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<?php /** * This helper retrieves stats from a /mail/send API call * * PHP Version - 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 * * @package SendGrid\Mail * @author Elmer Thomas <dx@sendgrid.com> * @copyright 2018-19 Twilio SendGrid * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License * @version GIT: <git_id> * @link http://packagist.org/packages/sendgrid/sendgrid */ namespace SendGrid\Stats; /** * This class is used to retrieve stats from a /mail/send API call * * @package SendGrid\Mail */ class Stats { const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d'; const OPTIONS_SORT_DIRECTION = ['asc', 'desc']; const OPTIONS_AGGREGATED_BY = ['day', 'week', 'month']; // @var string private $startDate; // @var string private $endDate; // @var string private $aggregatedBy; /** * Stats constructor * * @param string $startDate YYYYMMDD * @param string $endDate YYYYMMDD * @param string $aggregatedBy day|week|month */ public function __construct($startDate, $endDate = null, $aggregatedBy = null) { $this->validateDateFormat($startDate); if (null !== $endDate) { $this->validateDateFormat($endDate); } if (null !== $aggregatedBy) { $this->validateOptions( 'aggregatedBy', $aggregatedBy, self::OPTIONS_AGGREGATED_BY ); } $this->startDate = $startDate; $this->endDate = $endDate; $this->aggregatedBy = $aggregatedBy; } /** * Retrieve global stats parameters, start date, end date and * aggregated by * * @return array */ public function getGlobal() { return [ 'start_date' => $this->startDate, 'end_date' => $this->endDate, 'aggregated_by' => $this->aggregatedBy ]; } /** * Retrieve an array of categories * * @param array $categories * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getCategory($categories) { $this->validateNumericArray('categories', $categories); $stats = $this->getGlobal(); $stats['categories'] = $categories; return $stats; } /** * Retrieve global stats parameters, start date, end date and * aggregated for the given set of subusers * * @param array $subusers Subuser accounts * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getSubuser($subusers) { $this->validateNumericArray('subusers', $subusers); $stats = $this->getGlobal(); $stats['subusers'] = $subusers; return $stats; } /** * Retrieve global stats parameters, start date, end date, * aggregated by, sort by metric, sort by direction, limit * and offset * * @param string $sortByMetric blocks|bounce_drops|bounces| * clicks|deferred|delivered| * invalid_emails|opens|processed| * requests|spam_report_drops| * spam_reports|unique_clicks| * unique_opens|unsubscribe_drops| * unsubsribes * @param string $sortByDirection asc|desc * @param integer $limit The number of results to return * @param integer $offset The point in the list to begin * retrieving results * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getSum( $sortByMetric = 'delivered', $sortByDirection = 'desc', $limit = 5, $offset = 0 ) { $this->validateOptions( 'sortByDirection', $sortByDirection, self::OPTIONS_SORT_DIRECTION ); $this->validateInteger('limit', $limit); $this->validateInteger('offset', $offset); $stats = $this->getGlobal(); $stats['sort_by_metric'] = $sortByMetric; $stats['sort_by_direction'] = $sortByDirection; $stats['limit'] = $limit; $stats['offset'] = $offset; return $stats; } /** * Retrieve monthly stats by subuser * * @param string $subuser Subuser account * @param string $sortByMetric blocks|bounce_drops|bounces| * clicks|deferred|delivered| * invalid_emails|opens|processed| * requests|spam_report_drops| * spam_reports|unique_clicks| * unique_opens|unsubscribe_drops| * unsubsribes * @param string $sortByDirection asc|desc * @param integer $limit The number of results to return * @param integer $offset The point in the list to begin * retrieving results * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function getSubuserMonthly( $subuser = null, $sortByMetric = 'delivered', $sortByDirection = 'desc', $limit = 5, $offset = 0 ) { $this->validateOptions( 'sortByDirection', $sortByDirection, self::OPTIONS_SORT_DIRECTION ); $this->validateInteger('limit', $limit); $this->validateInteger('offset', $offset); return [ 'date' => $this->startDate, 'subuser' => $subuser, 'sort_by_metric' => $sortByMetric, 'sort_by_direction' => $sortByDirection, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset ]; } /** * Validate the date format * * @param string $date YYYY-MM-DD * * @return null * @throws \Exception */ protected function validateDateFormat($date) { if (false === \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::DATE_FORMAT, $date)) { throw new \Exception('Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.'); } } /** * Validate options * * @param string $name Name of option * @param string $value Value of option * @param array $options Array of options * * @return null * @throws \Exception */ protected function validateOptions($name, $value, $options) { if (!in_array($value, $options)) { throw new \Exception( $name . ' must be one of: ' . implode(', ', $options) ); } } /** * Validate integer * * @param string $name Name as a string * @param integer $value Value as an integer * * @return null * @throws \Exception */ protected function validateInteger($name, $value) { if (!is_integer($value)) { throw new \Exception($name . ' must be an integer.'); } } /** * Validate a numeric array * * @param string $name Name as a string * @param array $value Value as an array of integers * * @return null * @throws \Exception */ protected function validateNumericArray($name, $value) { if (!is_array($value) || empty($value) || !$this->isNumeric($value)) { throw new \Exception($name . ' must be a non-empty numeric array.'); } } /** * Determine if the array is numeric * * @param array $array Array of values * * @return bool */ protected function isNumeric(array $array) { return array_keys($array) == range(0, count($array) - 1); } }