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/* ========================================================== * bootstrap-maxlength.js v1.4.2 * * Copyright (c) 2013 Maurizio Napoleoni; * * Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * See: https://github.com/mimo84/bootstrap-maxlength/blob/master/LICENSE * ========================================================== */ /*jslint browser:true*/ /*global jQuery*/ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.extend({ maxlength: function (options, callback) { var documentBody = $('body'), defaults = { alwaysShow: false, // if true the indicator it's always shown. threshold: 10, // Represents how many chars left are needed to show up the counter warningClass: "label label-success", limitReachedClass: "label label-important", separator: ' / ', preText: '', postText: '', showMaxLength : true, placement: 'bottom', showCharsTyped: true, // show the number of characters typed and not the number of characters remaining validate: false, // if the browser doesn't support the maxlength attribute, attempt to type more than // the indicated chars, will be prevented. utf8: false, // counts using bytesize rather than length. eg: '£' is counted as 2 characters. ignoreBreaks: false //true will consider either CR or LF, false would consider both. }; if ($.isFunction(options) && !callback) { callback = options; options = {}; } options = $.extend(defaults, options); /** * Return the length of the specified input. * * @param input * @return {number} */ function inputLength(input) { var text = input.val(); var matches = text.match(/\n/g); var breaks = 0; var currentLength = 0; if (options.utf8) { breaks = matches ? utf8Length(matches) : 0; currentLength = utf8Length(input.val()); } else { breaks = matches ? matches.length : 0; currentLength = input.val().length; } currentLength += (options.ignoreBreaks ? 0 : breaks); return currentLength; } /** * Return the length of the specified input in UTF8 encoding. * * @param input * @return {number} */ function utf8Length(string) { var utf8length = 0; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utf8length++; } else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utf8length = utf8length+2; } else { utf8length = utf8length+3; } } return utf8length; } /** * Return true if the indicator should be showing up. * * @param input * @param thereshold * @param maxlength * @return {number} */ function charsLeftThreshold(input, thereshold, maxlength) { var output = true; if (!options.alwaysShow && (maxlength - inputLength(input) > thereshold)) { output = false; } return output; } /** * Returns how many chars are left to complete the fill up of the form. * * @param input * @param maxlength * @return {number} */ function remainingChars(input, maxlength) { var length = maxlength - inputLength(input); return length; } /** * When called displays the indicator. * * @param indicator */ function showRemaining(indicator) { indicator.css({ display: 'block' }); } /** * When called shows the indicator. * * @param indicator */ function hideRemaining(indicator) { indicator.css({ display: 'none' }); } /** * This function updates the value in the indicator * * @param maxLengthThisInput * @param typedChars * @return String */ function updateMaxLengthHTML(maxLengthThisInput, typedChars) { var output = ''; if (options.message){ output = options.message.replace('%charsTyped%', typedChars) .replace('%charsRemaining%', maxLengthThisInput - typedChars) .replace('%charsTotal%', maxLengthThisInput); } else { if (options.preText) { output += options.preText; } if (!options.showCharsTyped) { output += maxLengthThisInput - typedChars; } else { output += typedChars; } if (options.showMaxLength) { output += options.separator + maxLengthThisInput; } if (options.postText) { output += options.postText; } } return output; } /** * This function updates the value of the counter in the indicator. * Wants as parameters: the number of remaining chars, the element currently managed, * the maxLength for the current input and the indicator generated for it. * * @param remaining * @param currentInput * @param maxLengthCurrentInput * @param maxLengthIndicator */ function manageRemainingVisibility(remaining, currentInput, maxLengthCurrentInput, maxLengthIndicator) { maxLengthIndicator.html(updateMaxLengthHTML(maxLengthCurrentInput, (maxLengthCurrentInput - remaining))); if (remaining > 0) { if (charsLeftThreshold(currentInput, options.threshold, maxLengthCurrentInput)) { showRemaining(maxLengthIndicator.removeClass(options.limitReachedClass).addClass(options.warningClass)); } else { hideRemaining(maxLengthIndicator); } } else { showRemaining(maxLengthIndicator.removeClass(options.warningClass).addClass(options.limitReachedClass)); } } /** * This function returns an object containing all the * informations about the position of the current input * * @param currentInput * @return object {bottom height left right top width} * */ function getPosition(currentInput) { var el = currentInput[0]; return $.extend({}, (typeof el.getBoundingClientRect === 'function') ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : { width: el.offsetWidth, height: el.offsetHeight }, currentInput.offset()); } /** * This function places the maxLengthIndicator at the * top / bottom / left / right of the currentInput * * @param currentInput * @param maxLengthIndicator * @return null * */ function place(currentInput, maxLengthIndicator) { var pos = getPosition(currentInput), inputOuter = currentInput.outerWidth(), outerWidth = maxLengthIndicator.outerWidth(), actualWidth = maxLengthIndicator.width(), actualHeight = maxLengthIndicator.height(); switch (options.placement) { case 'bottom': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}); break; case 'top': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2}); break; case 'left': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth}); break; case 'right': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width}); break; case 'bottom-right': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width}); break; case 'top-right': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + inputOuter}); break; case 'top-left': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left - outerWidth}); break; case 'bottom-left': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + currentInput.outerHeight(), left: pos.left - outerWidth}); break; case 'centered-right': maxLengthIndicator.css({top: pos.top + (actualHeight / 2), left: pos.left + inputOuter - outerWidth - 3}); break; } } /** * This function retrieves the maximum length of currentInput * * @param currentInput * @return {number} * */ function getMaxLength(currentInput) { return currentInput.attr('maxlength') || currentInput.attr('size'); } return this.each(function() { var currentInput = $(this), maxLengthCurrentInput, maxLengthIndicator; $(window).resize(function() { place(currentInput, maxLengthIndicator); }); currentInput.focus(function () { var maxlengthContent = updateMaxLengthHTML(maxLengthCurrentInput, '0'); maxLengthCurrentInput = getMaxLength(currentInput); maxLengthIndicator = $('<span class="bootstrap-maxlength"></span>').css({ display: 'none', position: 'absolute', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', zIndex: 1099 }).html(maxlengthContent); // We need to detect resizes if we are dealing with a textarea: if (currentInput.is('textarea')) { currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizex', currentInput.outerWidth()); currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizey', currentInput.outerHeight()); currentInput.mouseup(function() { if (currentInput.outerWidth() !== currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizex') || currentInput.outerHeight() !== currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizey')) { place(currentInput, maxLengthIndicator); } currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizex', currentInput.outerWidth()); currentInput.data('maxlenghtsizey', currentInput.outerHeight()); }); } documentBody.append(maxLengthIndicator); var remaining = remainingChars(currentInput, getMaxLength(currentInput)); manageRemainingVisibility(remaining, currentInput, maxLengthCurrentInput, maxLengthIndicator); place(currentInput, maxLengthIndicator); }); currentInput.blur(function() { maxLengthIndicator.remove(); }); currentInput.keyup(function(e) { var remaining = remainingChars(currentInput, getMaxLength(currentInput)), output = true, keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; // Handle the tab press when the maxlength have been reached. // if (remaining===0 && keyCode===9 && !e.shiftKey) { // currentInput.attr('maxlength',getMaxLength(currentInput)+1) // .trigger({ // type: 'keypress', // which: 9 // }).attr('maxlength',getMaxLength(currentInput)-1); // } if (options.validate && remaining < 0) { output = false; } else { manageRemainingVisibility(remaining, currentInput, maxLengthCurrentInput, maxLengthIndicator); } return output; }); }); } }); }(jQuery));