "name"); filename = arguments.length === 3 ? webidl.converters.USVString(filename, prefix, "name") : void 0; const entry = makeEntry(name2, value, filename); const idx = this[kState].findIndex((entry2) => entry2.name === name2); if (idx !== -1) { this[kState] = [ ...this[kState].slice(0, idx), entry, ...this[kState].slice(idx + 1).filter((entry2) => entry2.name !== name2) ]; } else { this[kState].push(entry); } } [nodeUtil.inspect.custom](depth, options) { const state = this[kState].reduce((a, b) => { if (a[b.name]) { if (Array.isArray(a[b.name])) { a[b.name].push(b.value); } else { a[b.name] = [a[b.name], b.value]; } } else { a[b.name] = b.value; } return a; }, { __proto__: null }); options.depth ??= depth; options.colors ??= true; const output = nodeUtil.formatWithOptions(options, state); return `FormData ${output.slice(output.indexOf("]") + 2)}`; } }; iteratorMixin("FormData", FormData, kState, "name", "value"); Object.defineProperties(FormData.prototype, { append: kEnumerableProperty, delete: kEnumerableProperty, get: kEnumerableProperty, getAll: kEnumerableProperty, has: kEnumerableProperty, set: kEnumerableProperty, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: "FormData", configurable: true } }); function makeEntry(name2, value, filename) { if (typeof value === "string") { } else { if (!isFileLike(value)) { value = value instanceof Blob ? new File([value], "blob", { type: value.type }) : new FileLike(value, "blob", { type: value.type }); } if (filename !== void 0) { const options = { type: value.type, lastModified: value.lastModified }; value = value instanceof NativeFile ? new File([value], filename, options) : new FileLike(value, filename, options); } } return { name: name2, value }; } module2.exports = { FormData, makeEntry }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata-parser.js var require_formdata_parser = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/formdata-parser.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { isUSVString, bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName } = require_util(); var { utf8DecodeBytes } = require_util3(); var { HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS, isomorphicDecode } = require_data_url(); var { isFileLike } = require_file(); var { makeEntry } = require_formdata(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { File: NodeFile } = require("node:buffer"); var File = globalThis.File ?? NodeFile; var formDataNameBuffer = Buffer.from('form-data; name="'); var filenameBuffer = Buffer.from("; filename"); var dd = Buffer.from("--"); var ddcrlf = Buffer.from("--\r\n"); function isAsciiString(chars) { for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) { if ((chars.charCodeAt(i) & ~127) !== 0) { return false; } } return true; } function validateBoundary(boundary) { const length = boundary.length; if (length < 27 || length > 70) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const cp = boundary.charCodeAt(i); if (!(cp >= 48 && cp <= 57 || cp >= 65 && cp <= 90 || cp >= 97 && cp <= 122 || cp === 39 || cp === 45 || cp === 95)) { return false; } } return true; } function multipartFormDataParser(input, mimeType) { assert5(mimeType !== "failure" && mimeType.essence === "multipart/form-data"); const boundaryString = mimeType.parameters.get("boundary"); if (boundaryString === void 0) { return "failure"; } const boundary = Buffer.from(`--${boundaryString}`, "utf8"); const entryList = []; const position = { position: 0 }; if (input[0] === 13 && input[1] === 10) { position.position += 2; } while (true) { if (input.subarray(position.position, position.position + boundary.length).equals(boundary)) { position.position += boundary.length; } else { return "failure"; } if (position.position === input.length - 2 && bufferStartsWith(input, dd, position) || position.position === input.length - 4 && bufferStartsWith(input, ddcrlf, position)) { return entryList; } if (input[position.position] !== 13 || input[position.position + 1] !== 10) { return "failure"; } position.position += 2; const result = parseMultipartFormDataHeaders(input, position); if (result === "failure") { return "failure"; } let { name: name2, filename, contentType, encoding } = result; position.position += 2; let body; { const boundaryIndex = input.indexOf(boundary.subarray(2), position.position); if (boundaryIndex === -1) { return "failure"; } body = input.subarray(position.position, boundaryIndex - 4); position.position += body.length; if (encoding === "base64") { body = Buffer.from(body.toString(), "base64"); } } if (input[position.position] !== 13 || input[position.position + 1] !== 10) { return "failure"; } else { position.position += 2; } let value; if (filename !== null) { contentType ??= "text/plain"; if (!isAsciiString(contentType)) { contentType = ""; } value = new File([body], filename, { type: contentType }); } else { value = utf8DecodeBytes(Buffer.from(body)); } assert5(isUSVString(name2)); assert5(typeof value === "string" && isUSVString(value) || isFileLike(value)); entryList.push(makeEntry(name2, value, filename)); } } function parseMultipartFormDataHeaders(input, position) { let name2 = null; let filename = null; let contentType = null; let encoding = null; while (true) { if (input[position.position] === 13 && input[position.position + 1] === 10) { if (name2 === null) { return "failure"; } return { name: name2, filename, contentType, encoding }; } let headerName = collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char !== 10 && char !== 13 && char !== 58, input, position ); headerName = removeChars(headerName, true, true, (char) => char === 9 || char === 32); if (!HTTP_TOKEN_CODEPOINTS.test(headerName.toString())) { return "failure"; } if (input[position.position] !== 58) { return "failure"; } position.position++; collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char === 32 || char === 9, input, position ); switch (bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName(headerName)) { case "content-disposition": { name2 = filename = null; if (!bufferStartsWith(input, formDataNameBuffer, position)) { return "failure"; } position.position += 17; name2 = parseMultipartFormDataName(input, position); if (name2 === null) { return "failure"; } if (bufferStartsWith(input, filenameBuffer, position)) { let check = position.position + filenameBuffer.length; if (input[check] === 42) { position.position += 1; check += 1; } if (input[check] !== 61 || input[check + 1] !== 34) { return "failure"; } position.position += 12; filename = parseMultipartFormDataName(input, position); if (filename === null) { return "failure"; } } break; } case "content-type": { let headerValue = collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char !== 10 && char !== 13, input, position ); headerValue = removeChars(headerValue, false, true, (char) => char === 9 || char === 32); contentType = isomorphicDecode(headerValue); break; } case "content-transfer-encoding": { let headerValue = collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char !== 10 && char !== 13, input, position ); headerValue = removeChars(headerValue, false, true, (char) => char === 9 || char === 32); encoding = isomorphicDecode(headerValue); break; } default: { collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char !== 10 && char !== 13, input, position ); } } if (input[position.position] !== 13 && input[position.position + 1] !== 10) { return "failure"; } else { position.position += 2; } } } function parseMultipartFormDataName(input, position) { assert5(input[position.position - 1] === 34); let name2 = collectASequenceOfBytes( (char) => char !== 10 && char !== 13 && char !== 34, input, position ); if (input[position.position] !== 34) { return null; } else { position.position++; } name2 = new TextDecoder().decode(name2).replace(/%0A/ig, "\n").replace(/%0D/ig, "\r").replace(/%22/g, '"'); return name2; } function collectASequenceOfBytes(condition, input, position) { let start = position.position; while (start < input.length && condition(input[start])) { ++start; } return input.subarray(position.position, position.position = start); } function removeChars(buf, leading, trailing, predicate) { let lead = 0; let trail = buf.length - 1; if (leading) { while (lead < buf.length && predicate(buf[lead])) lead++; } if (trailing) { while (trail > 0 && predicate(buf[trail])) trail--; } return lead === 0 && trail === buf.length - 1 ? buf : buf.subarray(lead, trail + 1); } function bufferStartsWith(buffer, start, position) { if (buffer.length < start.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < start.length; i++) { if (start[i] !== buffer[position.position + i]) { return false; } } return true; } module2.exports = { multipartFormDataParser, validateBoundary }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/body.js var require_body = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/web/fetch/body.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var util = require_util(); var { ReadableStreamFrom, isBlobLike, isReadableStreamLike, readableStreamClose, createDeferredPromise, fullyReadBody, extractMimeType, utf8DecodeBytes } = require_util3(); var { FormData } = require_formdata(); var { kState } = require_symbols2(); var { webidl } = require_webidl(); var { Blob: Blob2 } = require("node:buffer"); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { isErrored } = require_util(); var { isArrayBuffer } = require("node:util/types"); var { serializeAMimeType } = require_data_url(); var { multipartFormDataParser } = require_formdata_parser(); var textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); function extractBody(object, keepalive = false) { let stream = null; if (object instanceof ReadableStream) { stream = object; } else if (isBlobLike(object)) { stream = object.stream(); } else { stream = new ReadableStream({ async pull(controller) { const buffer = typeof source === "string" ? textEncoder.encode(source) : source; if (buffer.byteLength) { controller.enqueue(buffer); } queueMicrotask(() => readableStreamClose(controller)); }, start() { }, type: "bytes" }); } assert5(isReadableStreamLike(stream)); let action = null; let source = null; let length = null; let type = null; if (typeof object === "string") { source = object; type = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"; } else if (object instanceof URLSearchParams) { source = object.toString(); type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"; } else if (isArrayBuffer(object)) { source = new Uint8Array(object.slice()); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(object)) { source = new Uint8Array(object.buffer.slice(object.byteOffset, object.byteOffset + object.byteLength)); } else if (util.isFormDataLike(object)) { const boundary = `----formdata-undici-0${`${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e11)}`.padStart(11, "0")}`; const prefix = `--${boundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data`; const escape = (str) => str.replace(/\n/g, "%0A").replace(/\r/g, "%0D").replace(/"/g, "%22"); const normalizeLinefeeds = (value) => value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, "\r\n"); const blobParts = []; const rn = new Uint8Array([13, 10]); length = 0; let hasUnknownSizeValue = false; for (const [name2, value] of object) { if (typeof value === "string") { const chunk2 = textEncoder.encode(prefix + `; name="${escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name2))}"\r \r ${normalizeLinefeeds(value)}\r `); blobParts.push(chunk2); length += chunk2.byteLength; } else { const chunk2 = textEncoder.encode(`${prefix}; name="${escape(normalizeLinefeeds(name2))}"` + (value.name ? `; filename="${escape(value.name)}"` : "") + `\r Content-Type: ${value.type || "application/octet-stream"}\r \r `); blobParts.push(chunk2, value, rn); if (typeof value.size === "number") { length += chunk2.byteLength + value.size + rn.byteLength; } else { hasUnknownSizeValue = true; } } } const chunk = textEncoder.encode(`--${boundary}--`); blobParts.push(chunk); length += chunk.byteLength; if (hasUnknownSizeValue) { length = null; } source = object; action = async function* () { for (const part of blobParts) { if (part.stream) { yield* part.stream(); } else { yield part; } } }; type = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`; } else if (isBlobLike(object)) { source = object; length = object.size; if (object.type) { type = object.type; } } else if (typeof object[Symbol.asyncIterator] === "function") { if (keepalive) { throw new TypeError("keepalive"); } if (util.isDisturbed(object) || object.locked) { throw new TypeError( "Response body object should not be disturbed or locked" ); } stream = object instanceof ReadableStream ? object : ReadableStreamFrom(object); } if (typeof source === "string" || util.isBuffer(source)) { length = Buffer.byteLength(source); } if (action != null) { let iterator; stream = new ReadableStream({ async start() { iterator = action(object)[Symbol.asyncIterator](); }, async pull(controller) { const { value, done } = await iterator.next(); if (done) { queueMicrotask(() => { controller.close(); controller.byobRequest?.respond(0); }); } else { if (!isErrored(stream)) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(value); if (buffer.byteLength) { controller.enqueue(buffer); } } } return controller.desiredSize > 0; }, async cancel(reason) { await iterator.return(); }, type: "bytes" }); } const body = { stream, source, length }; return [body, type]; } function safelyExtractBody(object, keepalive = false) { if (object instanceof ReadableStream) { assert5(!util.isDisturbed(object), "The body has already been consumed."); assert5(!object.locked, "The stream is locked."); } return extractBody(object, keepalive); } function cloneBody(body) { const [out1, out2] = body.stream.tee(); body.stream = out1; return { stream: out2, length: body.length, source: body.source }; } function throwIfAborted(state) { if (state.aborted) { throw new DOMException("The operation was aborted.", "AbortError"); } } function bodyMixinMethods(instance) { const methods = { blob() { return consumeBody(this, (bytes) => { let mimeType = bodyMimeType(this); if (mimeType === null) { mimeType = ""; } else if (mimeType) { mimeType = serializeAMimeType(mimeType); } return new Blob2([bytes], { type: mimeType }); }, instance); }, arrayBuffer() { return consumeBody(this, (bytes) => { return new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer; }, instance); }, text() { return consumeBody(this, utf8DecodeBytes, instance); }, json() { return consumeBody(this, parseJSONFromBytes, instance); }, formData() { return consumeBody(this, (value) => { const mimeType = bodyMimeType(this); if (mimeType !== null) { switch (mimeType.essence) { case "multipart/form-data": { const parsed = multipartFormDataParser(value, mimeType); if (parsed === "failure") { throw new TypeError("Failed to parse body as FormData."); } const fd = new FormData(); fd[kState] = parsed; return fd; } case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": { const entries = new URLSearchParams(value.toString()); const fd = new FormData(); for (const [name2, value2] of entries) { fd.append(name2, value2); } return fd; } } } throw new TypeError( 'Content-Type was not one of "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".' ); }, instance); }, bytes() { return consumeBody(this, (bytes) => { return new Uint8Array(bytes); }, instance); } }; return methods; } function mixinBody(prototype) { Object.assign(prototype.prototype, bodyMixinMethods(prototype)); } async function consumeBody(object, convertBytesToJSValue, instance) { webidl.brandCheck(object, instance); if (bodyUnusable(object[kState].body)) { throw new TypeError("Body is unusable: Body has already been read"); } throwIfAborted(object[kState]); const promise = createDeferredPromise(); const errorSteps = (error) => promise.reject(error); const successSteps = (data) => { try { promise.resolve(convertBytesToJSValue(data)); } catch (e) { errorSteps(e); } }; if (object[kState].body == null) { successSteps(Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)); return promise.promise; } await fullyReadBody(object[kState].body, successSteps, errorSteps); return promise.promise; } function bodyUnusable(body) { return body != null && (body.stream.locked || util.isDisturbed(body.stream)); } function parseJSONFromBytes(bytes) { return JSON.parse(utf8DecodeBytes(bytes)); } function bodyMimeType(requestOrResponse) { const headers = requestOrResponse[kState].headersList; const mimeType = extractMimeType(headers); if (mimeType === "failure") { return null; } return mimeType; } module2.exports = { extractBody, safelyExtractBody, cloneBody, mixinBody }; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client-h1.js var require_client_h1 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client-h1.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var util = require_util(); var { channels } = require_diagnostics(); var timers = require_timers(); var { RequestContentLengthMismatchError, ResponseContentLengthMismatchError, RequestAbortedError, HeadersTimeoutError, HeadersOverflowError, SocketError, InformationalError, BodyTimeoutError, HTTPParserError, ResponseExceededMaxSizeError } = require_errors(); var { kUrl, kReset, kClient, kParser, kBlocking, kRunning, kPending, kSize, kWriting, kQueue, kNoRef, kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout, kHostHeader, kPendingIdx, kRunningIdx, kError, kPipelining, kSocket, kKeepAliveTimeoutValue, kMaxHeadersSize, kKeepAliveMaxTimeout, kKeepAliveTimeoutThreshold, kHeadersTimeout, kBodyTimeout, kStrictContentLength, kMaxRequests, kCounter, kMaxResponseSize, kOnError, kResume, kHTTPContext } = require_symbols(); var constants2 = require_constants3(); var EMPTY_BUF = Buffer.alloc(0); var FastBuffer = Buffer[Symbol.species]; var addListener = util.addListener; var removeAllListeners = util.removeAllListeners; var extractBody; async function lazyllhttp() { const llhttpWasmData = process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID ? require_llhttp_wasm() : void 0; let mod; try { mod = await WebAssembly.compile(require_llhttp_simd_wasm()); } catch (e) { mod = await WebAssembly.compile(llhttpWasmData || require_llhttp_wasm()); } return await WebAssembly.instantiate(mod, { env: { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ wasm_on_url: (p, at, len) => { return 0; }, wasm_on_status: (p, at, len) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); const start = at - currentBufferPtr + currentBufferRef.byteOffset; return currentParser.onStatus(new FastBuffer(currentBufferRef.buffer, start, len)) || 0; }, wasm_on_message_begin: (p) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); return currentParser.onMessageBegin() || 0; }, wasm_on_header_field: (p, at, len) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); const start = at - currentBufferPtr + currentBufferRef.byteOffset; return currentParser.onHeaderField(new FastBuffer(currentBufferRef.buffer, start, len)) || 0; }, wasm_on_header_value: (p, at, len) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); const start = at - currentBufferPtr + currentBufferRef.byteOffset; return currentParser.onHeaderValue(new FastBuffer(currentBufferRef.buffer, start, len)) || 0; }, wasm_on_headers_complete: (p, statusCode, upgrade, shouldKeepAlive) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); return currentParser.onHeadersComplete(statusCode, Boolean(upgrade), Boolean(shouldKeepAlive)) || 0; }, wasm_on_body: (p, at, len) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); const start = at - currentBufferPtr + currentBufferRef.byteOffset; return currentParser.onBody(new FastBuffer(currentBufferRef.buffer, start, len)) || 0; }, wasm_on_message_complete: (p) => { assert5.strictEqual(currentParser.ptr, p); return currentParser.onMessageComplete() || 0; } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ } }); } var llhttpInstance = null; var llhttpPromise = lazyllhttp(); llhttpPromise.catch(); var currentParser = null; var currentBufferRef = null; var currentBufferSize = 0; var currentBufferPtr = null; var TIMEOUT_HEADERS = 1; var TIMEOUT_BODY = 2; var TIMEOUT_IDLE = 3; var Parser2 = class { constructor(client, socket, { exports: exports3 }) { assert5(Number.isFinite(client[kMaxHeadersSize]) && client[kMaxHeadersSize] > 0); this.llhttp = exports3; this.ptr = this.llhttp.llhttp_alloc(constants2.TYPE.RESPONSE); this.client = client; this.socket = socket; this.timeout = null; this.timeoutValue = null; this.timeoutType = null; this.statusCode = null; this.statusText = ""; this.upgrade = false; this.headers = []; this.headersSize = 0; this.headersMaxSize = client[kMaxHeadersSize]; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; this.paused = false; this.resume = this.resume.bind(this); this.bytesRead = 0; this.keepAlive = ""; this.contentLength = ""; this.connection = ""; this.maxResponseSize = client[kMaxResponseSize]; } setTimeout(value, type) { this.timeoutType = type; if (value !== this.timeoutValue) { timers.clearTimeout(this.timeout); if (value) { this.timeout = timers.setTimeout(onParserTimeout, value, this); if (this.timeout.unref) { this.timeout.unref(); } } else { this.timeout = null; } this.timeoutValue = value; } else if (this.timeout) { if (this.timeout.refresh) { this.timeout.refresh(); } } } resume() { if (this.socket.destroyed || !this.paused) { return; } assert5(this.ptr != null); assert5(currentParser == null); this.llhttp.llhttp_resume(this.ptr); assert5(this.timeoutType === TIMEOUT_BODY); if (this.timeout) { if (this.timeout.refresh) { this.timeout.refresh(); } } this.paused = false; this.execute(this.socket.read() || EMPTY_BUF); this.readMore(); } readMore() { while (!this.paused && this.ptr) { const chunk = this.socket.read(); if (chunk === null) { break; } this.execute(chunk); } } execute(data) { assert5(this.ptr != null); assert5(currentParser == null); assert5(!this.paused); const { socket, llhttp } = this; if (data.length > currentBufferSize) { if (currentBufferPtr) { llhttp.free(currentBufferPtr); } currentBufferSize = Math.ceil(data.length / 4096) * 4096; currentBufferPtr = llhttp.malloc(currentBufferSize); } new Uint8Array(llhttp.memory.buffer, currentBufferPtr, currentBufferSize).set(data); try { let ret; try { currentBufferRef = data; currentParser = this; ret = llhttp.llhttp_execute(this.ptr, currentBufferPtr, data.length); } catch (err) { throw err; } finally { currentParser = null; currentBufferRef = null; } const offset = llhttp.llhttp_get_error_pos(this.ptr) - currentBufferPtr; if (ret === constants2.ERROR.PAUSED_UPGRADE) { this.onUpgrade(data.slice(offset)); } else if (ret === constants2.ERROR.PAUSED) { this.paused = true; socket.unshift(data.slice(offset)); } else if (ret !== constants2.ERROR.OK) { const ptr = llhttp.llhttp_get_error_reason(this.ptr); let message = ""; if (ptr) { const len = new Uint8Array(llhttp.memory.buffer, ptr).indexOf(0); message = "Response does not match the HTTP/1.1 protocol (" + Buffer.from(llhttp.memory.buffer, ptr, len).toString() + ")"; } throw new HTTPParserError(message, constants2.ERROR[ret], data.slice(offset)); } } catch (err) { util.destroy(socket, err); } } destroy() { assert5(this.ptr != null); assert5(currentParser == null); this.llhttp.llhttp_free(this.ptr); this.ptr = null; timers.clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; this.timeoutValue = null; this.timeoutType = null; this.paused = false; } onStatus(buf) { this.statusText = buf.toString(); } onMessageBegin() { const { socket, client } = this; if (socket.destroyed) { return -1; } const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; if (!request) { return -1; } request.onResponseStarted(); } onHeaderField(buf) { const len = this.headers.length; if ((len & 1) === 0) { this.headers.push(buf); } else { this.headers[len - 1] = Buffer.concat([this.headers[len - 1], buf]); } this.trackHeader(buf.length); } onHeaderValue(buf) { let len = this.headers.length; if ((len & 1) === 1) { this.headers.push(buf); len += 1; } else { this.headers[len - 1] = Buffer.concat([this.headers[len - 1], buf]); } const key = this.headers[len - 2]; if (key.length === 10) { const headerName = util.bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName(key); if (headerName === "keep-alive") { this.keepAlive += buf.toString(); } else if (headerName === "connection") { this.connection += buf.toString(); } } else if (key.length === 14 && util.bufferToLowerCasedHeaderName(key) === "content-length") { this.contentLength += buf.toString(); } this.trackHeader(buf.length); } trackHeader(len) { this.headersSize += len; if (this.headersSize >= this.headersMaxSize) { util.destroy(this.socket, new HeadersOverflowError()); } } onUpgrade(head) { const { upgrade, client, socket, headers, statusCode } = this; assert5(upgrade); const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; assert5(request); assert5(!socket.destroyed); assert5(socket === client[kSocket]); assert5(!this.paused); assert5(request.upgrade || request.method === "CONNECT"); this.statusCode = null; this.statusText = ""; this.shouldKeepAlive = null; assert5(this.headers.length % 2 === 0); this.headers = []; this.headersSize = 0; socket.unshift(head); socket[kParser].destroy(); socket[kParser] = null; socket[kClient] = null; socket[kError] = null; removeAllListeners(socket); client[kSocket] = null; client[kHTTPContext] = null; client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]++] = null; client.emit("disconnect", client[kUrl], [client], new InformationalError("upgrade")); try { request.onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket); } catch (err) { util.destroy(socket, err); } client[kResume](); } onHeadersComplete(statusCode, upgrade, shouldKeepAlive) { const { client, socket, headers, statusText } = this; if (socket.destroyed) { return -1; } const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; if (!request) { return -1; } assert5(!this.upgrade); assert5(this.statusCode < 200); if (statusCode === 100) { util.destroy(socket, new SocketError("bad response", util.getSocketInfo(socket))); return -1; } if (upgrade && !request.upgrade) { util.destroy(socket, new SocketError("bad upgrade", util.getSocketInfo(socket))); return -1; } assert5.strictEqual(this.timeoutType, TIMEOUT_HEADERS); this.statusCode = statusCode; this.shouldKeepAlive = shouldKeepAlive || // Override llhttp value which does not allow keepAlive for HEAD. request.method === "HEAD" && !socket[kReset] && this.connection.toLowerCase() === "keep-alive"; if (this.statusCode >= 200) { const bodyTimeout = request.bodyTimeout != null ? request.bodyTimeout : client[kBodyTimeout]; this.setTimeout(bodyTimeout, TIMEOUT_BODY); } else if (this.timeout) { if (this.timeout.refresh) { this.timeout.refresh(); } } if (request.method === "CONNECT") { assert5(client[kRunning] === 1); this.upgrade = true; return 2; } if (upgrade) { assert5(client[kRunning] === 1); this.upgrade = true; return 2; } assert5(this.headers.length % 2 === 0); this.headers = []; this.headersSize = 0; if (this.shouldKeepAlive && client[kPipelining]) { const keepAliveTimeout = this.keepAlive ? util.parseKeepAliveTimeout(this.keepAlive) : null; if (keepAliveTimeout != null) { const timeout = Math.min( keepAliveTimeout - client[kKeepAliveTimeoutThreshold], client[kKeepAliveMaxTimeout] ); if (timeout <= 0) { socket[kReset] = true; } else { client[kKeepAliveTimeoutValue] = timeout; } } else { client[kKeepAliveTimeoutValue] = client[kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout]; } } else { socket[kReset] = true; } const pause = request.onHeaders(statusCode, headers, this.resume, statusText) === false; if (request.aborted) { return -1; } if (request.method === "HEAD") { return 1; } if (statusCode < 200) { return 1; } if (socket[kBlocking]) { socket[kBlocking] = false; client[kResume](); } return pause ? constants2.ERROR.PAUSED : 0; } onBody(buf) { const { client, socket, statusCode, maxResponseSize } = this; if (socket.destroyed) { return -1; } const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; assert5(request); assert5.strictEqual(this.timeoutType, TIMEOUT_BODY); if (this.timeout) { if (this.timeout.refresh) { this.timeout.refresh(); } } assert5(statusCode >= 200); if (maxResponseSize > -1 && this.bytesRead + buf.length > maxResponseSize) { util.destroy(socket, new ResponseExceededMaxSizeError()); return -1; } this.bytesRead += buf.length; if (request.onData(buf) === false) { return constants2.ERROR.PAUSED; } } onMessageComplete() { const { client, socket, statusCode, upgrade, headers, contentLength, bytesRead, shouldKeepAlive } = this; if (socket.destroyed && (!statusCode || shouldKeepAlive)) { return -1; } if (upgrade) { return; } const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; assert5(request); assert5(statusCode >= 100); this.statusCode = null; this.statusText = ""; this.bytesRead = 0; this.contentLength = ""; this.keepAlive = ""; this.connection = ""; assert5(this.headers.length % 2 === 0); this.headers = []; this.headersSize = 0; if (statusCode < 200) { return; } if (request.method !== "HEAD" && contentLength && bytesRead !== parseInt(contentLength, 10)) { util.destroy(socket, new ResponseContentLengthMismatchError()); return -1; } request.onComplete(headers); client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]++] = null; if (socket[kWriting]) { assert5.strictEqual(client[kRunning], 0); util.destroy(socket, new InformationalError("reset")); return constants2.ERROR.PAUSED; } else if (!shouldKeepAlive) { util.destroy(socket, new InformationalError("reset")); return constants2.ERROR.PAUSED; } else if (socket[kReset] && client[kRunning] === 0) { util.destroy(socket, new InformationalError("reset")); return constants2.ERROR.PAUSED; } else if (client[kPipelining] == null || client[kPipelining] === 1) { setImmediate(() => client[kResume]()); } else { client[kResume](); } } }; function onParserTimeout(parser) { const { socket, timeoutType, client } = parser; if (timeoutType === TIMEOUT_HEADERS) { if (!socket[kWriting] || socket.writableNeedDrain || client[kRunning] > 1) { assert5(!parser.paused, "cannot be paused while waiting for headers"); util.destroy(socket, new HeadersTimeoutError()); } } else if (timeoutType === TIMEOUT_BODY) { if (!parser.paused) { util.destroy(socket, new BodyTimeoutError()); } } else if (timeoutType === TIMEOUT_IDLE) { assert5(client[kRunning] === 0 && client[kKeepAliveTimeoutValue]); util.destroy(socket, new InformationalError("socket idle timeout")); } } async function connectH1(client, socket) { client[kSocket] = socket; if (!llhttpInstance) { llhttpInstance = await llhttpPromise; llhttpPromise = null; } socket[kNoRef] = false; socket[kWriting] = false; socket[kReset] = false; socket[kBlocking] = false; socket[kParser] = new Parser2(client, socket, llhttpInstance); addListener(socket, "error", function(err) { const parser = this[kParser]; assert5(err.code !== "ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID"); if (err.code === "ECONNRESET" && parser.statusCode && !parser.shouldKeepAlive) { parser.onMessageComplete(); return; } this[kError] = err; this[kClient][kOnError](err); }); addListener(socket, "readable", function() { const parser = this[kParser]; if (parser) { parser.readMore(); } }); addListener(socket, "end", function() { const parser = this[kParser]; if (parser.statusCode && !parser.shouldKeepAlive) { parser.onMessageComplete(); return; } util.destroy(this, new SocketError("other side closed", util.getSocketInfo(this))); }); addListener(socket, "close", function() { const client2 = this[kClient]; const parser = this[kParser]; if (parser) { if (!this[kError] && parser.statusCode && !parser.shouldKeepAlive) { parser.onMessageComplete(); } this[kParser].destroy(); this[kParser] = null; } const err = this[kError] || new SocketError("closed", util.getSocketInfo(this)); client2[kSocket] = null; client2[kHTTPContext] = null; if (client2.destroyed) { assert5(client2[kPending] === 0); const requests = client2[kQueue].splice(client2[kRunningIdx]); for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { const request = requests[i]; util.errorRequest(client2, request, err); } } else if (client2[kRunning] > 0 && err.code !== "UND_ERR_INFO") { const request = client2[kQueue][client2[kRunningIdx]]; client2[kQueue][client2[kRunningIdx]++] = null; util.errorRequest(client2, request, err); } client2[kPendingIdx] = client2[kRunningIdx]; assert5(client2[kRunning] === 0); client2.emit("disconnect", client2[kUrl], [client2], err); client2[kResume](); }); let closed = false; socket.on("close", () => { closed = true; }); return { version: "h1", defaultPipelining: 1, write(...args) { return writeH1(client, ...args); }, resume() { resumeH1(client); }, destroy(err, callback) { if (closed) { queueMicrotask(callback); } else { socket.destroy(err).on("close", callback); } }, get destroyed() { return socket.destroyed; }, busy(request) { if (socket[kWriting] || socket[kReset] || socket[kBlocking]) { return true; } if (request) { if (client[kRunning] > 0 && !request.idempotent) { return true; } if (client[kRunning] > 0 && (request.upgrade || request.method === "CONNECT")) { return true; } if (client[kRunning] > 0 && util.bodyLength(request.body) !== 0 && (util.isStream(request.body) || util.isAsyncIterable(request.body) || util.isFormDataLike(request.body))) { return true; } } return false; } }; } function resumeH1(client) { const socket = client[kSocket]; if (socket && !socket.destroyed) { if (client[kSize] === 0) { if (!socket[kNoRef] && socket.unref) { socket.unref(); socket[kNoRef] = true; } } else if (socket[kNoRef] && socket.ref) { socket.ref(); socket[kNoRef] = false; } if (client[kSize] === 0) { if (socket[kParser].timeoutType !== TIMEOUT_IDLE) { socket[kParser].setTimeout(client[kKeepAliveTimeoutValue], TIMEOUT_IDLE); } } else if (client[kRunning] > 0 && socket[kParser].statusCode < 200) { if (socket[kParser].timeoutType !== TIMEOUT_HEADERS) { const request = client[kQueue][client[kRunningIdx]]; const headersTimeout = request.headersTimeout != null ? request.headersTimeout : client[kHeadersTimeout]; socket[kParser].setTimeout(headersTimeout, TIMEOUT_HEADERS); } } } } function shouldSendContentLength(method) { return method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD" && method !== "OPTIONS" && method !== "TRACE" && method !== "CONNECT"; } function writeH1(client, request) { const { method, path: path16, host, upgrade, blocking, reset } = request; let { body, headers, contentLength } = request; const expectsPayload = method === "PUT" || method === "POST" || method === "PATCH"; if (util.isFormDataLike(body)) { if (!extractBody) { extractBody = require_body().extractBody; } const [bodyStream, contentType] = extractBody(body); if (request.contentType == null) { headers.push("content-type", contentType); } body = bodyStream.stream; contentLength = bodyStream.length; } else if (util.isBlobLike(body) && request.contentType == null && body.type) { headers.push("content-type", body.type); } if (body && typeof body.read === "function") { body.read(0); } const bodyLength = util.bodyLength(body); contentLength = bodyLength ?? contentLength; if (contentLength === null) { contentLength = request.contentLength; } if (contentLength === 0 && !expectsPayload) { contentLength = null; } if (shouldSendContentLength(method) && contentLength > 0 && request.contentLength !== null && request.contentLength !== contentLength) { if (client[kStrictContentLength]) { util.errorRequest(client, request, new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); return false; } process.emitWarning(new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); } const socket = client[kSocket]; const abort = (err) => { if (request.aborted || request.completed) { return; } util.errorRequest(client, request, err || new RequestAbortedError()); util.destroy(body); util.destroy(socket, new InformationalError("aborted")); }; try { request.onConnect(abort); } catch (err) { util.errorRequest(client, request, err); } if (request.aborted) { return false; } if (method === "HEAD") { socket[kReset] = true; } if (upgrade || method === "CONNECT") { socket[kReset] = true; } if (reset != null) { socket[kReset] = reset; } if (client[kMaxRequests] && socket[kCounter]++ >= client[kMaxRequests]) { socket[kReset] = true; } if (blocking) { socket[kBlocking] = true; } let header = `${method} ${path16} HTTP/1.1\r `; if (typeof host === "string") { header += `host: ${host}\r `; } else { header += client[kHostHeader]; } if (upgrade) { header += `connection: upgrade\r upgrade: ${upgrade}\r `; } else if (client[kPipelining] && !socket[kReset]) { header += "connection: keep-alive\r\n"; } else { header += "connection: close\r\n"; } if (Array.isArray(headers)) { for (let n = 0; n < headers.length; n += 2) { const key = headers[n + 0]; const val = headers[n + 1]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { header += `${key}: ${val[i]}\r `; } } else { header += `${key}: ${val}\r `; } } } if (channels.sendHeaders.hasSubscribers) { channels.sendHeaders.publish({ request, headers: header, socket }); } if (!body || bodyLength === 0) { writeBuffer(abort, null, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } else if (util.isBuffer(body)) { writeBuffer(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } else if (util.isBlobLike(body)) { if (typeof body.stream === "function") { writeIterable(abort, body.stream(), client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } else { writeBlob(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } } else if (util.isStream(body)) { writeStream(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } else if (util.isIterable(body)) { writeIterable(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload); } else { assert5(false); } return true; } function writeStream(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload) { assert5(contentLength !== 0 || client[kRunning] === 0, "stream body cannot be pipelined"); let finished = false; const writer = new AsyncWriter({ abort, socket, request, contentLength, client, expectsPayload, header }); const onData = function(chunk) { if (finished) { return; } try { if (!writer.write(chunk) && this.pause) { this.pause(); } } catch (err) { util.destroy(this, err); } }; const onDrain = function() { if (finished) { return; } if (body.resume) { body.resume(); } }; const onClose = function() { queueMicrotask(() => { body.removeListener("error", onFinished); }); if (!finished) { const err = new RequestAbortedError(); queueMicrotask(() => onFinished(err)); } }; const onFinished = function(err) { if (finished) { return; } finished = true; assert5(socket.destroyed || socket[kWriting] && client[kRunning] <= 1); socket.off("drain", onDrain).off("error", onFinished); body.removeListener("data", onData).removeListener("end", onFinished).removeListener("close", onClose); if (!err) { try { writer.end(); } catch (er) { err = er; } } writer.destroy(err); if (err && (err.code !== "UND_ERR_INFO" || err.message !== "reset")) { util.destroy(body, err); } else { util.destroy(body); } }; body.on("data", onData).on("end", onFinished).on("error", onFinished).on("close", onClose); if (body.resume) { body.resume(); } socket.on("drain", onDrain).on("error", onFinished); if (body.errorEmitted ?? body.errored) { setImmediate(() => onFinished(body.errored)); } else if (body.endEmitted ?? body.readableEnded) { setImmediate(() => onFinished(null)); } if (body.closeEmitted ?? body.closed) { setImmediate(onClose); } } function writeBuffer(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload) { try { if (!body) { if (contentLength === 0) { socket.write(`${header}content-length: 0\r \r `, "latin1"); } else { assert5(contentLength === null, "no body must not have content length"); socket.write(`${header}\r `, "latin1"); } } else if (util.isBuffer(body)) { assert5(contentLength === body.byteLength, "buffer body must have content length"); socket.cork(); socket.write(`${header}content-length: ${contentLength}\r \r `, "latin1"); socket.write(body); socket.uncork(); request.onBodySent(body); if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } } request.onRequestSent(); client[kResume](); } catch (err) { abort(err); } } async function writeBlob(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload) { assert5(contentLength === body.size, "blob body must have content length"); try { if (contentLength != null && contentLength !== body.size) { throw new RequestContentLengthMismatchError(); } const buffer = Buffer.from(await body.arrayBuffer()); socket.cork(); socket.write(`${header}content-length: ${contentLength}\r \r `, "latin1"); socket.write(buffer); socket.uncork(); request.onBodySent(buffer); request.onRequestSent(); if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } client[kResume](); } catch (err) { abort(err); } } async function writeIterable(abort, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, header, expectsPayload) { assert5(contentLength !== 0 || client[kRunning] === 0, "iterator body cannot be pipelined"); let callback = null; function onDrain() { if (callback) { const cb = callback; callback = null; cb(); } } const waitForDrain = () => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { assert5(callback === null); if (socket[kError]) { reject(socket[kError]); } else { callback = resolve2; } }); socket.on("close", onDrain).on("drain", onDrain); const writer = new AsyncWriter({ abort, socket, request, contentLength, client, expectsPayload, header }); try { for await (const chunk of body) { if (socket[kError]) { throw socket[kError]; } if (!writer.write(chunk)) { await waitForDrain(); } } writer.end(); } catch (err) { writer.destroy(err); } finally { socket.off("close", onDrain).off("drain", onDrain); } } var AsyncWriter = class { constructor({ abort, socket, request, contentLength, client, expectsPayload, header }) { this.socket = socket; this.request = request; this.contentLength = contentLength; this.client = client; this.bytesWritten = 0; this.expectsPayload = expectsPayload; this.header = header; this.abort = abort; socket[kWriting] = true; } write(chunk) { const { socket, request, contentLength, client, bytesWritten, expectsPayload, header } = this; if (socket[kError]) { throw socket[kError]; } if (socket.destroyed) { return false; } const len = Buffer.byteLength(chunk); if (!len) { return true; } if (contentLength !== null && bytesWritten + len > contentLength) { if (client[kStrictContentLength]) { throw new RequestContentLengthMismatchError(); } process.emitWarning(new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); } socket.cork(); if (bytesWritten === 0) { if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } if (contentLength === null) { socket.write(`${header}transfer-encoding: chunked\r `, "latin1"); } else { socket.write(`${header}content-length: ${contentLength}\r \r `, "latin1"); } } if (contentLength === null) { socket.write(`\r ${len.toString(16)}\r `, "latin1"); } this.bytesWritten += len; const ret = socket.write(chunk); socket.uncork(); request.onBodySent(chunk); if (!ret) { if (socket[kParser].timeout && socket[kParser].timeoutType === TIMEOUT_HEADERS) { if (socket[kParser].timeout.refresh) { socket[kParser].timeout.refresh(); } } } return ret; } end() { const { socket, contentLength, client, bytesWritten, expectsPayload, header, request } = this; request.onRequestSent(); socket[kWriting] = false; if (socket[kError]) { throw socket[kError]; } if (socket.destroyed) { return; } if (bytesWritten === 0) { if (expectsPayload) { socket.write(`${header}content-length: 0\r \r `, "latin1"); } else { socket.write(`${header}\r `, "latin1"); } } else if (contentLength === null) { socket.write("\r\n0\r\n\r\n", "latin1"); } if (contentLength !== null && bytesWritten !== contentLength) { if (client[kStrictContentLength]) { throw new RequestContentLengthMismatchError(); } else { process.emitWarning(new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); } } if (socket[kParser].timeout && socket[kParser].timeoutType === TIMEOUT_HEADERS) { if (socket[kParser].timeout.refresh) { socket[kParser].timeout.refresh(); } } client[kResume](); } destroy(err) { const { socket, client, abort } = this; socket[kWriting] = false; if (err) { assert5(client[kRunning] <= 1, "pipeline should only contain this request"); abort(err); } } }; module2.exports = connectH1; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client-h2.js var require_client_h2 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client-h2.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { pipeline } = require("node:stream"); var util = require_util(); var { RequestContentLengthMismatchError, RequestAbortedError, SocketError, InformationalError } = require_errors(); var { kUrl, kReset, kClient, kRunning, kPending, kQueue, kPendingIdx, kRunningIdx, kError, kSocket, kStrictContentLength, kOnError, kMaxConcurrentStreams, kHTTP2Session, kResume } = require_symbols(); var kOpenStreams = Symbol("open streams"); var h2ExperimentalWarned = false; var http2; try { http2 = require("node:http2"); } catch { http2 = { constants: {} }; } var { constants: { HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP2_HEADER_EXPECT, HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS } } = http2; function parseH2Headers(headers) { const result = []; for (const [name2, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (const subvalue of value) { result.push(Buffer.from(name2), Buffer.from(subvalue)); } } else { result.push(Buffer.from(name2), Buffer.from(value)); } } return result; } async function connectH2(client, socket) { client[kSocket] = socket; if (!h2ExperimentalWarned) { h2ExperimentalWarned = true; process.emitWarning("H2 support is experimental, expect them to change at any time.", { code: "UNDICI-H2" }); } const session = http2.connect(client[kUrl], { createConnection: () => socket, peerMaxConcurrentStreams: client[kMaxConcurrentStreams] }); session[kOpenStreams] = 0; session[kClient] = client; session[kSocket] = socket; util.addListener(session, "error", onHttp2SessionError); util.addListener(session, "frameError", onHttp2FrameError); util.addListener(session, "end", onHttp2SessionEnd); util.addListener(session, "goaway", onHTTP2GoAway); util.addListener(session, "close", function() { const { [kClient]: client2 } = this; const { [kSocket]: socket2 } = client2; const err = this[kSocket][kError] || this[kError] || new SocketError("closed", util.getSocketInfo(socket2)); client2[kHTTP2Session] = null; if (client2.destroyed) { assert5(client2[kPending] === 0); const requests = client2[kQueue].splice(client2[kRunningIdx]); for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { const request = requests[i]; util.errorRequest(client2, request, err); } } }); session.unref(); client[kHTTP2Session] = session; socket[kHTTP2Session] = session; util.addListener(socket, "error", function(err) { assert5(err.code !== "ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID"); this[kError] = err; this[kClient][kOnError](err); }); util.addListener(socket, "end", function() { util.destroy(this, new SocketError("other side closed", util.getSocketInfo(this))); }); util.addListener(socket, "close", function() { const err = this[kError] || new SocketError("closed", util.getSocketInfo(this)); client[kSocket] = null; if (this[kHTTP2Session] != null) { this[kHTTP2Session].destroy(err); } client[kPendingIdx] = client[kRunningIdx]; assert5(client[kRunning] === 0); client.emit("disconnect", client[kUrl], [client], err); client[kResume](); }); let closed = false; socket.on("close", () => { closed = true; }); return { version: "h2", defaultPipelining: Infinity, write(...args) { writeH2(client, ...args); }, resume() { }, destroy(err, callback) { if (closed) { queueMicrotask(callback); } else { socket.destroy(err).on("close", callback); } }, get destroyed() { return socket.destroyed; }, busy() { return false; } }; } function onHttp2SessionError(err) { assert5(err.code !== "ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID"); this[kSocket][kError] = err; this[kClient][kOnError](err); } function onHttp2FrameError(type, code2, id) { if (id === 0) { const err = new InformationalError(`HTTP/2: "frameError" received - type ${type}, code ${code2}`); this[kSocket][kError] = err; this[kClient][kOnError](err); } } function onHttp2SessionEnd() { const err = new SocketError("other side closed", util.getSocketInfo(this[kSocket])); this.destroy(err); util.destroy(this[kSocket], err); } function onHTTP2GoAway(code2) { const err = new RequestAbortedError(`HTTP/2: "GOAWAY" frame received with code ${code2}`); this[kSocket][kError] = err; this[kClient][kOnError](err); this.unref(); util.destroy(this[kSocket], err); } function shouldSendContentLength(method) { return method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD" && method !== "OPTIONS" && method !== "TRACE" && method !== "CONNECT"; } function writeH2(client, request) { const session = client[kHTTP2Session]; const { body, method, path: path16, host, upgrade, expectContinue, signal, headers: reqHeaders } = request; if (upgrade) { util.errorRequest(client, request, new Error("Upgrade not supported for H2")); return false; } if (request.aborted) { return false; } const headers = {}; for (let n = 0; n < reqHeaders.length; n += 2) { const key = reqHeaders[n + 0]; const val = reqHeaders[n + 1]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { if (headers[key]) { headers[key] += `,${val[i]}`; } else { headers[key] = val[i]; } } } else { headers[key] = val; } } let stream; const { hostname, port } = client[kUrl]; headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] = host || `${hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}`; headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = method; const abort = (err) => { if (request.aborted || request.completed) { return; } err = err || new RequestAbortedError(); util.errorRequest(client, request, err); if (stream != null) { util.destroy(stream, err); } util.destroy(body, err); }; try { request.onConnect(abort); } catch (err) { util.errorRequest(client, request, err); } if (method === "CONNECT") { session.ref(); stream = session.request(headers, { endStream: false, signal }); if (stream.id && !stream.pending) { request.onUpgrade(null, null, stream); ++session[kOpenStreams]; } else { stream.once("ready", () => { request.onUpgrade(null, null, stream); ++session[kOpenStreams]; }); } stream.once("close", () => { session[kOpenStreams] -= 1; if (session[kOpenStreams] === 0) session.unref(); }); return true; } headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] = path16; headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] = "https"; const expectsPayload = method === "PUT" || method === "POST" || method === "PATCH"; if (body && typeof body.read === "function") { body.read(0); } let contentLength = util.bodyLength(body); if (contentLength == null) { contentLength = request.contentLength; } if (contentLength === 0 || !expectsPayload) { contentLength = null; } if (shouldSendContentLength(method) && contentLength > 0 && request.contentLength != null && request.contentLength !== contentLength) { if (client[kStrictContentLength]) { util.errorRequest(client, request, new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); return false; } process.emitWarning(new RequestContentLengthMismatchError()); } if (contentLength != null) { assert5(body, "no body must not have content length"); headers[HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH] = `${contentLength}`; } session.ref(); const shouldEndStream = method === "GET" || method === "HEAD" || body === null; if (expectContinue) { headers[HTTP2_HEADER_EXPECT] = "100-continue"; stream = session.request(headers, { endStream: shouldEndStream, signal }); stream.once("continue", writeBodyH2); } else { stream = session.request(headers, { endStream: shouldEndStream, signal }); writeBodyH2(); } ++session[kOpenStreams]; stream.once("response", (headers2) => { const { [HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]: statusCode, ...realHeaders } = headers2; request.onResponseStarted(); if (request.aborted) { const err = new RequestAbortedError(); util.errorRequest(client, request, err); util.destroy(stream, err); return; } if (request.onHeaders(Number(statusCode), parseH2Headers(realHeaders), stream.resume.bind(stream), "") === false) { stream.pause(); } stream.on("data", (chunk) => { if (request.onData(chunk) === false) { stream.pause(); } }); }); stream.once("end", () => { if (stream.state?.state == null || stream.state.state < 6) { request.onComplete([]); return; } if (session[kOpenStreams] === 0) { session.unref(); } abort(new InformationalError("HTTP/2: stream half-closed (remote)")); }); stream.once("close", () => { session[kOpenStreams] -= 1; if (session[kOpenStreams] === 0) { session.unref(); } }); stream.once("error", function(err) { abort(err); }); stream.once("frameError", (type, code2) => { abort(new InformationalError(`HTTP/2: "frameError" received - type ${type}, code ${code2}`)); }); return true; function writeBodyH2() { if (!body || contentLength === 0) { writeBuffer( abort, stream, null, client, request, client[kSocket], contentLength, expectsPayload ); } else if (util.isBuffer(body)) { writeBuffer( abort, stream, body, client, request, client[kSocket], contentLength, expectsPayload ); } else if (util.isBlobLike(body)) { if (typeof body.stream === "function") { writeIterable( abort, stream, body.stream(), client, request, client[kSocket], contentLength, expectsPayload ); } else { writeBlob( abort, stream, body, client, request, client[kSocket], contentLength, expectsPayload ); } } else if (util.isStream(body)) { writeStream( abort, client[kSocket], expectsPayload, stream, body, client, request, contentLength ); } else if (util.isIterable(body)) { writeIterable( abort, stream, body, client, request, client[kSocket], contentLength, expectsPayload ); } else { assert5(false); } } } function writeBuffer(abort, h2stream, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, expectsPayload) { try { if (body != null && util.isBuffer(body)) { assert5(contentLength === body.byteLength, "buffer body must have content length"); h2stream.cork(); h2stream.write(body); h2stream.uncork(); h2stream.end(); request.onBodySent(body); } if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } request.onRequestSent(); client[kResume](); } catch (error) { abort(error); } } function writeStream(abort, socket, expectsPayload, h2stream, body, client, request, contentLength) { assert5(contentLength !== 0 || client[kRunning] === 0, "stream body cannot be pipelined"); const pipe = pipeline( body, h2stream, (err) => { if (err) { util.destroy(pipe, err); abort(err); } else { util.removeAllListeners(pipe); request.onRequestSent(); if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } client[kResume](); } } ); util.addListener(pipe, "data", onPipeData); function onPipeData(chunk) { request.onBodySent(chunk); } } async function writeBlob(abort, h2stream, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, expectsPayload) { assert5(contentLength === body.size, "blob body must have content length"); try { if (contentLength != null && contentLength !== body.size) { throw new RequestContentLengthMismatchError(); } const buffer = Buffer.from(await body.arrayBuffer()); h2stream.cork(); h2stream.write(buffer); h2stream.uncork(); h2stream.end(); request.onBodySent(buffer); request.onRequestSent(); if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } client[kResume](); } catch (err) { abort(err); } } async function writeIterable(abort, h2stream, body, client, request, socket, contentLength, expectsPayload) { assert5(contentLength !== 0 || client[kRunning] === 0, "iterator body cannot be pipelined"); let callback = null; function onDrain() { if (callback) { const cb = callback; callback = null; cb(); } } const waitForDrain = () => new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { assert5(callback === null); if (socket[kError]) { reject(socket[kError]); } else { callback = resolve2; } }); h2stream.on("close", onDrain).on("drain", onDrain); try { for await (const chunk of body) { if (socket[kError]) { throw socket[kError]; } const res = h2stream.write(chunk); request.onBodySent(chunk); if (!res) { await waitForDrain(); } } h2stream.end(); request.onRequestSent(); if (!expectsPayload) { socket[kReset] = true; } client[kResume](); } catch (err) { abort(err); } finally { h2stream.off("close", onDrain).off("drain", onDrain); } } module2.exports = connectH2; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/handler/redirect-handler.js var require_redirect_handler = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/handler/redirect-handler.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var util = require_util(); var { kBodyUsed } = require_symbols(); var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var { InvalidArgumentError } = require_errors(); var EE3 = require("node:events"); var redirectableStatusCodes = [300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; var kBody = Symbol("body"); var BodyAsyncIterable = class { constructor(body) { this[kBody] = body; this[kBodyUsed] = false; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { assert5(!this[kBodyUsed], "disturbed"); this[kBodyUsed] = true; yield* this[kBody]; } }; var RedirectHandler = class { constructor(dispatch, maxRedirections, opts, handler) { if (maxRedirections != null && (!Number.isInteger(maxRedirections) || maxRedirections < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxRedirections must be a positive number"); } util.validateHandler(handler, opts.method, opts.upgrade); this.dispatch = dispatch; this.location = null; this.abort = null; this.opts = { ...opts, maxRedirections: 0 }; this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections; this.handler = handler; this.history = []; this.redirectionLimitReached = false; if (util.isStream(this.opts.body)) { if (util.bodyLength(this.opts.body) === 0) { this.opts.body.on("data", function() { assert5(false); }); } if (typeof this.opts.body.readableDidRead !== "boolean") { this.opts.body[kBodyUsed] = false; EE3.prototype.on.call(this.opts.body, "data", function() { this[kBodyUsed] = true; }); } } else if (this.opts.body && typeof this.opts.body.pipeTo === "function") { this.opts.body = new BodyAsyncIterable(this.opts.body); } else if (this.opts.body && typeof this.opts.body !== "string" && !ArrayBuffer.isView(this.opts.body) && util.isIterable(this.opts.body)) { this.opts.body = new BodyAsyncIterable(this.opts.body); } } onConnect(abort) { this.abort = abort; this.handler.onConnect(abort, { history: this.history }); } onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket) { this.handler.onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket); } onError(error) { this.handler.onError(error); } onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume, statusText) { this.location = this.history.length >= this.maxRedirections || util.isDisturbed(this.opts.body) ? null : parseLocation(statusCode, headers); if (this.opts.throwOnMaxRedirect && this.history.length >= this.maxRedirections) { if (this.request) { this.request.abort(new Error("max redirects")); } this.redirectionLimitReached = true; this.abort(new Error("max redirects")); return; } if (this.opts.origin) { this.history.push(new URL(this.opts.path, this.opts.origin)); } if (!this.location) { return this.handler.onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume, statusText); } const { origin, pathname, search } = util.parseURL(new URL(this.location, this.opts.origin && new URL(this.opts.path, this.opts.origin))); const path16 = search ? `${pathname}${search}` : pathname; this.opts.headers = cleanRequestHeaders(this.opts.headers, statusCode === 303, this.opts.origin !== origin); this.opts.path = path16; this.opts.origin = origin; this.opts.maxRedirections = 0; this.opts.query = null; if (statusCode === 303 && this.opts.method !== "HEAD") { this.opts.method = "GET"; this.opts.body = null; } } onData(chunk) { if (this.location) { } else { return this.handler.onData(chunk); } } onComplete(trailers) { if (this.location) { this.location = null; this.abort = null; this.dispatch(this.opts, this); } else { this.handler.onComplete(trailers); } } onBodySent(chunk) { if (this.handler.onBodySent) { this.handler.onBodySent(chunk); } } }; function parseLocation(statusCode, headers) { if (redirectableStatusCodes.indexOf(statusCode) === -1) { return null; } for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { if (headers[i].length === 8 && util.headerNameToString(headers[i]) === "location") { return headers[i + 1]; } } } function shouldRemoveHeader(header, removeContent, unknownOrigin) { if (header.length === 4) { return util.headerNameToString(header) === "host"; } if (removeContent && util.headerNameToString(header).startsWith("content-")) { return true; } if (unknownOrigin && (header.length === 13 || header.length === 6 || header.length === 19)) { const name2 = util.headerNameToString(header); return name2 === "authorization" || name2 === "cookie" || name2 === "proxy-authorization"; } return false; } function cleanRequestHeaders(headers, removeContent, unknownOrigin) { const ret = []; if (Array.isArray(headers)) { for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { if (!shouldRemoveHeader(headers[i], removeContent, unknownOrigin)) { ret.push(headers[i], headers[i + 1]); } } } else if (headers && typeof headers === "object") { for (const key of Object.keys(headers)) { if (!shouldRemoveHeader(key, removeContent, unknownOrigin)) { ret.push(key, headers[key]); } } } else { assert5(headers == null, "headers must be an object or an array"); } return ret; } module2.exports = RedirectHandler; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/interceptor/redirect-interceptor.js var require_redirect_interceptor = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/interceptor/redirect-interceptor.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var RedirectHandler = require_redirect_handler(); function createRedirectInterceptor({ maxRedirections: defaultMaxRedirections }) { return (dispatch) => { return function Intercept(opts, handler) { const { maxRedirections = defaultMaxRedirections } = opts; if (!maxRedirections) { return dispatch(opts, handler); } const redirectHandler = new RedirectHandler(dispatch, maxRedirections, opts, handler); opts = { ...opts, maxRedirections: 0 }; return dispatch(opts, redirectHandler); }; }; } module2.exports = createRedirectInterceptor; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client.js var require_client = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/client.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var assert5 = require("node:assert"); var net = require("node:net"); var http = require("node:http"); var util = require_util(); var { channels } = require_diagnostics(); var Request = require_request(); var DispatcherBase = require_dispatcher_base(); var { InvalidArgumentError, InformationalError, ClientDestroyedError } = require_errors(); var buildConnector = require_connect(); var { kUrl, kServerName, kClient, kBusy, kConnect, kResuming, kRunning, kPending, kSize, kQueue, kConnected, kConnecting, kNeedDrain, kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout, kHostHeader, kPendingIdx, kRunningIdx, kError, kPipelining, kKeepAliveTimeoutValue, kMaxHeadersSize, kKeepAliveMaxTimeout, kKeepAliveTimeoutThreshold, kHeadersTimeout, kBodyTimeout, kStrictContentLength, kConnector, kMaxRedirections, kMaxRequests, kCounter, kClose, kDestroy, kDispatch, kInterceptors, kLocalAddress, kMaxResponseSize, kOnError, kHTTPContext, kMaxConcurrentStreams, kResume } = require_symbols(); var connectH1 = require_client_h1(); var connectH2 = require_client_h2(); var deprecatedInterceptorWarned = false; var kClosedResolve = Symbol("kClosedResolve"); function getPipelining(client) { return client[kPipelining] ?? client[kHTTPContext]?.defaultPipelining ?? 1; } var Client = class extends DispatcherBase { /** * * @param {string|URL} url * @param {import('../../types/client.js').Client.Options} options */ constructor(url, { interceptors, maxHeaderSize, headersTimeout, socketTimeout, requestTimeout, connectTimeout, bodyTimeout, idleTimeout, keepAlive, keepAliveTimeout, maxKeepAliveTimeout, keepAliveMaxTimeout, keepAliveTimeoutThreshold, socketPath, pipelining, tls, strictContentLength, maxCachedSessions, maxRedirections, connect: connect2, maxRequestsPerClient, localAddress, maxResponseSize, autoSelectFamily, autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout, // h2 maxConcurrentStreams, allowH2 } = {}) { super(); if (keepAlive !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("unsupported keepAlive, use pipelining=0 instead"); } if (socketTimeout !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("unsupported socketTimeout, use headersTimeout & bodyTimeout instead"); } if (requestTimeout !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("unsupported requestTimeout, use headersTimeout & bodyTimeout instead"); } if (idleTimeout !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("unsupported idleTimeout, use keepAliveTimeout instead"); } if (maxKeepAliveTimeout !== void 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("unsupported maxKeepAliveTimeout, use keepAliveMaxTimeout instead"); } if (maxHeaderSize != null && !Number.isFinite(maxHeaderSize)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid maxHeaderSize"); } if (socketPath != null && typeof socketPath !== "string") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid socketPath"); } if (connectTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(connectTimeout) || connectTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid connectTimeout"); } if (keepAliveTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(keepAliveTimeout) || keepAliveTimeout <= 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid keepAliveTimeout"); } if (keepAliveMaxTimeout != null && (!Number.isFinite(keepAliveMaxTimeout) || keepAliveMaxTimeout <= 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid keepAliveMaxTimeout"); } if (keepAliveTimeoutThreshold != null && !Number.isFinite(keepAliveTimeoutThreshold)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid keepAliveTimeoutThreshold"); } if (headersTimeout != null && (!Number.isInteger(headersTimeout) || headersTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("headersTimeout must be a positive integer or zero"); } if (bodyTimeout != null && (!Number.isInteger(bodyTimeout) || bodyTimeout < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("bodyTimeout must be a positive integer or zero"); } if (connect2 != null && typeof connect2 !== "function" && typeof connect2 !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("connect must be a function or an object"); } if (maxRedirections != null && (!Number.isInteger(maxRedirections) || maxRedirections < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxRedirections must be a positive number"); } if (maxRequestsPerClient != null && (!Number.isInteger(maxRequestsPerClient) || maxRequestsPerClient < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxRequestsPerClient must be a positive number"); } if (localAddress != null && (typeof localAddress !== "string" || net.isIP(localAddress) === 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("localAddress must be valid string IP address"); } if (maxResponseSize != null && (!Number.isInteger(maxResponseSize) || maxResponseSize < -1)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxResponseSize must be a positive number"); } if (autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout != null && (!Number.isInteger(autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout) || autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout < -1)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout must be a positive number"); } if (allowH2 != null && typeof allowH2 !== "boolean") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("allowH2 must be a valid boolean value"); } if (maxConcurrentStreams != null && (typeof maxConcurrentStreams !== "number" || maxConcurrentStreams < 1)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxConcurrentStreams must be a positive integer, greater than 0"); } if (typeof connect2 !== "function") { connect2 = buildConnector({ ...tls, maxCachedSessions, allowH2, socketPath, timeout: connectTimeout, ...autoSelectFamily ? { autoSelectFamily, autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout } : void 0, ...connect2 }); } if (interceptors?.Client && Array.isArray(interceptors.Client)) { this[kInterceptors] = interceptors.Client; if (!deprecatedInterceptorWarned) { deprecatedInterceptorWarned = true; process.emitWarning("Client.Options#interceptor is deprecated. Use Dispatcher#compose instead.", { code: "UNDICI-CLIENT-INTERCEPTOR-DEPRECATED" }); } } else { this[kInterceptors] = [createRedirectInterceptor({ maxRedirections })]; } this[kUrl] = util.parseOrigin(url); this[kConnector] = connect2; this[kPipelining] = pipelining != null ? pipelining : 1; this[kMaxHeadersSize] = maxHeaderSize || http.maxHeaderSize; this[kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout] = keepAliveTimeout == null ? 4e3 : keepAliveTimeout; this[kKeepAliveMaxTimeout] = keepAliveMaxTimeout == null ? 6e5 : keepAliveMaxTimeout; this[kKeepAliveTimeoutThreshold] = keepAliveTimeoutThreshold == null ? 2e3 : keepAliveTimeoutThreshold; this[kKeepAliveTimeoutValue] = this[kKeepAliveDefaultTimeout]; this[kServerName] = null; this[kLocalAddress] = localAddress != null ? localAddress : null; this[kResuming] = 0; this[kNeedDrain] = 0; this[kHostHeader] = `host: ${this[kUrl].hostname}${this[kUrl].port ? `:${this[kUrl].port}` : ""}\r `; this[kBodyTimeout] = bodyTimeout != null ? bodyTimeout : 3e5; this[kHeadersTimeout] = headersTimeout != null ? headersTimeout : 3e5; this[kStrictContentLength] = strictContentLength == null ? true : strictContentLength; this[kMaxRedirections] = maxRedirections; this[kMaxRequests] = maxRequestsPerClient; this[kClosedResolve] = null; this[kMaxResponseSize] = maxResponseSize > -1 ? maxResponseSize : -1; this[kMaxConcurrentStreams] = maxConcurrentStreams != null ? maxConcurrentStreams : 100; this[kHTTPContext] = null; this[kQueue] = []; this[kRunningIdx] = 0; this[kPendingIdx] = 0; this[kResume] = (sync) => resume(this, sync); this[kOnError] = (err) => onError(this, err); } get pipelining() { return this[kPipelining]; } set pipelining(value) { this[kPipelining] = value; this[kResume](true); } get [kPending]() { return this[kQueue].length - this[kPendingIdx]; } get [kRunning]() { return this[kPendingIdx] - this[kRunningIdx]; } get [kSize]() { return this[kQueue].length - this[kRunningIdx]; } get [kConnected]() { return !!this[kHTTPContext] && !this[kConnecting] && !this[kHTTPContext].destroyed; } get [kBusy]() { return Boolean( this[kHTTPContext]?.busy(null) || this[kSize] >= (getPipelining(this) || 1) || this[kPending] > 0 ); } /* istanbul ignore: only used for test */ [kConnect](cb) { connect(this); this.once("connect", cb); } [kDispatch](opts, handler) { const origin = opts.origin || this[kUrl].origin; const request = new Request(origin, opts, handler); this[kQueue].push(request); if (this[kResuming]) { } else if (util.bodyLength(request.body) == null && util.isIterable(request.body)) { this[kResuming] = 1; queueMicrotask(() => resume(this)); } else { this[kResume](true); } if (this[kResuming] && this[kNeedDrain] !== 2 && this[kBusy]) { this[kNeedDrain] = 2; } return this[kNeedDrain] < 2; } async [kClose]() { return new Promise((resolve2) => { if (this[kSize]) { this[kClosedResolve] = resolve2; } else { resolve2(null); } }); } async [kDestroy](err) { return new Promise((resolve2) => { const requests = this[kQueue].splice(this[kPendingIdx]); for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { const request = requests[i]; util.errorRequest(this, request, err); } const callback = () => { if (this[kClosedResolve]) { this[kClosedResolve](); this[kClosedResolve] = null; } resolve2(null); }; if (this[kHTTPContext]) { this[kHTTPContext].destroy(err, callback); this[kHTTPContext] = null; } else { queueMicrotask(callback); } this[kResume](); }); } }; var createRedirectInterceptor = require_redirect_interceptor(); function onError(client, err) { if (client[kRunning] === 0 && err.code !== "UND_ERR_INFO" && err.code !== "UND_ERR_SOCKET") { assert5(client[kPendingIdx] === client[kRunningIdx]); const requests = client[kQueue].splice(client[kRunningIdx]); for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { const request = requests[i]; util.errorRequest(client, request, err); } assert5(client[kSize] === 0); } } async function connect(client) { assert5(!client[kConnecting]); assert5(!client[kHTTPContext]); let { host, hostname, protocol, port } = client[kUrl]; if (hostname[0] === "[") { const idx = hostname.indexOf("]"); assert5(idx !== -1); const ip = hostname.substring(1, idx); assert5(net.isIP(ip)); hostname = ip; } client[kConnecting] = true; if (channels.beforeConnect.hasSubscribers) { channels.beforeConnect.publish({ connectParams: { host, hostname, protocol, port, version: client[kHTTPContext]?.version, servername: client[kServerName], localAddress: client[kLocalAddress] }, connector: client[kConnector] }); } try { const socket = await new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { client[kConnector]({ host, hostname, protocol, port, servername: client[kServerName], localAddress: client[kLocalAddress] }, (err, socket2) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve2(socket2); } }); }); if (client.destroyed) { util.destroy(socket.on("error", () => { }), new ClientDestroyedError()); return; } assert5(socket); try { client[kHTTPContext] = socket.alpnProtocol === "h2" ? await connectH2(client, socket) : await connectH1(client, socket); } catch (err) { socket.destroy().on("error", () => { }); throw err; } client[kConnecting] = false; socket[kCounter] = 0; socket[kMaxRequests] = client[kMaxRequests]; socket[kClient] = client; socket[kError] = null; if (channels.connected.hasSubscribers) { channels.connected.publish({ connectParams: { host, hostname, protocol, port, version: client[kHTTPContext]?.version, servername: client[kServerName], localAddress: client[kLocalAddress] }, connector: client[kConnector], socket }); } client.emit("connect", client[kUrl], [client]); } catch (err) { if (client.destroyed) { return; } client[kConnecting] = false; if (channels.connectError.hasSubscribers) { channels.connectError.publish({ connectParams: { host, hostname, protocol, port, version: client[kHTTPContext]?.version, servername: client[kServerName], localAddress: client[kLocalAddress] }, connector: client[kConnector], error: err }); } if (err.code === "ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID") { assert5(client[kRunning] === 0); while (client[kPending] > 0 && client[kQueue][client[kPendingIdx]].servername === client[kServerName]) { const request = client[kQueue][client[kPendingIdx]++]; util.errorRequest(client, request, err); } } else { onError(client, err); } client.emit("connectionError", client[kUrl], [client], err); } client[kResume](); } function emitDrain(client) { client[kNeedDrain] = 0; client.emit("drain", client[kUrl], [client]); } function resume(client, sync) { if (client[kResuming] === 2) { return; } client[kResuming] = 2; _resume(client, sync); client[kResuming] = 0; if (client[kRunningIdx] > 256) { client[kQueue].splice(0, client[kRunningIdx]); client[kPendingIdx] -= client[kRunningIdx]; client[kRunningIdx] = 0; } } function _resume(client, sync) { while (true) { if (client.destroyed) { assert5(client[kPending] === 0); return; } if (client[kClosedResolve] && !client[kSize]) { client[kClosedResolve](); client[kClosedResolve] = null; return; } if (client[kHTTPContext]) { client[kHTTPContext].resume(); } if (client[kBusy]) { client[kNeedDrain] = 2; } else if (client[kNeedDrain] === 2) { if (sync) { client[kNeedDrain] = 1; queueMicrotask(() => emitDrain(client)); } else { emitDrain(client); } continue; } if (client[kPending] === 0) { return; } if (client[kRunning] >= (getPipelining(client) || 1)) { return; } const request = client[kQueue][client[kPendingIdx]]; if (client[kUrl].protocol === "https:" && client[kServerName] !== request.servername) { if (client[kRunning] > 0) { return; } client[kServerName] = request.servername; client[kHTTPContext]?.destroy(new InformationalError("servername changed"), () => { client[kHTTPContext] = null; resume(client); }); } if (client[kConnecting]) { return; } if (!client[kHTTPContext]) { connect(client); return; } if (client[kHTTPContext].destroyed) { return; } if (client[kHTTPContext].busy(request)) { return; } if (!request.aborted && client[kHTTPContext].write(request)) { client[kPendingIdx]++; } else { client[kQueue].splice(client[kPendingIdx], 1); } } } module2.exports = Client; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool.js var require_pool = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/pool.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { PoolBase, kClients, kNeedDrain, kAddClient, kGetDispatcher } = require_pool_base(); var Client = require_client(); var { InvalidArgumentError } = require_errors(); var util = require_util(); var { kUrl, kInterceptors } = require_symbols(); var buildConnector = require_connect(); var kOptions = Symbol("options"); var kConnections = Symbol("connections"); var kFactory = Symbol("factory"); function defaultFactory(origin, opts) { return new Client(origin, opts); } var Pool = class extends PoolBase { constructor(origin, { connections, factory = defaultFactory, connect, connectTimeout, tls, maxCachedSessions, socketPath, autoSelectFamily, autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout, allowH2, ...options } = {}) { super(); if (connections != null && (!Number.isFinite(connections) || connections < 0)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("invalid connections"); } if (typeof factory !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("factory must be a function."); } if (connect != null && typeof connect !== "function" && typeof connect !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("connect must be a function or an object"); } if (typeof connect !== "function") { connect = buildConnector({ ...tls, maxCachedSessions, allowH2, socketPath, timeout: connectTimeout, ...autoSelectFamily ? { autoSelectFamily, autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout } : void 0, ...connect }); } this[kInterceptors] = options.interceptors?.Pool && Array.isArray(options.interceptors.Pool) ? options.interceptors.Pool : []; this[kConnections] = connections || null; this[kUrl] = util.parseOrigin(origin); this[kOptions] = { ...util.deepClone(options), connect, allowH2 }; this[kOptions].interceptors = options.interceptors ? { ...options.interceptors } : void 0; this[kFactory] = factory; } [kGetDispatcher]() { for (const client of this[kClients]) { if (!client[kNeedDrain]) { return client; } } if (!this[kConnections] || this[kClients].length < this[kConnections]) { const dispatcher = this[kFactory](this[kUrl], this[kOptions]); this[kAddClient](dispatcher); return dispatcher; } } }; module2.exports = Pool; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/agent.js var require_agent = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/agent.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { InvalidArgumentError } = require_errors(); var { kClients, kRunning, kClose, kDestroy, kDispatch, kInterceptors } = require_symbols(); var DispatcherBase = require_dispatcher_base(); var Pool = require_pool(); var Client = require_client(); var util = require_util(); var createRedirectInterceptor = require_redirect_interceptor(); var kOnConnect = Symbol("onConnect"); var kOnDisconnect = Symbol("onDisconnect"); var kOnConnectionError = Symbol("onConnectionError"); var kMaxRedirections = Symbol("maxRedirections"); var kOnDrain = Symbol("onDrain"); var kFactory = Symbol("factory"); var kOptions = Symbol("options"); function defaultFactory(origin, opts) { return opts && opts.connections === 1 ? new Client(origin, opts) : new Pool(origin, opts); } var Agent = class extends DispatcherBase { constructor({ factory = defaultFactory, maxRedirections = 0, connect, ...options } = {}) { super(); if (typeof factory !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("factory must be a function."); } if (connect != null && typeof connect !== "function" && typeof connect !== "object") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("connect must be a function or an object"); } if (!Number.isInteger(maxRedirections) || maxRedirections < 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("maxRedirections must be a positive number"); } if (connect && typeof connect !== "function") { connect = { ...connect }; } this[kInterceptors] = options.interceptors?.Agent && Array.isArray(options.interceptors.Agent) ? options.interceptors.Agent : [createRedirectInterceptor({ maxRedirections })]; this[kOptions] = { ...util.deepClone(options), connect }; this[kOptions].interceptors = options.interceptors ? { ...options.interceptors } : void 0; this[kMaxRedirections] = maxRedirections; this[kFactory] = factory; this[kClients] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this[kOnDrain] = (origin, targets) => { this.emit("drain", origin, [this, ...targets]); }; this[kOnConnect] = (origin, targets) => { this.emit("connect", origin, [this, ...targets]); }; this[kOnDisconnect] = (origin, targets, err) => { this.emit("disconnect", origin, [this, ...targets], err); }; this[kOnConnectionError] = (origin, targets, err) => { this.emit("connectionError", origin, [this, ...targets], err); }; } get [kRunning]() { let ret = 0; for (const client of this[kClients].values()) { ret += client[kRunning]; } return ret; } [kDispatch](opts, handler) { let key; if (opts.origin && (typeof opts.origin === "string" || opts.origin instanceof URL)) { key = String(opts.origin); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentError("opts.origin must be a non-empty string or URL."); } let dispatcher = this[kClients].get(key); if (!dispatcher) { dispatcher = this[kFactory](opts.origin, this[kOptions]).on("drain", this[kOnDrain]).on("connect", this[kOnConnect]).on("disconnect", this[kOnDisconnect]).on("connectionError", this[kOnConnectionError]); this[kClients].set(key, dispatcher); } return dispatcher.dispatch(opts, handler); } async [kClose]() { const closePromises = []; for (const client of this[kClients].values()) { closePromises.push(client.close()); } this[kClients].clear(); await Promise.all(closePromises); } async [kDestroy](err) { const destroyPromises = []; for (const client of this[kClients].values()) { destroyPromises.push(client.destroy(err)); } this[kClients].clear(); await Promise.all(destroyPromises); } }; module2.exports = Agent; } }); // .yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/proxy-agent.js var require_proxy_agent = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/undici-npm-6.19.2-a9aa1269bb-3b7b9238c0.zip/node_modules/undici/lib/dispatcher/proxy-agent.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var { kProxy, kClose, kDestroy, kInterceptors } = require_symbols(); var { URL: URL2 } = require("node:url"); var Agent = require_agent(); var Pool = require_pool(); var DispatcherBase = require_dispatcher_base(); var { InvalidArgumentError, RequestAbortedError, SecureProxyConnectionError } = require_errors(); var buildConnector = require_connect(); var kAgent = Symbol("proxy agent"); var kClient = Symbol("proxy client"); var kProxyHeaders = Symbol("proxy headers"); var kRequestTls = Symbol("request tls settings"); var kProxyTls = Symbol("proxy tls settings"); var kConnectEndpoint = Symbol("connect endpoint function"); function defaultProtocolPort(protocol) { return protocol === "https:" ? 443 : 80; } function defaultFactory(origin, opts) { return new Pool(origin, opts); } var ProxyAgent2 = class extends DispatcherBase { constructor(opts) { super(); if (!opts || typeof opts === "object" && !(opts instanceof URL2) && !opts.uri) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Proxy uri is mandatory"); } const { clientFactory = defaultFactory } = opts; if (typeof clientFactory !== "function") { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Proxy opts.clientFactory must be a function."); } const url = this.#getUrl(opts); const { href, origin, port, protocol, username, password, hostname: proxyHostname } = url; this[kProxy] = { uri: href, protocol }; this[kInterceptors] = opts.interceptors?.ProxyAgent && Array.isArray(opts.interceptors.ProxyAgent) ? opts.interceptors.ProxyAgent : []; this[kRequestTls] = opts.requestTls; this[kProxyTls] = opts.proxyTls; this[kProxyHeaders] = opts.headers || {}; if (opts.auth && opts.token) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("opts.auth cannot be used in combination with opts.token"); } else if (opts.auth) { this[kProxyHeaders]["proxy-authorization"] = `Basic ${opts.auth}`; } else if (opts.token) { this[kProxyHeaders]["proxy-authorization"] = opts.token; } else if (username && password) { this[kProxyHeaders]["proxy-authorization"] = `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${decodeURIComponent(username)}:${decodeURIComponent(password)}`).toString("base64")}`; } const connect = buildConnector({ ...opts.proxyTls }); this[kConnectEndpoint] = buildConnector({ ...opts.requestTls }); this[kClient] = clientFactory(url, { connect }); this[kAgent] = new Agent({ ...opts, connect: async (opts2, callback) => { let requestedPath = opts2.host; if (!opts2.port) { requestedPath += `:${defaultProtocolPort(opts2.protocol)}`; } try { const { socket, statusCode } = await this[kClient].connect({ origin, port, path: requestedPath, signal: opts2.signal, headers: { ...this[kProxyHeaders], host: opts2.host }, servername: this[kProxyTls]?.servername || proxyHostname }); if (statusCode !== 200) { socket.on("error", () => { }).destroy(); callback(new RequestAbortedError(`Proxy response (${statusCode}) !== 200 when HTTP Tunneling`)); } if (opts2.protocol !== "https:") { callback(null, socket); return; } let servername; if (this[kRequestTls]) { servername = this[kRequestTls].servername; } else { servername = opts2.servername; } this[kConnectEndpoint]({ ...opts2, servername, httpSocket: socket }, callback); } catch (err) { if (err.code === "ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID") { callback(new SecureProxyConnectionError(err)); } else { callback(err); } } } }); } dispatch(opts, handler) { const headers = buildHeaders(opts.headers); throwIfProxyAuthIsSent(headers); if (headers && !("host" in headers) && !("Host" in headers)) { const { host } = new URL2(opts.origin); headers.host = host; } return this[kAgent].dispatch( { ...opts, headers }, handler ); } /** * @param {import('../types/proxy-agent').ProxyAgent.Options | string | URL} opts * @returns {URL} */ #getUrl(opts) { if (typeof opts === "string") { return new URL2(opts); } else if (opts instanceof URL2) { return opts; } else { return new URL2(opts.uri); } } async [kClose]() { await this[kAgent].close(); await this[kClient].close(); } async [kDestroy]() { await this[kAgent].destroy(); await this[kClient].destroy(); } }; function buildHeaders(headers) { if (Array.isArray(headers)) { const headersPair = {}; for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { headersPair[headers[i]] = headers[i + 1]; } return headersPair; } return headers; } function throwIfProxyAuthIsSent(headers) { const existProxyAuth = headers && Object.keys(headers).find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === "proxy-authorization"); if (existProxyAuth) { throw new InvalidArgumentError("Proxy-Authorization should be sent in ProxyAgent constructor"); } } module2.exports = ProxyAgent2; } }); // .yarn/cache/minipass-npm-7.1.2-3a5327d36d-b0fd20bb9f.zip/node_modules/minipass/dist/esm/index.js var import_node_events, import_node_stream, import_node_string_decoder, proc, isStream, isReadable, isWritable, EOF, MAYBE_EMIT_END, EMITTED_END, EMITTING_END, EMITTED_ERROR, CLOSED, READ, FLUSH, FLUSHCHUNK, ENCODING, DECODER, FLOWING, PAUSED, RESUME, BUFFER, PIPES, BUFFERLENGTH, BUFFERPUSH, BUFFERSHIFT, OBJECTMODE, DESTROYED, ERROR, EMITDATA, EMITEND, EMITEND2, ASYNC, ABORT, ABORTED, SIGNAL, DATALISTENERS, DISCARDED, defer, nodefer, isEndish, isArrayBufferLike, isArrayBufferView, Pipe, PipeProxyErrors, isObjectModeOptions, isEncodingOptions, Minipass; var init_esm = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/minipass-npm-7.1.2-3a5327d36d-b0fd20bb9f.zip/node_modules/minipass/dist/esm/index.js"() { import_node_events = require("node:events"); import_node_stream = __toESM(require("node:stream"), 1); import_node_string_decoder = require("node:string_decoder"); proc = typeof process === "object" && process ? process : { stdout: null, stderr: null }; isStream = (s) => !!s && typeof s === "object" && (s instanceof Minipass || s instanceof import_node_stream.default || isReadable(s) || isWritable(s)); isReadable = (s) => !!s && typeof s === "object" && s instanceof import_node_events.EventEmitter && typeof s.pipe === "function" && // node core Writable streams have a pipe() method, but it throws s.pipe !== import_node_stream.default.Writable.prototype.pipe; isWritable = (s) => !!s && typeof s === "object" && s instanceof import_node_events.EventEmitter && typeof s.write === "function" && typeof s.end === "function"; EOF = Symbol("EOF"); MAYBE_EMIT_END = Symbol("maybeEmitEnd"); EMITTED_END = Symbol("emittedEnd"); EMITTING_END = Symbol("emittingEnd"); EMITTED_ERROR = Symbol("emittedError"); CLOSED = Symbol("closed"); READ = Symbol("read"); FLUSH = Symbol("flush"); FLUSHCHUNK = Symbol("flushChunk"); ENCODING = Symbol("encoding"); DECODER = Symbol("decoder"); FLOWING = Symbol("flowing"); PAUSED = Symbol("paused"); RESUME = Symbol("resume"); BUFFER = Symbol("buffer"); PIPES = Symbol("pipes"); BUFFERLENGTH = Symbol("bufferLength"); BUFFERPUSH = Symbol("bufferPush"); BUFFERSHIFT = Symbol("bufferShift"); OBJECTMODE = Symbol("objectMode"); DESTROYED = Symbol("destroyed"); ERROR = Symbol("error"); EMITDATA = Symbol("emitData"); EMITEND = Symbol("emitEnd"); EMITEND2 = Symbol("emitEnd2"); ASYNC = Symbol("async"); ABORT = Symbol("abort"); ABORTED = Symbol("aborted"); SIGNAL = Symbol("signal"); DATALISTENERS = Symbol("dataListeners"); DISCARDED = Symbol("discarded"); defer = (fn2) => Promise.resolve().then(fn2); nodefer = (fn2) => fn2(); isEndish = (ev) => ev === "end" || ev === "finish" || ev === "prefinish"; isArrayBufferLike = (b) => b instanceof ArrayBuffer || !!b && typeof b === "object" && b.constructor && b.constructor.name === "ArrayBuffer" && b.byteLength >= 0; isArrayBufferView = (b) => !Buffer.isBuffer(b) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b); Pipe = class { src; dest; opts; ondrain; constructor(src, dest, opts) { this.src = src; this.dest = dest; this.opts = opts; this.ondrain = () => src[RESUME](); this.dest.on("drain", this.ondrain); } unpipe() { this.dest.removeListener("drain", this.ondrain); } // only here for the prototype /* c8 ignore start */ proxyErrors(_er) { } /* c8 ignore stop */ end() { this.unpipe(); if (this.opts.end) this.dest.end(); } }; PipeProxyErrors = class extends Pipe { unpipe() { this.src.removeListener("error", this.proxyErrors); super.unpipe(); } constructor(src, dest, opts) { super(src, dest, opts); this.proxyErrors = (er) => dest.emit("error", er); src.on("error", this.proxyErrors); } }; isObjectModeOptions = (o) => !!o.objectMode; isEncodingOptions = (o) => !o.objectMode && !!o.encoding && o.encoding !== "buffer"; Minipass = class extends import_node_events.EventEmitter { [FLOWING] = false; [PAUSED] = false; [PIPES] = []; [BUFFER] = []; [OBJECTMODE]; [ENCODING]; [ASYNC]; [DECODER]; [EOF] = false; [EMITTED_END] = false; [EMITTING_END] = false; [CLOSED] = false; [EMITTED_ERROR] = null; [BUFFERLENGTH] = 0; [DESTROYED] = false; [SIGNAL]; [ABORTED] = false; [DATALISTENERS] = 0; [DISCARDED] = false; /** * true if the stream can be written */ writable = true; /** * true if the stream can be read */ readable = true; /** * If `RType` is Buffer, then options do not need to be provided. * Otherwise, an options object must be provided to specify either * {@link Minipass.SharedOptions.objectMode} or * {@link Minipass.SharedOptions.encoding}, as appropriate. */ constructor(...args) { const options = args[0] || {}; super(); if (options.objectMode && typeof options.encoding === "string") { throw new TypeError("Encoding and objectMode may not be used together"); } if (isObjectModeOptions(options)) { this[OBJECTMODE] = true; this[ENCODING] = null; } else if (isEncodingOptions(options)) { this[ENCODING] = options.encoding; this[OBJECTMODE] = false; } else { this[OBJECTMODE] = false; this[ENCODING] = null; } this[ASYNC] = !!options.async; this[DECODER] = this[ENCODING] ? new import_node_string_decoder.StringDecoder(this[ENCODING]) : null; if (options && options.debugExposeBuffer === true) { Object.defineProperty(this, "buffer", { get: () => this[BUFFER] }); } if (options && options.debugExposePipes === true) { Object.defineProperty(this, "pipes", { get: () => this[PIPES] }); } const { signal } = options; if (signal) { this[SIGNAL] = signal; if (signal.aborted) { this[ABORT](); } else { signal.addEventListener("abort", () => this[ABORT]()); } } } /** * The amount of data stored in the buffer waiting to be read. * * For Buffer strings, this will be the total byte length. * For string encoding streams, this will be the string character length, * according to JavaScript's `string.length` logic. * For objectMode streams, this is a count of the items waiting to be * emitted. */ get bufferLength() { return this[BUFFERLENGTH]; } /** * The `BufferEncoding` currently in use, or `null` */ get encoding() { return this[ENCODING]; } /** * @deprecated - This is a read only property */ set encoding(_enc) { throw new Error("Encoding must be set at instantiation time"); } /** * @deprecated - Encoding may only be set at instantiation time */ setEncoding(_enc) { throw new Error("Encoding must be set at instantiation time"); } /** * True if this is an objectMode stream */ get objectMode() { return this[OBJECTMODE]; } /** * @deprecated - This is a read-only property */ set objectMode(_om) { throw new Error("objectMode must be set at instantiation time"); } /** * true if this is an async stream */ get ["async"]() { return this[ASYNC]; } /** * Set to true to make this stream async. * * Once set, it cannot be unset, as this would potentially cause incorrect * behavior. Ie, a sync stream can be made async, but an async stream * cannot be safely made sync. */ set ["async"](a) { this[ASYNC] = this[ASYNC] || !!a; } // drop everything and get out of the flow completely [ABORT]() { this[ABORTED] = true; this.emit("abort", this[SIGNAL]?.reason); this.destroy(this[SIGNAL]?.reason); } /** * True if the stream has been aborted. */ get aborted() { return this[ABORTED]; } /** * No-op setter. Stream aborted status is set via the AbortSignal provided * in the constructor options. */ set aborted(_) { } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (this[ABORTED]) return false; if (this[EOF]) throw new Error("write after end"); if (this[DESTROYED]) { this.emit("error", Object.assign(new Error("Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed"), { code: "ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED" })); return true; } if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = "utf8"; } if (!encoding) encoding = "utf8"; const fn2 = this[ASYNC] ? defer : nodefer; if (!this[OBJECTMODE] && !Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) { if (isArrayBufferView(chunk)) { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength); } else if (isArrayBufferLike(chunk)) { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk); } else if (typeof chunk !== "string") { throw new Error("Non-contiguous data written to non-objectMode stream"); } } if (this[OBJECTMODE]) { if (this[FLOWING] && this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) this[FLUSH](true); if (this[FLOWING]) this.emit("data", chunk); else this[BUFFERPUSH](chunk); if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) this.emit("readable"); if (cb) fn2(cb); return this[FLOWING]; } if (!chunk.length) { if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) this.emit("readable"); if (cb) fn2(cb); return this[FLOWING]; } if (typeof chunk === "string" && // unless it is a string already ready for us to use !(encoding === this[ENCODING] && !this[DECODER]?.lastNeed)) { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) && this[ENCODING]) { chunk = this[DECODER].write(chunk); } if (this[FLOWING] && this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) this[FLUSH](true); if (this[FLOWING]) this.emit("data", chunk); else this[BUFFERPUSH](chunk); if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) this.emit("readable"); if (cb) fn2(cb); return this[FLOWING]; } /** * Low-level explicit read method. * * In objectMode, the argument is ignored, and one item is returned if * available. * * `n` is the number of bytes (or in the case of encoding streams, * characters) to consume. If `n` is not provided, then the entire buffer * is returned, or `null` is returned if no data is available. * * If `n` is greater that the amount of data in the internal buffer, * then `null` is returned. */ read(n) { if (this[DESTROYED]) return null; this[DISCARDED] = false; if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] === 0 || n === 0 || n && n > this[BUFFERLENGTH]) { this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return null; } if (this[OBJECTMODE]) n = null; if (this[BUFFER].length > 1 && !this[OBJECTMODE]) { this[BUFFER] = [ this[ENCODING] ? this[BUFFER].join("") : Buffer.concat(this[BUFFER], this[BUFFERLENGTH]) ]; } const ret = this[READ](n || null, this[BUFFER][0]); this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return ret; } [READ](n, chunk) { if (this[OBJECTMODE]) this[BUFFERSHIFT](); else { const c = chunk; if (n === c.length || n === null) this[BUFFERSHIFT](); else if (typeof c === "string") { this[BUFFER][0] = c.slice(n); chunk = c.slice(0, n); this[BUFFERLENGTH] -= n; } else { this[BUFFER][0] = c.subarray(n); chunk = c.subarray(0, n); this[BUFFERLENGTH] -= n; } } this.emit("data", chunk); if (!this[BUFFER].length && !this[EOF]) this.emit("drain"); return chunk; } end(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof chunk === "function") { cb = chunk; chunk = void 0; } if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = "utf8"; } if (chunk !== void 0) this.write(chunk, encoding); if (cb) this.once("end", cb); this[EOF] = true; this.writable = false; if (this[FLOWING] || !this[PAUSED]) this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return this; } // don't let the internal resume be overwritten [RESUME]() { if (this[DESTROYED]) return; if (!this[DATALISTENERS] && !this[PIPES].length) { this[DISCARDED] = true; } this[PAUSED] = false; this[FLOWING] = true; this.emit("resume"); if (this[BUFFER].length) this[FLUSH](); else if (this[EOF]) this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); else this.emit("drain"); } /** * Resume the stream if it is currently in a paused state * * If called when there are no pipe destinations or `data` event listeners, * this will place the stream in a "discarded" state, where all data will * be thrown away. The discarded state is removed if a pipe destination or * data handler is added, if pause() is called, or if any synchronous or * asynchronous iteration is started. */ resume() { return this[RESUME](); } /** * Pause the stream */ pause() { this[FLOWING] = false; this[PAUSED] = true; this[DISCARDED] = false; } /** * true if the stream has been forcibly destroyed */ get destroyed() { return this[DESTROYED]; } /** * true if the stream is currently in a flowing state, meaning that * any writes will be immediately emitted. */ get flowing() { return this[FLOWING]; } /** * true if the stream is currently in a paused state */ get paused() { return this[PAUSED]; } [BUFFERPUSH](chunk) { if (this[OBJECTMODE]) this[BUFFERLENGTH] += 1; else this[BUFFERLENGTH] += chunk.length; this[BUFFER].push(chunk); } [BUFFERSHIFT]() { if (this[OBJECTMODE]) this[BUFFERLENGTH] -= 1; else this[BUFFERLENGTH] -= this[BUFFER][0].length; return this[BUFFER].shift(); } [FLUSH](noDrain = false) { do { } while (this[FLUSHCHUNK](this[BUFFERSHIFT]()) && this[BUFFER].length); if (!noDrain && !this[BUFFER].length && !this[EOF]) this.emit("drain"); } [FLUSHCHUNK](chunk) { this.emit("data", chunk); return this[FLOWING]; } /** * Pipe all data emitted by this stream into the destination provided. * * Triggers the flow of data. */ pipe(dest, opts) { if (this[DESTROYED]) return dest; this[DISCARDED] = false; const ended = this[EMITTED_END]; opts = opts || {}; if (dest === proc.stdout || dest === proc.stderr) opts.end = false; else opts.end = opts.end !== false; opts.proxyErrors = !!opts.proxyErrors; if (ended) { if (opts.end) dest.end(); } else { this[PIPES].push(!opts.proxyErrors ? new Pipe(this, dest, opts) : new PipeProxyErrors(this, dest, opts)); if (this[ASYNC]) defer(() => this[RESUME]()); else this[RESUME](); } return dest; } /** * Fully unhook a piped destination stream. * * If the destination stream was the only consumer of this stream (ie, * there are no other piped destinations or `'data'` event listeners) * then the flow of data will stop until there is another consumer or * {@link Minipass#resume} is explicitly called. */ unpipe(dest) { const p = this[PIPES].find((p2) => p2.dest === dest); if (p) { if (this[PIPES].length === 1) { if (this[FLOWING] && this[DATALISTENERS] === 0) { this[FLOWING] = false; } this[PIPES] = []; } else this[PIPES].splice(this[PIPES].indexOf(p), 1); p.unpipe(); } } /** * Alias for {@link Minipass#on} */ addListener(ev, handler) { return this.on(ev, handler); } /** * Mostly identical to `EventEmitter.on`, with the following * behavior differences to prevent data loss and unnecessary hangs: * * - Adding a 'data' event handler will trigger the flow of data * * - Adding a 'readable' event handler when there is data waiting to be read * will cause 'readable' to be emitted immediately. * * - Adding an 'endish' event handler ('end', 'finish', etc.) which has * already passed will cause the event to be emitted immediately and all * handlers removed. * * - Adding an 'error' event handler after an error has been emitted will * cause the event to be re-emitted immediately with the error previously * raised. */ on(ev, handler) { const ret = super.on(ev, handler); if (ev === "data") { this[DISCARDED] = false; this[DATALISTENERS]++; if (!this[PIPES].length && !this[FLOWING]) { this[RESUME](); } } else if (ev === "readable" && this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0) { super.emit("readable"); } else if (isEndish(ev) && this[EMITTED_END]) { super.emit(ev); this.removeAllListeners(ev); } else if (ev === "error" && this[EMITTED_ERROR]) { const h = handler; if (this[ASYNC]) defer(() => h.call(this, this[EMITTED_ERROR])); else h.call(this, this[EMITTED_ERROR]); } return ret; } /** * Alias for {@link Minipass#off} */ removeListener(ev, handler) { return this.off(ev, handler); } /** * Mostly identical to `EventEmitter.off` * * If a 'data' event handler is removed, and it was the last consumer * (ie, there are no pipe destinations or other 'data' event listeners), * then the flow of data will stop until there is another consumer or * {@link Minipass#resume} is explicitly called. */ off(ev, handler) { const ret = super.off(ev, handler); if (ev === "data") { this[DATALISTENERS] = this.listeners("data").length; if (this[DATALISTENERS] === 0 && !this[DISCARDED] && !this[PIPES].length) { this[FLOWING] = false; } } return ret; } /** * Mostly identical to `EventEmitter.removeAllListeners` * * If all 'data' event handlers are removed, and they were the last consumer * (ie, there are no pipe destinations), then the flow of data will stop * until there is another consumer or {@link Minipass#resume} is explicitly * called. */ removeAllListeners(ev) { const ret = super.removeAllListeners(ev); if (ev === "data" || ev === void 0) { this[DATALISTENERS] = 0; if (!this[DISCARDED] && !this[PIPES].length) { this[FLOWING] = false; } } return ret; } /** * true if the 'end' event has been emitted */ get emittedEnd() { return this[EMITTED_END]; } [MAYBE_EMIT_END]() { if (!this[EMITTING_END] && !this[EMITTED_END] && !this[DESTROYED] && this[BUFFER].length === 0 && this[EOF]) { this[EMITTING_END] = true; this.emit("end"); this.emit("prefinish"); this.emit("finish"); if (this[CLOSED]) this.emit("close"); this[EMITTING_END] = false; } } /** * Mostly identical to `EventEmitter.emit`, with the following * behavior differences to prevent data loss and unnecessary hangs: * * If the stream has been destroyed, and the event is something other * than 'close' or 'error', then `false` is returned and no handlers * are called. * * If the event is 'end', and has already been emitted, then the event * is ignored. If the stream is in a paused or non-flowing state, then * the event will be deferred until data flow resumes. If the stream is * async, then handlers will be called on the next tick rather than * immediately. * * If the event is 'close', and 'end' has not yet been emitted, then * the event will be deferred until after 'end' is emitted. * * If the event is 'error', and an AbortSignal was provided for the stream, * and there are no listeners, then the event is ignored, matching the * behavior of node core streams in the presense of an AbortSignal. * * If the event is 'finish' or 'prefinish', then all listeners will be * removed after emitting the event, to prevent double-firing. */ emit(ev, ...args) { const data = args[0]; if (ev !== "error" && ev !== "close" && ev !== DESTROYED && this[DESTROYED]) { return false; } else if (ev === "data") { return !this[OBJECTMODE] && !data ? false : this[ASYNC] ? (defer(() => this[EMITDATA](data)), true) : this[EMITDATA](data); } else if (ev === "end") { return this[EMITEND](); } else if (ev === "close") { this[CLOSED] = true; if (!this[EMITTED_END] && !this[DESTROYED]) return false; const ret2 = super.emit("close"); this.removeAllListeners("close"); return ret2; } else if (ev === "error") { this[EMITTED_ERROR] = data; super.emit(ERROR, data); const ret2 = !this[SIGNAL] || this.listeners("error").length ? super.emit("error", data) : false; this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return ret2; } else if (ev === "resume") { const ret2 = super.emit("resume"); this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return ret2; } else if (ev === "finish" || ev === "prefinish") { const ret2 = super.emit(ev); this.removeAllListeners(ev); return ret2; } const ret = super.emit(ev, ...args); this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return ret; } [EMITDATA](data) { for (const p of this[PIPES]) { if (p.dest.write(data) === false) this.pause(); } const ret = this[DISCARDED] ? false : super.emit("data", data); this[MAYBE_EMIT_END](); return ret; } [EMITEND]() { if (this[EMITTED_END]) return false; this[EMITTED_END] = true; this.readable = false; return this[ASYNC] ? (defer(() => this[EMITEND2]()), true) : this[EMITEND2](); } [EMITEND2]() { if (this[DECODER]) { const data = this[DECODER].end(); if (data) { for (const p of this[PIPES]) { p.dest.write(data); } if (!this[DISCARDED]) super.emit("data", data); } } for (const p of this[PIPES]) { p.end(); } const ret = super.emit("end"); this.removeAllListeners("end"); return ret; } /** * Return a Promise that resolves to an array of all emitted data once * the stream ends. */ async collect() { const buf = Object.assign([], { dataLength: 0 }); if (!this[OBJECTMODE]) buf.dataLength = 0; const p = this.promise(); this.on("data", (c) => { buf.push(c); if (!this[OBJECTMODE]) buf.dataLength += c.length; }); await p; return buf; } /** * Return a Promise that resolves to the concatenation of all emitted data * once the stream ends. * * Not allowed on objectMode streams. */ async concat() { if (this[OBJECTMODE]) { throw new Error("cannot concat in objectMode"); } const buf = await this.collect(); return this[ENCODING] ? buf.join("") : Buffer.concat(buf, buf.dataLength); } /** * Return a void Promise that resolves once the stream ends. */ async promise() { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { this.on(DESTROYED, () => reject(new Error("stream destroyed"))); this.on("error", (er) => reject(er)); this.on("end", () => resolve2()); }); } /** * Asynchronous `for await of` iteration. * * This will continue emitting all chunks until the stream terminates. */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { this[DISCARDED] = false; let stopped = false; const stop = async () => { this.pause(); stopped = true; return { value: void 0, done: true }; }; const next = () => { if (stopped) return stop(); const res = this.read(); if (res !== null) return Promise.resolve({ done: false, value: res }); if (this[EOF]) return stop(); let resolve2; let reject; const onerr = (er) => { this.off("data", ondata); this.off("end", onend); this.off(DESTROYED, ondestroy); stop(); reject(er); }; const ondata = (value) => { this.off("error", onerr); this.off("end", onend); this.off(DESTROYED, ondestroy); this.pause(); resolve2({ value, done: !!this[EOF] }); }; const onend = () => { this.off("error", onerr); this.off("data", ondata); this.off(DESTROYED, ondestroy); stop(); resolve2({ done: true, value: void 0 }); }; const ondestroy = () => onerr(new Error("stream destroyed")); return new Promise((res2, rej) => { reject = rej; resolve2 = res2; this.once(DESTROYED, ondestroy); this.once("error", onerr); this.once("end", onend); this.once("data", ondata); }); }; return { next, throw: stop, return: stop, [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } }; } /** * Synchronous `for of` iteration. * * The iteration will terminate when the internal buffer runs out, even * if the stream has not yet terminated. */ [Symbol.iterator]() { this[DISCARDED] = false; let stopped = false; const stop = () => { this.pause(); this.off(ERROR, stop); this.off(DESTROYED, stop); this.off("end", stop); stopped = true; return { done: true, value: void 0 }; }; const next = () => { if (stopped) return stop(); const value = this.read(); return value === null ? stop() : { done: false, value }; }; this.once("end", stop); this.once(ERROR, stop); this.once(DESTROYED, stop); return { next, throw: stop, return: stop, [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; } /** * Destroy a stream, preventing it from being used for any further purpose. * * If the stream has a `close()` method, then it will be called on * destruction. * * After destruction, any attempt to write data, read data, or emit most * events will be ignored. * * If an error argument is provided, then it will be emitted in an * 'error' event. */ destroy(er) { if (this[DESTROYED]) { if (er) this.emit("error", er); else this.emit(DESTROYED); return this; } this[DESTROYED] = true; this[DISCARDED] = true; this[BUFFER].length = 0; this[BUFFERLENGTH] = 0; const wc = this; if (typeof wc.close === "function" && !this[CLOSED]) wc.close(); if (er) this.emit("error", er); else this.emit(DESTROYED); return this; } /** * Alias for {@link isStream} * * Former export location, maintained for backwards compatibility. * * @deprecated */ static get isStream() { return isStream; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/@isaacs-fs-minipass-npm-4.0.1-677026e841-c25b6dc159.zip/node_modules/@isaacs/fs-minipass/dist/esm/index.js var import_events2, import_fs2, writev, _autoClose, _close, _ended, _fd, _finished, _flags, _flush, _handleChunk, _makeBuf, _mode, _needDrain, _onerror, _onopen, _onread, _onwrite, _open, _path, _pos, _queue, _read, _readSize, _reading, _remain, _size, _write, _writing, _defaultFlag, _errored, ReadStream, ReadStreamSync, WriteStream, WriteStreamSync; var init_esm2 = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/@isaacs-fs-minipass-npm-4.0.1-677026e841-c25b6dc159.zip/node_modules/@isaacs/fs-minipass/dist/esm/index.js"() { import_events2 = __toESM(require("events"), 1); import_fs2 = __toESM(require("fs"), 1); init_esm(); writev = import_fs2.default.writev; _autoClose = Symbol("_autoClose"); _close = Symbol("_close"); _ended = Symbol("_ended"); _fd = Symbol("_fd"); _finished = Symbol("_finished"); _flags = Symbol("_flags"); _flush = Symbol("_flush"); _handleChunk = Symbol("_handleChunk"); _makeBuf = Symbol("_makeBuf"); _mode = Symbol("_mode"); _needDrain = Symbol("_needDrain"); _onerror = Symbol("_onerror"); _onopen = Symbol("_onopen"); _onread = Symbol("_onread"); _onwrite = Symbol("_onwrite"); _open = Symbol("_open"); _path = Symbol("_path"); _pos = Symbol("_pos"); _queue = Symbol("_queue"); _read = Symbol("_read"); _readSize = Symbol("_readSize"); _reading = Symbol("_reading"); _remain = Symbol("_remain"); _size = Symbol("_size"); _write = Symbol("_write"); _writing = Symbol("_writing"); _defaultFlag = Symbol("_defaultFlag"); _errored = Symbol("_errored"); ReadStream = class extends Minipass { [_errored] = false; [_fd]; [_path]; [_readSize]; [_reading] = false; [_size]; [_remain]; [_autoClose]; constructor(path16, opt) { opt = opt || {}; super(opt); this.readable = true; this.writable = false; if (typeof path16 !== "string") { throw new TypeError("path must be a string"); } this[_errored] = false; this[_fd] = typeof opt.fd === "number" ? opt.fd : void 0; this[_path] = path16; this[_readSize] = opt.readSize || 16 * 1024 * 1024; this[_reading] = false; this[_size] = typeof opt.size === "number" ? opt.size : Infinity; this[_remain] = this[_size]; this[_autoClose] = typeof opt.autoClose === "boolean" ? opt.autoClose : true; if (typeof this[_fd] === "number") { this[_read](); } else { this[_open](); } } get fd() { return this[_fd]; } get path() { return this[_path]; } //@ts-ignore write() { throw new TypeError("this is a readable stream"); } //@ts-ignore end() { throw new TypeError("this is a readable stream"); } [_open]() { import_fs2.default.open(this[_path], "r", (er, fd) => this[_onopen](er, fd)); } [_onopen](er, fd) { if (er) { this[_onerror](er); } else { this[_fd] = fd; this.emit("open", fd); this[_read](); } } [_makeBuf]() { return Buffer.allocUnsafe(Math.min(this[_readSize], this[_remain])); } [_read]() { if (!this[_reading]) { this[_reading] = true; const buf = this[_makeBuf](); if (buf.length === 0) { return process.nextTick(() => this[_onread](null, 0, buf)); } import_fs2.default.read(this[_fd], buf, 0, buf.length, null, (er, br, b) => this[_onread](er, br, b)); } } [_onread](er, br, buf) { this[_reading] = false; if (er) { this[_onerror](er); } else if (this[_handleChunk](br, buf)) { this[_read](); } } [_close]() { if (this[_autoClose] && typeof this[_fd] === "number") { const fd = this[_fd]; this[_fd] = void 0; import_fs2.default.close(fd, (er) => er ? this.emit("error", er) : this.emit("close")); } } [_onerror](er) { this[_reading] = true; this[_close](); this.emit("error", er); } [_handleChunk](br, buf) { let ret = false; this[_remain] -= br; if (br > 0) { ret = super.write(br < buf.length ? buf.subarray(0, br) : buf); } if (br === 0 || this[_remain] <= 0) { ret = false; this[_close](); super.end(); } return ret; } emit(ev, ...args) { switch (ev) { case "prefinish": case "finish": return false; case "drain": if (typeof this[_fd] === "number") { this[_read](); } return false; case "error": if (this[_errored]) { return false; } this[_errored] = true; return super.emit(ev, ...args); default: return super.emit(ev, ...args); } } }; ReadStreamSync = class extends ReadStream { [_open]() { let threw = true; try { this[_onopen](null, import_fs2.default.openSync(this[_path], "r")); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { this[_close](); } } } [_read]() { let threw = true; try { if (!this[_reading]) { this[_reading] = true; do { const buf = this[_makeBuf](); const br = buf.length === 0 ? 0 : import_fs2.default.readSync(this[_fd], buf, 0, buf.length, null); if (!this[_handleChunk](br, buf)) { break; } } while (true); this[_reading] = false; } threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { this[_close](); } } } [_close]() { if (this[_autoClose] && typeof this[_fd] === "number") { const fd = this[_fd]; this[_fd] = void 0; import_fs2.default.closeSync(fd); this.emit("close"); } } }; WriteStream = class extends import_events2.default { readable = false; writable = true; [_errored] = false; [_writing] = false; [_ended] = false; [_queue] = []; [_needDrain] = false; [_path]; [_mode]; [_autoClose]; [_fd]; [_defaultFlag]; [_flags]; [_finished] = false; [_pos]; constructor(path16, opt) { opt = opt || {}; super(opt); this[_path] = path16; this[_fd] = typeof opt.fd === "number" ? opt.fd : void 0; this[_mode] = opt.mode === void 0 ? 438 : opt.mode; this[_pos] = typeof opt.start === "number" ? opt.start : void 0; this[_autoClose] = typeof opt.autoClose === "boolean" ? opt.autoClose : true; const defaultFlag = this[_pos] !== void 0 ? "r+" : "w"; this[_defaultFlag] = opt.flags === void 0; this[_flags] = opt.flags === void 0 ? defaultFlag : opt.flags; if (this[_fd] === void 0) { this[_open](); } } emit(ev, ...args) { if (ev === "error") { if (this[_errored]) { return false; } this[_errored] = true; } return super.emit(ev, ...args); } get fd() { return this[_fd]; } get path() { return this[_path]; } [_onerror](er) { this[_close](); this[_writing] = true; this.emit("error", er); } [_open]() { import_fs2.default.open(this[_path], this[_flags], this[_mode], (er, fd) => this[_onopen](er, fd)); } [_onopen](er, fd) { if (this[_defaultFlag] && this[_flags] === "r+" && er && er.code === "ENOENT") { this[_flags] = "w"; this[_open](); } else if (er) { this[_onerror](er); } else { this[_fd] = fd; this.emit("open", fd); if (!this[_writing]) { this[_flush](); } } } end(buf, enc) { if (buf) { this.write(buf, enc); } this[_ended] = true; if (!this[_writing] && !this[_queue].length && typeof this[_fd] === "number") { this[_onwrite](null, 0); } return this; } write(buf, enc) { if (typeof buf === "string") { buf = Buffer.from(buf, enc); } if (this[_ended]) { this.emit("error", new Error("write() after end()")); return false; } if (this[_fd] === void 0 || this[_writing] || this[_queue].length) { this[_queue].push(buf); this[_needDrain] = true; return false; } this[_writing] = true; this[_write](buf); return true; } [_write](buf) { import_fs2.default.write(this[_fd], buf, 0, buf.length, this[_pos], (er, bw) => this[_onwrite](er, bw)); } [_onwrite](er, bw) { if (er) { this[_onerror](er); } else { if (this[_pos] !== void 0 && typeof bw === "number") { this[_pos] += bw; } if (this[_queue].length) { this[_flush](); } else { this[_writing] = false; if (this[_ended] && !this[_finished]) { this[_finished] = true; this[_close](); this.emit("finish"); } else if (this[_needDrain]) { this[_needDrain] = false; this.emit("drain"); } } } } [_flush]() { if (this[_queue].length === 0) { if (this[_ended]) { this[_onwrite](null, 0); } } else if (this[_queue].length === 1) { this[_write](this[_queue].pop()); } else { const iovec = this[_queue]; this[_queue] = []; writev(this[_fd], iovec, this[_pos], (er, bw) => this[_onwrite](er, bw)); } } [_close]() { if (this[_autoClose] && typeof this[_fd] === "number") { const fd = this[_fd]; this[_fd] = void 0; import_fs2.default.close(fd, (er) => er ? this.emit("error", er) : this.emit("close")); } } }; WriteStreamSync = class extends WriteStream { [_open]() { let fd; if (this[_defaultFlag] && this[_flags] === "r+") { try { fd = import_fs2.default.openSync(this[_path], this[_flags], this[_mode]); } catch (er) { if (er?.code === "ENOENT") { this[_flags] = "w"; return this[_open](); } else { throw er; } } } else { fd = import_fs2.default.openSync(this[_path], this[_flags], this[_mode]); } this[_onopen](null, fd); } [_close]() { if (this[_autoClose] && typeof this[_fd] === "number") { const fd = this[_fd]; this[_fd] = void 0; import_fs2.default.closeSync(fd); this.emit("close"); } } [_write](buf) { let threw = true; try { this[_onwrite](null, import_fs2.default.writeSync(this[_fd], buf, 0, buf.length, this[_pos])); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { try { this[_close](); } catch { } } } } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/options.js var argmap, isSyncFile, isAsyncFile, isSyncNoFile, isAsyncNoFile, dealiasKey, dealias; var init_options = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/options.js"() { argmap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["C", "cwd"], ["f", "file"], ["z", "gzip"], ["P", "preservePaths"], ["U", "unlink"], ["strip-components", "strip"], ["stripComponents", "strip"], ["keep-newer", "newer"], ["keepNewer", "newer"], ["keep-newer-files", "newer"], ["keepNewerFiles", "newer"], ["k", "keep"], ["keep-existing", "keep"], ["keepExisting", "keep"], ["m", "noMtime"], ["no-mtime", "noMtime"], ["p", "preserveOwner"], ["L", "follow"], ["h", "follow"], ["onentry", "onReadEntry"] ]); isSyncFile = (o) => !!o.sync && !!o.file; isAsyncFile = (o) => !o.sync && !!o.file; isSyncNoFile = (o) => !!o.sync && !o.file; isAsyncNoFile = (o) => !o.sync && !o.file; dealiasKey = (k) => { const d = argmap.get(k); if (d) return d; return k; }; dealias = (opt = {}) => { if (!opt) return {}; const result = {}; for (const [key, v] of Object.entries(opt)) { const k = dealiasKey(key); result[k] = v; } if (result.chmod === void 0 && result.noChmod === false) { result.chmod = true; } delete result.noChmod; return result; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/make-command.js var makeCommand; var init_make_command = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/make-command.js"() { init_options(); makeCommand = (syncFile, asyncFile, syncNoFile, asyncNoFile, validate) => { return Object.assign((opt_ = [], entries, cb) => { if (Array.isArray(opt_)) { entries = opt_; opt_ = {}; } if (typeof entries === "function") { cb = entries; entries = void 0; } if (!entries) { entries = []; } else { entries = Array.from(entries); } const opt = dealias(opt_); validate?.(opt, entries); if (isSyncFile(opt)) { if (typeof cb === "function") { throw new TypeError("callback not supported for sync tar functions"); } return syncFile(opt, entries); } else if (isAsyncFile(opt)) { const p = asyncFile(opt, entries); const c = cb ? cb : void 0; return c ? p.then(() => c(), c) : p; } else if (isSyncNoFile(opt)) { if (typeof cb === "function") { throw new TypeError("callback not supported for sync tar functions"); } return syncNoFile(opt, entries); } else if (isAsyncNoFile(opt)) { if (typeof cb === "function") { throw new TypeError("callback only supported with file option"); } return asyncNoFile(opt, entries); } else { throw new Error("impossible options??"); } }, { syncFile, asyncFile, syncNoFile, asyncNoFile, validate }); }; } }); // .yarn/cache/minizlib-npm-3.0.1-4bdabd978f-82f8bf70da.zip/node_modules/minizlib/dist/esm/constants.js var import_zlib, realZlibConstants, constants; var init_constants = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/minizlib-npm-3.0.1-4bdabd978f-82f8bf70da.zip/node_modules/minizlib/dist/esm/constants.js"() { import_zlib = __toESM(require("zlib"), 1); realZlibConstants = import_zlib.default.constants || { ZLIB_VERNUM: 4736 }; constants = Object.freeze(Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { Z_NO_FLUSH: 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3, Z_FINISH: 4, Z_BLOCK: 5, Z_OK: 0, Z_STREAM_END: 1, Z_NEED_DICT: 2, Z_ERRNO: -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2, Z_DATA_ERROR: -3, Z_MEM_ERROR: -4, Z_BUF_ERROR: -5, Z_VERSION_ERROR: -6, Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0, Z_BEST_SPEED: 1, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1, Z_FILTERED: 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2, Z_RLE: 3, Z_FIXED: 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0, DEFLATE: 1, INFLATE: 2, GZIP: 3, GUNZIP: 4, DEFLATERAW: 5, INFLATERAW: 6, UNZIP: 7, BROTLI_DECODE: 8, BROTLI_ENCODE: 9, Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS: 8, Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS: 15, Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS: 15, Z_MIN_CHUNK: 64, Z_MAX_CHUNK: Infinity, Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK: 16384, Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL: 1, Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL: 9, Z_DEFAULT_MEMLEVEL: 8, Z_MIN_LEVEL: -1, Z_MAX_LEVEL: 9, Z_DEFAULT_LEVEL: -1, BROTLI_OPERATION_PROCESS: 0, BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH: 1, BROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH: 2, BROTLI_OPERATION_EMIT_METADATA: 3, BROTLI_MODE_GENERIC: 0, BROTLI_MODE_TEXT: 1, BROTLI_MODE_FONT: 2, BROTLI_DEFAULT_MODE: 0, BROTLI_MIN_QUALITY: 0, BROTLI_MAX_QUALITY: 11, BROTLI_DEFAULT_QUALITY: 11, BROTLI_MIN_WINDOW_BITS: 10, BROTLI_MAX_WINDOW_BITS: 24, BROTLI_LARGE_MAX_WINDOW_BITS: 30, BROTLI_DEFAULT_WINDOW: 22, BROTLI_MIN_INPUT_BLOCK_BITS: 16, BROTLI_MAX_INPUT_BLOCK_BITS: 24, BROTLI_PARAM_MODE: 0, BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY: 1, BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN: 2, BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK: 3, BROTLI_PARAM_DISABLE_LITERAL_CONTEXT_MODELING: 4, BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT: 5, BROTLI_PARAM_LARGE_WINDOW: 6, BROTLI_PARAM_NPOSTFIX: 7, BROTLI_PARAM_NDIRECT: 8, BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_ERROR: 0, BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_SUCCESS: 1, BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT: 2, BROTLI_DECODER_RESULT_NEEDS_MORE_OUTPUT: 3, BROTLI_DECODER_PARAM_DISABLE_RING_BUFFER_REALLOCATION: 0, BROTLI_DECODER_PARAM_LARGE_WINDOW: 1, BROTLI_DECODER_NO_ERROR: 0, BROTLI_DECODER_SUCCESS: 1, BROTLI_DECODER_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT: 2, BROTLI_DECODER_NEEDS_MORE_OUTPUT: 3, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_EXUBERANT_NIBBLE: -1, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_RESERVED: -2, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_EXUBERANT_META_NIBBLE: -3, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_SIMPLE_HUFFMAN_ALPHABET: -4, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_SIMPLE_HUFFMAN_SAME: -5, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_CL_SPACE: -6, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_HUFFMAN_SPACE: -7, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_CONTEXT_MAP_REPEAT: -8, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_BLOCK_LENGTH_1: -9, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_BLOCK_LENGTH_2: -10, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_TRANSFORM: -11, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_DICTIONARY: -12, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_WINDOW_BITS: -13, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_PADDING_1: -14, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_PADDING_2: -15, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_FORMAT_DISTANCE: -16, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_DICTIONARY_NOT_SET: -19, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS: -20, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_CONTEXT_MODES: -21, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_TREE_GROUPS: -22, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_CONTEXT_MAP: -25, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_RING_BUFFER_1: -26, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_RING_BUFFER_2: -27, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_ALLOC_BLOCK_TYPE_TREES: -30, BROTLI_DECODER_ERROR_UNREACHABLE: -31 }, realZlibConstants)); } }); // .yarn/cache/minizlib-npm-3.0.1-4bdabd978f-82f8bf70da.zip/node_modules/minizlib/dist/esm/index.js var import_assert2, import_buffer, import_zlib2, OriginalBufferConcat, _superWrite, ZlibError, _flushFlag, ZlibBase, Zlib, Gzip, Unzip, Brotli, BrotliCompress, BrotliDecompress; var init_esm3 = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/minizlib-npm-3.0.1-4bdabd978f-82f8bf70da.zip/node_modules/minizlib/dist/esm/index.js"() { import_assert2 = __toESM(require("assert"), 1); import_buffer = require("buffer"); init_esm(); import_zlib2 = __toESM(require("zlib"), 1); init_constants(); init_constants(); OriginalBufferConcat = import_buffer.Buffer.concat; _superWrite = Symbol("_superWrite"); ZlibError = class extends Error { code; errno; constructor(err) { super("zlib: " + err.message); this.code = err.code; this.errno = err.errno; if (!this.code) this.code = "ZLIB_ERROR"; this.message = "zlib: " + err.message; Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } get name() { return "ZlibError"; } }; _flushFlag = Symbol("flushFlag"); ZlibBase = class extends Minipass { #sawError = false; #ended = false; #flushFlag; #finishFlushFlag; #fullFlushFlag; #handle; #onError; get sawError() { return this.#sawError; } get handle() { return this.#handle; } /* c8 ignore start */ get flushFlag() { return this.#flushFlag; } /* c8 ignore stop */ constructor(opts, mode) { if (!opts || typeof opts !== "object") throw new TypeError("invalid options for ZlibBase constructor"); super(opts); this.#flushFlag = opts.flush ?? 0; this.#finishFlushFlag = opts.finishFlush ?? 0; this.#fullFlushFlag = opts.fullFlushFlag ?? 0; try { this.#handle = new import_zlib2.default[mode](opts); } catch (er) { throw new ZlibError(er); } this.#onError = (err) => { if (this.#sawError) return; this.#sawError = true; this.close(); this.emit("error", err); }; this.#handle?.on("error", (er) => this.#onError(new ZlibError(er))); this.once("end", () => this.close); } close() { if (this.#handle) { this.#handle.close(); this.#handle = void 0; this.emit("close"); } } reset() { if (!this.#sawError) { (0, import_assert2.default)(this.#handle, "zlib binding closed"); return this.#handle.reset?.(); } } flush(flushFlag) { if (this.ended) return; if (typeof flushFlag !== "number") flushFlag = this.#fullFlushFlag; this.write(Object.assign(import_buffer.Buffer.alloc(0), { [_flushFlag]: flushFlag })); } end(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof chunk === "function") { cb = chunk; encoding = void 0; chunk = void 0; } if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (chunk) { if (encoding) this.write(chunk, encoding); else this.write(chunk); } this.flush(this.#finishFlushFlag); this.#ended = true; return super.end(cb); } get ended() { return this.#ended; } // overridden in the gzip classes to do portable writes [_superWrite](data) { return super.write(data); } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === "function") cb = encoding, encoding = "utf8"; if (typeof chunk === "string") chunk = import_buffer.Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); if (this.#sawError) return; (0, import_assert2.default)(this.#handle, "zlib binding closed"); const nativeHandle = this.#handle._handle; const originalNativeClose = nativeHandle.close; nativeHandle.close = () => { }; const originalClose = this.#handle.close; this.#handle.close = () => { }; import_buffer.Buffer.concat = (args) => args; let result = void 0; try { const flushFlag = typeof chunk[_flushFlag] === "number" ? chunk[_flushFlag] : this.#flushFlag; result = this.#handle._processChunk(chunk, flushFlag); import_buffer.Buffer.concat = OriginalBufferConcat; } catch (err) { import_buffer.Buffer.concat = OriginalBufferConcat; this.#onError(new ZlibError(err)); } finally { if (this.#handle) { ; this.#handle._handle = nativeHandle; nativeHandle.close = originalNativeClose; this.#handle.close = originalClose; this.#handle.removeAllListeners("error"); } } if (this.#handle) this.#handle.on("error", (er) => this.#onError(new ZlibError(er))); let writeReturn; if (result) { if (Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) { const r = result[0]; writeReturn = this[_superWrite](import_buffer.Buffer.from(r)); for (let i = 1; i < result.length; i++) { writeReturn = this[_superWrite](result[i]); } } else { writeReturn = this[_superWrite](import_buffer.Buffer.from(result)); } } if (cb) cb(); return writeReturn; } }; Zlib = class extends ZlibBase { #level; #strategy; constructor(opts, mode) { opts = opts || {}; opts.flush = opts.flush || constants.Z_NO_FLUSH; opts.finishFlush = opts.finishFlush || constants.Z_FINISH; opts.fullFlushFlag = constants.Z_FULL_FLUSH; super(opts, mode); this.#level = opts.level; this.#strategy = opts.strategy; } params(level, strategy) { if (this.sawError) return; if (!this.handle) throw new Error("cannot switch params when binding is closed"); if (!this.handle.params) throw new Error("not supported in this implementation"); if (this.#level !== level || this.#strategy !== strategy) { this.flush(constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH); (0, import_assert2.default)(this.handle, "zlib binding closed"); const origFlush = this.handle.flush; this.handle.flush = (flushFlag, cb) => { if (typeof flushFlag === "function") { cb = flushFlag; flushFlag = this.flushFlag; } this.flush(flushFlag); cb?.(); }; try { ; this.handle.params(level, strategy); } finally { this.handle.flush = origFlush; } if (this.handle) { this.#level = level; this.#strategy = strategy; } } } }; Gzip = class extends Zlib { #portable; constructor(opts) { super(opts, "Gzip"); this.#portable = opts && !!opts.portable; } [_superWrite](data) { if (!this.#portable) return super[_superWrite](data); this.#portable = false; data[9] = 255; return super[_superWrite](data); } }; Unzip = class extends Zlib { constructor(opts) { super(opts, "Unzip"); } }; Brotli = class extends ZlibBase { constructor(opts, mode) { opts = opts || {}; opts.flush = opts.flush || constants.BROTLI_OPERATION_PROCESS; opts.finishFlush = opts.finishFlush || constants.BROTLI_OPERATION_FINISH; opts.fullFlushFlag = constants.BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH; super(opts, mode); } }; BrotliCompress = class extends Brotli { constructor(opts) { super(opts, "BrotliCompress"); } }; BrotliDecompress = class extends Brotli { constructor(opts) { super(opts, "BrotliDecompress"); } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/yallist-npm-5.0.0-8732dd9f1c-a499c81ce6.zip/node_modules/yallist/dist/esm/index.js function insertAfter(self2, node, value) { const prev = node; const next = node ? node.next : self2.head; const inserted = new Node(value, prev, next, self2); if (inserted.next === void 0) { self2.tail = inserted; } if (inserted.prev === void 0) { self2.head = inserted; } self2.length++; return inserted; } function push(self2, item) { self2.tail = new Node(item, self2.tail, void 0, self2); if (!self2.head) { self2.head = self2.tail; } self2.length++; } function unshift(self2, item) { self2.head = new Node(item, void 0, self2.head, self2); if (!self2.tail) { self2.tail = self2.head; } self2.length++; } var Yallist, Node; var init_esm4 = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/yallist-npm-5.0.0-8732dd9f1c-a499c81ce6.zip/node_modules/yallist/dist/esm/index.js"() { Yallist = class _Yallist { tail; head; length = 0; static create(list2 = []) { return new _Yallist(list2); } constructor(list2 = []) { for (const item of list2) { this.push(item); } } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (let walker = this.head; walker; walker = walker.next) { yield walker.value; } } removeNode(node) { if (node.list !== this) { throw new Error("removing node which does not belong to this list"); } const next = node.next; const prev = node.prev; if (next) { next.prev = prev; } if (prev) { prev.next = next; } if (node === this.head) { this.head = next; } if (node === this.tail) { this.tail = prev; } this.length--; node.next = void 0; node.prev = void 0; node.list = void 0; return next; } unshiftNode(node) { if (node === this.head) { return; } if (node.list) { node.list.removeNode(node); } const head = this.head; node.list = this; node.next = head; if (head) { head.prev = node; } this.head = node; if (!this.tail) { this.tail = node; } this.length++; } pushNode(node) { if (node === this.tail) { return; } if (node.list) { node.list.removeNode(node); } const tail = this.tail; node.list = this; node.prev = tail; if (tail) { tail.next = node; } this.tail = node; if (!this.head) { this.head = node; } this.length++; } push(...args) { for (let i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) { push(this, args[i]); } return this.length; } unshift(...args) { for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) { unshift(this, args[i]); } return this.length; } pop() { if (!this.tail) { return void 0; } const res = this.tail.value; const t = this.tail; this.tail = this.tail.prev; if (this.tail) { this.tail.next = void 0; } else { this.head = void 0; } t.list = void 0; this.length--; return res; } shift() { if (!this.head) { return void 0; } const res = this.head.value; const h = this.head; this.head = this.head.next; if (this.head) { this.head.prev = void 0; } else { this.tail = void 0; } h.list = void 0; this.length--; return res; } forEach(fn2, thisp) { thisp = thisp || this; for (let walker = this.head, i = 0; !!walker; i++) { fn2.call(thisp, walker.value, i, this); walker = walker.next; } } forEachReverse(fn2, thisp) { thisp = thisp || this; for (let walker = this.tail, i = this.length - 1; !!walker; i--) { fn2.call(thisp, walker.value, i, this); walker = walker.prev; } } get(n) { let i = 0; let walker = this.head; for (; !!walker && i < n; i++) { walker = walker.next; } if (i === n && !!walker) { return walker.value; } } getReverse(n) { let i = 0; let walker = this.tail; for (; !!walker && i < n; i++) { walker = walker.prev; } if (i === n && !!walker) { return walker.value; } } map(fn2, thisp) { thisp = thisp || this; const res = new _Yallist(); for (let walker = this.head; !!walker; ) { res.push(fn2.call(thisp, walker.value, this)); walker = walker.next; } return res; } mapReverse(fn2, thisp) { thisp = thisp || this; var res = new _Yallist(); for (let walker = this.tail; !!walker; ) { res.push(fn2.call(thisp, walker.value, this)); walker = walker.prev; } return res; } reduce(fn2, initial) { let acc; let walker = this.head; if (arguments.length > 1) { acc = initial; } else if (this.head) { walker = this.head.next; acc = this.head.value; } else { throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value"); } for (var i = 0; !!walker; i++) { acc = fn2(acc, walker.value, i); walker = walker.next; } return acc; } reduceReverse(fn2, initial) { let acc; let walker = this.tail; if (arguments.length > 1) { acc = initial; } else if (this.tail) { walker = this.tail.prev; acc = this.tail.value; } else { throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value"); } for (let i = this.length - 1; !!walker; i--) { acc = fn2(acc, walker.value, i); walker = walker.prev; } return acc; } toArray() { const arr = new Array(this.length); for (let i = 0, walker = this.head; !!walker; i++) { arr[i] = walker.value; walker = walker.next; } return arr; } toArrayReverse() { const arr = new Array(this.length); for (let i = 0, walker = this.tail; !!walker; i++) { arr[i] = walker.value; walker = walker.prev; } return arr; } slice(from = 0, to = this.length) { if (to < 0) { to += this.length; } if (from < 0) { from += this.length; } const ret = new _Yallist(); if (to < from || to < 0) { return ret; } if (from < 0) { from = 0; } if (to > this.length) { to = this.length; } let walker = this.head; let i = 0; for (i = 0; !!walker && i < from; i++) { walker = walker.next; } for (; !!walker && i < to; i++, walker = walker.next) { ret.push(walker.value); } return ret; } sliceReverse(from = 0, to = this.length) { if (to < 0) { to += this.length; } if (from < 0) { from += this.length; } const ret = new _Yallist(); if (to < from || to < 0) { return ret; } if (from < 0) { from = 0; } if (to > this.length) { to = this.length; } let i = this.length; let walker = this.tail; for (; !!walker && i > to; i--) { walker = walker.prev; } for (; !!walker && i > from; i--, walker = walker.prev) { ret.push(walker.value); } return ret; } splice(start, deleteCount = 0, ...nodes) { if (start > this.length) { start = this.length - 1; } if (start < 0) { start = this.length + start; } let walker = this.head; for (let i = 0; !!walker && i < start; i++) { walker = walker.next; } const ret = []; for (let i = 0; !!walker && i < deleteCount; i++) { ret.push(walker.value); walker = this.removeNode(walker); } if (!walker) { walker = this.tail; } else if (walker !== this.tail) { walker = walker.prev; } for (const v of nodes) { walker = insertAfter(this, walker, v); } return ret; } reverse() { const head = this.head; const tail = this.tail; for (let walker = head; !!walker; walker = walker.prev) { const p = walker.prev; walker.prev = walker.next; walker.next = p; } this.head = tail; this.tail = head; return this; } }; Node = class { list; next; prev; value; constructor(value, prev, next, list2) { this.list = list2; this.value = value; if (prev) { prev.next = this; this.prev = prev; } else { this.prev = void 0; } if (next) { next.prev = this; this.next = next; } else { this.next = void 0; } } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/large-numbers.js var encode, encodePositive, encodeNegative, parse, twos, pos, onesComp, twosComp; var init_large_numbers = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/large-numbers.js"() { encode = (num, buf) => { if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num)) { throw Error("cannot encode number outside of javascript safe integer range"); } else if (num < 0) { encodeNegative(num, buf); } else { encodePositive(num, buf); } return buf; }; encodePositive = (num, buf) => { buf[0] = 128; for (var i = buf.length; i > 1; i--) { buf[i - 1] = num & 255; num = Math.floor(num / 256); } }; encodeNegative = (num, buf) => { buf[0] = 255; var flipped = false; num = num * -1; for (var i = buf.length; i > 1; i--) { var byte = num & 255; num = Math.floor(num / 256); if (flipped) { buf[i - 1] = onesComp(byte); } else if (byte === 0) { buf[i - 1] = 0; } else { flipped = true; buf[i - 1] = twosComp(byte); } } }; parse = (buf) => { const pre = buf[0]; const value = pre === 128 ? pos(buf.subarray(1, buf.length)) : pre === 255 ? twos(buf) : null; if (value === null) { throw Error("invalid base256 encoding"); } if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value)) { throw Error("parsed number outside of javascript safe integer range"); } return value; }; twos = (buf) => { var len = buf.length; var sum = 0; var flipped = false; for (var i = len - 1; i > -1; i--) { var byte = Number(buf[i]); var f; if (flipped) { f = onesComp(byte); } else if (byte === 0) { f = byte; } else { flipped = true; f = twosComp(byte); } if (f !== 0) { sum -= f * Math.pow(256, len - i - 1); } } return sum; }; pos = (buf) => { var len = buf.length; var sum = 0; for (var i = len - 1; i > -1; i--) { var byte = Number(buf[i]); if (byte !== 0) { sum += byte * Math.pow(256, len - i - 1); } } return sum; }; onesComp = (byte) => (255 ^ byte) & 255; twosComp = (byte) => (255 ^ byte) + 1 & 255; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/types.js var isCode, name, code; var init_types = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/types.js"() { isCode = (c) => name.has(c); name = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["0", "File"], // same as File ["", "OldFile"], ["1", "Link"], ["2", "SymbolicLink"], // Devices and FIFOs aren't fully supported // they are parsed, but skipped when unpacking ["3", "CharacterDevice"], ["4", "BlockDevice"], ["5", "Directory"], ["6", "FIFO"], // same as File ["7", "ContiguousFile"], // pax headers ["g", "GlobalExtendedHeader"], ["x", "ExtendedHeader"], // vendor-specific stuff // skip ["A", "SolarisACL"], // like 5, but with data, which should be skipped ["D", "GNUDumpDir"], // metadata only, skip ["I", "Inode"], // data = link path of next file ["K", "NextFileHasLongLinkpath"], // data = path of next file ["L", "NextFileHasLongPath"], // skip ["M", "ContinuationFile"], // like L ["N", "OldGnuLongPath"], // skip ["S", "SparseFile"], // skip ["V", "TapeVolumeHeader"], // like x ["X", "OldExtendedHeader"] ]); code = new Map(Array.from(name).map((kv) => [kv[1], kv[0]])); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/header.js var import_node_path, Header, splitPrefix, decString, decDate, numToDate, decNumber, nanUndef, decSmallNumber, MAXNUM, encNumber, encSmallNumber, octalString, padOctal, encDate, NULLS, encString; var init_header = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/header.js"() { import_node_path = require("node:path"); init_large_numbers(); init_types(); Header = class { cksumValid = false; needPax = false; nullBlock = false; block; path; mode; uid; gid; size; cksum; #type = "Unsupported"; linkpath; uname; gname; devmaj = 0; devmin = 0; atime; ctime; mtime; charset; comment; constructor(data, off = 0, ex, gex) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { this.decode(data, off || 0, ex, gex); } else if (data) { this.#slurp(data); } } decode(buf, off, ex, gex) { if (!off) { off = 0; } if (!buf || !(buf.length >= off + 512)) { throw new Error("need 512 bytes for header"); } this.path = decString(buf, off, 100); this.mode = decNumber(buf, off + 100, 8); this.uid = decNumber(buf, off + 108, 8); this.gid = decNumber(buf, off + 116, 8); this.size = decNumber(buf, off + 124, 12); this.mtime = decDate(buf, off + 136, 12); this.cksum = decNumber(buf, off + 148, 12); if (gex) this.#slurp(gex, true); if (ex) this.#slurp(ex); const t = decString(buf, off + 156, 1); if (isCode(t)) { this.#type = t || "0"; } if (this.#type === "0" && this.path.slice(-1) === "/") { this.#type = "5"; } if (this.#type === "5") { this.size = 0; } this.linkpath = decString(buf, off + 157, 100); if (buf.subarray(off + 257, off + 265).toString() === "ustar\x0000") { this.uname = decString(buf, off + 265, 32); this.gname = decString(buf, off + 297, 32); this.devmaj = decNumber(buf, off + 329, 8) ?? 0; this.devmin = decNumber(buf, off + 337, 8) ?? 0; if (buf[off + 475] !== 0) { const prefix = decString(buf, off + 345, 155); this.path = prefix + "/" + this.path; } else { const prefix = decString(buf, off + 345, 130); if (prefix) { this.path = prefix + "/" + this.path; } this.atime = decDate(buf, off + 476, 12); this.ctime = decDate(buf, off + 488, 12); } } let sum = 8 * 32; for (let i = off; i < off + 148; i++) { sum += buf[i]; } for (let i = off + 156; i < off + 512; i++) { sum += buf[i]; } this.cksumValid = sum === this.cksum; if (this.cksum === void 0 && sum === 8 * 32) { this.nullBlock = true; } } #slurp(ex, gex = false) { Object.assign(this, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(ex).filter(([k, v]) => { return !(v === null || v === void 0 || k === "path" && gex || k === "linkpath" && gex || k === "global"); }))); } encode(buf, off = 0) { if (!buf) { buf = this.block = Buffer.alloc(512); } if (this.#type === "Unsupported") { this.#type = "0"; } if (!(buf.length >= off + 512)) { throw new Error("need 512 bytes for header"); } const prefixSize = this.ctime || this.atime ? 130 : 155; const split = splitPrefix(this.path || "", prefixSize); const path16 = split[0]; const prefix = split[1]; this.needPax = !!split[2]; this.needPax = encString(buf, off, 100, path16) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 100, 8, this.mode) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 108, 8, this.uid) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 116, 8, this.gid) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 124, 12, this.size) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 136, 12, this.mtime) || this.needPax; buf[off + 156] = this.#type.charCodeAt(0); this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 157, 100, this.linkpath) || this.needPax; buf.write("ustar\x0000", off + 257, 8); this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 265, 32, this.uname) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 297, 32, this.gname) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 329, 8, this.devmaj) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encNumber(buf, off + 337, 8, this.devmin) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, prefixSize, prefix) || this.needPax; if (buf[off + 475] !== 0) { this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, 155, prefix) || this.needPax; } else { this.needPax = encString(buf, off + 345, 130, prefix) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 476, 12, this.atime) || this.needPax; this.needPax = encDate(buf, off + 488, 12, this.ctime) || this.needPax; } let sum = 8 * 32; for (let i = off; i < off + 148; i++) { sum += buf[i]; } for (let i = off + 156; i < off + 512; i++) { sum += buf[i]; } this.cksum = sum; encNumber(buf, off + 148, 8, this.cksum); this.cksumValid = true; return this.needPax; } get type() { return this.#type === "Unsupported" ? this.#type : name.get(this.#type); } get typeKey() { return this.#type; } set type(type) { const c = String(code.get(type)); if (isCode(c) || c === "Unsupported") { this.#type = c; } else if (isCode(type)) { this.#type = type; } else { throw new TypeError("invalid entry type: " + type); } } }; splitPrefix = (p, prefixSize) => { const pathSize = 100; let pp = p; let prefix = ""; let ret = void 0; const root = import_node_path.posix.parse(p).root || "."; if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) < pathSize) { ret = [pp, prefix, false]; } else { prefix = import_node_path.posix.dirname(pp); pp = import_node_path.posix.basename(pp); do { if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) <= pathSize && Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize) { ret = [pp, prefix, false]; } else if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) > pathSize && Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize) { ret = [pp.slice(0, pathSize - 1), prefix, true]; } else { pp = import_node_path.posix.join(import_node_path.posix.basename(prefix), pp); prefix = import_node_path.posix.dirname(prefix); } } while (prefix !== root && ret === void 0); if (!ret) { ret = [p.slice(0, pathSize - 1), "", true]; } } return ret; }; decString = (buf, off, size) => buf.subarray(off, off + size).toString("utf8").replace(/\0.*/, ""); decDate = (buf, off, size) => numToDate(decNumber(buf, off, size)); numToDate = (num) => num === void 0 ? void 0 : new Date(num * 1e3); decNumber = (buf, off, size) => Number(buf[off]) & 128 ? parse(buf.subarray(off, off + size)) : decSmallNumber(buf, off, size); nanUndef = (value) => isNaN(value) ? void 0 : value; decSmallNumber = (buf, off, size) => nanUndef(parseInt(buf.subarray(off, off + size).toString("utf8").replace(/\0.*$/, "").trim(), 8)); MAXNUM = { 12: 8589934591, 8: 2097151 }; encNumber = (buf, off, size, num) => num === void 0 ? false : num > MAXNUM[size] || num < 0 ? (encode(num, buf.subarray(off, off + size)), true) : (encSmallNumber(buf, off, size, num), false); encSmallNumber = (buf, off, size, num) => buf.write(octalString(num, size), off, size, "ascii"); octalString = (num, size) => padOctal(Math.floor(num).toString(8), size); padOctal = (str, size) => (str.length === size - 1 ? str : new Array(size - str.length - 1).join("0") + str + " ") + "\0"; encDate = (buf, off, size, date) => date === void 0 ? false : encNumber(buf, off, size, date.getTime() / 1e3); NULLS = new Array(156).join("\0"); encString = (buf, off, size, str) => str === void 0 ? false : (buf.write(str + NULLS, off, size, "utf8"), str.length !== Buffer.byteLength(str) || str.length > size); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/pax.js var import_node_path2, Pax, merge, parseKV, parseKVLine; var init_pax = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/pax.js"() { import_node_path2 = require("node:path"); init_header(); Pax = class _Pax { atime; mtime; ctime; charset; comment; gid; uid; gname; uname; linkpath; dev; ino; nlink; path; size; mode; global; constructor(obj, global2 = false) { this.atime = obj.atime; this.charset = obj.charset; this.comment = obj.comment; this.ctime = obj.ctime; this.dev = obj.dev; this.gid = obj.gid; this.global = global2; this.gname = obj.gname; this.ino = obj.ino; this.linkpath = obj.linkpath; this.mtime = obj.mtime; this.nlink = obj.nlink; this.path = obj.path; this.size = obj.size; this.uid = obj.uid; this.uname = obj.uname; } encode() { const body = this.encodeBody(); if (body === "") { return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); } const bodyLen = Buffer.byteLength(body); const bufLen = 512 * Math.ceil(1 + bodyLen / 512); const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bufLen); for (let i = 0; i < 512; i++) { buf[i] = 0; } new Header({ // XXX split the path // then the path should be PaxHeader + basename, but less than 99, // prepend with the dirname /* c8 ignore start */ path: ("PaxHeader/" + (0, import_node_path2.basename)(this.path ?? "")).slice(0, 99), /* c8 ignore stop */ mode: this.mode || 420, uid: this.uid, gid: this.gid, size: bodyLen, mtime: this.mtime, type: this.global ? "GlobalExtendedHeader" : "ExtendedHeader", linkpath: "", uname: this.uname || "", gname: this.gname || "", devmaj: 0, devmin: 0, atime: this.atime, ctime: this.ctime }).encode(buf); buf.write(body, 512, bodyLen, "utf8"); for (let i = bodyLen + 512; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = 0; } return buf; } encodeBody() { return this.encodeField("path") + this.encodeField("ctime") + this.encodeField("atime") + this.encodeField("dev") + this.encodeField("ino") + this.encodeField("nlink") + this.encodeField("charset") + this.encodeField("comment") + this.encodeField("gid") + this.encodeField("gname") + this.encodeField("linkpath") + this.encodeField("mtime") + this.encodeField("size") + this.encodeField("uid") + this.encodeField("uname"); } encodeField(field) { if (this[field] === void 0) { return ""; } const r = this[field]; const v = r instanceof Date ? r.getTime() / 1e3 : r; const s = " " + (field === "dev" || field === "ino" || field === "nlink" ? "SCHILY." : "") + field + "=" + v + "\n"; const byteLen = Buffer.byteLength(s); let digits = Math.floor(Math.log(byteLen) / Math.log(10)) + 1; if (byteLen + digits >= Math.pow(10, digits)) { digits += 1; } const len = digits + byteLen; return len + s; } static parse(str, ex, g = false) { return new _Pax(merge(parseKV(str), ex), g); } }; merge = (a, b) => b ? Object.assign({}, b, a) : a; parseKV = (str) => str.replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n").reduce(parseKVLine, /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); parseKVLine = (set, line) => { const n = parseInt(line, 10); if (n !== Buffer.byteLength(line) + 1) { return set; } line = line.slice((n + " ").length); const kv = line.split("="); const r = kv.shift(); if (!r) { return set; } const k = r.replace(/^SCHILY\.(dev|ino|nlink)/, "$1"); const v = kv.join("="); set[k] = /^([A-Z]+\.)?([mac]|birth|creation)time$/.test(k) ? new Date(Number(v) * 1e3) : /^[0-9]+$/.test(v) ? +v : v; return set; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/normalize-windows-path.js var platform, normalizeWindowsPath; var init_normalize_windows_path = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/normalize-windows-path.js"() { platform = process.env.TESTING_TAR_FAKE_PLATFORM || process.platform; normalizeWindowsPath = platform !== "win32" ? (p) => p : (p) => p && p.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/read-entry.js var ReadEntry; var init_read_entry = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/read-entry.js"() { init_esm(); init_normalize_windows_path(); ReadEntry = class extends Minipass { extended; globalExtended; header; startBlockSize; blockRemain; remain; type; meta = false; ignore = false; path; mode; uid; gid; uname; gname; size = 0; mtime; atime; ctime; linkpath; dev; ino; nlink; invalid = false; absolute; unsupported = false; constructor(header, ex, gex) { super({}); this.pause(); this.extended = ex; this.globalExtended = gex; this.header = header; this.remain = header.size ?? 0; this.startBlockSize = 512 * Math.ceil(this.remain / 512); this.blockRemain = this.startBlockSize; this.type = header.type; switch (this.type) { case "File": case "OldFile": case "Link": case "SymbolicLink": case "CharacterDevice": case "BlockDevice": case "Directory": case "FIFO": case "ContiguousFile": case "GNUDumpDir": break; case "NextFileHasLongLinkpath": case "NextFileHasLongPath": case "OldGnuLongPath": case "GlobalExtendedHeader": case "ExtendedHeader": case "OldExtendedHeader": this.meta = true; break; default: this.ignore = true; } if (!header.path) { throw new Error("no path provided for tar.ReadEntry"); } this.path = normalizeWindowsPath(header.path); this.mode = header.mode; if (this.mode) { this.mode = this.mode & 4095; } this.uid = header.uid; this.gid = header.gid; this.uname = header.uname; this.gname = header.gname; this.size = this.remain; this.mtime = header.mtime; this.atime = header.atime; this.ctime = header.ctime; this.linkpath = header.linkpath ? normalizeWindowsPath(header.linkpath) : void 0; this.uname = header.uname; this.gname = header.gname; if (ex) { this.#slurp(ex); } if (gex) { this.#slurp(gex, true); } } write(data) { const writeLen = data.length; if (writeLen > this.blockRemain) { throw new Error("writing more to entry than is appropriate"); } const r = this.remain; const br = this.blockRemain; this.remain = Math.max(0, r - writeLen); this.blockRemain = Math.max(0, br - writeLen); if (this.ignore) { return true; } if (r >= writeLen) { return super.write(data); } return super.write(data.subarray(0, r)); } #slurp(ex, gex = false) { if (ex.path) ex.path = normalizeWindowsPath(ex.path); if (ex.linkpath) ex.linkpath = normalizeWindowsPath(ex.linkpath); Object.assign(this, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(ex).filter(([k, v]) => { return !(v === null || v === void 0 || k === "path" && gex); }))); } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/warn-method.js var warnMethod; var init_warn_method = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/warn-method.js"() { warnMethod = (self2, code2, message, data = {}) => { if (self2.file) { data.file = self2.file; } if (self2.cwd) { data.cwd = self2.cwd; } data.code = message instanceof Error && message.code || code2; data.tarCode = code2; if (!self2.strict && data.recoverable !== false) { if (message instanceof Error) { data = Object.assign(message, data); message = message.message; } self2.emit("warn", code2, message, data); } else if (message instanceof Error) { self2.emit("error", Object.assign(message, data)); } else { self2.emit("error", Object.assign(new Error(`${code2}: ${message}`), data)); } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/parse.js var import_events3, maxMetaEntrySize, gzipHeader, STATE, WRITEENTRY, READENTRY, NEXTENTRY, PROCESSENTRY, EX, GEX, META, EMITMETA, BUFFER2, QUEUE, ENDED, EMITTEDEND, EMIT, UNZIP, CONSUMECHUNK, CONSUMECHUNKSUB, CONSUMEBODY, CONSUMEMETA, CONSUMEHEADER, CONSUMING, BUFFERCONCAT, MAYBEEND, WRITING, ABORTED2, DONE, SAW_VALID_ENTRY, SAW_NULL_BLOCK, SAW_EOF, CLOSESTREAM, noop, Parser; var init_parse = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/parse.js"() { import_events3 = require("events"); init_esm3(); init_esm4(); init_header(); init_pax(); init_read_entry(); init_warn_method(); maxMetaEntrySize = 1024 * 1024; gzipHeader = Buffer.from([31, 139]); STATE = Symbol("state"); WRITEENTRY = Symbol("writeEntry"); READENTRY = Symbol("readEntry"); NEXTENTRY = Symbol("nextEntry"); PROCESSENTRY = Symbol("processEntry"); EX = Symbol("extendedHeader"); GEX = Symbol("globalExtendedHeader"); META = Symbol("meta"); EMITMETA = Symbol("emitMeta"); BUFFER2 = Symbol("buffer"); QUEUE = Symbol("queue"); ENDED = Symbol("ended"); EMITTEDEND = Symbol("emittedEnd"); EMIT = Symbol("emit"); UNZIP = Symbol("unzip"); CONSUMECHUNK = Symbol("consumeChunk"); CONSUMECHUNKSUB = Symbol("consumeChunkSub"); CONSUMEBODY = Symbol("consumeBody"); CONSUMEMETA = Symbol("consumeMeta"); CONSUMEHEADER = Symbol("consumeHeader"); CONSUMING = Symbol("consuming"); BUFFERCONCAT = Symbol("bufferConcat"); MAYBEEND = Symbol("maybeEnd"); WRITING = Symbol("writing"); ABORTED2 = Symbol("aborted"); DONE = Symbol("onDone"); SAW_VALID_ENTRY = Symbol("sawValidEntry"); SAW_NULL_BLOCK = Symbol("sawNullBlock"); SAW_EOF = Symbol("sawEOF"); CLOSESTREAM = Symbol("closeStream"); noop = () => true; Parser = class extends import_events3.EventEmitter { file; strict; maxMetaEntrySize; filter; brotli; writable = true; readable = false; [QUEUE] = new Yallist(); [BUFFER2]; [READENTRY]; [WRITEENTRY]; [STATE] = "begin"; [META] = ""; [EX]; [GEX]; [ENDED] = false; [UNZIP]; [ABORTED2] = false; [SAW_VALID_ENTRY]; [SAW_NULL_BLOCK] = false; [SAW_EOF] = false; [WRITING] = false; [CONSUMING] = false; [EMITTEDEND] = false; constructor(opt = {}) { super(); this.file = opt.file || ""; this.on(DONE, () => { if (this[STATE] === "begin" || this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY] === false) { this.warn("TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE", "Unrecognized archive format"); } }); if (opt.ondone) { this.on(DONE, opt.ondone); } else { this.on(DONE, () => { this.emit("prefinish"); this.emit("finish"); this.emit("end"); }); } this.strict = !!opt.strict; this.maxMetaEntrySize = opt.maxMetaEntrySize || maxMetaEntrySize; this.filter = typeof opt.filter === "function" ? opt.filter : noop; const isTBR = opt.file && (opt.file.endsWith(".tar.br") || opt.file.endsWith(".tbr")); this.brotli = !opt.gzip && opt.brotli !== void 0 ? opt.brotli : isTBR ? void 0 : false; this.on("end", () => this[CLOSESTREAM]()); if (typeof opt.onwarn === "function") { this.on("warn", opt.onwarn); } if (typeof opt.onReadEntry === "function") { this.on("entry", opt.onReadEntry); } } warn(code2, message, data = {}) { warnMethod(this, code2, message, data); } [CONSUMEHEADER](chunk, position) { if (this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY] === void 0) { this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY] = false; } let header; try { header = new Header(chunk, position, this[EX], this[GEX]); } catch (er) { return this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INVALID", er); } if (header.nullBlock) { if (this[SAW_NULL_BLOCK]) { this[SAW_EOF] = true; if (this[STATE] === "begin") { this[STATE] = "header"; } this[EMIT]("eof"); } else { this[SAW_NULL_BLOCK] = true; this[EMIT]("nullBlock"); } } else { this[SAW_NULL_BLOCK] = false; if (!header.cksumValid) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INVALID", "checksum failure", { header }); } else if (!header.path) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INVALID", "path is required", { header }); } else { const type = header.type; if (/^(Symbolic)?Link$/.test(type) && !header.linkpath) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INVALID", "linkpath required", { header }); } else if (!/^(Symbolic)?Link$/.test(type) && !/^(Global)?ExtendedHeader$/.test(type) && header.linkpath) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INVALID", "linkpath forbidden", { header }); } else { const entry = this[WRITEENTRY] = new ReadEntry(header, this[EX], this[GEX]); if (!this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY]) { if (entry.remain) { const onend = () => { if (!entry.invalid) { this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY] = true; } }; entry.on("end", onend); } else { this[SAW_VALID_ENTRY] = true; } } if (entry.meta) { if (entry.size > this.maxMetaEntrySize) { entry.ignore = true; this[EMIT]("ignoredEntry", entry); this[STATE] = "ignore"; entry.resume(); } else if (entry.size > 0) { this[META] = ""; entry.on("data", (c) => this[META] += c); this[STATE] = "meta"; } } else { this[EX] = void 0; entry.ignore = entry.ignore || !this.filter(entry.path, entry); if (entry.ignore) { this[EMIT]("ignoredEntry", entry); this[STATE] = entry.remain ? "ignore" : "header"; entry.resume(); } else { if (entry.remain) { this[STATE] = "body"; } else { this[STATE] = "header"; entry.end(); } if (!this[READENTRY]) { this[QUEUE].push(entry); this[NEXTENTRY](); } else { this[QUEUE].push(entry); } } } } } } } [CLOSESTREAM]() { queueMicrotask(() => this.emit("close")); } [PROCESSENTRY](entry) { let go = true; if (!entry) { this[READENTRY] = void 0; go = false; } else if (Array.isArray(entry)) { const [ev, ...args] = entry; this.emit(ev, ...args); } else { this[READENTRY] = entry; this.emit("entry", entry); if (!entry.emittedEnd) { entry.on("end", () => this[NEXTENTRY]()); go = false; } } return go; } [NEXTENTRY]() { do { } while (this[PROCESSENTRY](this[QUEUE].shift())); if (!this[QUEUE].length) { const re = this[READENTRY]; const drainNow = !re || re.flowing || re.size === re.remain; if (drainNow) { if (!this[WRITING]) { this.emit("drain"); } } else { re.once("drain", () => this.emit("drain")); } } } [CONSUMEBODY](chunk, position) { const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]; if (!entry) { throw new Error("attempt to consume body without entry??"); } const br = entry.blockRemain ?? 0; const c = br >= chunk.length && position === 0 ? chunk : chunk.subarray(position, position + br); entry.write(c); if (!entry.blockRemain) { this[STATE] = "header"; this[WRITEENTRY] = void 0; entry.end(); } return c.length; } [CONSUMEMETA](chunk, position) { const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]; const ret = this[CONSUMEBODY](chunk, position); if (!this[WRITEENTRY] && entry) { this[EMITMETA](entry); } return ret; } [EMIT](ev, data, extra) { if (!this[QUEUE].length && !this[READENTRY]) { this.emit(ev, data, extra); } else { this[QUEUE].push([ev, data, extra]); } } [EMITMETA](entry) { this[EMIT]("meta", this[META]); switch (entry.type) { case "ExtendedHeader": case "OldExtendedHeader": this[EX] = Pax.parse(this[META], this[EX], false); break; case "GlobalExtendedHeader": this[GEX] = Pax.parse(this[META], this[GEX], true); break; case "NextFileHasLongPath": case "OldGnuLongPath": { const ex = this[EX] ?? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this[EX] = ex; ex.path = this[META].replace(/\0.*/, ""); break; } case "NextFileHasLongLinkpath": { const ex = this[EX] || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this[EX] = ex; ex.linkpath = this[META].replace(/\0.*/, ""); break; } default: throw new Error("unknown meta: " + entry.type); } } abort(error) { this[ABORTED2] = true; this.emit("abort", error); this.warn("TAR_ABORT", error, { recoverable: false }); } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from( chunk, /* c8 ignore next */ typeof encoding === "string" ? encoding : "utf8" ); } if (this[ABORTED2]) { cb?.(); return false; } const needSniff = this[UNZIP] === void 0 || this.brotli === void 0 && this[UNZIP] === false; if (needSniff && chunk) { if (this[BUFFER2]) { chunk = Buffer.concat([this[BUFFER2], chunk]); this[BUFFER2] = void 0; } if (chunk.length < gzipHeader.length) { this[BUFFER2] = chunk; cb?.(); return true; } for (let i = 0; this[UNZIP] === void 0 && i < gzipHeader.length; i++) { if (chunk[i] !== gzipHeader[i]) { this[UNZIP] = false; } } const maybeBrotli = this.brotli === void 0; if (this[UNZIP] === false && maybeBrotli) { if (chunk.length < 512) { if (this[ENDED]) { this.brotli = true; } else { this[BUFFER2] = chunk; cb?.(); return true; } } else { try { new Header(chunk.subarray(0, 512)); this.brotli = false; } catch (_) { this.brotli = true; } } } if (this[UNZIP] === void 0 || this[UNZIP] === false && this.brotli) { const ended = this[ENDED]; this[ENDED] = false; this[UNZIP] = this[UNZIP] === void 0 ? new Unzip({}) : new BrotliDecompress({}); this[UNZIP].on("data", (chunk2) => this[CONSUMECHUNK](chunk2)); this[UNZIP].on("error", (er) => this.abort(er)); this[UNZIP].on("end", () => { this[ENDED] = true; this[CONSUMECHUNK](); }); this[WRITING] = true; const ret2 = !!this[UNZIP][ended ? "end" : "write"](chunk); this[WRITING] = false; cb?.(); return ret2; } } this[WRITING] = true; if (this[UNZIP]) { this[UNZIP].write(chunk); } else { this[CONSUMECHUNK](chunk); } this[WRITING] = false; const ret = this[QUEUE].length ? false : this[READENTRY] ? this[READENTRY].flowing : true; if (!ret && !this[QUEUE].length) { this[READENTRY]?.once("drain", () => this.emit("drain")); } cb?.(); return ret; } [BUFFERCONCAT](c) { if (c && !this[ABORTED2]) { this[BUFFER2] = this[BUFFER2] ? Buffer.concat([this[BUFFER2], c]) : c; } } [MAYBEEND]() { if (this[ENDED] && !this[EMITTEDEND] && !this[ABORTED2] && !this[CONSUMING]) { this[EMITTEDEND] = true; const entry = this[WRITEENTRY]; if (entry && entry.blockRemain) { const have = this[BUFFER2] ? this[BUFFER2].length : 0; this.warn("TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE", `Truncated input (needed ${entry.blockRemain} more bytes, only ${have} available)`, { entry }); if (this[BUFFER2]) { entry.write(this[BUFFER2]); } entry.end(); } this[EMIT](DONE); } } [CONSUMECHUNK](chunk) { if (this[CONSUMING] && chunk) { this[BUFFERCONCAT](chunk); } else if (!chunk && !this[BUFFER2]) { this[MAYBEEND](); } else if (chunk) { this[CONSUMING] = true; if (this[BUFFER2]) { this[BUFFERCONCAT](chunk); const c = this[BUFFER2]; this[BUFFER2] = void 0; this[CONSUMECHUNKSUB](c); } else { this[CONSUMECHUNKSUB](chunk); } while (this[BUFFER2] && this[BUFFER2]?.length >= 512 && !this[ABORTED2] && !this[SAW_EOF]) { const c = this[BUFFER2]; this[BUFFER2] = void 0; this[CONSUMECHUNKSUB](c); } this[CONSUMING] = false; } if (!this[BUFFER2] || this[ENDED]) { this[MAYBEEND](); } } [CONSUMECHUNKSUB](chunk) { let position = 0; const length = chunk.length; while (position + 512 <= length && !this[ABORTED2] && !this[SAW_EOF]) { switch (this[STATE]) { case "begin": case "header": this[CONSUMEHEADER](chunk, position); position += 512; break; case "ignore": case "body": position += this[CONSUMEBODY](chunk, position); break; case "meta": position += this[CONSUMEMETA](chunk, position); break; default: throw new Error("invalid state: " + this[STATE]); } } if (position < length) { if (this[BUFFER2]) { this[BUFFER2] = Buffer.concat([ chunk.subarray(position), this[BUFFER2] ]); } else { this[BUFFER2] = chunk.subarray(position); } } } end(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof chunk === "function") { cb = chunk; encoding = void 0; chunk = void 0; } if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } if (cb) this.once("finish", cb); if (!this[ABORTED2]) { if (this[UNZIP]) { if (chunk) this[UNZIP].write(chunk); this[UNZIP].end(); } else { this[ENDED] = true; if (this.brotli === void 0) chunk = chunk || Buffer.alloc(0); if (chunk) this.write(chunk); this[MAYBEEND](); } } return this; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/strip-trailing-slashes.js var stripTrailingSlashes; var init_strip_trailing_slashes = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/strip-trailing-slashes.js"() { stripTrailingSlashes = (str) => { let i = str.length - 1; let slashesStart = -1; while (i > -1 && str.charAt(i) === "/") { slashesStart = i; i--; } return slashesStart === -1 ? str : str.slice(0, slashesStart); }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/list.js var list_exports = {}; __export(list_exports, { filesFilter: () => filesFilter, list: () => list }); var import_node_fs, import_path2, onReadEntryFunction, filesFilter, listFileSync, listFile, list; var init_list = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/list.js"() { init_esm2(); import_node_fs = __toESM(require("node:fs"), 1); import_path2 = require("path"); init_make_command(); init_parse(); init_strip_trailing_slashes(); onReadEntryFunction = (opt) => { const onReadEntry = opt.onReadEntry; opt.onReadEntry = onReadEntry ? (e) => { onReadEntry(e); e.resume(); } : (e) => e.resume(); }; filesFilter = (opt, files) => { const map = new Map(files.map((f) => [stripTrailingSlashes(f), true])); const filter = opt.filter; const mapHas = (file, r = "") => { const root = r || (0, import_path2.parse)(file).root || "."; let ret; if (file === root) ret = false; else { const m = map.get(file); if (m !== void 0) { ret = m; } else { ret = mapHas((0, import_path2.dirname)(file), root); } } map.set(file, ret); return ret; }; opt.filter = filter ? (file, entry) => filter(file, entry) && mapHas(stripTrailingSlashes(file)) : (file) => mapHas(stripTrailingSlashes(file)); }; listFileSync = (opt) => { const p = new Parser(opt); const file = opt.file; let fd; try { const stat2 = import_node_fs.default.statSync(file); const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16 * 1024 * 1024; if (stat2.size < readSize) { p.end(import_node_fs.default.readFileSync(file)); } else { let pos2 = 0; const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(readSize); fd = import_node_fs.default.openSync(file, "r"); while (pos2 < stat2.size) { const bytesRead = import_node_fs.default.readSync(fd, buf, 0, readSize, pos2); pos2 += bytesRead; p.write(buf.subarray(0, bytesRead)); } p.end(); } } finally { if (typeof fd === "number") { try { import_node_fs.default.closeSync(fd); } catch (er) { } } } }; listFile = (opt, _files) => { const parse5 = new Parser(opt); const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16 * 1024 * 1024; const file = opt.file; const p = new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { parse5.on("error", reject); parse5.on("end", resolve2); import_node_fs.default.stat(file, (er, stat2) => { if (er) { reject(er); } else { const stream = new ReadStream(file, { readSize, size: stat2.size }); stream.on("error", reject); stream.pipe(parse5); } }); }); return p; }; list = makeCommand(listFileSync, listFile, (opt) => new Parser(opt), (opt) => new Parser(opt), (opt, files) => { if (files?.length) filesFilter(opt, files); if (!opt.noResume) onReadEntryFunction(opt); }); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/get-write-flag.js var import_fs3, platform2, isWindows, O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY, UV_FS_O_FILEMAP, fMapEnabled, fMapLimit, fMapFlag, getWriteFlag; var init_get_write_flag = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/get-write-flag.js"() { import_fs3 = __toESM(require("fs"), 1); platform2 = process.env.__FAKE_PLATFORM__ || process.platform; isWindows = platform2 === "win32"; ({ O_CREAT, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY } = import_fs3.default.constants); UV_FS_O_FILEMAP = Number(process.env.__FAKE_FS_O_FILENAME__) || import_fs3.default.constants.UV_FS_O_FILEMAP || 0; fMapEnabled = isWindows && !!UV_FS_O_FILEMAP; fMapLimit = 512 * 1024; fMapFlag = UV_FS_O_FILEMAP | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY; getWriteFlag = !fMapEnabled ? () => "w" : (size) => size < fMapLimit ? fMapFlag : "w"; } }); // .yarn/cache/chownr-npm-3.0.0-5275e85d25-43925b8770.zip/node_modules/chownr/dist/esm/index.js var import_node_fs2, import_node_path3, lchownSync, chown, chownrKid, chownr, chownrKidSync, chownrSync; var init_esm5 = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/chownr-npm-3.0.0-5275e85d25-43925b8770.zip/node_modules/chownr/dist/esm/index.js"() { import_node_fs2 = __toESM(require("node:fs"), 1); import_node_path3 = __toESM(require("node:path"), 1); lchownSync = (path16, uid, gid) => { try { return import_node_fs2.default.lchownSync(path16, uid, gid); } catch (er) { if (er?.code !== "ENOENT") throw er; } }; chown = (cpath, uid, gid, cb) => { import_node_fs2.default.lchown(cpath, uid, gid, (er) => { cb(er && er?.code !== "ENOENT" ? er : null); }); }; chownrKid = (p, child, uid, gid, cb) => { if (child.isDirectory()) { chownr(import_node_path3.default.resolve(p, child.name), uid, gid, (er) => { if (er) return cb(er); const cpath = import_node_path3.default.resolve(p, child.name); chown(cpath, uid, gid, cb); }); } else { const cpath = import_node_path3.default.resolve(p, child.name); chown(cpath, uid, gid, cb); } }; chownr = (p, uid, gid, cb) => { import_node_fs2.default.readdir(p, { withFileTypes: true }, (er, children) => { if (er) { if (er.code === "ENOENT") return cb(); else if (er.code !== "ENOTDIR" && er.code !== "ENOTSUP") return cb(er); } if (er || !children.length) return chown(p, uid, gid, cb); let len = children.length; let errState = null; const then = (er2) => { if (errState) return; if (er2) return cb(errState = er2); if (--len === 0) return chown(p, uid, gid, cb); }; for (const child of children) { chownrKid(p, child, uid, gid, then); } }); }; chownrKidSync = (p, child, uid, gid) => { if (child.isDirectory()) chownrSync(import_node_path3.default.resolve(p, child.name), uid, gid); lchownSync(import_node_path3.default.resolve(p, child.name), uid, gid); }; chownrSync = (p, uid, gid) => { let children; try { children = import_node_fs2.default.readdirSync(p, { withFileTypes: true }); } catch (er) { const e = er; if (e?.code === "ENOENT") return; else if (e?.code === "ENOTDIR" || e?.code === "ENOTSUP") return lchownSync(p, uid, gid); else throw e; } for (const child of children) { chownrKidSync(p, child, uid, gid); } return lchownSync(p, uid, gid); }; } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/opts-arg.js var import_fs4, optsArg; var init_opts_arg = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/opts-arg.js"() { import_fs4 = require("fs"); optsArg = (opts) => { if (!opts) { opts = { mode: 511 }; } else if (typeof opts === "object") { opts = { mode: 511, ...opts }; } else if (typeof opts === "number") { opts = { mode: opts }; } else if (typeof opts === "string") { opts = { mode: parseInt(opts, 8) }; } else { throw new TypeError("invalid options argument"); } const resolved = opts; const optsFs = opts.fs || {}; opts.mkdir = opts.mkdir || optsFs.mkdir || import_fs4.mkdir; opts.mkdirAsync = opts.mkdirAsync ? opts.mkdirAsync : async (path16, options) => { return new Promise((res, rej) => resolved.mkdir(path16, options, (er, made) => er ? rej(er) : res(made))); }; opts.stat = opts.stat || optsFs.stat || import_fs4.stat; opts.statAsync = opts.statAsync ? opts.statAsync : async (path16) => new Promise((res, rej) => resolved.stat(path16, (err, stats) => err ? rej(err) : res(stats))); opts.statSync = opts.statSync || optsFs.statSync || import_fs4.statSync; opts.mkdirSync = opts.mkdirSync || optsFs.mkdirSync || import_fs4.mkdirSync; return resolved; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/mkdirp-manual.js var import_path3, mkdirpManualSync, mkdirpManual; var init_mkdirp_manual = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/mkdirp-manual.js"() { import_path3 = require("path"); init_opts_arg(); mkdirpManualSync = (path16, options, made) => { const parent = (0, import_path3.dirname)(path16); const opts = { ...optsArg(options), recursive: false }; if (parent === path16) { try { return opts.mkdirSync(path16, opts); } catch (er) { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code !== "EISDIR") { throw er; } return; } } try { opts.mkdirSync(path16, opts); return made || path16; } catch (er) { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code === "ENOENT") { return mkdirpManualSync(path16, opts, mkdirpManualSync(parent, opts, made)); } if (fer && fer.code !== "EEXIST" && fer && fer.code !== "EROFS") { throw er; } try { if (!opts.statSync(path16).isDirectory()) throw er; } catch (_) { throw er; } } }; mkdirpManual = Object.assign(async (path16, options, made) => { const opts = optsArg(options); opts.recursive = false; const parent = (0, import_path3.dirname)(path16); if (parent === path16) { return opts.mkdirAsync(path16, opts).catch((er) => { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code !== "EISDIR") { throw er; } }); } return opts.mkdirAsync(path16, opts).then(() => made || path16, async (er) => { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code === "ENOENT") { return mkdirpManual(parent, opts).then((made2) => mkdirpManual(path16, opts, made2)); } if (fer && fer.code !== "EEXIST" && fer.code !== "EROFS") { throw er; } return opts.statAsync(path16).then((st) => { if (st.isDirectory()) { return made; } else { throw er; } }, () => { throw er; }); }); }, { sync: mkdirpManualSync }); } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/find-made.js var import_path4, findMade, findMadeSync; var init_find_made = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/find-made.js"() { import_path4 = require("path"); findMade = async (opts, parent, path16) => { if (path16 === parent) { return; } return opts.statAsync(parent).then( (st) => st.isDirectory() ? path16 : void 0, // will fail later // will fail later (er) => { const fer = er; return fer && fer.code === "ENOENT" ? findMade(opts, (0, import_path4.dirname)(parent), parent) : void 0; } ); }; findMadeSync = (opts, parent, path16) => { if (path16 === parent) { return void 0; } try { return opts.statSync(parent).isDirectory() ? path16 : void 0; } catch (er) { const fer = er; return fer && fer.code === "ENOENT" ? findMadeSync(opts, (0, import_path4.dirname)(parent), parent) : void 0; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/mkdirp-native.js var import_path5, mkdirpNativeSync, mkdirpNative; var init_mkdirp_native = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/mkdirp-native.js"() { import_path5 = require("path"); init_find_made(); init_mkdirp_manual(); init_opts_arg(); mkdirpNativeSync = (path16, options) => { const opts = optsArg(options); opts.recursive = true; const parent = (0, import_path5.dirname)(path16); if (parent === path16) { return opts.mkdirSync(path16, opts); } const made = findMadeSync(opts, path16); try { opts.mkdirSync(path16, opts); return made; } catch (er) { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code === "ENOENT") { return mkdirpManualSync(path16, opts); } else { throw er; } } }; mkdirpNative = Object.assign(async (path16, options) => { const opts = { ...optsArg(options), recursive: true }; const parent = (0, import_path5.dirname)(path16); if (parent === path16) { return await opts.mkdirAsync(path16, opts); } return findMade(opts, path16).then((made) => opts.mkdirAsync(path16, opts).then((m) => made || m).catch((er) => { const fer = er; if (fer && fer.code === "ENOENT") { return mkdirpManual(path16, opts); } else { throw er; } })); }, { sync: mkdirpNativeSync }); } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/path-arg.js var import_path6, platform3, pathArg; var init_path_arg = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/path-arg.js"() { import_path6 = require("path"); platform3 = process.env.__TESTING_MKDIRP_PLATFORM__ || process.platform; pathArg = (path16) => { if (/\0/.test(path16)) { throw Object.assign(new TypeError("path must be a string without null bytes"), { path: path16, code: "ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE" }); } path16 = (0, import_path6.resolve)(path16); if (platform3 === "win32") { const badWinChars = /[*|"<>?:]/; const { root } = (0, import_path6.parse)(path16); if (badWinChars.test(path16.substring(root.length))) { throw Object.assign(new Error("Illegal characters in path."), { path: path16, code: "EINVAL" }); } } return path16; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/use-native.js var import_fs5, version2, versArr, hasNative, useNativeSync, useNative; var init_use_native = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/use-native.js"() { import_fs5 = require("fs"); init_opts_arg(); version2 = process.env.__TESTING_MKDIRP_NODE_VERSION__ || process.version; versArr = version2.replace(/^v/, "").split("."); hasNative = +versArr[0] > 10 || +versArr[0] === 10 && +versArr[1] >= 12; useNativeSync = !hasNative ? () => false : (opts) => optsArg(opts).mkdirSync === import_fs5.mkdirSync; useNative = Object.assign(!hasNative ? () => false : (opts) => optsArg(opts).mkdir === import_fs5.mkdir, { sync: useNativeSync }); } }); // .yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/index.js var mkdirpSync, mkdirp; var init_mjs = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-3.0.1-f94bfa769e-9f2b975e92.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/dist/mjs/index.js"() { init_mkdirp_manual(); init_mkdirp_native(); init_opts_arg(); init_path_arg(); init_use_native(); init_mkdirp_manual(); init_mkdirp_native(); init_use_native(); mkdirpSync = (path16, opts) => { path16 = pathArg(path16); const resolved = optsArg(opts); return useNativeSync(resolved) ? mkdirpNativeSync(path16, resolved) : mkdirpManualSync(path16, resolved); }; mkdirp = Object.assign(async (path16, opts) => { path16 = pathArg(path16); const resolved = optsArg(opts); return useNative(resolved) ? mkdirpNative(path16, resolved) : mkdirpManual(path16, resolved); }, { mkdirpSync, mkdirpNative, mkdirpNativeSync, mkdirpManual, mkdirpManualSync, sync: mkdirpSync, native: mkdirpNative, nativeSync: mkdirpNativeSync, manual: mkdirpManual, manualSync: mkdirpManualSync, useNative, useNativeSync }); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/cwd-error.js var CwdError; var init_cwd_error = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/cwd-error.js"() { CwdError = class extends Error { path; code; syscall = "chdir"; constructor(path16, code2) { super(`${code2}: Cannot cd into '${path16}'`); this.path = path16; this.code = code2; } get name() { return "CwdError"; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/symlink-error.js var SymlinkError; var init_symlink_error = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/symlink-error.js"() { SymlinkError = class extends Error { path; symlink; syscall = "symlink"; code = "TAR_SYMLINK_ERROR"; constructor(symlink, path16) { super("TAR_SYMLINK_ERROR: Cannot extract through symbolic link"); this.symlink = symlink; this.path = path16; } get name() { return "SymlinkError"; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/mkdir.js var import_fs6, import_node_path4, cGet, cSet, checkCwd, mkdir3, mkdir_, onmkdir, checkCwdSync, mkdirSync4; var init_mkdir = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/mkdir.js"() { init_esm5(); import_fs6 = __toESM(require("fs"), 1); init_mjs(); import_node_path4 = __toESM(require("node:path"), 1); init_cwd_error(); init_normalize_windows_path(); init_symlink_error(); cGet = (cache, key) => cache.get(normalizeWindowsPath(key)); cSet = (cache, key, val) => cache.set(normalizeWindowsPath(key), val); checkCwd = (dir, cb) => { import_fs6.default.stat(dir, (er, st) => { if (er || !st.isDirectory()) { er = new CwdError(dir, er?.code || "ENOTDIR"); } cb(er); }); }; mkdir3 = (dir, opt, cb) => { dir = normalizeWindowsPath(dir); const umask = opt.umask ?? 18; const mode = opt.mode | 448; const needChmod = (mode & umask) !== 0; const uid = opt.uid; const gid = opt.gid; const doChown = typeof uid === "number" && typeof gid === "number" && (uid !== opt.processUid || gid !== opt.processGid); const preserve = opt.preserve; const unlink = opt.unlink; const cache = opt.cache; const cwd = normalizeWindowsPath(opt.cwd); const done = (er, created) => { if (er) { cb(er); } else { cSet(cache, dir, true); if (created && doChown) { chownr(created, uid, gid, (er2) => done(er2)); } else if (needChmod) { import_fs6.default.chmod(dir, mode, cb); } else { cb(); } } }; if (cache && cGet(cache, dir) === true) { return done(); } if (dir === cwd) { return checkCwd(dir, done); } if (preserve) { return mkdirp(dir, { mode }).then( (made) => done(null, made ?? void 0), // oh, ts done ); } const sub = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path4.default.relative(cwd, dir)); const parts = sub.split("/"); mkdir_(cwd, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, void 0, done); }; mkdir_ = (base, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb) => { if (!parts.length) { return cb(null, created); } const p = parts.shift(); const part = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path4.default.resolve(base + "/" + p)); if (cGet(cache, part)) { return mkdir_(part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb); } import_fs6.default.mkdir(part, mode, onmkdir(part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb)); }; onmkdir = (part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb) => (er) => { if (er) { import_fs6.default.lstat(part, (statEr, st) => { if (statEr) { statEr.path = statEr.path && normalizeWindowsPath(statEr.path); cb(statEr); } else if (st.isDirectory()) { mkdir_(part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb); } else if (unlink) { import_fs6.default.unlink(part, (er2) => { if (er2) { return cb(er2); } import_fs6.default.mkdir(part, mode, onmkdir(part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb)); }); } else if (st.isSymbolicLink()) { return cb(new SymlinkError(part, part + "/" + parts.join("/"))); } else { cb(er); } }); } else { created = created || part; mkdir_(part, parts, mode, cache, unlink, cwd, created, cb); } }; checkCwdSync = (dir) => { let ok = false; let code2 = void 0; try { ok = import_fs6.default.statSync(dir).isDirectory(); } catch (er) { code2 = er?.code; } finally { if (!ok) { throw new CwdError(dir, code2 ?? "ENOTDIR"); } } }; mkdirSync4 = (dir, opt) => { dir = normalizeWindowsPath(dir); const umask = opt.umask ?? 18; const mode = opt.mode | 448; const needChmod = (mode & umask) !== 0; const uid = opt.uid; const gid = opt.gid; const doChown = typeof uid === "number" && typeof gid === "number" && (uid !== opt.processUid || gid !== opt.processGid); const preserve = opt.preserve; const unlink = opt.unlink; const cache = opt.cache; const cwd = normalizeWindowsPath(opt.cwd); const done = (created2) => { cSet(cache, dir, true); if (created2 && doChown) { chownrSync(created2, uid, gid); } if (needChmod) { import_fs6.default.chmodSync(dir, mode); } }; if (cache && cGet(cache, dir) === true) { return done(); } if (dir === cwd) { checkCwdSync(cwd); return done(); } if (preserve) { return done(mkdirpSync(dir, mode) ?? void 0); } const sub = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path4.default.relative(cwd, dir)); const parts = sub.split("/"); let created = void 0; for (let p = parts.shift(), part = cwd; p && (part += "/" + p); p = parts.shift()) { part = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path4.default.resolve(part)); if (cGet(cache, part)) { continue; } try { import_fs6.default.mkdirSync(part, mode); created = created || part; cSet(cache, part, true); } catch (er) { const st = import_fs6.default.lstatSync(part); if (st.isDirectory()) { cSet(cache, part, true); continue; } else if (unlink) { import_fs6.default.unlinkSync(part); import_fs6.default.mkdirSync(part, mode); created = created || part; cSet(cache, part, true); continue; } else if (st.isSymbolicLink()) { return new SymlinkError(part, part + "/" + parts.join("/")); } } } return done(created); }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/normalize-unicode.js var normalizeCache, hasOwnProperty, normalizeUnicode; var init_normalize_unicode = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/normalize-unicode.js"() { normalizeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); ({ hasOwnProperty } = Object.prototype); normalizeUnicode = (s) => { if (!hasOwnProperty.call(normalizeCache, s)) { normalizeCache[s] = s.normalize("NFD"); } return normalizeCache[s]; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/strip-absolute-path.js var import_node_path5, isAbsolute, parse4, stripAbsolutePath; var init_strip_absolute_path = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/strip-absolute-path.js"() { import_node_path5 = require("node:path"); ({ isAbsolute, parse: parse4 } = import_node_path5.win32); stripAbsolutePath = (path16) => { let r = ""; let parsed = parse4(path16); while (isAbsolute(path16) || parsed.root) { const root = path16.charAt(0) === "/" && path16.slice(0, 4) !== "//?/" ? "/" : parsed.root; path16 = path16.slice(root.length); r += root; parsed = parse4(path16); } return [r, path16]; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/winchars.js var raw, win, toWin, toRaw, encode2, decode; var init_winchars = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/winchars.js"() { raw = ["|", "<", ">", "?", ":"]; win = raw.map((char) => String.fromCharCode(61440 + char.charCodeAt(0))); toWin = new Map(raw.map((char, i) => [char, win[i]])); toRaw = new Map(win.map((char, i) => [char, raw[i]])); encode2 = (s) => raw.reduce((s2, c) => s2.split(c).join(toWin.get(c)), s); decode = (s) => win.reduce((s2, c) => s2.split(c).join(toRaw.get(c)), s); } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/path-reservations.js var import_node_path6, platform4, isWindows2, getDirs, PathReservations; var init_path_reservations = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/path-reservations.js"() { import_node_path6 = require("node:path"); init_normalize_unicode(); init_strip_trailing_slashes(); platform4 = process.env.TESTING_TAR_FAKE_PLATFORM || process.platform; isWindows2 = platform4 === "win32"; getDirs = (path16) => { const dirs = path16.split("/").slice(0, -1).reduce((set, path17) => { const s = set[set.length - 1]; if (s !== void 0) { path17 = (0, import_node_path6.join)(s, path17); } set.push(path17 || "/"); return set; }, []); return dirs; }; PathReservations = class { // path => [function or Set] // A Set object means a directory reservation // A fn is a direct reservation on that path #queues = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); // fn => {paths:[path,...], dirs:[path, ...]} #reservations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); // functions currently running #running = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); reserve(paths, fn2) { paths = isWindows2 ? ["win32 parallelization disabled"] : paths.map((p) => { return stripTrailingSlashes((0, import_node_path6.join)(normalizeUnicode(p))).toLowerCase(); }); const dirs = new Set(paths.map((path16) => getDirs(path16)).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b))); this.#reservations.set(fn2, { dirs, paths }); for (const p of paths) { const q = this.#queues.get(p); if (!q) { this.#queues.set(p, [fn2]); } else { q.push(fn2); } } for (const dir of dirs) { const q = this.#queues.get(dir); if (!q) { this.#queues.set(dir, [/* @__PURE__ */ new Set([fn2])]); } else { const l = q[q.length - 1]; if (l instanceof Set) { l.add(fn2); } else { q.push(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set([fn2])); } } } return this.#run(fn2); } // return the queues for each path the function cares about // fn => {paths, dirs} #getQueues(fn2) { const res = this.#reservations.get(fn2); if (!res) { throw new Error("function does not have any path reservations"); } return { paths: res.paths.map((path16) => this.#queues.get(path16)), dirs: [...res.dirs].map((path16) => this.#queues.get(path16)) }; } // check if fn is first in line for all its paths, and is // included in the first set for all its dir queues check(fn2) { const { paths, dirs } = this.#getQueues(fn2); return paths.every((q) => q && q[0] === fn2) && dirs.every((q) => q && q[0] instanceof Set && q[0].has(fn2)); } // run the function if it's first in line and not already running #run(fn2) { if (this.#running.has(fn2) || !this.check(fn2)) { return false; } this.#running.add(fn2); fn2(() => this.#clear(fn2)); return true; } #clear(fn2) { if (!this.#running.has(fn2)) { return false; } const res = this.#reservations.get(fn2); if (!res) { throw new Error("invalid reservation"); } const { paths, dirs } = res; const next = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const path16 of paths) { const q = this.#queues.get(path16); if (!q || q?.[0] !== fn2) { continue; } const q0 = q[1]; if (!q0) { this.#queues.delete(path16); continue; } q.shift(); if (typeof q0 === "function") { next.add(q0); } else { for (const f of q0) { next.add(f); } } } for (const dir of dirs) { const q = this.#queues.get(dir); const q0 = q?.[0]; if (!q || !(q0 instanceof Set)) continue; if (q0.size === 1 && q.length === 1) { this.#queues.delete(dir); continue; } else if (q0.size === 1) { q.shift(); const n = q[0]; if (typeof n === "function") { next.add(n); } } else { q0.delete(fn2); } } this.#running.delete(fn2); next.forEach((fn3) => this.#run(fn3)); return true; } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/unpack.js var import_node_assert, import_node_crypto, import_node_fs3, import_node_path7, ONENTRY, CHECKFS, CHECKFS2, PRUNECACHE, ISREUSABLE, MAKEFS, FILE, DIRECTORY, LINK, SYMLINK, HARDLINK, UNSUPPORTED, CHECKPATH, MKDIR, ONERROR, PENDING, PEND, UNPEND, ENDED2, MAYBECLOSE, SKIP, DOCHOWN, UID, GID, CHECKED_CWD, platform5, isWindows3, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, unlinkFile, unlinkFileSync, uint32, cacheKeyNormalize, pruneCache, dropCache, Unpack, callSync, UnpackSync; var init_unpack = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/unpack.js"() { init_esm2(); import_node_assert = __toESM(require("node:assert"), 1); import_node_crypto = require("node:crypto"); import_node_fs3 = __toESM(require("node:fs"), 1); import_node_path7 = __toESM(require("node:path"), 1); init_get_write_flag(); init_mkdir(); init_normalize_unicode(); init_normalize_windows_path(); init_parse(); init_strip_absolute_path(); init_strip_trailing_slashes(); init_winchars(); init_path_reservations(); ONENTRY = Symbol("onEntry"); CHECKFS = Symbol("checkFs"); CHECKFS2 = Symbol("checkFs2"); PRUNECACHE = Symbol("pruneCache"); ISREUSABLE = Symbol("isReusable"); MAKEFS = Symbol("makeFs"); FILE = Symbol("file"); DIRECTORY = Symbol("directory"); LINK = Symbol("link"); SYMLINK = Symbol("symlink"); HARDLINK = Symbol("hardlink"); UNSUPPORTED = Symbol("unsupported"); CHECKPATH = Symbol("checkPath"); MKDIR = Symbol("mkdir"); ONERROR = Symbol("onError"); PENDING = Symbol("pending"); PEND = Symbol("pend"); UNPEND = Symbol("unpend"); ENDED2 = Symbol("ended"); MAYBECLOSE = Symbol("maybeClose"); SKIP = Symbol("skip"); DOCHOWN = Symbol("doChown"); UID = Symbol("uid"); GID = Symbol("gid"); CHECKED_CWD = Symbol("checkedCwd"); platform5 = process.env.TESTING_TAR_FAKE_PLATFORM || process.platform; isWindows3 = platform5 === "win32"; DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 1024; unlinkFile = (path16, cb) => { if (!isWindows3) { return import_node_fs3.default.unlink(path16, cb); } const name2 = path16 + ".DELETE." + (0, import_node_crypto.randomBytes)(16).toString("hex"); import_node_fs3.default.rename(path16, name2, (er) => { if (er) { return cb(er); } import_node_fs3.default.unlink(name2, cb); }); }; unlinkFileSync = (path16) => { if (!isWindows3) { return import_node_fs3.default.unlinkSync(path16); } const name2 = path16 + ".DELETE." + (0, import_node_crypto.randomBytes)(16).toString("hex"); import_node_fs3.default.renameSync(path16, name2); import_node_fs3.default.unlinkSync(name2); }; uint32 = (a, b, c) => a !== void 0 && a === a >>> 0 ? a : b !== void 0 && b === b >>> 0 ? b : c; cacheKeyNormalize = (path16) => stripTrailingSlashes(normalizeWindowsPath(normalizeUnicode(path16))).toLowerCase(); pruneCache = (cache, abs) => { abs = cacheKeyNormalize(abs); for (const path16 of cache.keys()) { const pnorm = cacheKeyNormalize(path16); if (pnorm === abs || pnorm.indexOf(abs + "/") === 0) { cache.delete(path16); } } }; dropCache = (cache) => { for (const key of cache.keys()) { cache.delete(key); } }; Unpack = class extends Parser { [ENDED2] = false; [CHECKED_CWD] = false; [PENDING] = 0; reservations = new PathReservations(); transform; writable = true; readable = false; dirCache; uid; gid; setOwner; preserveOwner; processGid; processUid; maxDepth; forceChown; win32; newer; keep; noMtime; preservePaths; unlink; cwd; strip; processUmask; umask; dmode; fmode; chmod; constructor(opt = {}) { opt.ondone = () => { this[ENDED2] = true; this[MAYBECLOSE](); }; super(opt); this.transform = opt.transform; this.dirCache = opt.dirCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.chmod = !!opt.chmod; if (typeof opt.uid === "number" || typeof opt.gid === "number") { if (typeof opt.uid !== "number" || typeof opt.gid !== "number") { throw new TypeError("cannot set owner without number uid and gid"); } if (opt.preserveOwner) { throw new TypeError("cannot preserve owner in archive and also set owner explicitly"); } this.uid = opt.uid; this.gid = opt.gid; this.setOwner = true; } else { this.uid = void 0; this.gid = void 0; this.setOwner = false; } if (opt.preserveOwner === void 0 && typeof opt.uid !== "number") { this.preserveOwner = !!(process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0); } else { this.preserveOwner = !!opt.preserveOwner; } this.processUid = (this.preserveOwner || this.setOwner) && process.getuid ? process.getuid() : void 0; this.processGid = (this.preserveOwner || this.setOwner) && process.getgid ? process.getgid() : void 0; this.maxDepth = typeof opt.maxDepth === "number" ? opt.maxDepth : DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH; this.forceChown = opt.forceChown === true; this.win32 = !!opt.win32 || isWindows3; this.newer = !!opt.newer; this.keep = !!opt.keep; this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime; this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths; this.unlink = !!opt.unlink; this.cwd = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.resolve(opt.cwd || process.cwd())); this.strip = Number(opt.strip) || 0; this.processUmask = !this.chmod ? 0 : typeof opt.processUmask === "number" ? opt.processUmask : process.umask(); this.umask = typeof opt.umask === "number" ? opt.umask : this.processUmask; this.dmode = opt.dmode || 511 & ~this.umask; this.fmode = opt.fmode || 438 & ~this.umask; this.on("entry", (entry) => this[ONENTRY](entry)); } // a bad or damaged archive is a warning for Parser, but an error // when extracting. Mark those errors as unrecoverable, because // the Unpack contract cannot be met. warn(code2, msg, data = {}) { if (code2 === "TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE" || code2 === "TAR_ABORT") { data.recoverable = false; } return super.warn(code2, msg, data); } [MAYBECLOSE]() { if (this[ENDED2] && this[PENDING] === 0) { this.emit("prefinish"); this.emit("finish"); this.emit("end"); } } [CHECKPATH](entry) { const p = normalizeWindowsPath(entry.path); const parts = p.split("/"); if (this.strip) { if (parts.length < this.strip) { return false; } if (entry.type === "Link") { const linkparts = normalizeWindowsPath(String(entry.linkpath)).split("/"); if (linkparts.length >= this.strip) { entry.linkpath = linkparts.slice(this.strip).join("/"); } else { return false; } } parts.splice(0, this.strip); entry.path = parts.join("/"); } if (isFinite(this.maxDepth) && parts.length > this.maxDepth) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_ERROR", "path excessively deep", { entry, path: p, depth: parts.length, maxDepth: this.maxDepth }); return false; } if (!this.preservePaths) { if (parts.includes("..") || /* c8 ignore next */ isWindows3 && /^[a-z]:\.\.$/i.test(parts[0] ?? "")) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_ERROR", `path contains '..'`, { entry, path: p }); return false; } const [root, stripped] = stripAbsolutePath(p); if (root) { entry.path = String(stripped); this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INFO", `stripping ${root} from absolute path`, { entry, path: p }); } } if (import_node_path7.default.isAbsolute(entry.path)) { entry.absolute = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.resolve(entry.path)); } else { entry.absolute = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.resolve(this.cwd, entry.path)); } if (!this.preservePaths && typeof entry.absolute === "string" && entry.absolute.indexOf(this.cwd + "/") !== 0 && entry.absolute !== this.cwd) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_ERROR", "path escaped extraction target", { entry, path: normalizeWindowsPath(entry.path), resolvedPath: entry.absolute, cwd: this.cwd }); return false; } if (entry.absolute === this.cwd && entry.type !== "Directory" && entry.type !== "GNUDumpDir") { return false; } if (this.win32) { const { root: aRoot } = import_node_path7.default.win32.parse(String(entry.absolute)); entry.absolute = aRoot + encode2(String(entry.absolute).slice(aRoot.length)); const { root: pRoot } = import_node_path7.default.win32.parse(entry.path); entry.path = pRoot + encode2(entry.path.slice(pRoot.length)); } return true; } [ONENTRY](entry) { if (!this[CHECKPATH](entry)) { return entry.resume(); } import_node_assert.default.equal(typeof entry.absolute, "string"); switch (entry.type) { case "Directory": case "GNUDumpDir": if (entry.mode) { entry.mode = entry.mode | 448; } case "File": case "OldFile": case "ContiguousFile": case "Link": case "SymbolicLink": return this[CHECKFS](entry); case "CharacterDevice": case "BlockDevice": case "FIFO": default: return this[UNSUPPORTED](entry); } } [ONERROR](er, entry) { if (er.name === "CwdError") { this.emit("error", er); } else { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_ERROR", er, { entry }); this[UNPEND](); entry.resume(); } } [MKDIR](dir, mode, cb) { mkdir3(normalizeWindowsPath(dir), { uid: this.uid, gid: this.gid, processUid: this.processUid, processGid: this.processGid, umask: this.processUmask, preserve: this.preservePaths, unlink: this.unlink, cache: this.dirCache, cwd: this.cwd, mode }, cb); } [DOCHOWN](entry) { return this.forceChown || this.preserveOwner && (typeof entry.uid === "number" && entry.uid !== this.processUid || typeof entry.gid === "number" && entry.gid !== this.processGid) || typeof this.uid === "number" && this.uid !== this.processUid || typeof this.gid === "number" && this.gid !== this.processGid; } [UID](entry) { return uint32(this.uid, entry.uid, this.processUid); } [GID](entry) { return uint32(this.gid, entry.gid, this.processGid); } [FILE](entry, fullyDone) { const mode = typeof entry.mode === "number" ? entry.mode & 4095 : this.fmode; const stream = new WriteStream(String(entry.absolute), { // slight lie, but it can be numeric flags flags: getWriteFlag(entry.size), mode, autoClose: false }); stream.on("error", (er) => { if (stream.fd) { import_node_fs3.default.close(stream.fd, () => { }); } stream.write = () => true; this[ONERROR](er, entry); fullyDone(); }); let actions = 1; const done = (er) => { if (er) { if (stream.fd) { import_node_fs3.default.close(stream.fd, () => { }); } this[ONERROR](er, entry); fullyDone(); return; } if (--actions === 0) { if (stream.fd !== void 0) { import_node_fs3.default.close(stream.fd, (er2) => { if (er2) { this[ONERROR](er2, entry); } else { this[UNPEND](); } fullyDone(); }); } } }; stream.on("finish", () => { const abs = String(entry.absolute); const fd = stream.fd; if (typeof fd === "number" && entry.mtime && !this.noMtime) { actions++; const atime = entry.atime || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const mtime = entry.mtime; import_node_fs3.default.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, (er) => er ? import_node_fs3.default.utimes(abs, atime, mtime, (er2) => done(er2 && er)) : done()); } if (typeof fd === "number" && this[DOCHOWN](entry)) { actions++; const uid = this[UID](entry); const gid = this[GID](entry); if (typeof uid === "number" && typeof gid === "number") { import_node_fs3.default.fchown(fd, uid, gid, (er) => er ? import_node_fs3.default.chown(abs, uid, gid, (er2) => done(er2 && er)) : done()); } } done(); }); const tx = this.transform ? this.transform(entry) || entry : entry; if (tx !== entry) { tx.on("error", (er) => { this[ONERROR](er, entry); fullyDone(); }); entry.pipe(tx); } tx.pipe(stream); } [DIRECTORY](entry, fullyDone) { const mode = typeof entry.mode === "number" ? entry.mode & 4095 : this.dmode; this[MKDIR](String(entry.absolute), mode, (er) => { if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); fullyDone(); return; } let actions = 1; const done = () => { if (--actions === 0) { fullyDone(); this[UNPEND](); entry.resume(); } }; if (entry.mtime && !this.noMtime) { actions++; import_node_fs3.default.utimes(String(entry.absolute), entry.atime || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), entry.mtime, done); } if (this[DOCHOWN](entry)) { actions++; import_node_fs3.default.chown(String(entry.absolute), Number(this[UID](entry)), Number(this[GID](entry)), done); } done(); }); } [UNSUPPORTED](entry) { entry.unsupported = true; this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_UNSUPPORTED", `unsupported entry type: ${entry.type}`, { entry }); entry.resume(); } [SYMLINK](entry, done) { this[LINK](entry, String(entry.linkpath), "symlink", done); } [HARDLINK](entry, done) { const linkpath = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.resolve(this.cwd, String(entry.linkpath))); this[LINK](entry, linkpath, "link", done); } [PEND]() { this[PENDING]++; } [UNPEND]() { this[PENDING]--; this[MAYBECLOSE](); } [SKIP](entry) { this[UNPEND](); entry.resume(); } // Check if we can reuse an existing filesystem entry safely and // overwrite it, rather than unlinking and recreating // Windows doesn't report a useful nlink, so we just never reuse entries [ISREUSABLE](entry, st) { return entry.type === "File" && !this.unlink && st.isFile() && st.nlink <= 1 && !isWindows3; } // check if a thing is there, and if so, try to clobber it [CHECKFS](entry) { this[PEND](); const paths = [entry.path]; if (entry.linkpath) { paths.push(entry.linkpath); } this.reservations.reserve(paths, (done) => this[CHECKFS2](entry, done)); } [PRUNECACHE](entry) { if (entry.type === "SymbolicLink") { dropCache(this.dirCache); } else if (entry.type !== "Directory") { pruneCache(this.dirCache, String(entry.absolute)); } } [CHECKFS2](entry, fullyDone) { this[PRUNECACHE](entry); const done = (er) => { this[PRUNECACHE](entry); fullyDone(er); }; const checkCwd2 = () => { this[MKDIR](this.cwd, this.dmode, (er) => { if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); done(); return; } this[CHECKED_CWD] = true; start(); }); }; const start = () => { if (entry.absolute !== this.cwd) { const parent = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.dirname(String(entry.absolute))); if (parent !== this.cwd) { return this[MKDIR](parent, this.dmode, (er) => { if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); done(); return; } afterMakeParent(); }); } } afterMakeParent(); }; const afterMakeParent = () => { import_node_fs3.default.lstat(String(entry.absolute), (lstatEr, st) => { if (st && (this.keep || /* c8 ignore next */ this.newer && st.mtime > (entry.mtime ?? st.mtime))) { this[SKIP](entry); done(); return; } if (lstatEr || this[ISREUSABLE](entry, st)) { return this[MAKEFS](null, entry, done); } if (st.isDirectory()) { if (entry.type === "Directory") { const needChmod = this.chmod && entry.mode && (st.mode & 4095) !== entry.mode; const afterChmod = (er) => this[MAKEFS](er ?? null, entry, done); if (!needChmod) { return afterChmod(); } return import_node_fs3.default.chmod(String(entry.absolute), Number(entry.mode), afterChmod); } if (entry.absolute !== this.cwd) { return import_node_fs3.default.rmdir(String(entry.absolute), (er) => this[MAKEFS](er ?? null, entry, done)); } } if (entry.absolute === this.cwd) { return this[MAKEFS](null, entry, done); } unlinkFile(String(entry.absolute), (er) => this[MAKEFS](er ?? null, entry, done)); }); }; if (this[CHECKED_CWD]) { start(); } else { checkCwd2(); } } [MAKEFS](er, entry, done) { if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); done(); return; } switch (entry.type) { case "File": case "OldFile": case "ContiguousFile": return this[FILE](entry, done); case "Link": return this[HARDLINK](entry, done); case "SymbolicLink": return this[SYMLINK](entry, done); case "Directory": case "GNUDumpDir": return this[DIRECTORY](entry, done); } } [LINK](entry, linkpath, link, done) { import_node_fs3.default[link](linkpath, String(entry.absolute), (er) => { if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); } else { this[UNPEND](); entry.resume(); } done(); }); } }; callSync = (fn2) => { try { return [null, fn2()]; } catch (er) { return [er, null]; } }; UnpackSync = class extends Unpack { sync = true; [MAKEFS](er, entry) { return super[MAKEFS](er, entry, () => { }); } [CHECKFS](entry) { this[PRUNECACHE](entry); if (!this[CHECKED_CWD]) { const er2 = this[MKDIR](this.cwd, this.dmode); if (er2) { return this[ONERROR](er2, entry); } this[CHECKED_CWD] = true; } if (entry.absolute !== this.cwd) { const parent = normalizeWindowsPath(import_node_path7.default.dirname(String(entry.absolute))); if (parent !== this.cwd) { const mkParent = this[MKDIR](parent, this.dmode); if (mkParent) { return this[ONERROR](mkParent, entry); } } } const [lstatEr, st] = callSync(() => import_node_fs3.default.lstatSync(String(entry.absolute))); if (st && (this.keep || /* c8 ignore next */ this.newer && st.mtime > (entry.mtime ?? st.mtime))) { return this[SKIP](entry); } if (lstatEr || this[ISREUSABLE](entry, st)) { return this[MAKEFS](null, entry); } if (st.isDirectory()) { if (entry.type === "Directory") { const needChmod = this.chmod && entry.mode && (st.mode & 4095) !== entry.mode; const [er3] = needChmod ? callSync(() => { import_node_fs3.default.chmodSync(String(entry.absolute), Number(entry.mode)); }) : []; return this[MAKEFS](er3, entry); } const [er2] = callSync(() => import_node_fs3.default.rmdirSync(String(entry.absolute))); this[MAKEFS](er2, entry); } const [er] = entry.absolute === this.cwd ? [] : callSync(() => unlinkFileSync(String(entry.absolute))); this[MAKEFS](er, entry); } [FILE](entry, done) { const mode = typeof entry.mode === "number" ? entry.mode & 4095 : this.fmode; const oner = (er) => { let closeError; try { import_node_fs3.default.closeSync(fd); } catch (e) { closeError = e; } if (er || closeError) { this[ONERROR](er || closeError, entry); } done(); }; let fd; try { fd = import_node_fs3.default.openSync(String(entry.absolute), getWriteFlag(entry.size), mode); } catch (er) { return oner(er); } const tx = this.transform ? this.transform(entry) || entry : entry; if (tx !== entry) { tx.on("error", (er) => this[ONERROR](er, entry)); entry.pipe(tx); } tx.on("data", (chunk) => { try { import_node_fs3.default.writeSync(fd, chunk, 0, chunk.length); } catch (er) { oner(er); } }); tx.on("end", () => { let er = null; if (entry.mtime && !this.noMtime) { const atime = entry.atime || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const mtime = entry.mtime; try { import_node_fs3.default.futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime); } catch (futimeser) { try { import_node_fs3.default.utimesSync(String(entry.absolute), atime, mtime); } catch (utimeser) { er = futimeser; } } } if (this[DOCHOWN](entry)) { const uid = this[UID](entry); const gid = this[GID](entry); try { import_node_fs3.default.fchownSync(fd, Number(uid), Number(gid)); } catch (fchowner) { try { import_node_fs3.default.chownSync(String(entry.absolute), Number(uid), Number(gid)); } catch (chowner) { er = er || fchowner; } } } oner(er); }); } [DIRECTORY](entry, done) { const mode = typeof entry.mode === "number" ? entry.mode & 4095 : this.dmode; const er = this[MKDIR](String(entry.absolute), mode); if (er) { this[ONERROR](er, entry); done(); return; } if (entry.mtime && !this.noMtime) { try { import_node_fs3.default.utimesSync(String(entry.absolute), entry.atime || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), entry.mtime); } catch (er2) { } } if (this[DOCHOWN](entry)) { try { import_node_fs3.default.chownSync(String(entry.absolute), Number(this[UID](entry)), Number(this[GID](entry))); } catch (er2) { } } done(); entry.resume(); } [MKDIR](dir, mode) { try { return mkdirSync4(normalizeWindowsPath(dir), { uid: this.uid, gid: this.gid, processUid: this.processUid, processGid: this.processGid, umask: this.processUmask, preserve: this.preservePaths, unlink: this.unlink, cache: this.dirCache, cwd: this.cwd, mode }); } catch (er) { return er; } } [LINK](entry, linkpath, link, done) { const ls = `${link}Sync`; try { import_node_fs3.default[ls](linkpath, String(entry.absolute)); done(); entry.resume(); } catch (er) { return this[ONERROR](er, entry); } } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/extract.js var extract_exports = {}; __export(extract_exports, { extract: () => extract }); var import_node_fs4, extractFileSync, extractFile, extract; var init_extract = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/extract.js"() { init_esm2(); import_node_fs4 = __toESM(require("node:fs"), 1); init_list(); init_make_command(); init_unpack(); extractFileSync = (opt) => { const u = new UnpackSync(opt); const file = opt.file; const stat2 = import_node_fs4.default.statSync(file); const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16 * 1024 * 1024; const stream = new ReadStreamSync(file, { readSize, size: stat2.size }); stream.pipe(u); }; extractFile = (opt, _) => { const u = new Unpack(opt); const readSize = opt.maxReadSize || 16 * 1024 * 1024; const file = opt.file; const p = new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { u.on("error", reject); u.on("close", resolve2); import_node_fs4.default.stat(file, (er, stat2) => { if (er) { reject(er); } else { const stream = new ReadStream(file, { readSize, size: stat2.size }); stream.on("error", reject); stream.pipe(u); } }); }); return p; }; extract = makeCommand(extractFileSync, extractFile, (opt) => new UnpackSync(opt), (opt) => new Unpack(opt), (opt, files) => { if (files?.length) filesFilter(opt, files); }); } }); // .yarn/cache/v8-compile-cache-npm-2.4.0-5979f8e405-3878511925.zip/node_modules/v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache.js var require_v8_compile_cache = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/v8-compile-cache-npm-2.4.0-5979f8e405-3878511925.zip/node_modules/v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var Module2 = require("module"); var crypto = require("crypto"); var fs17 = require("fs"); var path16 = require("path"); var vm = require("vm"); var os3 = require("os"); var hasOwnProperty2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var FileSystemBlobStore = class { constructor(directory, prefix) { const name2 = prefix ? slashEscape(prefix + ".") : ""; this._blobFilename = path16.join(directory, name2 + "BLOB"); this._mapFilename = path16.join(directory, name2 + "MAP"); this._lockFilename = path16.join(directory, name2 + "LOCK"); this._directory = directory; this._load(); } has(key, invalidationKey) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._memoryBlobs, key)) { return this._invalidationKeys[key] === invalidationKey; } else if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._storedMap, key)) { return this._storedMap[key][0] === invalidationKey; } return false; } get(key, invalidationKey) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._memoryBlobs, key)) { if (this._invalidationKeys[key] === invalidationKey) { return this._memoryBlobs[key]; } } else if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._storedMap, key)) { const mapping = this._storedMap[key]; if (mapping[0] === invalidationKey) { return this._storedBlob.slice(mapping[1], mapping[2]); } } } set(key, invalidationKey, buffer) { this._invalidationKeys[key] = invalidationKey; this._memoryBlobs[key] = buffer; this._dirty = true; } delete(key) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._memoryBlobs, key)) { this._dirty = true; delete this._memoryBlobs[key]; } if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._invalidationKeys, key)) { this._dirty = true; delete this._invalidationKeys[key]; } if (hasOwnProperty2.call(this._storedMap, key)) { this._dirty = true; delete this._storedMap[key]; } } isDirty() { return this._dirty; } save() { const dump = this._getDump(); const blobToStore = Buffer.concat(dump[0]); const mapToStore = JSON.stringify(dump[1]); try { mkdirpSync2(this._directory); fs17.writeFileSync(this._lockFilename, "LOCK", { flag: "wx" }); } catch (error) { return false; } try { fs17.writeFileSync(this._blobFilename, blobToStore); fs17.writeFileSync(this._mapFilename, mapToStore); } finally { fs17.unlinkSync(this._lockFilename); } return true; } _load() { try { this._storedBlob = fs17.readFileSync(this._blobFilename); this._storedMap = JSON.parse(fs17.readFileSync(this._mapFilename)); } catch (e) { this._storedBlob = Buffer.alloc(0); this._storedMap = {}; } this._dirty = false; this._memoryBlobs = {}; this._invalidationKeys = {}; } _getDump() { const buffers = []; const newMap = {}; let offset = 0; function push2(key, invalidationKey, buffer) { buffers.push(buffer); newMap[key] = [invalidationKey, offset, offset + buffer.length]; offset += buffer.length; } for (const key of Object.keys(this._memoryBlobs)) { const buffer = this._memoryBlobs[key]; const invalidationKey = this._invalidationKeys[key]; push2(key, invalidationKey, buffer); } for (const key of Object.keys(this._storedMap)) { if (hasOwnProperty2.call(newMap, key)) continue; const mapping = this._storedMap[key]; const buffer = this._storedBlob.slice(mapping[1], mapping[2]); push2(key, mapping[0], buffer); } return [buffers, newMap]; } }; var NativeCompileCache = class { constructor() { this._cacheStore = null; this._previousModuleCompile = null; } setCacheStore(cacheStore) { this._cacheStore = cacheStore; } install() { const self2 = this; const hasRequireResolvePaths = typeof require.resolve.paths === "function"; this._previousModuleCompile = Module2.prototype._compile; Module2.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) { const mod = this; function require2(id) { return mod.require(id); } function resolve2(request, options) { return Module2._resolveFilename(request, mod, false, options); } require2.resolve = resolve2; if (hasRequireResolvePaths) { resolve2.paths = function paths(request) { return Module2._resolveLookupPaths(request, mod, true); }; } require2.main = process.mainModule; require2.extensions = Module2._extensions; require2.cache = Module2._cache; const dirname5 = path16.dirname(filename); const compiledWrapper = self2._moduleCompile(filename, content); const args = [mod.exports, require2, mod, filename, dirname5, process, global, Buffer]; return compiledWrapper.apply(mod.exports, args); }; } uninstall() { Module2.prototype._compile = this._previousModuleCompile; } _moduleCompile(filename, content) { var contLen = content.length; if (contLen >= 2) { if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 35 && content.charCodeAt(1) === 33) { if (contLen === 2) { content = ""; } else { var i = 2; for (; i < contLen; ++i) { var code2 = content.charCodeAt(i); if (code2 === 10 || code2 === 13) break; } if (i === contLen) { content = ""; } else { content = content.slice(i); } } } } var wrapper = Module2.wrap(content); var invalidationKey = crypto.createHash("sha1").update(content, "utf8").digest("hex"); var buffer = this._cacheStore.get(filename, invalidationKey); var script = new vm.Script(wrapper, { filename, lineOffset: 0, displayErrors: true, cachedData: buffer, produceCachedData: true }); if (script.cachedDataProduced) { this._cacheStore.set(filename, invalidationKey, script.cachedData); } else if (script.cachedDataRejected) { this._cacheStore.delete(filename); } var compiledWrapper = script.runInThisContext({ filename, lineOffset: 0, columnOffset: 0, displayErrors: true }); return compiledWrapper; } }; function mkdirpSync2(p_) { _mkdirpSync(path16.resolve(p_), 511); } function _mkdirpSync(p, mode) { try { fs17.mkdirSync(p, mode); } catch (err0) { if (err0.code === "ENOENT") { _mkdirpSync(path16.dirname(p)); _mkdirpSync(p); } else { try { const stat2 = fs17.statSync(p); if (!stat2.isDirectory()) { throw err0; } } catch (err1) { throw err0; } } } } function slashEscape(str) { const ESCAPE_LOOKUP = { "\\": "zB", ":": "zC", "/": "zS", "\0": "z0", "z": "zZ" }; const ESCAPE_REGEX = /[\\:/\x00z]/g; return str.replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, (match) => ESCAPE_LOOKUP[match]); } function supportsCachedData() { const script = new vm.Script('""', { produceCachedData: true }); return script.cachedDataProduced === true; } function getCacheDir() { const v8_compile_cache_cache_dir = process.env.V8_COMPILE_CACHE_CACHE_DIR; if (v8_compile_cache_cache_dir) { return v8_compile_cache_cache_dir; } const dirname5 = typeof process.getuid === "function" ? "v8-compile-cache-" + process.getuid() : "v8-compile-cache"; const arch = process.arch; const version3 = typeof process.versions.v8 === "string" ? process.versions.v8 : typeof process.versions.chakracore === "string" ? "chakracore-" + process.versions.chakracore : "node-" + process.version; const cacheDir = path16.join(os3.tmpdir(), dirname5, arch, version3); return cacheDir; } function getMainName() { const mainName = require.main && typeof require.main.filename === "string" ? require.main.filename : process.cwd(); return mainName; } if (!process.env.DISABLE_V8_COMPILE_CACHE && supportsCachedData()) { const cacheDir = getCacheDir(); const prefix = getMainName(); const blobStore = new FileSystemBlobStore(cacheDir, prefix); const nativeCompileCache = new NativeCompileCache(); nativeCompileCache.setCacheStore(blobStore); nativeCompileCache.install(); process.once("exit", () => { if (blobStore.isDirty()) { blobStore.save(); } nativeCompileCache.uninstall(); }); } module2.exports.__TEST__ = { FileSystemBlobStore, NativeCompileCache, mkdirpSync: mkdirpSync2, slashEscape, supportsCachedData, getCacheDir, getMainName }; } }); // .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/posix.js var require_posix = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/posix.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.sync = exports2.isexe = void 0; var fs_1 = require("fs"); var promises_1 = require("fs/promises"); var isexe = async (path16, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat(await (0, promises_1.stat)(path16), options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === "EACCES") return false; throw er; } }; exports2.isexe = isexe; var sync = (path16, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat((0, fs_1.statSync)(path16), options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === "EACCES") return false; throw er; } }; exports2.sync = sync; var checkStat = (stat2, options) => stat2.isFile() && checkMode(stat2, options); var checkMode = (stat2, options) => { const myUid = options.uid ?? process.getuid?.(); const myGroups = options.groups ?? process.getgroups?.() ?? []; const myGid = options.gid ?? process.getgid?.() ?? myGroups[0]; if (myUid === void 0 || myGid === void 0) { throw new Error("cannot get uid or gid"); } const groups = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([myGid, ...myGroups]); const mod = stat2.mode; const uid = stat2.uid; const gid = stat2.gid; const u = parseInt("100", 8); const g = parseInt("010", 8); const o = parseInt("001", 8); const ug = u | g; return !!(mod & o || mod & g && groups.has(gid) || mod & u && uid === myUid || mod & ug && myUid === 0); }; } }); // .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/win32.js var require_win32 = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/win32.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.sync = exports2.isexe = void 0; var fs_1 = require("fs"); var promises_1 = require("fs/promises"); var isexe = async (path16, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat(await (0, promises_1.stat)(path16), path16, options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === "EACCES") return false; throw er; } }; exports2.isexe = isexe; var sync = (path16, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat((0, fs_1.statSync)(path16), path16, options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === "EACCES") return false; throw er; } }; exports2.sync = sync; var checkPathExt = (path16, options) => { const { pathExt = process.env.PATHEXT || "" } = options; const peSplit = pathExt.split(";"); if (peSplit.indexOf("") !== -1) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < peSplit.length; i++) { const p = peSplit[i].toLowerCase(); const ext = path16.substring(path16.length - p.length).toLowerCase(); if (p && ext === p) { return true; } } return false; }; var checkStat = (stat2, path16, options) => stat2.isFile() && checkPathExt(path16, options); } }); // .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/options.js var require_options = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/options.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); } }); // .yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/index.js var require_cjs = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/isexe-npm-3.1.1-9c0061eead-9ec2576540.zip/node_modules/isexe/dist/cjs/index.js"(exports2) { "use strict"; var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === void 0) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); } : function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === void 0) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; }); var __setModuleDefault = exports2 && exports2.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); } : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = exports2 && exports2.__importStar || function(mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) { for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); } __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; var __exportStar = exports2 && exports2.__exportStar || function(m, exports3) { for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports3, p)) __createBinding(exports3, m, p); }; Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports2.sync = exports2.isexe = exports2.posix = exports2.win32 = void 0; var posix = __importStar(require_posix()); exports2.posix = posix; var win322 = __importStar(require_win32()); exports2.win32 = win322; __exportStar(require_options(), exports2); var platform6 = process.env._ISEXE_TEST_PLATFORM_ || process.platform; var impl = platform6 === "win32" ? win322 : posix; exports2.isexe = impl.isexe; exports2.sync = impl.sync; } }); // .yarn/cache/which-npm-4.0.0-dd31cd4928-449fa5c44e.zip/node_modules/which/lib/index.js var require_lib = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/which-npm-4.0.0-dd31cd4928-449fa5c44e.zip/node_modules/which/lib/index.js"(exports2, module2) { var { isexe, sync: isexeSync } = require_cjs(); var { join: join3, delimiter, sep, posix } = require("path"); var isWindows4 = process.platform === "win32"; var rSlash = new RegExp(`[${posix.sep}${sep === posix.sep ? "" : sep}]`.replace(/(\\)/g, "\\$1")); var rRel = new RegExp(`^\\.${rSlash.source}`); var getNotFoundError = (cmd) => Object.assign(new Error(`not found: ${cmd}`), { code: "ENOENT" }); var getPathInfo = (cmd, { path: optPath = process.env.PATH, pathExt: optPathExt = process.env.PATHEXT, delimiter: optDelimiter = delimiter }) => { const pathEnv = cmd.match(rSlash) ? [""] : [ // windows always checks the cwd first ...isWindows4 ? [process.cwd()] : [], ...(optPath || /* istanbul ignore next: very unusual */ "").split(optDelimiter) ]; if (isWindows4) { const pathExtExe = optPathExt || [".EXE", ".CMD", ".BAT", ".COM"].join(optDelimiter); const pathExt = pathExtExe.split(optDelimiter).flatMap((item) => [item, item.toLowerCase()]); if (cmd.includes(".") && pathExt[0] !== "") { pathExt.unshift(""); } return { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe }; } return { pathEnv, pathExt: [""] }; }; var getPathPart = (raw2, cmd) => { const pathPart = /^".*"$/.test(raw2) ? raw2.slice(1, -1) : raw2; const prefix = !pathPart && rRel.test(cmd) ? cmd.slice(0, 2) : ""; return prefix + join3(pathPart, cmd); }; var which3 = async (cmd, opt = {}) => { const { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe } = getPathInfo(cmd, opt); const found = []; for (const envPart of pathEnv) { const p = getPathPart(envPart, cmd); for (const ext of pathExt) { const withExt = p + ext; const is = await isexe(withExt, { pathExt: pathExtExe, ignoreErrors: true }); if (is) { if (!opt.all) { return withExt; } found.push(withExt); } } } if (opt.all && found.length) { return found; } if (opt.nothrow) { return null; } throw getNotFoundError(cmd); }; var whichSync = (cmd, opt = {}) => { const { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe } = getPathInfo(cmd, opt); const found = []; for (const pathEnvPart of pathEnv) { const p = getPathPart(pathEnvPart, cmd); for (const ext of pathExt) { const withExt = p + ext; const is = isexeSync(withExt, { pathExt: pathExtExe, ignoreErrors: true }); if (is) { if (!opt.all) { return withExt; } found.push(withExt); } } } if (opt.all && found.length) { return found; } if (opt.nothrow) { return null; } throw getNotFoundError(cmd); }; module2.exports = which3; which3.sync = whichSync; } }); // .yarn/cache/is-windows-npm-1.0.2-898cd6f3d7-b32f418ab3.zip/node_modules/is-windows/index.js var require_is_windows = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/is-windows-npm-1.0.2-898cd6f3d7-b32f418ab3.zip/node_modules/is-windows/index.js"(exports2, module2) { (function(factory) { if (exports2 && typeof exports2 === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined") { module2.exports = factory(); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.isWindows = factory(); } else if (typeof global !== "undefined") { global.isWindows = factory(); } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { self.isWindows = factory(); } else { this.isWindows = factory(); } })(function() { "use strict"; return function isWindows4() { return process && (process.platform === "win32" || /^(msys|cygwin)$/.test(process.env.OSTYPE)); }; }); } }); // .yarn/cache/cmd-extension-npm-1.0.2-11aa204c4b-acdb425d51.zip/node_modules/cmd-extension/index.js var require_cmd_extension = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/cmd-extension-npm-1.0.2-11aa204c4b-acdb425d51.zip/node_modules/cmd-extension/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; var path16 = require("path"); var cmdExtension; if (process.env.PATHEXT) { cmdExtension = process.env.PATHEXT.split(path16.delimiter).find((ext) => ext.toUpperCase() === ".CMD"); } module2.exports = cmdExtension || ".cmd"; } }); // .yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js var require_polyfills = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js"(exports2, module2) { var constants2 = require("constants"); var origCwd = process.cwd; var cwd = null; var platform6 = process.env.GRACEFUL_FS_PLATFORM || process.platform; process.cwd = function() { if (!cwd) cwd = origCwd.call(process); return cwd; }; try { process.cwd(); } catch (er) { } if (typeof process.chdir === "function") { chdir = process.chdir; process.chdir = function(d) { cwd = null; chdir.call(process, d); }; if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(process.chdir, chdir); } var chdir; module2.exports = patch; function patch(fs17) { if (constants2.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK") && process.version.match(/^v0\.6\.[0-2]|^v0\.5\./)) { patchLchmod(fs17); } if (!fs17.lutimes) { patchLutimes(fs17); } fs17.chown = chownFix(fs17.chown); fs17.fchown = chownFix(fs17.fchown); fs17.lchown = chownFix(fs17.lchown); fs17.chmod = chmodFix(fs17.chmod); fs17.fchmod = chmodFix(fs17.fchmod); fs17.lchmod = chmodFix(fs17.lchmod); fs17.chownSync = chownFixSync(fs17.chownSync); fs17.fchownSync = chownFixSync(fs17.fchownSync); fs17.lchownSync = chownFixSync(fs17.lchownSync); fs17.chmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs17.chmodSync); fs17.fchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs17.fchmodSync); fs17.lchmodSync = chmodFixSync(fs17.lchmodSync); fs17.stat = statFix(fs17.stat); fs17.fstat = statFix(fs17.fstat); fs17.lstat = statFix(fs17.lstat); fs17.statSync = statFixSync(fs17.statSync); fs17.fstatSync = statFixSync(fs17.fstatSync); fs17.lstatSync = statFixSync(fs17.lstatSync); if (fs17.chmod && !fs17.lchmod) { fs17.lchmod = function(path16, mode, cb) { if (cb) process.nextTick(cb); }; fs17.lchmodSync = function() { }; } if (fs17.chown && !fs17.lchown) { fs17.lchown = function(path16, uid, gid, cb) { if (cb) process.nextTick(cb); }; fs17.lchownSync = function() { }; } if (platform6 === "win32") { fs17.rename = typeof fs17.rename !== "function" ? fs17.rename : function(fs$rename) { function rename(from, to, cb) { var start = Date.now(); var backoff = 0; fs$rename(from, to, function CB(er) { if (er && (er.code === "EACCES" || er.code === "EPERM" || er.code === "EBUSY") && Date.now() - start < 6e4) { setTimeout(function() { fs17.stat(to, function(stater, st) { if (stater && stater.code === "ENOENT") fs$rename(from, to, CB); else cb(er); }); }, backoff); if (backoff < 100) backoff += 10; return; } if (cb) cb(er); }); } if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(rename, fs$rename); return rename; }(fs17.rename); } fs17.read = typeof fs17.read !== "function" ? fs17.read : function(fs$read) { function read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback_) { var callback; if (callback_ && typeof callback_ === "function") { var eagCounter = 0; callback = function(er, _, __) { if (er && er.code === "EAGAIN" && eagCounter < 10) { eagCounter++; return fs$read.call(fs17, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback); } callback_.apply(this, arguments); }; } return fs$read.call(fs17, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback); } if (Object.setPrototypeOf) Object.setPrototypeOf(read, fs$read); return read; }(fs17.read); fs17.readSync = typeof fs17.readSync !== "function" ? fs17.readSync : /* @__PURE__ */ function(fs$readSync) { return function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { var eagCounter = 0; while (true) { try { return fs$readSync.call(fs17, fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } catch (er) { if (er.code === "EAGAIN" && eagCounter < 10) { eagCounter++; continue; } throw er; } } }; }(fs17.readSync); function patchLchmod(fs18) { fs18.lchmod = function(path16, mode, callback) { fs18.open( path16, constants2.O_WRONLY | constants2.O_SYMLINK, mode, function(err, fd) { if (err) { if (callback) callback(err); return; } fs18.fchmod(fd, mode, function(err2) { fs18.close(fd, function(err22) { if (callback) callback(err2 || err22); }); }); } ); }; fs18.lchmodSync = function(path16, mode) { var fd = fs18.openSync(path16, constants2.O_WRONLY | constants2.O_SYMLINK, mode); var threw = true; var ret; try { ret = fs18.fchmodSync(fd, mode); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { try { fs18.closeSync(fd); } catch (er) { } } else { fs18.closeSync(fd); } } return ret; }; } function patchLutimes(fs18) { if (constants2.hasOwnProperty("O_SYMLINK") && fs18.futimes) { fs18.lutimes = function(path16, at, mt, cb) { fs18.open(path16, constants2.O_SYMLINK, function(er, fd) { if (er) { if (cb) cb(er); return; } fs18.futimes(fd, at, mt, function(er2) { fs18.close(fd, function(er22) { if (cb) cb(er2 || er22); }); }); }); }; fs18.lutimesSync = function(path16, at, mt) { var fd = fs18.openSync(path16, constants2.O_SYMLINK); var ret; var threw = true; try { ret = fs18.futimesSync(fd, at, mt); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { try { fs18.closeSync(fd); } catch (er) { } } else { fs18.closeSync(fd); } } return ret; }; } else if (fs18.futimes) { fs18.lutimes = function(_a, _b, _c, cb) { if (cb) process.nextTick(cb); }; fs18.lutimesSync = function() { }; } } function chmodFix(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, mode, cb) { return orig.call(fs17, target, mode, function(er) { if (chownErOk(er)) er = null; if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments); }); }; } function chmodFixSync(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, mode) { try { return orig.call(fs17, target, mode); } catch (er) { if (!chownErOk(er)) throw er; } }; } function chownFix(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, uid, gid, cb) { return orig.call(fs17, target, uid, gid, function(er) { if (chownErOk(er)) er = null; if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments); }); }; } function chownFixSync(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, uid, gid) { try { return orig.call(fs17, target, uid, gid); } catch (er) { if (!chownErOk(er)) throw er; } }; } function statFix(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, options, cb) { if (typeof options === "function") { cb = options; options = null; } function callback(er, stats) { if (stats) { if (stats.uid < 0) stats.uid += 4294967296; if (stats.gid < 0) stats.gid += 4294967296; } if (cb) cb.apply(this, arguments); } return options ? orig.call(fs17, target, options, callback) : orig.call(fs17, target, callback); }; } function statFixSync(orig) { if (!orig) return orig; return function(target, options) { var stats = options ? orig.call(fs17, target, options) : orig.call(fs17, target); if (stats) { if (stats.uid < 0) stats.uid += 4294967296; if (stats.gid < 0) stats.gid += 4294967296; } return stats; }; } function chownErOk(er) { if (!er) return true; if (er.code === "ENOSYS") return true; var nonroot = !process.getuid || process.getuid() !== 0; if (nonroot) { if (er.code === "EINVAL" || er.code === "EPERM") return true; } return false; } } } }); // .yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/legacy-streams.js var require_legacy_streams = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/legacy-streams.js"(exports2, module2) { var Stream2 = require("stream").Stream; module2.exports = legacy; function legacy(fs17) { return { ReadStream: ReadStream2, WriteStream: WriteStream2 }; function ReadStream2(path16, options) { if (!(this instanceof ReadStream2)) return new ReadStream2(path16, options); Stream2.call(this); var self2 = this; this.path = path16; this.fd = null; this.readable = true; this.paused = false; this.flags = "r"; this.mode = 438; this.bufferSize = 64 * 1024; options = options || {}; var keys = Object.keys(options); for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) { var key = keys[index]; this[key] = options[key]; } if (this.encoding) this.setEncoding(this.encoding); if (this.start !== void 0) { if ("number" !== typeof this.start) { throw TypeError("start must be a Number"); } if (this.end === void 0) { this.end = Infinity; } else if ("number" !== typeof this.end) { throw TypeError("end must be a Number"); } if (this.start > this.end) { throw new Error("start must be <= end"); } this.pos = this.start; } if (this.fd !== null) { process.nextTick(function() { self2._read(); }); return; } fs17.open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, function(err, fd) { if (err) { self2.emit("error", err); self2.readable = false; return; } self2.fd = fd; self2.emit("open", fd); self2._read(); }); } function WriteStream2(path16, options) { if (!(this instanceof WriteStream2)) return new WriteStream2(path16, options); Stream2.call(this); this.path = path16; this.fd = null; this.writable = true; this.flags = "w"; this.encoding = "binary"; this.mode = 438; this.bytesWritten = 0; options = options || {}; var keys = Object.keys(options); for (var index = 0, length = keys.length; index < length; index++) { var key = keys[index]; this[key] = options[key]; } if (this.start !== void 0) { if ("number" !== typeof this.start) { throw TypeError("start must be a Number"); } if (this.start < 0) { throw new Error("start must be >= zero"); } this.pos = this.start; } this.busy = false; this._queue = []; if (this.fd === null) { this._open = fs17.open; this._queue.push([this._open, this.path, this.flags, this.mode, void 0]); this.flush(); } } } } }); // .yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/clone.js var require_clone = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/clone.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = clone; var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(obj) { return obj.__proto__; }; function clone(obj) { if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object") return obj; if (obj instanceof Object) var copy = { __proto__: getPrototypeOf(obj) }; else var copy = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function(key) { Object.defineProperty(copy, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key)); }); return copy; } } }); // .yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js var require_graceful_fs = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/graceful-fs-npm-4.2.11-24bb648a68-386d011a55.zip/node_modules/graceful-fs/graceful-fs.js"(exports2, module2) { var fs17 = require("fs"); var polyfills = require_polyfills(); var legacy = require_legacy_streams(); var clone = require_clone(); var util = require("util"); var gracefulQueue; var previousSymbol; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.for === "function") { gracefulQueue = Symbol.for("graceful-fs.queue"); previousSymbol = Symbol.for("graceful-fs.previous"); } else { gracefulQueue = "___graceful-fs.queue"; previousSymbol = "___graceful-fs.previous"; } function noop2() { } function publishQueue(context, queue2) { Object.defineProperty(context, gracefulQueue, { get: function() { return queue2; } }); } var debug2 = noop2; if (util.debuglog) debug2 = util.debuglog("gfs4"); else if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || "")) debug2 = function() { var m = util.format.apply(util, arguments); m = "GFS4: " + m.split(/\n/).join("\nGFS4: "); console.error(m); }; if (!fs17[gracefulQueue]) { queue = global[gracefulQueue] || []; publishQueue(fs17, queue); fs17.close = function(fs$close) { function close(fd, cb) { return fs$close.call(fs17, fd, function(err) { if (!err) { resetQueue(); } if (typeof cb === "function") cb.apply(this, arguments); }); } Object.defineProperty(close, previousSymbol, { value: fs$close }); return close; }(fs17.close); fs17.closeSync = function(fs$closeSync) { function closeSync(fd) { fs$closeSync.apply(fs17, arguments); resetQueue(); } Object.defineProperty(closeSync, previousSymbol, { value: fs$closeSync }); return closeSync; }(fs17.closeSync); if (/\bgfs4\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || "")) { process.on("exit", function() { debug2(fs17[gracefulQueue]); require("assert").equal(fs17[gracefulQueue].length, 0); }); } } var queue; if (!global[gracefulQueue]) { publishQueue(global, fs17[gracefulQueue]); } module2.exports = patch(clone(fs17)); if (process.env.TEST_GRACEFUL_FS_GLOBAL_PATCH && !fs17.__patched) { module2.exports = patch(fs17); fs17.__patched = true; } function patch(fs18) { polyfills(fs18); fs18.gracefulify = patch; fs18.createReadStream = createReadStream; fs18.createWriteStream = createWriteStream; var fs$readFile = fs18.readFile; fs18.readFile = readFile; function readFile(path16, options, cb) { if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null; return go$readFile(path16, options, cb); function go$readFile(path17, options2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$readFile(path17, options2, function(err) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([go$readFile, [path17, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]); else { if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.apply(this, arguments); } }); } } var fs$writeFile = fs18.writeFile; fs18.writeFile = writeFile; function writeFile(path16, data, options, cb) { if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null; return go$writeFile(path16, data, options, cb); function go$writeFile(path17, data2, options2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$writeFile(path17, data2, options2, function(err) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([go$writeFile, [path17, data2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]); else { if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.apply(this, arguments); } }); } } var fs$appendFile = fs18.appendFile; if (fs$appendFile) fs18.appendFile = appendFile; function appendFile(path16, data, options, cb) { if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null; return go$appendFile(path16, data, options, cb); function go$appendFile(path17, data2, options2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$appendFile(path17, data2, options2, function(err) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([go$appendFile, [path17, data2, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]); else { if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.apply(this, arguments); } }); } } var fs$copyFile = fs18.copyFile; if (fs$copyFile) fs18.copyFile = copyFile; function copyFile(src, dest, flags, cb) { if (typeof flags === "function") { cb = flags; flags = 0; } return go$copyFile(src, dest, flags, cb); function go$copyFile(src2, dest2, flags2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$copyFile(src2, dest2, flags2, function(err) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([go$copyFile, [src2, dest2, flags2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]); else { if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.apply(this, arguments); } }); } } var fs$readdir = fs18.readdir; fs18.readdir = readdir; var noReaddirOptionVersions = /^v[0-5]\./; function readdir(path16, options, cb) { if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null; var go$readdir = noReaddirOptionVersions.test(process.version) ? function go$readdir2(path17, options2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$readdir(path17, fs$readdirCallback( path17, options2, cb2, startTime )); } : function go$readdir2(path17, options2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$readdir(path17, options2, fs$readdirCallback( path17, options2, cb2, startTime )); }; return go$readdir(path16, options, cb); function fs$readdirCallback(path17, options2, cb2, startTime) { return function(err, files) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([ go$readdir, [path17, options2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now() ]); else { if (files && files.sort) files.sort(); if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.call(this, err, files); } }; } } if (process.version.substr(0, 4) === "v0.8") { var legStreams = legacy(fs18); ReadStream2 = legStreams.ReadStream; WriteStream2 = legStreams.WriteStream; } var fs$ReadStream = fs18.ReadStream; if (fs$ReadStream) { ReadStream2.prototype = Object.create(fs$ReadStream.prototype); ReadStream2.prototype.open = ReadStream$open; } var fs$WriteStream = fs18.WriteStream; if (fs$WriteStream) { WriteStream2.prototype = Object.create(fs$WriteStream.prototype); WriteStream2.prototype.open = WriteStream$open; } Object.defineProperty(fs18, "ReadStream", { get: function() { return ReadStream2; }, set: function(val) { ReadStream2 = val; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(fs18, "WriteStream", { get: function() { return WriteStream2; }, set: function(val) { WriteStream2 = val; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); var FileReadStream = ReadStream2; Object.defineProperty(fs18, "FileReadStream", { get: function() { return FileReadStream; }, set: function(val) { FileReadStream = val; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); var FileWriteStream = WriteStream2; Object.defineProperty(fs18, "FileWriteStream", { get: function() { return FileWriteStream; }, set: function(val) { FileWriteStream = val; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); function ReadStream2(path16, options) { if (this instanceof ReadStream2) return fs$ReadStream.apply(this, arguments), this; else return ReadStream2.apply(Object.create(ReadStream2.prototype), arguments); } function ReadStream$open() { var that = this; open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function(err, fd) { if (err) { if (that.autoClose) that.destroy(); that.emit("error", err); } else { that.fd = fd; that.emit("open", fd); that.read(); } }); } function WriteStream2(path16, options) { if (this instanceof WriteStream2) return fs$WriteStream.apply(this, arguments), this; else return WriteStream2.apply(Object.create(WriteStream2.prototype), arguments); } function WriteStream$open() { var that = this; open(that.path, that.flags, that.mode, function(err, fd) { if (err) { that.destroy(); that.emit("error", err); } else { that.fd = fd; that.emit("open", fd); } }); } function createReadStream(path16, options) { return new fs18.ReadStream(path16, options); } function createWriteStream(path16, options) { return new fs18.WriteStream(path16, options); } var fs$open = fs18.open; fs18.open = open; function open(path16, flags, mode, cb) { if (typeof mode === "function") cb = mode, mode = null; return go$open(path16, flags, mode, cb); function go$open(path17, flags2, mode2, cb2, startTime) { return fs$open(path17, flags2, mode2, function(err, fd) { if (err && (err.code === "EMFILE" || err.code === "ENFILE")) enqueue([go$open, [path17, flags2, mode2, cb2], err, startTime || Date.now(), Date.now()]); else { if (typeof cb2 === "function") cb2.apply(this, arguments); } }); } } return fs18; } function enqueue(elem) { debug2("ENQUEUE", elem[0].name, elem[1]); fs17[gracefulQueue].push(elem); retry(); } var retryTimer; function resetQueue() { var now = Date.now(); for (var i = 0; i < fs17[gracefulQueue].length; ++i) { if (fs17[gracefulQueue][i].length > 2) { fs17[gracefulQueue][i][3] = now; fs17[gracefulQueue][i][4] = now; } } retry(); } function retry() { clearTimeout(retryTimer); retryTimer = void 0; if (fs17[gracefulQueue].length === 0) return; var elem = fs17[gracefulQueue].shift(); var fn2 = elem[0]; var args = elem[1]; var err = elem[2]; var startTime = elem[3]; var lastTime = elem[4]; if (startTime === void 0) { debug2("RETRY", fn2.name, args); fn2.apply(null, args); } else if (Date.now() - startTime >= 6e4) { debug2("TIMEOUT", fn2.name, args); var cb = args.pop(); if (typeof cb === "function") cb.call(null, err); } else { var sinceAttempt = Date.now() - lastTime; var sinceStart = Math.max(lastTime - startTime, 1); var desiredDelay = Math.min(sinceStart * 1.2, 100); if (sinceAttempt >= desiredDelay) { debug2("RETRY", fn2.name, args); fn2.apply(null, args.concat([startTime])); } else { fs17[gracefulQueue].push(elem); } } if (retryTimer === void 0) { retryTimer = setTimeout(retry, 0); } } } }); // .yarn/cache/@zkochan-cmd-shim-npm-6.0.0-97792a7373-ba1442ba1e.zip/node_modules/@zkochan/cmd-shim/index.js var require_cmd_shim = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/@zkochan-cmd-shim-npm-6.0.0-97792a7373-ba1442ba1e.zip/node_modules/@zkochan/cmd-shim/index.js"(exports2, module2) { "use strict"; cmdShim2.ifExists = cmdShimIfExists; var util_1 = require("util"); var path16 = require("path"); var isWindows4 = require_is_windows(); var CMD_EXTENSION = require_cmd_extension(); var shebangExpr = /^#!\s*(?:\/usr\/bin\/env(?:\s+-S\s*)?)?\s*([^ \t]+)(.*)$/; var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { // Create PowerShell file by default if the option hasn't been specified createPwshFile: true, createCmdFile: isWindows4(), fs: require_graceful_fs() }; var extensionToProgramMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [".js", "node"], [".cjs", "node"], [".mjs", "node"], [".cmd", "cmd"], [".bat", "cmd"], [".ps1", "pwsh"], [".sh", "sh"] ]); function ingestOptions(opts) { const opts_ = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...opts }; const fs17 = opts_.fs; opts_.fs_ = { chmod: fs17.chmod ? (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.chmod) : async () => { }, mkdir: (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.mkdir), readFile: (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.readFile), stat: (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.stat), unlink: (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.unlink), writeFile: (0, util_1.promisify)(fs17.writeFile) }; return opts_; } async function cmdShim2(src, to, opts) { const opts_ = ingestOptions(opts); await cmdShim_(src, to, opts_); } function cmdShimIfExists(src, to, opts) { return cmdShim2(src, to, opts).catch(() => { }); } function rm(path17, opts) { return opts.fs_.unlink(path17).catch(() => { }); } async function cmdShim_(src, to, opts) { const srcRuntimeInfo = await searchScriptRuntime(src, opts); await writeShimsPreCommon(to, opts); return writeAllShims(src, to, srcRuntimeInfo, opts); } function writeShimsPreCommon(target, opts) { return opts.fs_.mkdir(path16.dirname(target), { recursive: true }); } function writeAllShims(src, to, srcRuntimeInfo, opts) { const opts_ = ingestOptions(opts); const generatorAndExts = [{ generator: generateShShim, extension: "" }]; if (opts_.createCmdFile) { generatorAndExts.push({ generator: generateCmdShim, extension: CMD_EXTENSION }); } if (opts_.createPwshFile) { generatorAndExts.push({ generator: generatePwshShim, extension: ".ps1" }); } return Promise.all(generatorAndExts.map((generatorAndExt) => writeShim(src, to + generatorAndExt.extension, srcRuntimeInfo, generatorAndExt.generator, opts_))); } function writeShimPre(target, opts) { return rm(target, opts); } function writeShimPost(target, opts) { return chmodShim(target, opts); } async function searchScriptRuntime(target, opts) { try { const data = await opts.fs_.readFile(target, "utf8"); const firstLine = data.trim().split(/\r*\n/)[0]; const shebang = firstLine.match(shebangExpr); if (!shebang) { const targetExtension = path16.extname(target).toLowerCase(); return { // undefined if extension is unknown but it's converted to null. program: extensionToProgramMap.get(targetExtension) || null, additionalArgs: "" }; } return { program: shebang[1], additionalArgs: shebang[2] }; } catch (err) { if (!isWindows4() || err.code !== "ENOENT") throw err; if (await opts.fs_.stat(`${target}${getExeExtension()}`)) { return { program: null, additionalArgs: "" }; } throw err; } } function getExeExtension() { let cmdExtension; if (process.env.PATHEXT) { cmdExtension = process.env.PATHEXT.split(path16.delimiter).find((ext) => ext.toLowerCase() === ".exe"); } return cmdExtension || ".exe"; } async function writeShim(src, to, srcRuntimeInfo, generateShimScript, opts) { const defaultArgs = opts.preserveSymlinks ? "--preserve-symlinks" : ""; const args = [srcRuntimeInfo.additionalArgs, defaultArgs].filter((arg) => arg).join(" "); opts = Object.assign({}, opts, { prog: srcRuntimeInfo.program, args }); await writeShimPre(to, opts); await opts.fs_.writeFile(to, generateShimScript(src, to, opts), "utf8"); return writeShimPost(to, opts); } function generateCmdShim(src, to, opts) { const shTarget = path16.relative(path16.dirname(to), src); let target = shTarget.split("/").join("\\"); const quotedPathToTarget = path16.isAbsolute(target) ? `"${target}"` : `"%~dp0\\${target}"`; let longProg; let prog = opts.prog; let args = opts.args || ""; const nodePath = normalizePathEnvVar(opts.nodePath).win32; const prependToPath = normalizePathEnvVar(opts.prependToPath).win32; if (!prog) { prog = quotedPathToTarget; args = ""; target = ""; } else if (prog === "node" && opts.nodeExecPath) { prog = `"${opts.nodeExecPath}"`; target = quotedPathToTarget; } else { longProg = `"%~dp0\\${prog}.exe"`; target = quotedPathToTarget; } let progArgs = opts.progArgs ? `${opts.progArgs.join(` `)} ` : ""; let cmd = "@SETLOCAL\r\n"; if (prependToPath) { cmd += `@SET "PATH=${prependToPath}:%PATH%"\r `; } if (nodePath) { cmd += `@IF NOT DEFINED NODE_PATH (\r @SET "NODE_PATH=${nodePath}"\r ) ELSE (\r @SET "NODE_PATH=${nodePath};%NODE_PATH%"\r )\r `; } if (longProg) { cmd += `@IF EXIST ${longProg} (\r ${longProg} ${args} ${target} ${progArgs}%*\r ) ELSE (\r @SET PATHEXT=%PATHEXT:;.JS;=;%\r ${prog} ${args} ${target} ${progArgs}%*\r )\r `; } else { cmd += `@${prog} ${args} ${target} ${progArgs}%*\r `; } return cmd; } function generateShShim(src, to, opts) { let shTarget = path16.relative(path16.dirname(to), src); let shProg = opts.prog && opts.prog.split("\\").join("/"); let shLongProg; shTarget = shTarget.split("\\").join("/"); const quotedPathToTarget = path16.isAbsolute(shTarget) ? `"${shTarget}"` : `"$basedir/${shTarget}"`; let args = opts.args || ""; const shNodePath = normalizePathEnvVar(opts.nodePath).posix; if (!shProg) { shProg = quotedPathToTarget; args = ""; shTarget = ""; } else if (opts.prog === "node" && opts.nodeExecPath) { shProg = `"${opts.nodeExecPath}"`; shTarget = quotedPathToTarget; } else { shLongProg = `"$basedir/${opts.prog}"`; shTarget = quotedPathToTarget; } let progArgs = opts.progArgs ? `${opts.progArgs.join(` `)} ` : ""; let sh = `#!/bin/sh basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\\\,/,g')") case \`uname\` in *CYGWIN*) basedir=\`cygpath -w "$basedir"\`;; esac `; if (opts.prependToPath) { sh += `export PATH="${opts.prependToPath}:$PATH" `; } if (shNodePath) { sh += `if [ -z "$NODE_PATH" ]; then export NODE_PATH="${shNodePath}" else export NODE_PATH="${shNodePath}:$NODE_PATH" fi `; } if (shLongProg) { sh += `if [ -x ${shLongProg} ]; then exec ${shLongProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}"$@" else exec ${shProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}"$@" fi `; } else { sh += `${shProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}"$@" exit $? `; } return sh; } function generatePwshShim(src, to, opts) { let shTarget = path16.relative(path16.dirname(to), src); const shProg = opts.prog && opts.prog.split("\\").join("/"); let pwshProg = shProg && `"${shProg}$exe"`; let pwshLongProg; shTarget = shTarget.split("\\").join("/"); const quotedPathToTarget = path16.isAbsolute(shTarget) ? `"${shTarget}"` : `"$basedir/${shTarget}"`; let args = opts.args || ""; let normalizedNodePathEnvVar = normalizePathEnvVar(opts.nodePath); const nodePath = normalizedNodePathEnvVar.win32; const shNodePath = normalizedNodePathEnvVar.posix; let normalizedPrependPathEnvVar = normalizePathEnvVar(opts.prependToPath); const prependPath = normalizedPrependPathEnvVar.win32; const shPrependPath = normalizedPrependPathEnvVar.posix; if (!pwshProg) { pwshProg = quotedPathToTarget; args = ""; shTarget = ""; } else if (opts.prog === "node" && opts.nodeExecPath) { pwshProg = `"${opts.nodeExecPath}"`; shTarget = quotedPathToTarget; } else { pwshLongProg = `"$basedir/${opts.prog}$exe"`; shTarget = quotedPathToTarget; } let progArgs = opts.progArgs ? `${opts.progArgs.join(` `)} ` : ""; let pwsh = `#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent $exe="" ${nodePath || prependPath ? '$pathsep=":"\n' : ""}${nodePath ? `$env_node_path=$env:NODE_PATH $new_node_path="${nodePath}" ` : ""}${prependPath ? `$env_path=$env:PATH $prepend_path="${prependPath}" ` : ""}if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) { # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node # are installed in the same directory $exe=".exe" ${nodePath || prependPath ? ' $pathsep=";"\n' : ""}}`; if (shNodePath || shPrependPath) { pwsh += ` else { ${shNodePath ? ` $new_node_path="${shNodePath}" ` : ""}${shPrependPath ? ` $prepend_path="${shPrependPath}" ` : ""}} `; } if (shNodePath) { pwsh += `if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env_node_path)) { $env:NODE_PATH=$new_node_path } else { $env:NODE_PATH="$new_node_path$pathsep$env_node_path" } `; } if (opts.prependToPath) { pwsh += ` $env:PATH="$prepend_path$pathsep$env:PATH" `; } if (pwshLongProg) { pwsh += ` $ret=0 if (Test-Path ${pwshLongProg}) { # Support pipeline input if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { $input | & ${pwshLongProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } else { & ${pwshLongProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } $ret=$LASTEXITCODE } else { # Support pipeline input if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { $input | & ${pwshProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } else { & ${pwshProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } $ret=$LASTEXITCODE } ${nodePath ? "$env:NODE_PATH=$env_node_path\n" : ""}${prependPath ? "$env:PATH=$env_path\n" : ""}exit $ret `; } else { pwsh += ` # Support pipeline input if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { $input | & ${pwshProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } else { & ${pwshProg} ${args} ${shTarget} ${progArgs}$args } ${nodePath ? "$env:NODE_PATH=$env_node_path\n" : ""}${prependPath ? "$env:PATH=$env_path\n" : ""}exit $LASTEXITCODE `; } return pwsh; } function chmodShim(to, opts) { return opts.fs_.chmod(to, 493); } function normalizePathEnvVar(nodePath) { if (!nodePath || !nodePath.length) { return { win32: "", posix: "" }; } let split = typeof nodePath === "string" ? nodePath.split(path16.delimiter) : Array.from(nodePath); let result = {}; for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { const win322 = split[i].split("/").join("\\"); const posix = isWindows4() ? split[i].split("\\").join("/").replace(/^([^:\\/]*):/, (_, $1) => `/mnt/${$1.toLowerCase()}`) : split[i]; result.win32 = result.win32 ? `${result.win32};${win322}` : win322; result.posix = result.posix ? `${result.posix}:${posix}` : posix; result[i] = { win32: win322, posix }; } return result; } module2.exports = cmdShim2; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/mode-fix.js var modeFix; var init_mode_fix = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/mode-fix.js"() { modeFix = (mode, isDir, portable) => { mode &= 4095; if (portable) { mode = (mode | 384) & ~18; } if (isDir) { if (mode & 256) { mode |= 64; } if (mode & 32) { mode |= 8; } if (mode & 4) { mode |= 1; } } return mode; }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/write-entry.js var import_fs14, import_path13, prefixPath, maxReadSize, PROCESS, FILE2, DIRECTORY2, SYMLINK2, HARDLINK2, HEADER, READ2, LSTAT, ONLSTAT, ONREAD, ONREADLINK, OPENFILE, ONOPENFILE, CLOSE, MODE, AWAITDRAIN, ONDRAIN, PREFIX, WriteEntry, WriteEntrySync, WriteEntryTar, getType; var init_write_entry = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/write-entry.js"() { import_fs14 = __toESM(require("fs"), 1); init_esm(); import_path13 = __toESM(require("path"), 1); init_header(); init_mode_fix(); init_normalize_windows_path(); init_options(); init_pax(); init_strip_absolute_path(); init_strip_trailing_slashes(); init_warn_method(); init_winchars(); prefixPath = (path16, prefix) => { if (!prefix) { return normalizeWindowsPath(path16); } path16 = normalizeWindowsPath(path16).replace(/^\.(\/|$)/, ""); return stripTrailingSlashes(prefix) + "/" + path16; }; maxReadSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024; PROCESS = Symbol("process"); FILE2 = Symbol("file"); DIRECTORY2 = Symbol("directory"); SYMLINK2 = Symbol("symlink"); HARDLINK2 = Symbol("hardlink"); HEADER = Symbol("header"); READ2 = Symbol("read"); LSTAT = Symbol("lstat"); ONLSTAT = Symbol("onlstat"); ONREAD = Symbol("onread"); ONREADLINK = Symbol("onreadlink"); OPENFILE = Symbol("openfile"); ONOPENFILE = Symbol("onopenfile"); CLOSE = Symbol("close"); MODE = Symbol("mode"); AWAITDRAIN = Symbol("awaitDrain"); ONDRAIN = Symbol("ondrain"); PREFIX = Symbol("prefix"); WriteEntry = class extends Minipass { path; portable; myuid = process.getuid && process.getuid() || 0; // until node has builtin pwnam functions, this'll have to do myuser = process.env.USER || ""; maxReadSize; linkCache; statCache; preservePaths; cwd; strict; mtime; noPax; noMtime; prefix; fd; blockLen = 0; blockRemain = 0; buf; pos = 0; remain = 0; length = 0; offset = 0; win32; absolute; header; type; linkpath; stat; /* c8 ignore start */ #hadError = false; constructor(p, opt_ = {}) { const opt = dealias(opt_); super(); this.path = normalizeWindowsPath(p); this.portable = !!opt.portable; this.maxReadSize = opt.maxReadSize || maxReadSize; this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.statCache = opt.statCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths; this.cwd = normalizeWindowsPath(opt.cwd || process.cwd()); this.strict = !!opt.strict; this.noPax = !!opt.noPax; this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime; this.mtime = opt.mtime; this.prefix = opt.prefix ? normalizeWindowsPath(opt.prefix) : void 0; if (typeof opt.onwarn === "function") { this.on("warn", opt.onwarn); } let pathWarn = false; if (!this.preservePaths) { const [root, stripped] = stripAbsolutePath(this.path); if (root && typeof stripped === "string") { this.path = stripped; pathWarn = root; } } this.win32 = !!opt.win32 || process.platform === "win32"; if (this.win32) { this.path = decode(this.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")); p = p.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } this.absolute = normalizeWindowsPath(opt.absolute || import_path13.default.resolve(this.cwd, p)); if (this.path === "") { this.path = "./"; } if (pathWarn) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INFO", `stripping ${pathWarn} from absolute path`, { entry: this, path: pathWarn + this.path }); } const cs = this.statCache.get(this.absolute); if (cs) { this[ONLSTAT](cs); } else { this[LSTAT](); } } warn(code2, message, data = {}) { return warnMethod(this, code2, message, data); } emit(ev, ...data) { if (ev === "error") { this.#hadError = true; } return super.emit(ev, ...data); } [LSTAT]() { import_fs14.default.lstat(this.absolute, (er, stat2) => { if (er) { return this.emit("error", er); } this[ONLSTAT](stat2); }); } [ONLSTAT](stat2) { this.statCache.set(this.absolute, stat2); this.stat = stat2; if (!stat2.isFile()) { stat2.size = 0; } this.type = getType(stat2); this.emit("stat", stat2); this[PROCESS](); } [PROCESS]() { switch (this.type) { case "File": return this[FILE2](); case "Directory": return this[DIRECTORY2](); case "SymbolicLink": return this[SYMLINK2](); default: return this.end(); } } [MODE](mode) { return modeFix(mode, this.type === "Directory", this.portable); } [PREFIX](path16) { return prefixPath(path16, this.prefix); } [HEADER]() { if (!this.stat) { throw new Error("cannot write header before stat"); } if (this.type === "Directory" && this.portable) { this.noMtime = true; } this.header = new Header({ path: this[PREFIX](this.path), // only apply the prefix to hard links. linkpath: this.type === "Link" && this.linkpath !== void 0 ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath) : this.linkpath, // only the permissions and setuid/setgid/sticky bitflags // not the higher-order bits that specify file type mode: this[MODE](this.stat.mode), uid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.uid, gid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.gid, size: this.stat.size, mtime: this.noMtime ? void 0 : this.mtime || this.stat.mtime, /* c8 ignore next */ type: this.type === "Unsupported" ? void 0 : this.type, uname: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.uid === this.myuid ? this.myuser : "", atime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.atime, ctime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.ctime }); if (this.header.encode() && !this.noPax) { super.write(new Pax({ atime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.header.atime, ctime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.header.ctime, gid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.header.gid, mtime: this.noMtime ? void 0 : this.mtime || this.header.mtime, path: this[PREFIX](this.path), linkpath: this.type === "Link" && this.linkpath !== void 0 ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath) : this.linkpath, size: this.header.size, uid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.header.uid, uname: this.portable ? void 0 : this.header.uname, dev: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.dev, ino: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.ino, nlink: this.portable ? void 0 : this.stat.nlink }).encode()); } const block = this.header?.block; if (!block) { throw new Error("failed to encode header"); } super.write(block); } [DIRECTORY2]() { if (!this.stat) { throw new Error("cannot create directory entry without stat"); } if (this.path.slice(-1) !== "/") { this.path += "/"; } this.stat.size = 0; this[HEADER](); this.end(); } [SYMLINK2]() { import_fs14.default.readlink(this.absolute, (er, linkpath) => { if (er) { return this.emit("error", er); } this[ONREADLINK](linkpath); }); } [ONREADLINK](linkpath) { this.linkpath = normalizeWindowsPath(linkpath); this[HEADER](); this.end(); } [HARDLINK2](linkpath) { if (!this.stat) { throw new Error("cannot create link entry without stat"); } this.type = "Link"; this.linkpath = normalizeWindowsPath(import_path13.default.relative(this.cwd, linkpath)); this.stat.size = 0; this[HEADER](); this.end(); } [FILE2]() { if (!this.stat) { throw new Error("cannot create file entry without stat"); } if (this.stat.nlink > 1) { const linkKey = `${this.stat.dev}:${this.stat.ino}`; const linkpath = this.linkCache.get(linkKey); if (linkpath?.indexOf(this.cwd) === 0) { return this[HARDLINK2](linkpath); } this.linkCache.set(linkKey, this.absolute); } this[HEADER](); if (this.stat.size === 0) { return this.end(); } this[OPENFILE](); } [OPENFILE]() { import_fs14.default.open(this.absolute, "r", (er, fd) => { if (er) { return this.emit("error", er); } this[ONOPENFILE](fd); }); } [ONOPENFILE](fd) { this.fd = fd; if (this.#hadError) { return this[CLOSE](); } if (!this.stat) { throw new Error("should stat before calling onopenfile"); } this.blockLen = 512 * Math.ceil(this.stat.size / 512); this.blockRemain = this.blockLen; const bufLen = Math.min(this.blockLen, this.maxReadSize); this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bufLen); this.offset = 0; this.pos = 0; this.remain = this.stat.size; this.length = this.buf.length; this[READ2](); } [READ2]() { const { fd, buf, offset, length, pos: pos2 } = this; if (fd === void 0 || buf === void 0) { throw new Error("cannot read file without first opening"); } import_fs14.default.read(fd, buf, offset, length, pos2, (er, bytesRead) => { if (er) { return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit("error", er)); } this[ONREAD](bytesRead); }); } /* c8 ignore start */ [CLOSE](cb = () => { }) { if (this.fd !== void 0) import_fs14.default.close(this.fd, cb); } [ONREAD](bytesRead) { if (bytesRead <= 0 && this.remain > 0) { const er = Object.assign(new Error("encountered unexpected EOF"), { path: this.absolute, syscall: "read", code: "EOF" }); return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit("error", er)); } if (bytesRead > this.remain) { const er = Object.assign(new Error("did not encounter expected EOF"), { path: this.absolute, syscall: "read", code: "EOF" }); return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit("error", er)); } if (!this.buf) { throw new Error("should have created buffer prior to reading"); } if (bytesRead === this.remain) { for (let i = bytesRead; i < this.length && bytesRead < this.blockRemain; i++) { this.buf[i + this.offset] = 0; bytesRead++; this.remain++; } } const chunk = this.offset === 0 && bytesRead === this.buf.length ? this.buf : this.buf.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + bytesRead); const flushed = this.write(chunk); if (!flushed) { this[AWAITDRAIN](() => this[ONDRAIN]()); } else { this[ONDRAIN](); } } [AWAITDRAIN](cb) { this.once("drain", cb); } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, typeof encoding === "string" ? encoding : "utf8"); } if (this.blockRemain < chunk.length) { const er = Object.assign(new Error("writing more data than expected"), { path: this.absolute }); return this.emit("error", er); } this.remain -= chunk.length; this.blockRemain -= chunk.length; this.pos += chunk.length; this.offset += chunk.length; return super.write(chunk, null, cb); } [ONDRAIN]() { if (!this.remain) { if (this.blockRemain) { super.write(Buffer.alloc(this.blockRemain)); } return this[CLOSE]((er) => er ? this.emit("error", er) : this.end()); } if (!this.buf) { throw new Error("buffer lost somehow in ONDRAIN"); } if (this.offset >= this.length) { this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(Math.min(this.blockRemain, this.buf.length)); this.offset = 0; } this.length = this.buf.length - this.offset; this[READ2](); } }; WriteEntrySync = class extends WriteEntry { sync = true; [LSTAT]() { this[ONLSTAT](import_fs14.default.lstatSync(this.absolute)); } [SYMLINK2]() { this[ONREADLINK](import_fs14.default.readlinkSync(this.absolute)); } [OPENFILE]() { this[ONOPENFILE](import_fs14.default.openSync(this.absolute, "r")); } [READ2]() { let threw = true; try { const { fd, buf, offset, length, pos: pos2 } = this; if (fd === void 0 || buf === void 0) { throw new Error("fd and buf must be set in READ method"); } const bytesRead = import_fs14.default.readSync(fd, buf, offset, length, pos2); this[ONREAD](bytesRead); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { try { this[CLOSE](() => { }); } catch (er) { } } } } [AWAITDRAIN](cb) { cb(); } /* c8 ignore start */ [CLOSE](cb = () => { }) { if (this.fd !== void 0) import_fs14.default.closeSync(this.fd); cb(); } }; WriteEntryTar = class extends Minipass { blockLen = 0; blockRemain = 0; buf = 0; pos = 0; remain = 0; length = 0; preservePaths; portable; strict; noPax; noMtime; readEntry; type; prefix; path; mode; uid; gid; uname; gname; header; mtime; atime; ctime; linkpath; size; warn(code2, message, data = {}) { return warnMethod(this, code2, message, data); } constructor(readEntry, opt_ = {}) { const opt = dealias(opt_); super(); this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths; this.portable = !!opt.portable; this.strict = !!opt.strict; this.noPax = !!opt.noPax; this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime; this.readEntry = readEntry; const { type } = readEntry; if (type === "Unsupported") { throw new Error("writing entry that should be ignored"); } this.type = type; if (this.type === "Directory" && this.portable) { this.noMtime = true; } this.prefix = opt.prefix; this.path = normalizeWindowsPath(readEntry.path); this.mode = readEntry.mode !== void 0 ? this[MODE](readEntry.mode) : void 0; this.uid = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.uid; this.gid = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.gid; this.uname = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.uname; this.gname = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.gname; this.size = readEntry.size; this.mtime = this.noMtime ? void 0 : opt.mtime || readEntry.mtime; this.atime = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.atime; this.ctime = this.portable ? void 0 : readEntry.ctime; this.linkpath = readEntry.linkpath !== void 0 ? normalizeWindowsPath(readEntry.linkpath) : void 0; if (typeof opt.onwarn === "function") { this.on("warn", opt.onwarn); } let pathWarn = false; if (!this.preservePaths) { const [root, stripped] = stripAbsolutePath(this.path); if (root && typeof stripped === "string") { this.path = stripped; pathWarn = root; } } this.remain = readEntry.size; this.blockRemain = readEntry.startBlockSize; this.header = new Header({ path: this[PREFIX](this.path), linkpath: this.type === "Link" && this.linkpath !== void 0 ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath) : this.linkpath, // only the permissions and setuid/setgid/sticky bitflags // not the higher-order bits that specify file type mode: this.mode, uid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.uid, gid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.gid, size: this.size, mtime: this.noMtime ? void 0 : this.mtime, type: this.type, uname: this.portable ? void 0 : this.uname, atime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.atime, ctime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.ctime }); if (pathWarn) { this.warn("TAR_ENTRY_INFO", `stripping ${pathWarn} from absolute path`, { entry: this, path: pathWarn + this.path }); } if (this.header.encode() && !this.noPax) { super.write(new Pax({ atime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.atime, ctime: this.portable ? void 0 : this.ctime, gid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.gid, mtime: this.noMtime ? void 0 : this.mtime, path: this[PREFIX](this.path), linkpath: this.type === "Link" && this.linkpath !== void 0 ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath) : this.linkpath, size: this.size, uid: this.portable ? void 0 : this.uid, uname: this.portable ? void 0 : this.uname, dev: this.portable ? void 0 : this.readEntry.dev, ino: this.portable ? void 0 : this.readEntry.ino, nlink: this.portable ? void 0 : this.readEntry.nlink }).encode()); } const b = this.header?.block; if (!b) throw new Error("failed to encode header"); super.write(b); readEntry.pipe(this); } [PREFIX](path16) { return prefixPath(path16, this.prefix); } [MODE](mode) { return modeFix(mode, this.type === "Directory", this.portable); } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, typeof encoding === "string" ? encoding : "utf8"); } const writeLen = chunk.length; if (writeLen > this.blockRemain) { throw new Error("writing more to entry than is appropriate"); } this.blockRemain -= writeLen; return super.write(chunk, cb); } end(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (this.blockRemain) { super.write(Buffer.alloc(this.blockRemain)); } if (typeof chunk === "function") { cb = chunk; encoding = void 0; chunk = void 0; } if (typeof encoding === "function") { cb = encoding; encoding = void 0; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding ?? "utf8"); } if (cb) this.once("finish", cb); chunk ? super.end(chunk, cb) : super.end(cb); return this; } }; getType = (stat2) => stat2.isFile() ? "File" : stat2.isDirectory() ? "Directory" : stat2.isSymbolicLink() ? "SymbolicLink" : "Unsupported"; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/pack.js var import_fs15, import_path14, PackJob, EOF2, ONSTAT, ENDED3, QUEUE2, CURRENT, PROCESS2, PROCESSING, PROCESSJOB, JOBS, JOBDONE, ADDFSENTRY, ADDTARENTRY, STAT, READDIR, ONREADDIR, PIPE, ENTRY, ENTRYOPT, WRITEENTRYCLASS, WRITE, ONDRAIN2, Pack, PackSync; var init_pack = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/pack.js"() { import_fs15 = __toESM(require("fs"), 1); init_write_entry(); init_esm(); init_esm3(); init_esm4(); init_read_entry(); init_warn_method(); import_path14 = __toESM(require("path"), 1); init_normalize_windows_path(); PackJob = class { path; absolute; entry; stat; readdir; pending = false; ignore = false; piped = false; constructor(path16, absolute) { this.path = path16 || "./"; this.absolute = absolute; } }; EOF2 = Buffer.alloc(1024); ONSTAT = Symbol("onStat"); ENDED3 = Symbol("ended"); QUEUE2 = Symbol("queue"); CURRENT = Symbol("current"); PROCESS2 = Symbol("process"); PROCESSING = Symbol("processing"); PROCESSJOB = Symbol("processJob"); JOBS = Symbol("jobs"); JOBDONE = Symbol("jobDone"); ADDFSENTRY = Symbol("addFSEntry"); ADDTARENTRY = Symbol("addTarEntry"); STAT = Symbol("stat"); READDIR = Symbol("readdir"); ONREADDIR = Symbol("onreaddir"); PIPE = Symbol("pipe"); ENTRY = Symbol("entry"); ENTRYOPT = Symbol("entryOpt"); WRITEENTRYCLASS = Symbol("writeEntryClass"); WRITE = Symbol("write"); ONDRAIN2 = Symbol("ondrain"); Pack = class extends Minipass { opt; cwd; maxReadSize; preservePaths; strict; noPax; prefix; linkCache; statCache; file; portable; zip; readdirCache; noDirRecurse; follow; noMtime; mtime; filter; jobs; [WRITEENTRYCLASS]; onWriteEntry; [QUEUE2]; [JOBS] = 0; [PROCESSING] = false; [ENDED3] = false; constructor(opt = {}) { super(); this.opt = opt; this.file = opt.file || ""; this.cwd = opt.cwd || process.cwd(); this.maxReadSize = opt.maxReadSize; this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths; this.strict = !!opt.strict; this.noPax = !!opt.noPax; this.prefix = normalizeWindowsPath(opt.prefix || ""); this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.statCache = opt.statCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.readdirCache = opt.readdirCache || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.onWriteEntry = opt.onWriteEntry; this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntry; if (typeof opt.onwarn === "function") { this.on("warn", opt.onwarn); } this.portable = !!opt.portable; if (opt.gzip || opt.brotli) { if (opt.gzip && opt.brotli) { throw new TypeError("gzip and brotli are mutually exclusive"); } if (opt.gzip) { if (typeof opt.gzip !== "object") { opt.gzip = {}; } if (this.portable) { opt.gzip.portable = true; } this.zip = new Gzip(opt.gzip); } if (opt.brotli) { if (typeof opt.brotli !== "object") { opt.brotli = {}; } this.zip = new BrotliCompress(opt.brotli); } if (!this.zip) throw new Error("impossible"); const zip = this.zip; zip.on("data", (chunk) => super.write(chunk)); zip.on("end", () => super.end()); zip.on("drain", () => this[ONDRAIN2]()); this.on("resume", () => zip.resume()); } else { this.on("drain", this[ONDRAIN2]); } this.noDirRecurse = !!opt.noDirRecurse; this.follow = !!opt.follow; this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime; if (opt.mtime) this.mtime = opt.mtime; this.filter = typeof opt.filter === "function" ? opt.filter : () => true; this[QUEUE2] = new Yallist(); this[JOBS] = 0; this.jobs = Number(opt.jobs) || 4; this[PROCESSING] = false; this[ENDED3] = false; } [WRITE](chunk) { return super.write(chunk); } add(path16) { this.write(path16); return this; } //@ts-ignore end(path16) { if (path16) { this.add(path16); } this[ENDED3] = true; this[PROCESS2](); return this; } //@ts-ignore write(path16) { if (this[ENDED3]) { throw new Error("write after end"); } if (path16 instanceof ReadEntry) { this[ADDTARENTRY](path16); } else { this[ADDFSENTRY](path16); } return this.flowing; } [ADDTARENTRY](p) { const absolute = normalizeWindowsPath(import_path14.default.resolve(this.cwd, p.path)); if (!this.filter(p.path, p)) { p.resume(); } else { const job = new PackJob(p.path, absolute); job.entry = new WriteEntryTar(p, this[ENTRYOPT](job)); job.entry.on("end", () => this[JOBDONE](job)); this[JOBS] += 1; this[QUEUE2].push(job); } this[PROCESS2](); } [ADDFSENTRY](p) { const absolute = normalizeWindowsPath(import_path14.default.resolve(this.cwd, p)); this[QUEUE2].push(new PackJob(p, absolute)); this[PROCESS2](); } [STAT](job) { job.pending = true; this[JOBS] += 1; const stat2 = this.follow ? "stat" : "lstat"; import_fs15.default[stat2](job.absolute, (er, stat3) => { job.pending = false; this[JOBS] -= 1; if (er) { this.emit("error", er); } else { this[ONSTAT](job, stat3); } }); } [ONSTAT](job, stat2) { this.statCache.set(job.absolute, stat2); job.stat = stat2; if (!this.filter(job.path, stat2)) { job.ignore = true; } this[PROCESS2](); } [READDIR](job) { job.pending = true; this[JOBS] += 1; import_fs15.default.readdir(job.absolute, (er, entries) => { job.pending = false; this[JOBS] -= 1; if (er) { return this.emit("error", er); } this[ONREADDIR](job, entries); }); } [ONREADDIR](job, entries) { this.readdirCache.set(job.absolute, entries); job.readdir = entries; this[PROCESS2](); } [PROCESS2]() { if (this[PROCESSING]) { return; } this[PROCESSING] = true; for (let w = this[QUEUE2].head; !!w && this[JOBS] < this.jobs; w = w.next) { this[PROCESSJOB](w.value); if (w.value.ignore) { const p = w.next; this[QUEUE2].removeNode(w); w.next = p; } } this[PROCESSING] = false; if (this[ENDED3] && !this[QUEUE2].length && this[JOBS] === 0) { if (this.zip) { this.zip.end(EOF2); } else { super.write(EOF2); super.end(); } } } get [CURRENT]() { return this[QUEUE2] && this[QUEUE2].head && this[QUEUE2].head.value; } [JOBDONE](_job) { this[QUEUE2].shift(); this[JOBS] -= 1; this[PROCESS2](); } [PROCESSJOB](job) { if (job.pending) { return; } if (job.entry) { if (job === this[CURRENT] && !job.piped) { this[PIPE](job); } return; } if (!job.stat) { const sc = this.statCache.get(job.absolute); if (sc) { this[ONSTAT](job, sc); } else { this[STAT](job); } } if (!job.stat) { return; } if (job.ignore) { return; } if (!this.noDirRecurse && job.stat.isDirectory() && !job.readdir) { const rc = this.readdirCache.get(job.absolute); if (rc) { this[ONREADDIR](job, rc); } else { this[READDIR](job); } if (!job.readdir) { return; } } job.entry = this[ENTRY](job); if (!job.entry) { job.ignore = true; return; } if (job === this[CURRENT] && !job.piped) { this[PIPE](job); } } [ENTRYOPT](job) { return { onwarn: (code2, msg, data) => this.warn(code2, msg, data), noPax: this.noPax, cwd: this.cwd, absolute: job.absolute, preservePaths: this.preservePaths, maxReadSize: this.maxReadSize, strict: this.strict, portable: this.portable, linkCache: this.linkCache, statCache: this.statCache, noMtime: this.noMtime, mtime: this.mtime, prefix: this.prefix }; } [ENTRY](job) { this[JOBS] += 1; try { const e = new this[WRITEENTRYCLASS](job.path, this[ENTRYOPT](job)); this.onWriteEntry?.(e); return e.on("end", () => this[JOBDONE](job)).on("error", (er) => this.emit("error", er)); } catch (er) { this.emit("error", er); } } [ONDRAIN2]() { if (this[CURRENT] && this[CURRENT].entry) { this[CURRENT].entry.resume(); } } // like .pipe() but using super, because our write() is special [PIPE](job) { job.piped = true; if (job.readdir) { job.readdir.forEach((entry) => { const p = job.path; const base = p === "./" ? "" : p.replace(/\/*$/, "/"); this[ADDFSENTRY](base + entry); }); } const source = job.entry; const zip = this.zip; if (!source) throw new Error("cannot pipe without source"); if (zip) { source.on("data", (chunk) => { if (!zip.write(chunk)) { source.pause(); } }); } else { source.on("data", (chunk) => { if (!super.write(chunk)) { source.pause(); } }); } } pause() { if (this.zip) { this.zip.pause(); } return super.pause(); } warn(code2, message, data = {}) { warnMethod(this, code2, message, data); } }; PackSync = class extends Pack { sync = true; constructor(opt) { super(opt); this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntrySync; } // pause/resume are no-ops in sync streams. pause() { } resume() { } [STAT](job) { const stat2 = this.follow ? "statSync" : "lstatSync"; this[ONSTAT](job, import_fs15.default[stat2](job.absolute)); } [READDIR](job) { this[ONREADDIR](job, import_fs15.default.readdirSync(job.absolute)); } // gotta get it all in this tick [PIPE](job) { const source = job.entry; const zip = this.zip; if (job.readdir) { job.readdir.forEach((entry) => { const p = job.path; const base = p === "./" ? "" : p.replace(/\/*$/, "/"); this[ADDFSENTRY](base + entry); }); } if (!source) throw new Error("Cannot pipe without source"); if (zip) { source.on("data", (chunk) => { zip.write(chunk); }); } else { source.on("data", (chunk) => { super[WRITE](chunk); }); } } }; } }); // .yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/create.js var create_exports = {}; __export(create_exports, { create: () => create }); var import_node_path8, createFileSync, createFile, addFilesSync, addFilesAsync, createSync, createAsync, create; var init_create = __esm({ ".yarn/cache/tar-npm-7.4.0-2d244f1b3c-f4bab85fd1.zip/node_modules/tar/dist/esm/create.js"() { init_esm2(); import_node_path8 = __toESM(require("node:path"), 1); init_list(); init_make_command(); init_pack(); createFileSync = (opt, files) => { const p = new PackSync(opt); const stream = new WriteStreamSync(opt.file, { mode: opt.mode || 438 }); p.pipe(stream); addFilesSync(p, files); }; createFile = (opt, files) => { const p = new Pack(opt); const stream = new WriteStream(opt.file, { mode: opt.mode || 438 }); p.pipe(stream); const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => { stream.on("error", rej); stream.on("close", res); p.on("error", rej); }); addFilesAsync(p, files); return promise; }; addFilesSync = (p, files) => { files.forEach((file) => { if (file.charAt(0) === "@") { list({ file: import_node_path8.default.resolve(p.cwd, file.slice(1)), sync: true, noResume: true, onReadEntry: (entry) => p.add(entry) }); } else { p.add(file); } }); p.end(); }; addFilesAsync = async (p, files) => { for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = String(files[i]); if (file.charAt(0) === "@") { await list({ file: import_node_path8.default.resolve(String(p.cwd), file.slice(1)), noResume: true, onReadEntry: (entry) => { p.add(entry); } }); } else { p.add(file); } } p.end(); }; createSync = (opt, files) => { const p = new PackSync(opt); addFilesSync(p, files); return p; }; createAsync = (opt, files) => { const p = new Pack(opt); addFilesAsync(p, files); return p; }; create = makeCommand(createFileSync, createFile, createSync, createAsync, (_opt, files) => { if (!files?.length) { throw new TypeError("no paths specified to add to archive"); } }); } }); // .yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/major.js var require_major = __commonJS({ ".yarn/cache/semver-npm-7.6.3-57e82c14d5-88f33e148b.zip/node_modules/semver/functions/major.js"(exports2, module2) { var SemVer3 = require_semver(); var major = (a, loose) => new SemVer3(a, loose).major; module2.exports = major; } }); // sources/_lib.ts var lib_exports2 = {}; __export(lib_exports2, { runMain: () => runMain }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(lib_exports2); // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/constants.mjs var NODE_INITIAL = 0; var NODE_SUCCESS = 1; var NODE_ERRORED = 2; var START_OF_INPUT = ``; var END_OF_INPUT = `\0`; var HELP_COMMAND_INDEX = -1; var HELP_REGEX = /^(-h|--help)(?:=([0-9]+))?$/; var OPTION_REGEX = /^(--[a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*|-[a-zA-Z]+)$/; var BATCH_REGEX = /^-[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/; var BINDING_REGEX = /^([^=]+)=([\s\S]*)$/; var DEBUG = process.env.DEBUG_CLI === `1`; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/errors.mjs var UsageError = class extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.clipanion = { type: `usage` }; this.name = `UsageError`; } }; var UnknownSyntaxError = class extends Error { constructor(input, candidates) { super(); this.input = input; this.candidates = candidates; this.clipanion = { type: `none` }; this.name = `UnknownSyntaxError`; if (this.candidates.length === 0) { this.message = `Command not found, but we're not sure what's the alternative.`; } else if (this.candidates.every((candidate) => candidate.reason !== null && candidate.reason === candidates[0].reason)) { const [{ reason }] = this.candidates; this.message = `${reason} ${this.candidates.map(({ usage }) => `$ ${usage}`).join(` `)}`; } else if (this.candidates.length === 1) { const [{ usage }] = this.candidates; this.message = `Command not found; did you mean: $ ${usage} ${whileRunning(input)}`; } else { this.message = `Command not found; did you mean one of: ${this.candidates.map(({ usage }, index) => { return `${`${index}.`.padStart(4)} ${usage}`; }).join(` `)} ${whileRunning(input)}`; } } }; var AmbiguousSyntaxError = class extends Error { constructor(input, usages) { super(); this.input = input; this.usages = usages; this.clipanion = { type: `none` }; this.name = `AmbiguousSyntaxError`; this.message = `Cannot find which to pick amongst the following alternatives: ${this.usages.map((usage, index) => { return `${`${index}.`.padStart(4)} ${usage}`; }).join(` `)} ${whileRunning(input)}`; } }; var whileRunning = (input) => `While running ${input.filter((token) => { return token !== END_OF_INPUT; }).map((token) => { const json = JSON.stringify(token); if (token.match(/\s/) || token.length === 0 || json !== `"${token}"`) { return json; } else { return token; } }).join(` `)}`; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/format.mjs var MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 80; var richLine = Array(MAX_LINE_LENGTH).fill(`\u2501`); for (let t = 0; t <= 24; ++t) richLine[richLine.length - t] = `\x1B[38;5;${232 + t}m\u2501`; var richFormat = { header: (str) => `\x1B[1m\u2501\u2501\u2501 ${str}${str.length < MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 5 ? ` ${richLine.slice(str.length + 5).join(``)}` : `:`}\x1B[0m`, bold: (str) => `\x1B[1m${str}\x1B[22m`, error: (str) => `\x1B[31m\x1B[1m${str}\x1B[22m\x1B[39m`, code: (str) => `\x1B[36m${str}\x1B[39m` }; var textFormat = { header: (str) => str, bold: (str) => str, error: (str) => str, code: (str) => str }; function dedent(text) { const lines = text.split(` `); const nonEmptyLines = lines.filter((line) => line.match(/\S/)); const indent = nonEmptyLines.length > 0 ? nonEmptyLines.reduce((minLength, line) => Math.min(minLength, line.length - line.trimStart().length), Number.MAX_VALUE) : 0; return lines.map((line) => line.slice(indent).trimRight()).join(` `); } function formatMarkdownish(text, { format, paragraphs }) { text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, ` `); text = dedent(text); text = text.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, ``); text = text.replace(/^(\s*)-([^\n]*?)\n+/gm, `$1-$2 `); text = text.replace(/\n(\n)?\n*/g, ($0, $1) => $1 ? $1 : ` `); if (paragraphs) { text = text.split(/\n/).map((paragraph) => { const bulletMatch = paragraph.match(/^\s*[*-][\t ]+(.*)/); if (!bulletMatch) return paragraph.match(/(.{1,80})(?: |$)/g).join(` `); const indent = paragraph.length - paragraph.trimStart().length; return bulletMatch[1].match(new RegExp(`(.{1,${78 - indent}})(?: |$)`, `g`)).map((line, index) => { return ` `.repeat(indent) + (index === 0 ? `- ` : ` `) + line; }).join(` `); }).join(` `); } text = text.replace(/(`+)((?:.|[\n])*?)\1/g, ($0, $1, $2) => { return format.code($1 + $2 + $1); }); text = text.replace(/(\*\*)((?:.|[\n])*?)\1/g, ($0, $1, $2) => { return format.bold($1 + $2 + $1); }); return text ? `${text} ` : ``; } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/utils.mjs var isOptionSymbol = Symbol(`clipanion/isOption`); function makeCommandOption(spec) { return { ...spec, [isOptionSymbol]: true }; } function rerouteArguments(a, b) { if (typeof a === `undefined`) return [a, b]; if (typeof a === `object` && a !== null && !Array.isArray(a)) { return [void 0, a]; } else { return [a, b]; } } function cleanValidationError(message, { mergeName = false } = {}) { const match = message.match(/^([^:]+): (.*)$/m); if (!match) return `validation failed`; let [, path16, line] = match; if (mergeName) line = line[0].toLowerCase() + line.slice(1); line = path16 !== `.` || !mergeName ? `${path16.replace(/^\.(\[|$)/, `$1`)}: ${line}` : `: ${line}`; return line; } function formatError(message, errors) { if (errors.length === 1) { return new UsageError(`${message}${cleanValidationError(errors[0], { mergeName: true })}`); } else { return new UsageError(`${message}: ${errors.map((error) => ` - ${cleanValidationError(error)}`).join(``)}`); } } function applyValidator(name2, value, validator) { if (typeof validator === `undefined`) return value; const errors = []; const coercions = []; const coercion = (v) => { const orig = value; value = v; return coercion.bind(null, orig); }; const check = validator(value, { errors, coercions, coercion }); if (!check) throw formatError(`Invalid value for ${name2}`, errors); for (const [, op] of coercions) op(); return value; } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/Command.mjs var Command = class { constructor() { this.help = false; } /** * Defines the usage information for the given command. */ static Usage(usage) { return usage; } /** * Standard error handler which will simply rethrow the error. Can be used * to add custom logic to handle errors from the command or simply return * the parent class error handling. */ async catch(error) { throw error; } async validateAndExecute() { const commandClass = this.constructor; const cascade2 = commandClass.schema; if (Array.isArray(cascade2)) { const { isDict: isDict2, isUnknown: isUnknown2, applyCascade: applyCascade2 } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_lib(), lib_exports)); const schema = applyCascade2(isDict2(isUnknown2()), cascade2); const errors = []; const coercions = []; const check = schema(this, { errors, coercions }); if (!check) throw formatError(`Invalid option schema`, errors); for (const [, op] of coercions) { op(); } } else if (cascade2 != null) { throw new Error(`Invalid command schema`); } const exitCode = await this.execute(); if (typeof exitCode !== `undefined`) { return exitCode; } else { return 0; } } }; Command.isOption = isOptionSymbol; Command.Default = []; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/core.mjs function debug(str) { if (DEBUG) { console.log(str); } } var basicHelpState = { candidateUsage: null, requiredOptions: [], errorMessage: null, ignoreOptions: false, path: [], positionals: [], options: [], remainder: null, selectedIndex: HELP_COMMAND_INDEX }; function makeStateMachine() { return { nodes: [makeNode(), makeNode(), makeNode()] }; } function makeAnyOfMachine(inputs) { const output = makeStateMachine(); const heads = []; let offset = output.nodes.length; for (const input of inputs) { heads.push(offset); for (let t = 0; t < input.nodes.length; ++t) if (!isTerminalNode(t)) output.nodes.push(cloneNode(input.nodes[t], offset)); offset += input.nodes.length - 2; } for (const head of heads) registerShortcut(output, NODE_INITIAL, head); return output; } function injectNode(machine, node) { machine.nodes.push(node); return machine.nodes.length - 1; } function simplifyMachine(input) { const visited = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const process5 = (node) => { if (visited.has(node)) return; visited.add(node); const nodeDef = input.nodes[node]; for (const transitions of Object.values(nodeDef.statics)) for (const { to } of transitions) process5(to); for (const [, { to }] of nodeDef.dynamics) process5(to); for (const { to } of nodeDef.shortcuts) process5(to); const shortcuts = new Set(nodeDef.shortcuts.map(({ to }) => to)); while (nodeDef.shortcuts.length > 0) { const { to } = nodeDef.shortcuts.shift(); const toDef = input.nodes[to]; for (const [segment, transitions] of Object.entries(toDef.statics)) { const store = !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nodeDef.statics, segment) ? nodeDef.statics[segment] = [] : nodeDef.statics[segment]; for (const transition of transitions) { if (!store.some(({ to: to2 }) => transition.to === to2)) { store.push(transition); } } } for (const [test, transition] of toDef.dynamics) if (!nodeDef.dynamics.some(([otherTest, { to: to2 }]) => test === otherTest && transition.to === to2)) nodeDef.dynamics.push([test, transition]); for (const transition of toDef.shortcuts) { if (!shortcuts.has(transition.to)) { nodeDef.shortcuts.push(transition); shortcuts.add(transition.to); } } } }; process5(NODE_INITIAL); } function debugMachine(machine, { prefix = `` } = {}) { if (DEBUG) { debug(`${prefix}Nodes are:`); for (let t = 0; t < machine.nodes.length; ++t) { debug(`${prefix} ${t}: ${JSON.stringify(machine.nodes[t])}`); } } } function runMachineInternal(machine, input, partial = false) { debug(`Running a vm on ${JSON.stringify(input)}`); let branches = [{ node: NODE_INITIAL, state: { candidateUsage: null, requiredOptions: [], errorMessage: null, ignoreOptions: false, options: [], path: [], positionals: [], remainder: null, selectedIndex: null } }]; debugMachine(machine, { prefix: ` ` }); const tokens = [START_OF_INPUT, ...input]; for (let t = 0; t < tokens.length; ++t) { const segment = tokens[t]; debug(` Processing ${JSON.stringify(segment)}`); const nextBranches = []; for (const { node, state } of branches) { debug(` Current node is ${node}`); const nodeDef = machine.nodes[node]; if (node === NODE_ERRORED) { nextBranches.push({ node, state }); continue; } console.assert(nodeDef.shortcuts.length === 0, `Shortcuts should have been eliminated by now`); const hasExactMatch = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(nodeDef.statics, segment); if (!partial || t < tokens.length - 1 || hasExactMatch) { if (hasExactMatch) { const transitions = nodeDef.statics[segment]; for (const { to, reducer } of transitions) { nextBranches.push({ node: to, state: typeof reducer !== `undefined` ? execute(reducers, reducer, state, segment) : state }); debug(` Static transition to ${to} found`); } } else { debug(` No static transition found`); } } else { let hasMatches = false; for (const candidate of Object.keys(nodeDef.statics)) { if (!candidate.startsWith(segment)) continue; if (segment === candidate) { for (const { to, reducer } of nodeDef.statics[candidate]) { nextBranches.push({ node: to, state: typeof reducer !== `undefined` ? execute(reducers, reducer, state, segment) : state }); debug(` Static transition to ${to} found`); } } else { for (const { to } of nodeDef.statics[candidate]) { nextBranches.push({ node: to, state: { ...state, remainder: candidate.slice(segment.length) } }); debug(` Static transition to ${to} found (partial match)`); } } hasMatches = true; } if (!hasMatches) { debug(` No partial static transition found`); } } if (segment !== END_OF_INPUT) { for (const [test, { to, reducer }] of nodeDef.dynamics) { if (execute(tests, test, state, segment)) { nextBranches.push({ node: to, state: typeof reducer !== `undefined` ? execute(reducers, reducer, state, segment) : state }); debug(` Dynamic transition to ${to} found (via ${test})`); } } } } if (nextBranches.length === 0 && segment === END_OF_INPUT && input.length === 1) { return [{ node: NODE_INITIAL, state: basicHelpState }]; } if (nextBranches.length === 0) { throw new UnknownSyntaxError(input, branches.filter(({ node }) => { return node !== NODE_ERRORED; }).map(({ state }) => { return { usage: state.candidateUsage, reason: null }; })); } if (nextBranches.every(({ node }) => node === NODE_ERRORED)) { throw new UnknownSyntaxError(input, nextBranches.map(({ state }) => { return { usage: state.candidateUsage, reason: state.errorMessage }; })); } branches = trimSmallerBranches(nextBranches); } if (branches.length > 0) { debug(` Results:`); for (const branch of branches) { debug(` - ${branch.node} -> ${JSON.stringify(branch.state)}`); } } else { debug(` No results`); } return branches; } function checkIfNodeIsFinished(node, state) { if (state.selectedIndex !== null) return true; if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(node.statics, END_OF_INPUT)) { for (const { to } of node.statics[END_OF_INPUT]) if (to === NODE_SUCCESS) return true; } return false; } function suggestMachine(machine, input, partial) { const prefix = partial && input.length > 0 ? [``] : []; const branches = runMachineInternal(machine, input, partial); const suggestions = []; const suggestionsJson = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const traverseSuggestion = (suggestion, node, skipFirst = true) => { let nextNodes = [node]; while (nextNodes.length > 0) { const currentNodes = nextNodes; nextNodes = []; for (const node2 of currentNodes) { const nodeDef = machine.nodes[node2]; const keys = Object.keys(nodeDef.statics); for (const key of Object.keys(nodeDef.statics)) { const segment = keys[0]; for (const { to, reducer } of nodeDef.statics[segment]) { if (reducer !== `pushPath`) continue; if (!skipFirst) suggestion.push(segment); nextNodes.push(to); } } } skipFirst = false; } const json = JSON.stringify(suggestion); if (suggestionsJson.has(json)) return; suggestions.push(suggestion); suggestionsJson.add(json); }; for (const { node, state } of branches) { if (state.remainder !== null) { traverseSuggestion([state.remainder], node); continue; } const nodeDef = machine.nodes[node]; const isFinished = checkIfNodeIsFinished(nodeDef, state); for (const [candidate, transitions] of Object.entries(nodeDef.statics)) if (isFinished && candidate !== END_OF_INPUT || !candidate.startsWith(`-`) && transitions.some(({ reducer }) => reducer === `pushPath`)) traverseSuggestion([...prefix, candidate], node); if (!isFinished) continue; for (const [test, { to }] of nodeDef.dynamics) { if (to === NODE_ERRORED) continue; const tokens = suggest(test, state); if (tokens === null) continue; for (const token of tokens) { traverseSuggestion([...prefix, token], node); } } } return [...suggestions].sort(); } function runMachine(machine, input) { const branches = runMachineInternal(machine, [...input, END_OF_INPUT]); return selectBestState(input, branches.map(({ state }) => { return state; })); } function trimSmallerBranches(branches) { let maxPathSize = 0; for (const { state } of branches) if (state.path.length > maxPathSize) maxPathSize = state.path.length; return branches.filter(({ state }) => { return state.path.length === maxPathSize; }); } function selectBestState(input, states) { const terminalStates = states.filter((state) => { return state.selectedIndex !== null; }); if (terminalStates.length === 0) throw new Error(); const requiredOptionsSetStates = terminalStates.filter((state) => state.selectedIndex === HELP_COMMAND_INDEX || state.requiredOptions.every((names) => names.some((name2) => state.options.find((opt) => opt.name === name2)))); if (requiredOptionsSetStates.length === 0) { throw new UnknownSyntaxError(input, terminalStates.map((state) => ({ usage: state.candidateUsage, reason: null }))); } let maxPathSize = 0; for (const state of requiredOptionsSetStates) if (state.path.length > maxPathSize) maxPathSize = state.path.length; const bestPathBranches = requiredOptionsSetStates.filter((state) => { return state.path.length === maxPathSize; }); const getPositionalCount = (state) => state.positionals.filter(({ extra }) => { return !extra; }).length + state.options.length; const statesWithPositionalCount = bestPathBranches.map((state) => { return { state, positionalCount: getPositionalCount(state) }; }); let maxPositionalCount = 0; for (const { positionalCount } of statesWithPositionalCount) if (positionalCount > maxPositionalCount) maxPositionalCount = positionalCount; const bestPositionalStates = statesWithPositionalCount.filter(({ positionalCount }) => { return positionalCount === maxPositionalCount; }).map(({ state }) => { return state; }); const fixedStates = aggregateHelpStates(bestPositionalStates); if (fixedStates.length > 1) throw new AmbiguousSyntaxError(input, fixedStates.map((state) => state.candidateUsage)); return fixedStates[0]; } function aggregateHelpStates(states) { const notHelps = []; const helps = []; for (const state of states) { if (state.selectedIndex === HELP_COMMAND_INDEX) { helps.push(state); } else { notHelps.push(state); } } if (helps.length > 0) { notHelps.push({ ...basicHelpState, path: findCommonPrefix(...helps.map((state) => state.path)), options: helps.reduce((options, state) => options.concat(state.options), []) }); } return notHelps; } function findCommonPrefix(firstPath, secondPath, ...rest) { if (secondPath === void 0) return Array.from(firstPath); return findCommonPrefix(firstPath.filter((segment, i) => segment === secondPath[i]), ...rest); } function makeNode() { return { dynamics: [], shortcuts: [], statics: {} }; } function isTerminalNode(node) { return node === NODE_SUCCESS || node === NODE_ERRORED; } function cloneTransition(input, offset = 0) { return { to: !isTerminalNode(input.to) ? input.to > 2 ? input.to + offset - 2 : input.to + offset : input.to, reducer: input.reducer }; } function cloneNode(input, offset = 0) { const output = makeNode(); for (const [test, transition] of input.dynamics) output.dynamics.push([test, cloneTransition(transition, offset)]); for (const transition of input.shortcuts) output.shortcuts.push(cloneTransition(transition, offset)); for (const [segment, transitions] of Object.entries(input.statics)) output.statics[segment] = transitions.map((transition) => cloneTransition(transition, offset)); return output; } function registerDynamic(machine, from, test, to, reducer) { machine.nodes[from].dynamics.push([ test, { to, reducer } ]); } function registerShortcut(machine, from, to, reducer) { machine.nodes[from].shortcuts.push({ to, reducer }); } function registerStatic(machine, from, test, to, reducer) { const store = !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(machine.nodes[from].statics, test) ? machine.nodes[from].statics[test] = [] : machine.nodes[from].statics[test]; store.push({ to, reducer }); } function execute(store, callback, state, segment) { if (Array.isArray(callback)) { const [name2, ...args] = callback; return store[name2](state, segment, ...args); } else { return store[callback](state, segment); } } function suggest(callback, state) { const fn2 = Array.isArray(callback) ? tests[callback[0]] : tests[callback]; if (typeof fn2.suggest === `undefined`) return null; const args = Array.isArray(callback) ? callback.slice(1) : []; return fn2.suggest(state, ...args); } var tests = { always: () => { return true; }, isOptionLike: (state, segment) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && (segment !== `-` && segment.startsWith(`-`)); }, isNotOptionLike: (state, segment) => { return state.ignoreOptions || segment === `-` || !segment.startsWith(`-`); }, isOption: (state, segment, name2, hidden) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && segment === name2; }, isBatchOption: (state, segment, names) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && BATCH_REGEX.test(segment) && [...segment.slice(1)].every((name2) => names.includes(`-${name2}`)); }, isBoundOption: (state, segment, names, options) => { const optionParsing = segment.match(BINDING_REGEX); return !state.ignoreOptions && !!optionParsing && OPTION_REGEX.test(optionParsing[1]) && names.includes(optionParsing[1]) && options.filter((opt) => opt.names.includes(optionParsing[1])).every((opt) => opt.allowBinding); }, isNegatedOption: (state, segment, name2) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && segment === `--no-${name2.slice(2)}`; }, isHelp: (state, segment) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && HELP_REGEX.test(segment); }, isUnsupportedOption: (state, segment, names) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && segment.startsWith(`-`) && OPTION_REGEX.test(segment) && !names.includes(segment); }, isInvalidOption: (state, segment) => { return !state.ignoreOptions && segment.startsWith(`-`) && !OPTION_REGEX.test(segment); } }; tests.isOption.suggest = (state, name2, hidden = true) => { return !hidden ? [name2] : null; }; var reducers = { setCandidateState: (state, segment, candidateState) => { return { ...state, ...candidateState }; }, setSelectedIndex: (state, segment, index) => { return { ...state, selectedIndex: index }; }, pushBatch: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, options: state.options.concat([...segment.slice(1)].map((name2) => ({ name: `-${name2}`, value: true }))) }; }, pushBound: (state, segment) => { const [, name2, value] = segment.match(BINDING_REGEX); return { ...state, options: state.options.concat({ name: name2, value }) }; }, pushPath: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, path: state.path.concat(segment) }; }, pushPositional: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, positionals: state.positionals.concat({ value: segment, extra: false }) }; }, pushExtra: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, positionals: state.positionals.concat({ value: segment, extra: true }) }; }, pushExtraNoLimits: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, positionals: state.positionals.concat({ value: segment, extra: NoLimits }) }; }, pushTrue: (state, segment, name2 = segment) => { return { ...state, options: state.options.concat({ name: segment, value: true }) }; }, pushFalse: (state, segment, name2 = segment) => { return { ...state, options: state.options.concat({ name: name2, value: false }) }; }, pushUndefined: (state, segment) => { return { ...state, options: state.options.concat({ name: segment, value: void 0 }) }; }, pushStringValue: (state, segment) => { var _a; const copy = { ...state, options: [...state.options] }; const lastOption = state.options[state.options.length - 1]; lastOption.value = ((_a = lastOption.value) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []).concat([segment]); return copy; }, setStringValue: (state, segment) => { const copy = { ...state, options: [...state.options] }; const lastOption = state.options[state.options.length - 1]; lastOption.value = segment; return copy; }, inhibateOptions: (state) => { return { ...state, ignoreOptions: true }; }, useHelp: (state, segment, command) => { const [ , /* name */ , index ] = segment.match(HELP_REGEX); if (typeof index !== `undefined`) { return { ...state, options: [{ name: `-c`, value: String(command) }, { name: `-i`, value: index }] }; } else { return { ...state, options: [{ name: `-c`, value: String(command) }] }; } }, setError: (state, segment, errorMessage) => { if (segment === END_OF_INPUT) { return { ...state, errorMessage: `${errorMessage}.` }; } else { return { ...state, errorMessage: `${errorMessage} ("${segment}").` }; } }, setOptionArityError: (state, segment) => { const lastOption = state.options[state.options.length - 1]; return { ...state, errorMessage: `Not enough arguments to option ${lastOption.name}.` }; } }; var NoLimits = Symbol(); var CommandBuilder = class { constructor(cliIndex, cliOpts) { this.allOptionNames = []; this.arity = { leading: [], trailing: [], extra: [], proxy: false }; this.options = []; this.paths = []; this.cliIndex = cliIndex; this.cliOpts = cliOpts; } addPath(path16) { this.paths.push(path16); } setArity({ leading = this.arity.leading, trailing = this.arity.trailing, extra = this.arity.extra, proxy = this.arity.proxy }) { Object.assign(this.arity, { leading, trailing, extra, proxy }); } addPositional({ name: name2 = `arg`, required = true } = {}) { if (!required && this.arity.extra === NoLimits) throw new Error(`Optional parameters cannot be declared when using .rest() or .proxy()`); if (!required && this.arity.trailing.length > 0) throw new Error(`Optional parameters cannot be declared after the required trailing positional arguments`); if (!required && this.arity.extra !== NoLimits) { this.arity.extra.push(name2); } else if (this.arity.extra !== NoLimits && this.arity.extra.length === 0) { this.arity.leading.push(name2); } else { this.arity.trailing.push(name2); } } addRest({ name: name2 = `arg`, required = 0 } = {}) { if (this.arity.extra === NoLimits) throw new Error(`Infinite lists cannot be declared multiple times in the same command`); if (this.arity.trailing.length > 0) throw new Error(`Infinite lists cannot be declared after the required trailing positional arguments`); for (let t = 0; t < required; ++t) this.addPositional({ name: name2 }); this.arity.extra = NoLimits; } addProxy({ required = 0 } = {}) { this.addRest({ required }); this.arity.proxy = true; } addOption({ names, description, arity = 0, hidden = false, required = false, allowBinding = true }) { if (!allowBinding && arity > 1) throw new Error(`The arity cannot be higher than 1 when the option only supports the --arg=value syntax`); if (!Number.isInteger(arity)) throw new Error(`The arity must be an integer, got ${arity}`); if (arity < 0) throw new Error(`The arity must be positive, got ${arity}`); this.allOptionNames.push(...names); this.options.push({ names, description, arity, hidden, required, allowBinding }); } setContext(context) { this.context = context; } usage({ detailed = true, inlineOptions = true } = {}) { const segments = [this.cliOpts.binaryName]; const detailedOptionList = []; if (this.paths.length > 0) segments.push(...this.paths[0]); if (detailed) { for (const { names, arity, hidden, description, required } of this.options) { if (hidden) continue; const args = []; for (let t = 0; t < arity; ++t) args.push(` #${t}`); const definition = `${names.join(`,`)}${args.join(``)}`; if (!inlineOptions && description) { detailedOptionList.push({ definition, description, required }); } else { segments.push(required ? `<${definition}>` : `[${definition}]`); } } segments.push(...this.arity.leading.map((name2) => `<${name2}>`)); if (this.arity.extra === NoLimits) segments.push(`...`); else segments.push(...this.arity.extra.map((name2) => `[${name2}]`)); segments.push(...this.arity.trailing.map((name2) => `<${name2}>`)); } const usage = segments.join(` `); return { usage, options: detailedOptionList }; } compile() { if (typeof this.context === `undefined`) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: No context attached`); const machine = makeStateMachine(); let firstNode = NODE_INITIAL; const candidateUsage = this.usage().usage; const requiredOptions = this.options.filter((opt) => opt.required).map((opt) => opt.names); firstNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerStatic(machine, NODE_INITIAL, START_OF_INPUT, firstNode, [`setCandidateState`, { candidateUsage, requiredOptions }]); const positionalArgument = this.arity.proxy ? `always` : `isNotOptionLike`; const paths = this.paths.length > 0 ? this.paths : [[]]; for (const path16 of paths) { let lastPathNode = firstNode; if (path16.length > 0) { const optionPathNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerShortcut(machine, lastPathNode, optionPathNode); this.registerOptions(machine, optionPathNode); lastPathNode = optionPathNode; } for (let t = 0; t < path16.length; ++t) { const nextPathNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerStatic(machine, lastPathNode, path16[t], nextPathNode, `pushPath`); lastPathNode = nextPathNode; } if (this.arity.leading.length > 0 || !this.arity.proxy) { const helpNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerDynamic(machine, lastPathNode, `isHelp`, helpNode, [`useHelp`, this.cliIndex]); registerDynamic(machine, helpNode, `always`, helpNode, `pushExtra`); registerStatic(machine, helpNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_SUCCESS, [`setSelectedIndex`, HELP_COMMAND_INDEX]); this.registerOptions(machine, lastPathNode); } if (this.arity.leading.length > 0) registerStatic(machine, lastPathNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Not enough positional arguments`]); let lastLeadingNode = lastPathNode; for (let t = 0; t < this.arity.leading.length; ++t) { const nextLeadingNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); if (!this.arity.proxy || t + 1 !== this.arity.leading.length) this.registerOptions(machine, nextLeadingNode); if (this.arity.trailing.length > 0 || t + 1 !== this.arity.leading.length) registerStatic(machine, nextLeadingNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Not enough positional arguments`]); registerDynamic(machine, lastLeadingNode, `isNotOptionLike`, nextLeadingNode, `pushPositional`); lastLeadingNode = nextLeadingNode; } let lastExtraNode = lastLeadingNode; if (this.arity.extra === NoLimits || this.arity.extra.length > 0) { const extraShortcutNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerShortcut(machine, lastLeadingNode, extraShortcutNode); if (this.arity.extra === NoLimits) { const extraNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); if (!this.arity.proxy) this.registerOptions(machine, extraNode); registerDynamic(machine, lastLeadingNode, positionalArgument, extraNode, `pushExtraNoLimits`); registerDynamic(machine, extraNode, positionalArgument, extraNode, `pushExtraNoLimits`); registerShortcut(machine, extraNode, extraShortcutNode); } else { for (let t = 0; t < this.arity.extra.length; ++t) { const nextExtraNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); if (!this.arity.proxy || t > 0) this.registerOptions(machine, nextExtraNode); registerDynamic(machine, lastExtraNode, positionalArgument, nextExtraNode, `pushExtra`); registerShortcut(machine, nextExtraNode, extraShortcutNode); lastExtraNode = nextExtraNode; } } lastExtraNode = extraShortcutNode; } if (this.arity.trailing.length > 0) registerStatic(machine, lastExtraNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Not enough positional arguments`]); let lastTrailingNode = lastExtraNode; for (let t = 0; t < this.arity.trailing.length; ++t) { const nextTrailingNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); if (!this.arity.proxy) this.registerOptions(machine, nextTrailingNode); if (t + 1 < this.arity.trailing.length) registerStatic(machine, nextTrailingNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Not enough positional arguments`]); registerDynamic(machine, lastTrailingNode, `isNotOptionLike`, nextTrailingNode, `pushPositional`); lastTrailingNode = nextTrailingNode; } registerDynamic(machine, lastTrailingNode, positionalArgument, NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Extraneous positional argument`]); registerStatic(machine, lastTrailingNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_SUCCESS, [`setSelectedIndex`, this.cliIndex]); } return { machine, context: this.context }; } registerOptions(machine, node) { registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isOption`, `--`], node, `inhibateOptions`); registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isBatchOption`, this.allOptionNames], node, `pushBatch`); registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isBoundOption`, this.allOptionNames, this.options], node, `pushBound`); registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isUnsupportedOption`, this.allOptionNames], NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Unsupported option name`]); registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isInvalidOption`], NODE_ERRORED, [`setError`, `Invalid option name`]); for (const option of this.options) { const longestName = option.names.reduce((longestName2, name2) => { return name2.length > longestName2.length ? name2 : longestName2; }, ``); if (option.arity === 0) { for (const name2 of option.names) { registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isOption`, name2, option.hidden || name2 !== longestName], node, `pushTrue`); if (name2.startsWith(`--`) && !name2.startsWith(`--no-`)) { registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isNegatedOption`, name2], node, [`pushFalse`, name2]); } } } else { let lastNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); for (const name2 of option.names) registerDynamic(machine, node, [`isOption`, name2, option.hidden || name2 !== longestName], lastNode, `pushUndefined`); for (let t = 0; t < option.arity; ++t) { const nextNode = injectNode(machine, makeNode()); registerStatic(machine, lastNode, END_OF_INPUT, NODE_ERRORED, `setOptionArityError`); registerDynamic(machine, lastNode, `isOptionLike`, NODE_ERRORED, `setOptionArityError`); const action = option.arity === 1 ? `setStringValue` : `pushStringValue`; registerDynamic(machine, lastNode, `isNotOptionLike`, nextNode, action); lastNode = nextNode; } registerShortcut(machine, lastNode, node); } } } }; var CliBuilder = class _CliBuilder { constructor({ binaryName = `...` } = {}) { this.builders = []; this.opts = { binaryName }; } static build(cbs, opts = {}) { return new _CliBuilder(opts).commands(cbs).compile(); } getBuilderByIndex(n) { if (!(n >= 0 && n < this.builders.length)) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Out-of-bound command index (${n})`); return this.builders[n]; } commands(cbs) { for (const cb of cbs) cb(this.command()); return this; } command() { const builder = new CommandBuilder(this.builders.length, this.opts); this.builders.push(builder); return builder; } compile() { const machines = []; const contexts = []; for (const builder of this.builders) { const { machine: machine2, context } = builder.compile(); machines.push(machine2); contexts.push(context); } const machine = makeAnyOfMachine(machines); simplifyMachine(machine); return { machine, contexts, process: (input) => { return runMachine(machine, input); }, suggest: (input, partial) => { return suggestMachine(machine, input, partial); } }; } }; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/Cli.mjs var import_platform = __toESM(require_node(), 1); // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/HelpCommand.mjs var HelpCommand = class _HelpCommand extends Command { constructor(contexts) { super(); this.contexts = contexts; this.commands = []; } static from(state, contexts) { const command = new _HelpCommand(contexts); command.path = state.path; for (const opt of state.options) { switch (opt.name) { case `-c`: { command.commands.push(Number(opt.value)); } break; case `-i`: { command.index = Number(opt.value); } break; } } return command; } async execute() { let commands = this.commands; if (typeof this.index !== `undefined` && this.index >= 0 && this.index < commands.length) commands = [commands[this.index]]; if (commands.length === 0) { this.context.stdout.write(this.cli.usage()); } else if (commands.length === 1) { this.context.stdout.write(this.cli.usage(this.contexts[commands[0]].commandClass, { detailed: true })); } else if (commands.length > 1) { this.context.stdout.write(`Multiple commands match your selection: `); this.context.stdout.write(` `); let index = 0; for (const command of this.commands) this.context.stdout.write(this.cli.usage(this.contexts[command].commandClass, { prefix: `${index++}. `.padStart(5) })); this.context.stdout.write(` `); this.context.stdout.write(`Run again with -h=<index> to see the longer details of any of those commands. `); } } }; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/Cli.mjs var errorCommandSymbol = Symbol(`clipanion/errorCommand`); var Cli = class _Cli { constructor({ binaryLabel, binaryName: binaryNameOpt = `...`, binaryVersion, enableCapture = false, enableColors } = {}) { this.registrations = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.builder = new CliBuilder({ binaryName: binaryNameOpt }); this.binaryLabel = binaryLabel; this.binaryName = binaryNameOpt; this.binaryVersion = binaryVersion; this.enableCapture = enableCapture; this.enableColors = enableColors; } /** * Creates a new Cli and registers all commands passed as parameters. * * @param commandClasses The Commands to register * @returns The created `Cli` instance */ static from(commandClasses, options = {}) { const cli = new _Cli(options); const resolvedCommandClasses = Array.isArray(commandClasses) ? commandClasses : [commandClasses]; for (const commandClass of resolvedCommandClasses) cli.register(commandClass); return cli; } /** * Registers a command inside the CLI. */ register(commandClass) { var _a; const specs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const command = new commandClass(); for (const key in command) { const value = command[key]; if (typeof value === `object` && value !== null && value[Command.isOption]) { specs.set(key, value); } } const builder = this.builder.command(); const index = builder.cliIndex; const paths = (_a = commandClass.paths) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : command.paths; if (typeof paths !== `undefined`) for (const path16 of paths) builder.addPath(path16); this.registrations.set(commandClass, { specs, builder, index }); for (const [key, { definition }] of specs.entries()) definition(builder, key); builder.setContext({ commandClass }); } process(input, userContext) { const { contexts, process: process5 } = this.builder.compile(); const state = process5(input); const context = { ..._Cli.defaultContext, ...userContext }; switch (state.selectedIndex) { case HELP_COMMAND_INDEX: { const command = HelpCommand.from(state, contexts); command.context = context; return command; } default: { const { commandClass } = contexts[state.selectedIndex]; const record = this.registrations.get(commandClass); if (typeof record === `undefined`) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Expected the command class to have been registered.`); const command = new commandClass(); command.context = context; command.path = state.path; try { for (const [key, { transformer }] of record.specs.entries()) command[key] = transformer(record.builder, key, state, context); return command; } catch (error) { error[errorCommandSymbol] = command; throw error; } } break; } } async run(input, userContext) { var _a, _b; let command; const context = { ..._Cli.defaultContext, ...userContext }; const colored = (_a = this.enableColors) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context.colorDepth > 1; if (!Array.isArray(input)) { command = input; } else { try { command = this.process(input, context); } catch (error) { context.stdout.write(this.error(error, { colored })); return 1; } } if (command.help) { context.stdout.write(this.usage(command, { colored, detailed: true })); return 0; } command.context = context; command.cli = { binaryLabel: this.binaryLabel, binaryName: this.binaryName, binaryVersion: this.binaryVersion, enableCapture: this.enableCapture, enableColors: this.enableColors, definitions: () => this.definitions(), error: (error, opts) => this.error(error, opts), format: (colored2) => this.format(colored2), process: (input2, subContext) => this.process(input2, { ...context, ...subContext }), run: (input2, subContext) => this.run(input2, { ...context, ...subContext }), usage: (command2, opts) => this.usage(command2, opts) }; const activate = this.enableCapture ? (_b = (0, import_platform.getCaptureActivator)(context)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : noopCaptureActivator : noopCaptureActivator; let exitCode; try { exitCode = await activate(() => command.validateAndExecute().catch((error) => command.catch(error).then(() => 0))); } catch (error) { context.stdout.write(this.error(error, { colored, command })); return 1; } return exitCode; } async runExit(input, context) { process.exitCode = await this.run(input, context); } suggest(input, partial) { const { suggest: suggest2 } = this.builder.compile(); return suggest2(input, partial); } definitions({ colored = false } = {}) { const data = []; for (const [commandClass, { index }] of this.registrations) { if (typeof commandClass.usage === `undefined`) continue; const { usage: path16 } = this.getUsageByIndex(index, { detailed: false }); const { usage, options } = this.getUsageByIndex(index, { detailed: true, inlineOptions: false }); const category = typeof commandClass.usage.category !== `undefined` ? formatMarkdownish(commandClass.usage.category, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }) : void 0; const description = typeof commandClass.usage.description !== `undefined` ? formatMarkdownish(commandClass.usage.description, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }) : void 0; const details = typeof commandClass.usage.details !== `undefined` ? formatMarkdownish(commandClass.usage.details, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: true }) : void 0; const examples = typeof commandClass.usage.examples !== `undefined` ? commandClass.usage.examples.map(([label, cli]) => [formatMarkdownish(label, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }), cli.replace(/\$0/g, this.binaryName)]) : void 0; data.push({ path: path16, usage, category, description, details, examples, options }); } return data; } usage(command = null, { colored, detailed = false, prefix = `$ ` } = {}) { var _a; if (command === null) { for (const commandClass2 of this.registrations.keys()) { const paths = commandClass2.paths; const isDocumented = typeof commandClass2.usage !== `undefined`; const isExclusivelyDefault = !paths || paths.length === 0 || paths.length === 1 && paths[0].length === 0; const isDefault = isExclusivelyDefault || ((_a = paths === null || paths === void 0 ? void 0 : paths.some((path16) => path16.length === 0)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false); if (isDefault) { if (command) { command = null; break; } else { command = commandClass2; } } else { if (isDocumented) { command = null; continue; } } } if (command) { detailed = true; } } const commandClass = command !== null && command instanceof Command ? command.constructor : command; let result = ``; if (!commandClass) { const commandsByCategories = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [commandClass2, { index }] of this.registrations.entries()) { if (typeof commandClass2.usage === `undefined`) continue; const category = typeof commandClass2.usage.category !== `undefined` ? formatMarkdownish(commandClass2.usage.category, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }) : null; let categoryCommands = commandsByCategories.get(category); if (typeof categoryCommands === `undefined`) commandsByCategories.set(category, categoryCommands = []); const { usage } = this.getUsageByIndex(index); categoryCommands.push({ commandClass: commandClass2, usage }); } const categoryNames = Array.from(commandsByCategories.keys()).sort((a, b) => { if (a === null) return -1; if (b === null) return 1; return a.localeCompare(b, `en`, { usage: `sort`, caseFirst: `upper` }); }); const hasLabel = typeof this.binaryLabel !== `undefined`; const hasVersion = typeof this.binaryVersion !== `undefined`; if (hasLabel || hasVersion) { if (hasLabel && hasVersion) result += `${this.format(colored).header(`${this.binaryLabel} - ${this.binaryVersion}`)} `; else if (hasLabel) result += `${this.format(colored).header(`${this.binaryLabel}`)} `; else result += `${this.format(colored).header(`${this.binaryVersion}`)} `; result += ` ${this.format(colored).bold(prefix)}${this.binaryName} <command> `; } else { result += `${this.format(colored).bold(prefix)}${this.binaryName} <command> `; } for (const categoryName of categoryNames) { const commands = commandsByCategories.get(categoryName).slice().sort((a, b) => { return a.usage.localeCompare(b.usage, `en`, { usage: `sort`, caseFirst: `upper` }); }); const header = categoryName !== null ? categoryName.trim() : `General commands`; result += ` `; result += `${this.format(colored).header(`${header}`)} `; for (const { commandClass: commandClass2, usage } of commands) { const doc = commandClass2.usage.description || `undocumented`; result += ` `; result += ` ${this.format(colored).bold(usage)} `; result += ` ${formatMarkdownish(doc, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false })}`; } } result += ` `; result += formatMarkdownish(`You can also print more details about any of these commands by calling them with the \`-h,--help\` flag right after the command name.`, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: true }); } else { if (!detailed) { const { usage } = this.getUsageByRegistration(commandClass); result += `${this.format(colored).bold(prefix)}${usage} `; } else { const { description = ``, details = ``, examples = [] } = commandClass.usage || {}; if (description !== ``) { result += formatMarkdownish(description, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }).replace(/^./, ($0) => $0.toUpperCase()); result += ` `; } if (details !== `` || examples.length > 0) { result += `${this.format(colored).header(`Usage`)} `; result += ` `; } const { usage, options } = this.getUsageByRegistration(commandClass, { inlineOptions: false }); result += `${this.format(colored).bold(prefix)}${usage} `; if (options.length > 0) { result += ` `; result += `${this.format(colored).header(`Options`)} `; const maxDefinitionLength = options.reduce((length, option) => { return Math.max(length, option.definition.length); }, 0); result += ` `; for (const { definition, description: description2 } of options) { result += ` ${this.format(colored).bold(definition.padEnd(maxDefinitionLength))} ${formatMarkdownish(description2, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false })}`; } } if (details !== ``) { result += ` `; result += `${this.format(colored).header(`Details`)} `; result += ` `; result += formatMarkdownish(details, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: true }); } if (examples.length > 0) { result += ` `; result += `${this.format(colored).header(`Examples`)} `; for (const [description2, example] of examples) { result += ` `; result += formatMarkdownish(description2, { format: this.format(colored), paragraphs: false }); result += `${example.replace(/^/m, ` ${this.format(colored).bold(prefix)}`).replace(/\$0/g, this.binaryName)} `; } } } } return result; } error(error, _a) { var _b; var { colored, command = (_b = error[errorCommandSymbol]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null } = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a; if (!error || typeof error !== `object` || !(`stack` in error)) error = new Error(`Execution failed with a non-error rejection (rejected value: ${JSON.stringify(error)})`); let result = ``; let name2 = error.name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, `$1 $2`); if (name2 === `Error`) name2 = `Internal Error`; result += `${this.format(colored).error(name2)}: ${error.message} `; const meta = error.clipanion; if (typeof meta !== `undefined`) { if (meta.type === `usage`) { result += ` `; result += this.usage(command); } } else { if (error.stack) { result += `${error.stack.replace(/^.*\n/, ``)} `; } } return result; } format(colored) { var _a; return ((_a = colored !== null && colored !== void 0 ? colored : this.enableColors) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : _Cli.defaultContext.colorDepth > 1) ? richFormat : textFormat; } getUsageByRegistration(klass, opts) { const record = this.registrations.get(klass); if (typeof record === `undefined`) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Unregistered command`); return this.getUsageByIndex(record.index, opts); } getUsageByIndex(n, opts) { return this.builder.getBuilderByIndex(n).usage(opts); } }; Cli.defaultContext = { env: process.env, stdin: process.stdin, stdout: process.stdout, stderr: process.stderr, colorDepth: (0, import_platform.getDefaultColorDepth)() }; function noopCaptureActivator(fn2) { return fn2(); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/builtins/index.mjs var builtins_exports = {}; __export(builtins_exports, { DefinitionsCommand: () => DefinitionsCommand, HelpCommand: () => HelpCommand2, VersionCommand: () => VersionCommand }); // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/builtins/definitions.mjs var DefinitionsCommand = class extends Command { async execute() { this.context.stdout.write(`${JSON.stringify(this.cli.definitions(), null, 2)} `); } }; DefinitionsCommand.paths = [[`--clipanion=definitions`]]; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/builtins/help.mjs var HelpCommand2 = class extends Command { async execute() { this.context.stdout.write(this.cli.usage()); } }; HelpCommand2.paths = [[`-h`], [`--help`]]; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/builtins/version.mjs var VersionCommand = class extends Command { async execute() { var _a; this.context.stdout.write(`${(_a = this.cli.binaryVersion) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `<unknown>`} `); } }; VersionCommand.paths = [[`-v`], [`--version`]]; // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/index.mjs var options_exports = {}; __export(options_exports, { Array: () => Array2, Boolean: () => Boolean2, Counter: () => Counter, Proxy: () => Proxy2, Rest: () => Rest, String: () => String2, applyValidator: () => applyValidator, cleanValidationError: () => cleanValidationError, formatError: () => formatError, isOptionSymbol: () => isOptionSymbol, makeCommandOption: () => makeCommandOption, rerouteArguments: () => rerouteArguments }); // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/Array.mjs function Array2(descriptor, initialValueBase, optsBase) { const [initialValue, opts] = rerouteArguments(initialValueBase, optsBase !== null && optsBase !== void 0 ? optsBase : {}); const { arity = 1 } = opts; const optNames = descriptor.split(`,`); const nameSet = new Set(optNames); return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder) { builder.addOption({ names: optNames, arity, hidden: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.hidden, description: opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.description, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state) { let usedName; let currentValue = typeof initialValue !== `undefined` ? [...initialValue] : void 0; for (const { name: name2, value } of state.options) { if (!nameSet.has(name2)) continue; usedName = name2; currentValue = currentValue !== null && currentValue !== void 0 ? currentValue : []; currentValue.push(value); } if (typeof currentValue !== `undefined`) { return applyValidator(usedName !== null && usedName !== void 0 ? usedName : key, currentValue, opts.validator); } else { return currentValue; } } }); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/Boolean.mjs function Boolean2(descriptor, initialValueBase, optsBase) { const [initialValue, opts] = rerouteArguments(initialValueBase, optsBase !== null && optsBase !== void 0 ? optsBase : {}); const optNames = descriptor.split(`,`); const nameSet = new Set(optNames); return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder) { builder.addOption({ names: optNames, allowBinding: false, arity: 0, hidden: opts.hidden, description: opts.description, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builer, key, state) { let currentValue = initialValue; for (const { name: name2, value } of state.options) { if (!nameSet.has(name2)) continue; currentValue = value; } return currentValue; } }); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/Counter.mjs function Counter(descriptor, initialValueBase, optsBase) { const [initialValue, opts] = rerouteArguments(initialValueBase, optsBase !== null && optsBase !== void 0 ? optsBase : {}); const optNames = descriptor.split(`,`); const nameSet = new Set(optNames); return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder) { builder.addOption({ names: optNames, allowBinding: false, arity: 0, hidden: opts.hidden, description: opts.description, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state) { let currentValue = initialValue; for (const { name: name2, value } of state.options) { if (!nameSet.has(name2)) continue; currentValue !== null && currentValue !== void 0 ? currentValue : currentValue = 0; if (!value) { currentValue = 0; } else { currentValue += 1; } } return currentValue; } }); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/Proxy.mjs function Proxy2(opts = {}) { return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder, key) { var _a; builder.addProxy({ name: (_a = opts.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : key, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state) { return state.positionals.map(({ value }) => value); } }); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/Rest.mjs function Rest(opts = {}) { return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder, key) { var _a; builder.addRest({ name: (_a = opts.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : key, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state) { const isRestPositional = (index) => { const positional = state.positionals[index]; if (positional.extra === NoLimits) return true; if (positional.extra === false && index < builder.arity.leading.length) return true; return false; }; let count = 0; while (count < state.positionals.length && isRestPositional(count)) count += 1; return state.positionals.splice(0, count).map(({ value }) => value); } }); } // .yarn/__virtual__/clipanion-virtual-dbbb3cfe27/0/cache/clipanion-patch-1b1b878e9f-a833a30963.zip/node_modules/clipanion/lib/advanced/options/String.mjs function StringOption(descriptor, initialValueBase, optsBase) { const [initialValue, opts] = rerouteArguments(initialValueBase, optsBase !== null && optsBase !== void 0 ? optsBase : {}); const { arity = 1 } = opts; const optNames = descriptor.split(`,`); const nameSet = new Set(optNames); return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder) { builder.addOption({ names: optNames, arity: opts.tolerateBoolean ? 0 : arity, hidden: opts.hidden, description: opts.description, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state, context) { let usedName; let currentValue = initialValue; if (typeof opts.env !== `undefined` && context.env[opts.env]) { usedName = opts.env; currentValue = context.env[opts.env]; } for (const { name: name2, value } of state.options) { if (!nameSet.has(name2)) continue; usedName = name2; currentValue = value; } if (typeof currentValue === `string`) { return applyValidator(usedName !== null && usedName !== void 0 ? usedName : key, currentValue, opts.validator); } else { return currentValue; } } }); } function StringPositional(opts = {}) { const { required = true } = opts; return makeCommandOption({ definition(builder, key) { var _a; builder.addPositional({ name: (_a = opts.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : key, required: opts.required }); }, transformer(builder, key, state) { var _a; for (let i = 0; i < state.positionals.length; ++i) { if (state.positionals[i].extra === NoLimits) continue; if (required && state.positionals[i].extra === true) continue; if (!required && state.positionals[i].extra === false) continue; const [positional] = state.positionals.splice(i, 1); return applyValidator((_a = opts.name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : key, positional.value, opts.validator); } return void 0; } }); } function String2(descriptor, ...args) { if (typeof descriptor === `string`) { return StringOption(descriptor, ...args); } else { return StringPositional(descriptor); } } // package.json var version = "0.30.0"; // sources/Engine.ts var import_fs9 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_path9 = __toESM(require("path")); var import_process3 = __toESM(require("process")); var import_rcompare = __toESM(require_rcompare()); var import_valid2 = __toESM(require_valid()); var import_valid3 = __toESM(require_valid2()); // config.json var config_default = { definitions: { npm: { default: "10.9.1+sha1.ab141c1229765c11c8c59060fc9cf450a2207bd6", fetchLatestFrom: { type: "npm", package: "npm" }, transparent: { commands: [ [ "npm", "init" ], [ "npx" ] ] }, ranges: { "*": { url: "https://registry.npmjs.org/npm/-/npm-{}.tgz", bin: { npm: "./bin/npm-cli.js", npx: "./bin/npx-cli.js" }, registry: { type: "npm", package: "npm" }, commands: { use: [ "npm", "install" ] } } } }, pnpm: { default: "9.14.2+sha1.5202b50ab92394b3c922d2e293f196e2df6d441b", fetchLatestFrom: { type: "npm", package: "pnpm" }, transparent: { commands: [ [ "pnpm", "init" ], [ "pnpx" ], [ "pnpm", "dlx" ] ] }, ranges: { "<6.0.0": { url: "https://registry.npmjs.org/pnpm/-/pnpm-{}.tgz", bin: { pnpm: "./bin/pnpm.js", pnpx: "./bin/pnpx.js" }, registry: { type: "npm", package: "pnpm" }, commands: { use: [ "pnpm", "install" ] } }, ">=6.0.0": { url: "https://registry.npmjs.org/pnpm/-/pnpm-{}.tgz", bin: { pnpm: "./bin/pnpm.cjs", pnpx: "./bin/pnpx.cjs" }, registry: { type: "npm", package: "pnpm" }, commands: { use: [ "pnpm", "install" ] } } } }, yarn: { default: "1.22.22+sha1.ac34549e6aa8e7ead463a7407e1c7390f61a6610", fetchLatestFrom: { type: "npm", package: "yarn" }, transparent: { default: "4.5.2+sha224.c2e2e9ed3cdadd6ec250589b3393f71ae56d5ec297af11cec1eba3b4", commands: [ [ "yarn", "init" ], [ "yarn", "dlx" ] ] }, ranges: { "<2.0.0": { url: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/yarn/-/yarn-{}.tgz", bin: { yarn: "./bin/yarn.js", yarnpkg: "./bin/yarn.js" }, registry: { type: "npm", package: "yarn" }, commands: { use: [ "yarn", "install" ] } }, ">=2.0.0": { name: "yarn", url: "https://repo.yarnpkg.com/{}/packages/yarnpkg-cli/bin/yarn.js", bin: [ "yarn", "yarnpkg" ], registry: { type: "url", url: "https://repo.yarnpkg.com/tags", fields: { tags: "aliases", versions: "tags" } }, npmRegistry: { type: "npm", package: "@yarnpkg/cli-dist", bin: "bin/yarn.js" }, commands: { use: [ "yarn", "install" ] } } } } }, keys: { npm: [ { expires: null, keyid: "SHA256:jl3bwswu80PjjokCgh0o2w5c2U4LhQAE57gj9cz1kzA", keytype: "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256", scheme: "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256", key: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE1Olb3zMAFFxXKHiIkQO5cJ3Yhl5i6UPp+IhuteBJbuHcA5UogKo0EWtlWwW6KSaKoTNEYL7JlCQiVnkhBktUgg==" } ] } }; // sources/corepackUtils.ts var import_crypto2 = require("crypto"); var import_events4 = require("events"); var import_fs7 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_module = __toESM(require("module")); var import_path7 = __toESM(require("path")); var import_range = __toESM(require_range()); var import_semver = __toESM(require_semver()); var import_lt = __toESM(require_lt()); var import_parse3 = __toESM(require_parse()); var import_promises = require("timers/promises"); // sources/debugUtils.ts var import_debug = __toESM(require_src()); var log = (0, import_debug.default)(`corepack`); // sources/folderUtils.ts var import_fs = require("fs"); var import_os = require("os"); var import_path = require("path"); var import_process = __toESM(require("process")); var INSTALL_FOLDER_VERSION = 1; function getCorepackHomeFolder() { return import_process.default.env.COREPACK_HOME ?? (0, import_path.join)( import_process.default.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME ?? import_process.default.env.LOCALAPPDATA ?? (0, import_path.join)((0, import_os.homedir)(), import_process.default.platform === `win32` ? `AppData/Local` : `.cache`), `node/corepack` ); } function getInstallFolder() { return (0, import_path.join)( getCorepackHomeFolder(), `v${INSTALL_FOLDER_VERSION}` ); } function getTemporaryFolder(target = (0, import_os.tmpdir)()) { (0, import_fs.mkdirSync)(target, { recursive: true }); while (true) { const rnd = Math.random() * 4294967296; const hex = rnd.toString(16).padStart(8, `0`); const path16 = (0, import_path.join)(target, `corepack-${import_process.default.pid}-${hex}`); try { (0, import_fs.mkdirSync)(path16); return path16; } catch (error) { if (error.code === `EEXIST`) { continue; } else if (error.code === `EACCES`) { throw new UsageError(`Failed to create cache directory. Please ensure the user has write access to the target directory (${target}). If the user's home directory does not exist, create it first.`); } else { throw error; } } } } // sources/httpUtils.ts var import_assert = __toESM(require("assert")); var import_events = require("events"); var import_process2 = require("process"); var import_stream = require("stream"); // sources/npmRegistryUtils.ts var import_crypto = require("crypto"); var DEFAULT_HEADERS = { [`Accept`]: `application/vnd.npm.install-v1+json; q=1.0, application/json; q=0.8` }; var DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL = `https://registry.npmjs.org`; async function fetchAsJson2(packageName, version3) { const npmRegistryUrl = process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY || DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL; if (process.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_NETWORK === `0`) throw new UsageError(`Network access disabled by the environment; can't reach npm repository ${npmRegistryUrl}`); const headers = { ...DEFAULT_HEADERS }; if (`COREPACK_NPM_TOKEN` in process.env) { headers.authorization = `Bearer ${process.env.COREPACK_NPM_TOKEN}`; } else if (`COREPACK_NPM_USERNAME` in process.env && `COREPACK_NPM_PASSWORD` in process.env) { const encodedCreds = Buffer.from(`${process.env.COREPACK_NPM_USERNAME}:${process.env.COREPACK_NPM_PASSWORD}`, `utf8`).toString(`base64`); headers.authorization = `Basic ${encodedCreds}`; } return fetchAsJson(`${npmRegistryUrl}/${packageName}${version3 ? `/${version3}` : ``}`, { headers }); } function verifySignature({ signatures, integrity, packageName, version: version3 }) { const { npm: keys } = process.env.COREPACK_INTEGRITY_KEYS ? JSON.parse(process.env.COREPACK_INTEGRITY_KEYS) : config_default.keys; const key = keys.find(({ keyid }) => signatures.some((s) => s.keyid === keyid)); const signature = signatures.find(({ keyid }) => keyid === key?.keyid); if (key == null || signature == null) throw new Error(`Cannot find matching keyid: ${JSON.stringify({ signatures, keys })}`); const verifier = (0, import_crypto.createVerify)(`SHA256`); verifier.end(`${packageName}@${version3}:${integrity}`); const valid = verifier.verify( `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ${key.key} -----END PUBLIC KEY-----`, signature.sig, `base64` ); if (!valid) { throw new Error(`Signature does not match`); } } async function fetchLatestStableVersion(packageName) { const metadata = await fetchAsJson2(packageName, `latest`); const { version: version3, dist: { integrity, signatures, shasum } } = metadata; if (!shouldSkipIntegrityCheck()) { verifySignature({ packageName, version: version3, integrity, signatures }); } return `${version3}+${integrity ? `sha512.${Buffer.from(integrity.slice(7), `base64`).toString(`hex`)}` : `sha1.${shasum}`}`; } async function fetchAvailableTags(packageName) { const metadata = await fetchAsJson2(packageName); return metadata[`dist-tags`]; } async function fetchAvailableVersions(packageName) { const metadata = await fetchAsJson2(packageName); return Object.keys(metadata.versions); } async function fetchTarballURLAndSignature(packageName, version3) { const versionMetadata = await fetchAsJson2(packageName, version3); const { tarball, signatures, integrity } = versionMetadata.dist; if (tarball === void 0 || !tarball.startsWith(`http`)) throw new Error(`${packageName}@${version3} does not have a valid tarball.`); return { tarball, signatures, integrity }; } // sources/httpUtils.ts async function fetch(input, init) { if (process.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_NETWORK === `0`) throw new UsageError(`Network access disabled by the environment; can't reach ${input}`); const agent = await getProxyAgent(input); if (typeof input === `string`) input = new URL(input); let headers = init?.headers; const username = input.username || process.env.COREPACK_NPM_USERNAME; const password = input.password || process.env.COREPACK_NPM_PASSWORD; if (username || password) { headers = { ...headers, authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${username}:${password}`).toString(`base64`)}` }; input.username = input.password = ``; } if (input.origin === (process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY || DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL) && process.env.COREPACK_NPM_TOKEN) { headers = { ...headers, authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.COREPACK_NPM_TOKEN}` }; } let response; try { response = await globalThis.fetch(input, { ...init, dispatcher: agent, headers }); } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Error when performing the request to ${input}; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting`, { cause: error } ); } if (!response.ok) { await response.arrayBuffer(); throw new Error( `Server answered with HTTP ${response.status} when performing the request to ${input}; for troubleshooting help, see https://github.com/nodejs/corepack#troubleshooting` ); } return response; } async function fetchAsJson(input, init) { const response = await fetch(input, init); return response.json(); } async function fetchUrlStream(input, init) { if (process.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_PROMPT === `1`) { console.error(`! Corepack is about to download ${input}`); if (import_process2.stdin.isTTY && !process.env.CI) { import_process2.stderr.write(`? Do you want to continue? [Y/n] `); import_process2.stdin.resume(); const chars = await (0, import_events.once)(import_process2.stdin, `data`); import_process2.stdin.pause(); if (chars[0][0] === 110 || chars[0][0] === 78) throw new UsageError(`Aborted by the user`); console.error(); } } const response = await fetch(input, init); const webStream = response.body; (0, import_assert.default)(webStream, `Expected stream to be set`); const stream = import_stream.Readable.fromWeb(webStream); return stream; } var ProxyAgent; async function getProxyAgent(input) { const { getProxyForUrl } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => __toESM(require_proxy_from_env())); const proxy = getProxyForUrl(input); if (!proxy) return void 0; if (ProxyAgent == null) { const [api, Dispatcher, _ProxyAgent] = await Promise.all([ // @ts-expect-error internal module is untyped Promise.resolve().then(() => __toESM(require_api())), // @ts-expect-error internal module is untyped Promise.resolve().then(() => __toESM(require_dispatcher())), // @ts-expect-error internal module is untyped Promise.resolve().then(() => __toESM(require_proxy_agent())) ]); Object.assign(Dispatcher.default.prototype, api.default); ProxyAgent = _ProxyAgent.default; } return new ProxyAgent(proxy); } // sources/corepackUtils.ts function getRegistryFromPackageManagerSpec(spec) { return process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY ? spec.npmRegistry ?? spec.registry : spec.registry; } async function fetchLatestStableVersion2(spec) { switch (spec.type) { case `npm`: { return await fetchLatestStableVersion(spec.package); } case `url`: { const data = await fetchAsJson(spec.url); return data[spec.fields.tags].stable; } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported specification ${JSON.stringify(spec)}`); } } } async function fetchAvailableTags2(spec) { switch (spec.type) { case `npm`: { return await fetchAvailableTags(spec.package); } case `url`: { const data = await fetchAsJson(spec.url); return data[spec.fields.tags]; } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported specification ${JSON.stringify(spec)}`); } } } async function fetchAvailableVersions2(spec) { switch (spec.type) { case `npm`: { return await fetchAvailableVersions(spec.package); } case `url`: { const data = await fetchAsJson(spec.url); const field = data[spec.fields.versions]; return Array.isArray(field) ? field : Object.keys(field); } default: { throw new Error(`Unsupported specification ${JSON.stringify(spec)}`); } } } async function findInstalledVersion(installTarget, descriptor) { const installFolder = import_path7.default.join(installTarget, descriptor.name); let cacheDirectory; try { cacheDirectory = await import_fs7.default.promises.opendir(installFolder); } catch (error) { if (error.code === `ENOENT`) { return null; } else { throw error; } } const range = new import_range.default(descriptor.range); let bestMatch = null; let maxSV = void 0; for await (const { name: name2 } of cacheDirectory) { if (name2.startsWith(`.`)) continue; if (range.test(name2) && maxSV?.compare(name2) !== 1) { bestMatch = name2; maxSV = new import_semver.default(bestMatch); } } return bestMatch; } function isSupportedPackageManagerDescriptor(descriptor) { return !URL.canParse(descriptor.range); } function isSupportedPackageManagerLocator(locator) { return !URL.canParse(locator.reference); } function parseURLReference(locator) { const { hash, href } = new URL(locator.reference); if (hash) { return { version: encodeURIComponent(href.slice(0, -hash.length)), build: hash.slice(1).split(`.`) }; } return { version: encodeURIComponent(href), build: [] }; } function isValidBinList(x) { return Array.isArray(x) && x.length > 0; } function isValidBinSpec(x) { return typeof x === `object` && x !== null && !Array.isArray(x) && Object.keys(x).length > 0; } async function download(installTarget, url, algo, binPath = null) { const tmpFolder = getTemporaryFolder(installTarget); log(`Downloading to ${tmpFolder}`); const stream = await fetchUrlStream(url); const parsedUrl = new URL(url); const ext = import_path7.default.posix.extname(parsedUrl.pathname); let outputFile = null; let sendTo; if (ext === `.tgz`) { const { extract: tarX } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_extract(), extract_exports)); sendTo = tarX({ strip: 1, cwd: tmpFolder, filter: binPath ? (path16) => { const pos2 = path16.indexOf(`/`); return pos2 !== -1 && path16.slice(pos2 + 1) === binPath; } : void 0 }); } else if (ext === `.js`) { outputFile = import_path7.default.join(tmpFolder, import_path7.default.posix.basename(parsedUrl.pathname)); sendTo = import_fs7.default.createWriteStream(outputFile); } stream.pipe(sendTo); let hash = !binPath ? stream.pipe((0, import_crypto2.createHash)(algo)) : null; await (0, import_events4.once)(sendTo, `finish`); if (binPath) { const downloadedBin = import_path7.default.join(tmpFolder, binPath); outputFile = import_path7.default.join(tmpFolder, import_path7.default.basename(downloadedBin)); try { await renameSafe(downloadedBin, outputFile); } catch (err) { if (err?.code === `ENOENT`) throw new Error(`Cannot locate '${binPath}' in downloaded tarball`, { cause: err }); throw err; } const fileStream = import_fs7.default.createReadStream(outputFile); hash = fileStream.pipe((0, import_crypto2.createHash)(algo)); await (0, import_events4.once)(fileStream, `close`); } return { tmpFolder, outputFile, hash: hash.digest(`hex`) }; } async function installVersion(installTarget, locator, { spec }) { const locatorIsASupportedPackageManager = isSupportedPackageManagerLocator(locator); const locatorReference = locatorIsASupportedPackageManager ? (0, import_parse3.default)(locator.reference) : parseURLReference(locator); const { version: version3, build } = locatorReference; const installFolder = import_path7.default.join(installTarget, locator.name, version3); try { const corepackFile = import_path7.default.join(installFolder, `.corepack`); const corepackContent = await import_fs7.default.promises.readFile(corepackFile, `utf8`); const corepackData = JSON.parse(corepackContent); log(`Reusing ${locator.name}@${locator.reference} found in ${installFolder}`); return { hash: corepackData.hash, location: installFolder, bin: corepackData.bin }; } catch (err) { if (err?.code !== `ENOENT`) { throw err; } } let url; let signatures; let integrity; let binPath = null; if (locatorIsASupportedPackageManager) { url = spec.url.replace(`{}`, version3); if (process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY) { const registry = getRegistryFromPackageManagerSpec(spec); if (registry.type === `npm`) { ({ tarball: url, signatures, integrity } = await fetchTarballURLAndSignature(registry.package, version3)); if (registry.bin) { binPath = registry.bin; } } url = url.replace( DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL, () => process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY ); } } else { url = decodeURIComponent(version3); if (process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY && url.startsWith(DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL)) { url = url.replace( DEFAULT_NPM_REGISTRY_URL, () => process.env.COREPACK_NPM_REGISTRY ); } } log(`Installing ${locator.name}@${version3} from ${url}`); const algo = build[0] ?? `sha512`; const { tmpFolder, outputFile, hash: actualHash } = await download(installTarget, url, algo, binPath); let bin; const isSingleFile = outputFile !== null; if (isSingleFile) { if (locatorIsASupportedPackageManager && isValidBinList(spec.bin)) { bin = spec.bin; } else { bin = [locator.name]; } } else { if (locatorIsASupportedPackageManager && isValidBinSpec(spec.bin)) { bin = spec.bin; } else { const { name: packageName, bin: packageBin } = require(import_path7.default.join(tmpFolder, `package.json`)); if (typeof packageBin === `string`) { bin = { [packageName]: packageBin }; } else if (isValidBinSpec(packageBin)) { bin = packageBin; } else { throw new Error(`Unable to locate bin in package.json`); } } } if (!build[1]) { const registry = getRegistryFromPackageManagerSpec(spec); if (registry.type === `npm` && !registry.bin && !shouldSkipIntegrityCheck()) { if (signatures == null || integrity == null) ({ signatures, integrity } = await fetchTarballURLAndSignature(registry.package, version3)); verifySignature({ signatures, integrity, packageName: registry.package, version: version3 }); build[1] = Buffer.from(integrity.slice(`sha512-`.length), `base64`).toString(`hex`); } } if (build[1] && actualHash !== build[1]) throw new Error(`Mismatch hashes. Expected ${build[1]}, got ${actualHash}`); const serializedHash = `${algo}.${actualHash}`; await import_fs7.default.promises.writeFile(import_path7.default.join(tmpFolder, `.corepack`), JSON.stringify({ locator, bin, hash: serializedHash })); await import_fs7.default.promises.mkdir(import_path7.default.dirname(installFolder), { recursive: true }); try { await renameSafe(tmpFolder, installFolder); } catch (err) { if (err.code === `ENOTEMPTY` || // On Windows the error code is EPERM so we check if it is a directory err.code === `EPERM` && (await import_fs7.default.promises.stat(installFolder)).isDirectory()) { log(`Another instance of corepack installed ${locator.name}@${locator.reference}`); await import_fs7.default.promises.rm(tmpFolder, { recursive: true, force: true }); } else { throw err; } } if (locatorIsASupportedPackageManager && process.env.COREPACK_DEFAULT_TO_LATEST !== `0`) { const lastKnownGood = await getLastKnownGood(); const defaultVersion = getLastKnownGoodFromFileContent(lastKnownGood, locator.name); if (defaultVersion) { const currentDefault = (0, import_parse3.default)(defaultVersion); const downloadedVersion = locatorReference; if (currentDefault.major === downloadedVersion.major && (0, import_lt.default)(currentDefault, downloadedVersion)) { await activatePackageManager(lastKnownGood, locator); } } } log(`Download and install of ${locator.name}@${locator.reference} is finished`); return { location: installFolder, bin, hash: serializedHash }; } async function renameSafe(oldPath, newPath) { if (process.platform === `win32`) { await renameUnderWindows(oldPath, newPath); } else { await import_fs7.default.promises.rename(oldPath, newPath); } } async function renameUnderWindows(oldPath, newPath) { const retries = 5; for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) { try { await import_fs7.default.promises.rename(oldPath, newPath); break; } catch (err) { if ((err.code === `ENOENT` || err.code === `EPERM`) && i < retries - 1) { await (0, import_promises.setTimeout)(100 * 2 ** i); continue; } else { throw err; } } } } async function runVersion(locator, installSpec, binName, args) { let binPath = null; const bin = installSpec.bin ?? installSpec.spec.bin; if (Array.isArray(bin)) { if (bin.some((name2) => name2 === binName)) { const parsedUrl = new URL(installSpec.spec.url); const ext = import_path7.default.posix.extname(parsedUrl.pathname); if (ext === `.js`) { binPath = import_path7.default.join(installSpec.location, import_path7.default.posix.basename(parsedUrl.pathname)); } } } else { for (const [name2, dest] of Object.entries(bin)) { if (name2 === binName) { binPath = import_path7.default.join(installSpec.location, dest); break; } } } if (!binPath) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Unable to locate path for bin '${binName}'`); if (!import_module.default.enableCompileCache) { if (locator.name !== `npm` || (0, import_lt.default)(locator.reference, `9.7.0`)) { await Promise.resolve().then(() => __toESM(require_v8_compile_cache())); } } process.env.COREPACK_ROOT = import_path7.default.dirname(require.resolve("corepack/package.json")); process.argv = [ process.execPath, binPath, ...args ]; process.execArgv = []; process.mainModule = void 0; process.nextTick(import_module.default.runMain, binPath); if (import_module.default.flushCompileCache) { setImmediate(import_module.default.flushCompileCache); } } function shouldSkipIntegrityCheck() { return process.env.COREPACK_INTEGRITY_KEYS === `` || process.env.COREPACK_INTEGRITY_KEYS === `0`; } // sources/semverUtils.ts var import_range2 = __toESM(require_range()); var import_semver2 = __toESM(require_semver()); function satisfiesWithPrereleases(version3, range, loose = false) { let semverRange; try { semverRange = new import_range2.default(range, loose); } catch (err) { return false; } if (!version3) return false; let semverVersion; try { semverVersion = new import_semver2.default(version3, semverRange.loose); if (semverVersion.prerelease) { semverVersion.prerelease = []; } } catch (err) { return false; } return semverRange.set.some((comparatorSet) => { for (const comparator of comparatorSet) if (comparator.semver.prerelease) comparator.semver.prerelease = []; return comparatorSet.every((comparator) => { return comparator.test(semverVersion); }); }); } // sources/specUtils.ts var import_fs8 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_path8 = __toESM(require("path")); var import_valid = __toESM(require_valid()); // sources/nodeUtils.ts var import_os2 = __toESM(require("os")); function getEndOfLine(content) { const matches = content.match(/\r?\n/g); if (matches === null) return import_os2.default.EOL; const crlf = matches.filter((nl) => nl === `\r `).length; const lf = matches.length - crlf; return crlf > lf ? `\r ` : ` `; } function normalizeLineEndings(originalContent, newContent) { return newContent.replace(/\r?\n/g, getEndOfLine(originalContent)); } function getIndent(content) { const indentMatch = content.match(/^[ \t]+/m); if (indentMatch) { return indentMatch[0]; } else { return ` `; } } function stripBOM(content) { if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) { return content.slice(1); } else { return content; } } function readPackageJson(content) { return { data: JSON.parse(stripBOM(content) || `{}`), indent: getIndent(content) }; } // sources/types.ts var SupportedPackageManagers = /* @__PURE__ */ ((SupportedPackageManagers3) => { SupportedPackageManagers3["Npm"] = `npm`; SupportedPackageManagers3["Pnpm"] = `pnpm`; SupportedPackageManagers3["Yarn"] = `yarn`; return SupportedPackageManagers3; })(SupportedPackageManagers || {}); var SupportedPackageManagerSet = new Set( Object.values(SupportedPackageManagers) ); var SupportedPackageManagerSetWithoutNpm = new Set( Object.values(SupportedPackageManagers) ); SupportedPackageManagerSetWithoutNpm.delete("npm" /* Npm */); function isSupportedPackageManager(value) { return SupportedPackageManagerSet.has(value); } // sources/specUtils.ts var nodeModulesRegExp = /[\\/]node_modules[\\/](@[^\\/]*[\\/])?([^@\\/][^\\/]*)$/; function parseSpec(raw2, source, { enforceExactVersion = true } = {}) { if (typeof raw2 !== `string`) throw new UsageError(`Invalid package manager specification in ${source}; expected a string`); const atIndex = raw2.indexOf(`@`); if (atIndex === -1 || atIndex === raw2.length - 1) { if (enforceExactVersion) throw new UsageError(`No version specified for ${raw2} in "packageManager" of ${source}`); const name3 = atIndex === -1 ? raw2 : raw2.slice(0, -1); if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name3)) throw new UsageError(`Unsupported package manager specification (${name3})`); return { name: name3, range: `*` }; } const name2 = raw2.slice(0, atIndex); const range = raw2.slice(atIndex + 1); const isURL = URL.canParse(range); if (!isURL) { if (enforceExactVersion && !(0, import_valid.default)(range)) throw new UsageError(`Invalid package manager specification in ${source} (${raw2}); expected a semver version${enforceExactVersion ? `` : `, range, or tag`}`); if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name2)) { throw new UsageError(`Unsupported package manager specification (${raw2})`); } } else if (isSupportedPackageManager(name2) && process.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_UNSAFE_CUSTOM_URLS !== `1`) { throw new UsageError(`Illegal use of URL for known package manager. Instead, select a specific version, or set COREPACK_ENABLE_UNSAFE_CUSTOM_URLS=1 in your environment (${raw2})`); } return { name: name2, range }; } async function setLocalPackageManager(cwd, info) { const lookup = await loadSpec(cwd); const content = lookup.type !== `NoProject` ? await import_fs8.default.promises.readFile(lookup.target, `utf8`) : ``; const { data, indent } = readPackageJson(content); const previousPackageManager = data.packageManager ?? `unknown`; data.packageManager = `${info.locator.name}@${info.locator.reference}`; const newContent = normalizeLineEndings(content, `${JSON.stringify(data, null, indent)} `); await import_fs8.default.promises.writeFile(lookup.target, newContent, `utf8`); return { previousPackageManager }; } async function loadSpec(initialCwd) { let nextCwd = initialCwd; let currCwd = ``; let selection = null; while (nextCwd !== currCwd && (!selection || !selection.data.packageManager)) { currCwd = nextCwd; nextCwd = import_path8.default.dirname(currCwd); if (nodeModulesRegExp.test(currCwd)) continue; const manifestPath = import_path8.default.join(currCwd, `package.json`); log(`Checking ${manifestPath}`); let content; try { content = await import_fs8.default.promises.readFile(manifestPath, `utf8`); } catch (err) { if (err?.code === `ENOENT`) continue; throw err; } let data; try { data = JSON.parse(content); } catch { } if (typeof data !== `object` || data === null) throw new UsageError(`Invalid package.json in ${import_path8.default.relative(initialCwd, manifestPath)}`); selection = { data, manifestPath }; } if (selection === null) return { type: `NoProject`, target: import_path8.default.join(initialCwd, `package.json`) }; const rawPmSpec = selection.data.packageManager; if (typeof rawPmSpec === `undefined`) return { type: `NoSpec`, target: selection.manifestPath }; return { type: `Found`, target: selection.manifestPath, spec: parseSpec(rawPmSpec, import_path8.default.relative(initialCwd, selection.manifestPath)) }; } // sources/Engine.ts function getLastKnownGoodFilePath() { const lkg = import_path9.default.join(getCorepackHomeFolder(), `lastKnownGood.json`); log(`LastKnownGood file would be located at ${lkg}`); return lkg; } async function getLastKnownGood() { let raw2; try { raw2 = await import_fs9.default.promises.readFile(getLastKnownGoodFilePath(), `utf8`); } catch (err) { if (err?.code === `ENOENT`) { log(`No LastKnownGood version found in Corepack home.`); return {}; } throw err; } try { const parsed = JSON.parse(raw2); if (!parsed) { log(`Invalid LastKnowGood file in Corepack home (JSON parsable, but falsy)`); return {}; } if (typeof parsed !== `object`) { log(`Invalid LastKnowGood file in Corepack home (JSON parsable, but non-object)`); return {}; } Object.entries(parsed).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (typeof value !== `string`) { log(`Ignoring key ${key} in LastKnownGood file as its value is not a string`); delete parsed[key]; } }); return parsed; } catch { log(`Invalid LastKnowGood file in Corepack home (maybe not JSON parsable)`); return {}; } } async function createLastKnownGoodFile(lastKnownGood) { const content = `${JSON.stringify(lastKnownGood, null, 2)} `; await import_fs9.default.promises.mkdir(getCorepackHomeFolder(), { recursive: true }); await import_fs9.default.promises.writeFile(getLastKnownGoodFilePath(), content, `utf8`); } function getLastKnownGoodFromFileContent(lastKnownGood, packageManager) { if (Object.hasOwn(lastKnownGood, packageManager)) return lastKnownGood[packageManager]; return void 0; } async function activatePackageManager(lastKnownGood, locator) { if (lastKnownGood[locator.name] === locator.reference) { log(`${locator.name}@${locator.reference} is already Last Known Good version`); return; } lastKnownGood[locator.name] = locator.reference; log(`Setting ${locator.name}@${locator.reference} as Last Known Good version`); await createLastKnownGoodFile(lastKnownGood); } var Engine = class { constructor(config = config_default) { this.config = config; } getPackageManagerFor(binaryName) { for (const packageManager of SupportedPackageManagerSet) { for (const rangeDefinition of Object.values(this.config.definitions[packageManager].ranges)) { const bins = Array.isArray(rangeDefinition.bin) ? rangeDefinition.bin : Object.keys(rangeDefinition.bin); if (bins.includes(binaryName)) { return packageManager; } } } return null; } getPackageManagerSpecFor(locator) { if (!isSupportedPackageManagerLocator(locator)) { const url = `${locator.reference}`; return { url, bin: void 0, // bin will be set later registry: { type: `url`, url, fields: { tags: ``, versions: `` } } }; } const definition = this.config.definitions[locator.name]; if (typeof definition === `undefined`) throw new UsageError(`This package manager (${locator.name}) isn't supported by this corepack build`); const ranges = Object.keys(definition.ranges).reverse(); const range = ranges.find((range2) => satisfiesWithPrereleases(locator.reference, range2)); if (typeof range === `undefined`) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: Specified resolution (${locator.reference}) isn't supported by any of ${ranges.join(`, `)}`); return definition.ranges[range]; } getBinariesFor(name2) { const binNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const rangeDefinition of Object.values(this.config.definitions[name2].ranges)) { const bins = Array.isArray(rangeDefinition.bin) ? rangeDefinition.bin : Object.keys(rangeDefinition.bin); for (const name3 of bins) { binNames.add(name3); } } return binNames; } async getDefaultDescriptors() { const locators = []; for (const name2 of SupportedPackageManagerSet) locators.push({ name: name2, range: await this.getDefaultVersion(name2) }); return locators; } async getDefaultVersion(packageManager) { const definition = this.config.definitions[packageManager]; if (typeof definition === `undefined`) throw new UsageError(`This package manager (${packageManager}) isn't supported by this corepack build`); const lastKnownGood = await getLastKnownGood(); const lastKnownGoodForThisPackageManager = getLastKnownGoodFromFileContent(lastKnownGood, packageManager); if (lastKnownGoodForThisPackageManager) { log(`Search for default version: Found ${packageManager}@${lastKnownGoodForThisPackageManager} in LastKnownGood file`); return lastKnownGoodForThisPackageManager; } if (import_process3.default.env.COREPACK_DEFAULT_TO_LATEST === `0`) { log(`Search for default version: As defined in environment, defaulting to internal config ${packageManager}@${definition.default}`); return definition.default; } const reference = await fetchLatestStableVersion2(definition.fetchLatestFrom); log(`Search for default version: found in remote registry ${packageManager}@${reference}`); try { await activatePackageManager(lastKnownGood, { name: packageManager, reference }); } catch { log(`Search for default version: could not activate registry version`); } return reference; } async activatePackageManager(locator) { const lastKnownGood = await getLastKnownGood(); await activatePackageManager(lastKnownGood, locator); } async ensurePackageManager(locator) { const spec = this.getPackageManagerSpecFor(locator); const packageManagerInfo = await installVersion(getInstallFolder(), locator, { spec }); const noHashReference = locator.reference.replace(/\+.*/, ``); const fixedHashReference = `${noHashReference}+${packageManagerInfo.hash}`; const fixedHashLocator = { name: locator.name, reference: fixedHashReference }; return { ...packageManagerInfo, locator: fixedHashLocator, spec }; } /** * Locates the active project's package manager specification. * * If the specification exists but doesn't match the active package manager, * an error is thrown to prevent users from using the wrong package manager, * which would lead to inconsistent project layouts. * * If the project doesn't include a specification file, we just assume that * whatever the user uses is exactly what they want to use. Since the version * isn't explicited, we fallback on known good versions. * * Finally, if the project doesn't exist at all, we ask the user whether they * want to create one in the current project. If they do, we initialize a new * project using the default package managers, and configure it so that we * don't need to ask again in the future. */ async findProjectSpec(initialCwd, locator, { transparent = false } = {}) { const fallbackDescriptor = { name: locator.name, range: `${locator.reference}` }; if (import_process3.default.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_PROJECT_SPEC === `0`) return fallbackDescriptor; if (import_process3.default.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_STRICT === `0`) transparent = true; while (true) { const result = await loadSpec(initialCwd); switch (result.type) { case `NoProject`: log(`Falling back to ${fallbackDescriptor.name}@${fallbackDescriptor.range} as no project manifest were found`); return fallbackDescriptor; case `NoSpec`: { if (import_process3.default.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_AUTO_PIN !== `0`) { const resolved = await this.resolveDescriptor(fallbackDescriptor, { allowTags: true }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${fallbackDescriptor.range}' to a valid ${fallbackDescriptor.name} release`); const installSpec = await this.ensurePackageManager(resolved); console.error(`! The local project doesn't define a 'packageManager' field. Corepack will now add one referencing ${installSpec.locator.name}@${installSpec.locator.reference}.`); console.error(`! For more details about this field, consult the documentation at https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#packagemanager`); console.error(); await setLocalPackageManager(import_path9.default.dirname(result.target), installSpec); } log(`Falling back to ${fallbackDescriptor.name}@${fallbackDescriptor.range} in the absence of "packageManage" field in ${result.target}`); return fallbackDescriptor; } case `Found`: { if (result.spec.name !== locator.name) { if (transparent) { log(`Falling back to ${fallbackDescriptor.name}@${fallbackDescriptor.range} in a ${result.spec.name}@${result.spec.range} project`); return fallbackDescriptor; } else { throw new UsageError(`This project is configured to use ${result.spec.name} because ${result.target} has a "packageManager" field`); } } else { log(`Using ${result.spec.name}@${result.spec.range} as defined in project manifest ${result.target}`); return result.spec; } } } } } async executePackageManagerRequest({ packageManager, binaryName, binaryVersion }, { cwd, args }) { let fallbackLocator = { name: binaryName, reference: void 0 }; let isTransparentCommand = false; if (packageManager != null) { const defaultVersion = binaryVersion || await this.getDefaultVersion(packageManager); const definition = this.config.definitions[packageManager]; for (const transparentPath of definition.transparent.commands) { if (transparentPath[0] === binaryName && transparentPath.slice(1).every((segment, index) => segment === args[index])) { isTransparentCommand = true; break; } } const fallbackReference = isTransparentCommand ? definition.transparent.default ?? defaultVersion : defaultVersion; fallbackLocator = { name: packageManager, reference: fallbackReference }; } const descriptor = await this.findProjectSpec(cwd, fallbackLocator, { transparent: isTransparentCommand }); if (binaryVersion) descriptor.range = binaryVersion; const resolved = await this.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags: true }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); const installSpec = await this.ensurePackageManager(resolved); return await runVersion(resolved, installSpec, binaryName, args); } async resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags = false, useCache = true } = {}) { if (!isSupportedPackageManagerDescriptor(descriptor)) { if (import_process3.default.env.COREPACK_ENABLE_UNSAFE_CUSTOM_URLS !== `1` && isSupportedPackageManager(descriptor.name)) throw new UsageError(`Illegal use of URL for known package manager. Instead, select a specific version, or set COREPACK_ENABLE_UNSAFE_CUSTOM_URLS=1 in your environment (${descriptor.name}@${descriptor.range})`); return { name: descriptor.name, reference: descriptor.range }; } const definition = this.config.definitions[descriptor.name]; if (typeof definition === `undefined`) throw new UsageError(`This package manager (${descriptor.name}) isn't supported by this corepack build`); let finalDescriptor = descriptor; if (!(0, import_valid2.default)(descriptor.range) && !(0, import_valid3.default)(descriptor.range)) { if (!allowTags) throw new UsageError(`Packages managers can't be referenced via tags in this context`); const ranges = Object.keys(definition.ranges); const tagRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1]; const packageManagerSpec = definition.ranges[tagRange]; const registry = getRegistryFromPackageManagerSpec(packageManagerSpec); const tags = await fetchAvailableTags2(registry); if (!Object.hasOwn(tags, descriptor.range)) throw new UsageError(`Tag not found (${descriptor.range})`); finalDescriptor = { name: descriptor.name, range: tags[descriptor.range] }; } const cachedVersion = await findInstalledVersion(getInstallFolder(), finalDescriptor); if (cachedVersion !== null && useCache) return { name: finalDescriptor.name, reference: cachedVersion }; if ((0, import_valid2.default)(finalDescriptor.range)) return { name: finalDescriptor.name, reference: finalDescriptor.range }; const versions = await Promise.all(Object.keys(definition.ranges).map(async (range) => { const packageManagerSpec = definition.ranges[range]; const registry = getRegistryFromPackageManagerSpec(packageManagerSpec); const versions2 = await fetchAvailableVersions2(registry); return versions2.filter((version3) => satisfiesWithPrereleases(version3, finalDescriptor.range)); })); const highestVersion = [...new Set(versions.flat())].sort(import_rcompare.default); if (highestVersion.length === 0) return null; return { name: finalDescriptor.name, reference: highestVersion[0] }; } }; // sources/commands/Cache.ts var import_fs10 = __toESM(require("fs")); var CacheCommand = class extends Command { static paths = [ [`cache`, `clean`], [`cache`, `clear`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Cleans Corepack cache`, details: ` Removes Corepack cache directory from your local disk. ` }); async execute() { await import_fs10.default.promises.rm(getInstallFolder(), { recursive: true, force: true }); } }; // sources/commands/Disable.ts var import_fs11 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_path10 = __toESM(require("path")); var import_which = __toESM(require_lib()); var DisableCommand = class extends Command { static paths = [ [`disable`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Remove the Corepack shims from the install directory`, details: ` When run, this command will remove the shims for the specified package managers from the install directory, or all shims if no parameters are passed. By default it will locate the install directory by running the equivalent of \`which corepack\`, but this can be tweaked by explicitly passing the install directory via the \`--install-directory\` flag. `, examples: [[ `Disable all shims, removing them if they're next to the \`coreshim\` binary`, `$0 disable` ], [ `Disable all shims, removing them from the specified directory`, `$0 disable --install-directory /path/to/bin` ], [ `Disable the Yarn shim only`, `$0 disable yarn` ]] }); installDirectory = options_exports.String(`--install-directory`, { description: `Where the shims are located` }); names = options_exports.Rest(); async execute() { let installDirectory = this.installDirectory; if (typeof installDirectory === `undefined`) installDirectory = import_path10.default.dirname(await (0, import_which.default)(`corepack`)); const names = this.names.length === 0 ? SupportedPackageManagerSetWithoutNpm : this.names; const allBinNames = []; for (const name2 of new Set(names)) { if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name2)) throw new UsageError(`Invalid package manager name '${name2}'`); const binNames = this.context.engine.getBinariesFor(name2); allBinNames.push(...binNames); } const removeLink = process.platform === `win32` ? (binName) => this.removeWin32Link(installDirectory, binName) : (binName) => this.removePosixLink(installDirectory, binName); await Promise.all(allBinNames.map(removeLink)); } async removePosixLink(installDirectory, binName) { const file = import_path10.default.join(installDirectory, binName); try { await import_fs11.default.promises.unlink(file); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== `ENOENT`) { throw err; } } } async removeWin32Link(installDirectory, binName) { for (const ext of [``, `.ps1`, `.cmd`]) { const file = import_path10.default.join(installDirectory, `${binName}${ext}`); try { await import_fs11.default.promises.unlink(file); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== `ENOENT`) { throw err; } } } } }; // sources/commands/Enable.ts var import_cmd_shim = __toESM(require_cmd_shim()); var import_fs12 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_path11 = __toESM(require("path")); var import_which2 = __toESM(require_lib()); var EnableCommand = class extends Command { static paths = [ [`enable`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Add the Corepack shims to the install directory`, details: ` When run, this command will check whether the shims for the specified package managers can be found with the correct values inside the install directory. If not, or if they don't exist, they will be created. By default it will locate the install directory by running the equivalent of \`which corepack\`, but this can be tweaked by explicitly passing the install directory via the \`--install-directory\` flag. `, examples: [[ `Enable all shims, putting them next to the \`corepack\` binary`, `$0 enable` ], [ `Enable all shims, putting them in the specified directory`, `$0 enable --install-directory /path/to/folder` ], [ `Enable the Yarn shim only`, `$0 enable yarn` ]] }); installDirectory = options_exports.String(`--install-directory`, { description: `Where the shims are to be installed` }); names = options_exports.Rest(); async execute() { let installDirectory = this.installDirectory; if (typeof installDirectory === `undefined`) installDirectory = import_path11.default.dirname(await (0, import_which2.default)(`corepack`)); installDirectory = import_fs12.default.realpathSync(installDirectory); const manifestPath = require.resolve("corepack/package.json"); const distFolder = import_path11.default.join(import_path11.default.dirname(manifestPath), `dist`); if (!import_fs12.default.existsSync(distFolder)) throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The stub folder doesn't exist`); const names = this.names.length === 0 ? SupportedPackageManagerSetWithoutNpm : this.names; const allBinNames = []; for (const name2 of new Set(names)) { if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name2)) throw new UsageError(`Invalid package manager name '${name2}'`); const binNames = this.context.engine.getBinariesFor(name2); allBinNames.push(...binNames); } const generateLink = process.platform === `win32` ? (binName) => this.generateWin32Link(installDirectory, distFolder, binName) : (binName) => this.generatePosixLink(installDirectory, distFolder, binName); await Promise.all(allBinNames.map(generateLink)); } async generatePosixLink(installDirectory, distFolder, binName) { const file = import_path11.default.join(installDirectory, binName); const symlink = import_path11.default.relative(installDirectory, import_path11.default.join(distFolder, `${binName}.js`)); if (import_fs12.default.existsSync(file)) { const currentSymlink = await import_fs12.default.promises.readlink(file); if (currentSymlink !== symlink) { await import_fs12.default.promises.unlink(file); } else { return; } } await import_fs12.default.promises.symlink(symlink, file); } async generateWin32Link(installDirectory, distFolder, binName) { const file = import_path11.default.join(installDirectory, binName); await (0, import_cmd_shim.default)(import_path11.default.join(distFolder, `${binName}.js`), file, { createCmdFile: true }); } }; // sources/commands/InstallGlobal.ts var import_fs13 = __toESM(require("fs")); var import_path12 = __toESM(require("path")); // sources/commands/Base.ts var BaseCommand = class extends Command { async resolvePatternsToDescriptors({ patterns }) { const resolvedSpecs = patterns.map((pattern) => parseSpec(pattern, `CLI arguments`, { enforceExactVersion: false })); if (resolvedSpecs.length === 0) { const lookup = await loadSpec(this.context.cwd); switch (lookup.type) { case `NoProject`: throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a project in the local directory - please explicit the package manager to pack, or run this command from a valid project`); case `NoSpec`: throw new UsageError(`The local project doesn't feature a 'packageManager' field - please explicit the package manager to pack, or update the manifest to reference it`); default: { return [lookup.spec]; } } } return resolvedSpecs; } async setAndInstallLocalPackageManager(info) { const { previousPackageManager } = await setLocalPackageManager(this.context.cwd, info); const command = this.context.engine.getPackageManagerSpecFor(info.locator).commands?.use ?? null; if (command === null) return 0; process.env.COREPACK_MIGRATE_FROM = previousPackageManager; this.context.stdout.write(` `); const [binaryName, ...args] = command; return await runVersion(info.locator, info, binaryName, args); } }; // sources/commands/InstallGlobal.ts var InstallGlobalCommand = class extends BaseCommand { static paths = [ [`install`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Install package managers on the system`, details: ` Download the selected package managers and install them on the system. Package managers thus installed will be configured as the new default when calling their respective binaries outside of projects defining the 'packageManager' field. `, examples: [[ `Install the latest version of Yarn 1.x and make it globally available`, `corepack install -g yarn@^1` ], [ `Install the latest version of pnpm, and make it globally available`, `corepack install -g pnpm` ]] }); global = options_exports.Boolean(`-g,--global`, { required: true }); cacheOnly = options_exports.Boolean(`--cache-only`, false, { description: `If true, the package managers will only be cached, not set as new defaults` }); args = options_exports.Rest(); async execute() { if (this.args.length === 0) throw new UsageError(`No package managers specified`); await Promise.all(this.args.map((arg) => { if (arg.endsWith(`.tgz`)) { return this.installFromTarball(import_path12.default.resolve(this.context.cwd, arg)); } else { return this.installFromDescriptor(parseSpec(arg, `CLI arguments`, { enforceExactVersion: false })); } })); } log(locator) { if (this.cacheOnly) { this.context.stdout.write(`Adding ${locator.name}@${locator.reference} to the cache... `); } else { this.context.stdout.write(`Installing ${locator.name}@${locator.reference}... `); } } async installFromDescriptor(descriptor) { const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags: true, useCache: false }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); this.log(resolved); await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(resolved); if (!this.cacheOnly) { await this.context.engine.activatePackageManager(resolved); } } async installFromTarball(p) { const installFolder = getInstallFolder(); const archiveEntries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const { list: tarT } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_list(), list_exports)); let hasShortEntries = false; await tarT({ file: p, onentry: (entry) => { const segments = entry.path.split(/\//g); if (segments.length > 0 && segments[segments.length - 1] !== `.corepack`) return; if (segments.length < 3) { hasShortEntries = true; } else { let references = archiveEntries.get(segments[0]); if (typeof references === `undefined`) archiveEntries.set(segments[0], references = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); references.add(segments[1]); } } }); if (hasShortEntries || archiveEntries.size < 1) throw new UsageError(`Invalid archive format; did it get generated by 'corepack pack'?`); const { extract: tarX } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_extract(), extract_exports)); for (const [name2, references] of archiveEntries) { for (const reference of references) { if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name2)) throw new UsageError(`Unsupported package manager '${name2}'`); this.log({ name: name2, reference }); await import_fs13.default.promises.mkdir(installFolder, { recursive: true }); await tarX({ file: p, cwd: installFolder }, [`${name2}/${reference}`]); if (!this.cacheOnly) { await this.context.engine.activatePackageManager({ name: name2, reference }); } } } } }; // sources/commands/InstallLocal.ts var InstallLocalCommand = class extends BaseCommand { static paths = [ [`install`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Install the package manager configured in the local project`, details: ` Download and install the package manager configured in the local project. This command doesn't change the global version used when running the package manager from outside the project (use the \`-g,--global\` flag if you wish to do this). `, examples: [[ `Install the project's package manager in the cache`, `corepack install` ]] }); async execute() { const [descriptor] = await this.resolvePatternsToDescriptors({ patterns: [] }); const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags: true }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); this.context.stdout.write(`Adding ${resolved.name}@${resolved.reference} to the cache... `); await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(resolved); } }; // sources/commands/Pack.ts var import_promises2 = require("fs/promises"); var import_path15 = __toESM(require("path")); var PackCommand = class extends BaseCommand { static paths = [ [`pack`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Store package managers in a tarball`, details: ` Download the selected package managers and store them inside a tarball suitable for use with \`corepack install -g\`. `, examples: [[ `Pack the package manager defined in the package.json file`, `corepack pack` ], [ `Pack the latest version of Yarn 1.x inside a file named corepack.tgz`, `corepack pack yarn@^1` ]] }); json = options_exports.Boolean(`--json`, false, { description: `If true, the path to the generated tarball will be printed on stdout` }); output = options_exports.String(`-o,--output`, { description: `Where the tarball should be generated; by default "corepack.tgz"` }); patterns = options_exports.Rest(); async execute() { const descriptors = await this.resolvePatternsToDescriptors({ patterns: this.patterns }); const installLocations = []; for (const descriptor of descriptors) { const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags: true, useCache: false }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); this.context.stdout.write(`Adding ${resolved.name}@${resolved.reference} to the cache... `); const packageManagerInfo = await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(resolved); await this.context.engine.activatePackageManager(packageManagerInfo.locator); installLocations.push(packageManagerInfo.location); } const baseInstallFolder = getInstallFolder(); const outputPath = import_path15.default.resolve(this.context.cwd, this.output ?? `corepack.tgz`); if (!this.json) { this.context.stdout.write(` `); this.context.stdout.write(`Packing the selected tools in ${import_path15.default.basename(outputPath)}... `); } const { create: tarC } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_create(), create_exports)); await (0, import_promises2.mkdir)(baseInstallFolder, { recursive: true }); await tarC({ gzip: true, cwd: baseInstallFolder, file: import_path15.default.resolve(outputPath) }, installLocations.map((location) => { return import_path15.default.relative(baseInstallFolder, location); })); if (this.json) { this.context.stdout.write(`${JSON.stringify(outputPath)} `); } else { this.context.stdout.write(`All done! `); } } }; // sources/commands/Up.ts var import_major = __toESM(require_major()); var import_valid4 = __toESM(require_valid()); var import_valid5 = __toESM(require_valid2()); var UpCommand = class extends BaseCommand { static paths = [ [`up`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Update the package manager used in the current project`, details: ` Retrieve the latest available version for the current major release line of the package manager used in the local project, and update the project to use it. Unlike \`corepack use\` this command doesn't take a package manager name nor a version range, as it will always select the latest available version from the same major line. Should you need to upgrade to a new major, use an explicit \`corepack use '{name}@*'\` call. `, examples: [[ `Configure the project to use the latest Yarn release`, `corepack up` ]] }); async execute() { const [descriptor] = await this.resolvePatternsToDescriptors({ patterns: [] }); if (!(0, import_valid4.default)(descriptor.range) && !(0, import_valid5.default)(descriptor.range)) throw new UsageError(`The 'corepack up' command can only be used when your project's packageManager field is set to a semver version or semver range`); const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { useCache: false }); if (!resolved) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); const majorVersion = (0, import_major.default)(resolved.reference); const majorDescriptor = { name: descriptor.name, range: `^${majorVersion}.0.0` }; const highestVersion = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(majorDescriptor, { useCache: false }); if (!highestVersion) throw new UsageError(`Failed to find the highest release for ${descriptor.name} ${majorVersion}.x`); this.context.stdout.write(`Installing ${highestVersion.name}@${highestVersion.reference} in the project... `); const packageManagerInfo = await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(highestVersion); await this.setAndInstallLocalPackageManager(packageManagerInfo); } }; // sources/commands/Use.ts var UseCommand = class extends BaseCommand { static paths = [ [`use`] ]; static usage = Command.Usage({ description: `Define the package manager to use for the current project`, details: ` When run, this command will retrieve the latest release matching the provided descriptor, assign it to the project's package.json file, and automatically perform an install. `, examples: [[ `Configure the project to use the latest Yarn release`, `corepack use yarn` ]] }); pattern = options_exports.String(); async execute() { const [descriptor] = await this.resolvePatternsToDescriptors({ patterns: [this.pattern] }); const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(descriptor, { allowTags: true, useCache: false }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${descriptor.range}' to a valid ${descriptor.name} release`); this.context.stdout.write(`Installing ${resolved.name}@${resolved.reference} in the project... `); const packageManagerInfo = await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(resolved); await this.setAndInstallLocalPackageManager(packageManagerInfo); } }; // sources/commands/deprecated/Hydrate.ts var import_promises3 = require("fs/promises"); var import_path16 = __toESM(require("path")); var HydrateCommand = class extends Command { static paths = [ [`hydrate`] ]; activate = options_exports.Boolean(`--activate`, false, { description: `If true, this release will become the default one for this package manager` }); fileName = options_exports.String(); async execute() { const installFolder = getInstallFolder(); const fileName = import_path16.default.resolve(this.context.cwd, this.fileName); const archiveEntries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let hasShortEntries = false; const { list: tarT } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_list(), list_exports)); await tarT({ file: fileName, onentry: (entry) => { const segments = entry.path.split(/\//g); if (segments.length < 3) { hasShortEntries = true; } else { let references = archiveEntries.get(segments[0]); if (typeof references === `undefined`) archiveEntries.set(segments[0], references = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); references.add(segments[1]); } } }); if (hasShortEntries || archiveEntries.size < 1) throw new UsageError(`Invalid archive format; did it get generated by 'corepack prepare'?`); const { extract: tarX } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_extract(), extract_exports)); for (const [name2, references] of archiveEntries) { for (const reference of references) { if (!isSupportedPackageManager(name2)) throw new UsageError(`Unsupported package manager '${name2}'`); if (this.activate) this.context.stdout.write(`Hydrating ${name2}@${reference} for immediate activation... `); else this.context.stdout.write(`Hydrating ${name2}@${reference}... `); await (0, import_promises3.mkdir)(installFolder, { recursive: true }); await tarX({ file: fileName, cwd: installFolder }, [`${name2}/${reference}`]); if (this.activate) { await this.context.engine.activatePackageManager({ name: name2, reference }); } } } this.context.stdout.write(`All done! `); } }; // sources/commands/deprecated/Prepare.ts var import_promises4 = require("fs/promises"); var import_path17 = __toESM(require("path")); var PrepareCommand = class extends Command { static paths = [ [`prepare`] ]; activate = options_exports.Boolean(`--activate`, false, { description: `If true, this release will become the default one for this package manager` }); json = options_exports.Boolean(`--json`, false, { description: `If true, the output will be the path of the generated tarball` }); output = options_exports.String(`-o,--output`, { description: `If true, the installed package managers will also be stored in a tarball`, tolerateBoolean: true }); specs = options_exports.Rest(); async execute() { const specs = this.specs; const installLocations = []; if (specs.length === 0) { const lookup = await loadSpec(this.context.cwd); switch (lookup.type) { case `NoProject`: throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a project in the local directory - please explicit the package manager to pack, or run this command from a valid project`); case `NoSpec`: throw new UsageError(`The local project doesn't feature a 'packageManager' field - please explicit the package manager to pack, or update the manifest to reference it`); default: { specs.push(lookup.spec); } } } for (const request of specs) { const spec = typeof request === `string` ? parseSpec(request, `CLI arguments`, { enforceExactVersion: false }) : request; const resolved = await this.context.engine.resolveDescriptor(spec, { allowTags: true }); if (resolved === null) throw new UsageError(`Failed to successfully resolve '${spec.range}' to a valid ${spec.name} release`); if (!this.json) { if (this.activate) { this.context.stdout.write(`Preparing ${spec.name}@${spec.range} for immediate activation... `); } else { this.context.stdout.write(`Preparing ${spec.name}@${spec.range}... `); } } const installSpec = await this.context.engine.ensurePackageManager(resolved); installLocations.push(installSpec.location); if (this.activate) { await this.context.engine.activatePackageManager(resolved); } } if (this.output) { const outputName = typeof this.output === `string` ? this.output : `corepack.tgz`; const baseInstallFolder = getInstallFolder(); const outputPath = import_path17.default.resolve(this.context.cwd, outputName); if (!this.json) this.context.stdout.write(`Packing the selected tools in ${import_path17.default.basename(outputPath)}... `); const { create: tarC } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => (init_create(), create_exports)); await (0, import_promises4.mkdir)(baseInstallFolder, { recursive: true }); await tarC({ gzip: true, cwd: baseInstallFolder, file: import_path17.default.resolve(outputPath) }, installLocations.map((location) => { return import_path17.default.relative(baseInstallFolder, location); })); if (this.json) { this.context.stdout.write(`${JSON.stringify(outputPath)} `); } else { this.context.stdout.write(`All done! `); } } } }; // sources/main.ts function getPackageManagerRequestFromCli(parameter, engine) { if (!parameter) return null; const match = parameter.match(/^([^@]*)(?:@(.*))?$/); if (!match) return null; const [, binaryName, binaryVersion] = match; const packageManager = engine.getPackageManagerFor(binaryName); if (packageManager == null && binaryVersion == null) return null; return { packageManager, binaryName, binaryVersion: binaryVersion || null }; } async function runMain(argv) { const engine = new Engine(); const [firstArg, ...restArgs] = argv; const request = getPackageManagerRequestFromCli(firstArg, engine); if (!request) { const cli = new Cli({ binaryLabel: `Corepack`, binaryName: `corepack`, binaryVersion: version }); cli.register(builtins_exports.HelpCommand); cli.register(builtins_exports.VersionCommand); cli.register(CacheCommand); cli.register(DisableCommand); cli.register(EnableCommand); cli.register(InstallGlobalCommand); cli.register(InstallLocalCommand); cli.register(PackCommand); cli.register(UpCommand); cli.register(UseCommand); cli.register(HydrateCommand); cli.register(PrepareCommand); const context = { ...Cli.defaultContext, cwd: process.cwd(), engine }; const code2 = await cli.run(argv, context); if (code2 !== 0) { process.exitCode ??= code2; } } else { await engine.executePackageManagerRequest(request, { cwd: process.cwd(), args: restArgs }); } } // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { runMain }); /*! Bundled license information: undici/lib/web/fetch/body.js: (*! formdata-polyfill. MIT License. Jimmy Wärting <https://jimmy.warting.se/opensource> *) is-windows/index.js: (*! * is-windows <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-windows> * * Copyright © 2015-2018, Jon Schlinkert. * Released under the MIT License. *) */