Create File
Create Folder
Filename :
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013 Jonathan Vollebregt (jnvsor@gmail.com), Rokas Šleinius (raveren@gmail.com) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ namespace Kint\Renderer; use Kint\Kint; use Kint\Renderer\Rich\PluginInterface; use Kint\Renderer\Rich\TabPluginInterface; use Kint\Renderer\Rich\ValuePluginInterface; use Kint\Utils; use Kint\Zval\BlobValue; use Kint\Zval\InstanceValue; use Kint\Zval\Representation\Representation; use Kint\Zval\Value; /** * @psalm-import-type Encoding from BlobValue * @psalm-import-type PluginMap from AbstractRenderer */ class RichRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { /** * RichRenderer value plugins should implement ValuePluginInterface. * * @psalm-var PluginMap */ public static $value_plugins = [ 'array_limit' => Rich\ArrayLimitPlugin::class, 'blacklist' => Rich\BlacklistPlugin::class, 'callable' => Rich\CallablePlugin::class, 'color' => Rich\ColorPlugin::class, 'depth_limit' => Rich\DepthLimitPlugin::class, 'recursion' => Rich\RecursionPlugin::class, 'simplexml_element' => Rich\SimpleXMLElementPlugin::class, 'trace_frame' => Rich\TraceFramePlugin::class, ]; /** * RichRenderer tab plugins should implement TabPluginInterface. * * @psalm-var PluginMap */ public static $tab_plugins = [ 'binary' => Rich\BinaryPlugin::class, 'color' => Rich\ColorPlugin::class, 'method_definition' => Rich\MethodDefinitionPlugin::class, 'microtime' => Rich\MicrotimePlugin::class, 'source' => Rich\SourcePlugin::class, 'table' => Rich\TablePlugin::class, 'timestamp' => Rich\TimestampPlugin::class, ]; public static $pre_render_sources = [ 'script' => [ [self::class, 'renderJs'], [Rich\MicrotimePlugin::class, 'renderJs'], ], 'style' => [ [self::class, 'renderCss'], ], 'raw' => [], ]; /** * Whether or not to render access paths. * * Access paths can become incredibly heavy with very deep and wide * structures. Given mostly public variables it will typically make * up one quarter of the output HTML size. * * If this is an unacceptably large amount and your browser is groaning * under the weight of the access paths - your first order of buisiness * should be to get a new browser. Failing that, use this to turn them off. * * @var bool */ public static $access_paths = true; /** * The maximum length of a string before it is truncated. * * Falsey to disable * * @var int */ public static $strlen_max = 80; /** * Path to the CSS file to load by default. * * @var string */ public static $theme = 'original.css'; /** * Assume types and sizes don't need to be escaped. * * Turn this off if you use anything but ascii in your class names, * but it'll cause a slowdown of around 10% * * @var bool */ public static $escape_types = false; /** * Move all dumps to a folder at the bottom of the body. * * @var bool */ public static $folder = false; /** * Sort mode for object properties. * * @var int */ public static $sort = self::SORT_NONE; public static $needs_pre_render = true; public static $needs_folder_render = true; public static $always_pre_render = false; public static $js_nonce = null; public static $css_nonce = null; protected $plugin_objs = []; protected $expand = false; protected $force_pre_render = false; protected $use_folder = false; public function __construct() { $this->setUseFolder(self::$folder); $this->setForcePreRender(self::$always_pre_render); } public function setCallInfo(array $info): void { parent::setCallInfo($info); if (\in_array('!', $this->call_info['modifiers'], true)) { $this->setExpand(true); $this->setUseFolder(false); } if (\in_array('@', $this->call_info['modifiers'], true)) { $this->setForcePreRender(true); } } public function setStatics(array $statics): void { parent::setStatics($statics); if (!empty($statics['expanded'])) { $this->setExpand(true); } if (!empty($statics['return'])) { $this->setForcePreRender(true); } } public function setExpand(bool $expand): void { $this->expand = $expand; } public function getExpand(): bool { return $this->expand; } public function setForcePreRender(bool $force_pre_render): void { $this->force_pre_render = $force_pre_render; } public function getForcePreRender(): bool { return $this->force_pre_render; } public function setUseFolder(bool $use_folder): void { $this->use_folder = $use_folder; } public function getUseFolder(): bool { return $this->use_folder; } public function shouldPreRender(): bool { return $this->getForcePreRender() || self::$needs_pre_render; } public function shouldFolderRender(): bool { return $this->getUseFolder() && ($this->getForcePreRender() || self::$needs_folder_render); } public function render(Value $o): string { if (($plugin = $this->getPlugin(self::$value_plugins, $o->hints)) && $plugin instanceof ValuePluginInterface) { $output = $plugin->renderValue($o); if (null !== $output && \strlen($output)) { return $output; } } $children = $this->renderChildren($o); $header = $this->renderHeaderWrapper($o, (bool) \strlen($children), $this->renderHeader($o)); return '<dl>'.$header.$children.'</dl>'; } public function renderNothing(): string { return '<dl><dt><var>No argument</var></dt></dl>'; } public function renderHeaderWrapper(Value $o, bool $has_children, string $contents): string { $out = '<dt'; if ($has_children) { $out .= ' class="kint-parent'; if ($this->getExpand()) { $out .= ' kint-show'; } $out .= '"'; } $out .= '>'; if (self::$access_paths && $o->depth > 0 && ($ap = $o->getAccessPath())) { $out .= '<span class="kint-access-path-trigger" title="Show access path">⇄</span>'; } if ($has_children) { $out .= '<span class="kint-popup-trigger" title="Open in new window">⧉</span>'; if (0 === $o->depth) { $out .= '<span class="kint-search-trigger" title="Show search box">⌕</span>'; $out .= '<input type="text" class="kint-search" value="">'; } $out .= '<nav></nav>'; } $out .= $contents; if (!empty($ap)) { $out .= '<div class="access-path">'.$this->escape($ap).'</div>'; } return $out.'</dt>'; } public function renderHeader(Value $o): string { $output = ''; if (null !== ($s = $o->getModifiers())) { $output .= '<var>'.$s.'</var> '; } if (null !== ($s = $o->getName())) { $output .= '<dfn>'.$this->escape($s).'</dfn> '; if ($s = $o->getOperator()) { $output .= $this->escape($s, 'ASCII').' '; } } if (null !== ($s = $o->getType())) { if (self::$escape_types) { $s = $this->escape($s); } if ($o->reference) { $s = '&'.$s; } $output .= '<var>'.$s.'</var>'; if ($o instanceof InstanceValue && isset($o->spl_object_id)) { $output .= '#'.((int) $o->spl_object_id); } $output .= ' '; } if (null !== ($s = $o->getSize())) { if (self::$escape_types) { $s = $this->escape($s); } $output .= '('.$s.') '; } if (null !== ($s = $o->getValueShort())) { $s = \preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $s); if (self::$strlen_max) { $s = Utils::truncateString($s, self::$strlen_max); } $output .= $this->escape($s); } return \trim($output); } public function renderChildren(Value $o): string { $contents = []; $tabs = []; foreach ($o->getRepresentations() as $rep) { $result = $this->renderTab($o, $rep); if (\strlen($result)) { $contents[] = $result; $tabs[] = $rep; } } if (empty($tabs)) { return ''; } $output = '<dd>'; if (1 === \count($tabs) && $tabs[0]->labelIsImplicit()) { $output .= \reset($contents); } else { $output .= '<ul class="kint-tabs">'; foreach ($tabs as $i => $tab) { if (0 === $i) { $output .= '<li class="kint-active-tab">'; } else { $output .= '<li>'; } $output .= $this->escape($tab->getLabel()).'</li>'; } $output .= '</ul><ul class="kint-tab-contents">'; foreach ($contents as $i => $tab) { if (0 === $i) { $output .= '<li class="kint-show">'; } else { $output .= '<li>'; } $output .= $tab.'</li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; } return $output.'</dd>'; } public function preRender(): string { $output = ''; if ($this->shouldPreRender()) { foreach (self::$pre_render_sources as $type => $values) { $contents = ''; foreach ($values as $v) { $contents .= \call_user_func($v, $this); } if (!\strlen($contents)) { continue; } switch ($type) { case 'script': $output .= '<script class="kint-rich-script"'; if (null !== self::$js_nonce) { $output .= ' nonce="'.\htmlspecialchars(self::$js_nonce).'"'; } $output .= '>'.$contents.'</script>'; break; case 'style': $output .= '<style class="kint-rich-style"'; if (null !== self::$css_nonce) { $output .= ' nonce="'.\htmlspecialchars(self::$css_nonce).'"'; } $output .= '>'.$contents.'</style>'; break; default: $output .= $contents; } } // Don't pre-render on every dump if (!$this->getForcePreRender()) { self::$needs_pre_render = false; } } if ($this->shouldFolderRender()) { $output .= $this->renderFolder(); if (!$this->getForcePreRender()) { self::$needs_folder_render = false; } } $output .= '<div class="kint-rich'; if ($this->getUseFolder()) { $output .= ' kint-file'; } $output .= '">'; return $output; } public function postRender(): string { if (!$this->show_trace) { return '</div>'; } $output = '<footer>'; $output .= '<span class="kint-popup-trigger" title="Open in new window">⧉</span> '; if (!empty($this->call_info['trace']) && \count($this->call_info['trace']) > 1) { $output .= '<nav></nav>'; } if (isset($this->call_info['callee']['file'])) { $output .= 'Called from '.$this->ideLink( $this->call_info['callee']['file'], $this->call_info['callee']['line'] ); } if ( isset($this->call_info['callee']['function']) && ( !empty($this->call_info['callee']['class']) || !\in_array( $this->call_info['callee']['function'], ['include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once'], true ) ) ) { $output .= ' ['; $output .= $this->call_info['callee']['class'] ?? ''; $output .= $this->call_info['callee']['type'] ?? ''; $output .= $this->call_info['callee']['function'].'()]'; } if (!empty($this->call_info['trace']) && \count($this->call_info['trace']) > 1) { $output .= '<ol>'; foreach ($this->call_info['trace'] as $index => $step) { if (!$index) { continue; } $output .= '<li>'.$this->ideLink($step['file'], $step['line']); // closing tag not required if (isset($step['function']) && !\in_array($step['function'], ['include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once'], true) ) { $output .= ' ['; $output .= $step['class'] ?? ''; $output .= $step['type'] ?? ''; $output .= $step['function'].'()]'; } } $output .= '</ol>'; } $output .= '</footer></div>'; return $output; } /** * @psalm-param Encoding $encoding * * @param mixed $encoding */ public function escape(string $string, $encoding = false): string { if (false === $encoding) { $encoding = BlobValue::detectEncoding($string); } $original_encoding = $encoding; if (false === $encoding || 'ASCII' === $encoding) { $encoding = 'UTF-8'; } $string = \htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_NOQUOTES, $encoding); // this call converts all non-ASCII characters into numeirc htmlentities if (\function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity') && 'ASCII' !== $original_encoding) { $string = \mb_encode_numericentity($string, [0x80, 0xFFFF, 0, 0xFFFF], $encoding); } return $string; } public function ideLink(string $file, int $line): string { $path = $this->escape(Kint::shortenPath($file)).':'.$line; $ideLink = Kint::getIdeLink($file, $line); if (!$ideLink) { return $path; } $class = ''; if (\preg_match('/https?:\\/\\//i', $ideLink)) { $class = 'class="kint-ide-link" '; } return '<a '.$class.'href="'.$this->escape($ideLink).'">'.$path.'</a>'; } protected function renderTab(Value $o, Representation $rep): string { if (($plugin = $this->getPlugin(self::$tab_plugins, $rep->hints)) && $plugin instanceof TabPluginInterface) { $output = $plugin->renderTab($rep); if (null !== $output && \strlen($output)) { return $output; } } if (\is_array($rep->contents)) { $output = ''; if ($o instanceof InstanceValue && 'properties' === $rep->getName()) { foreach (self::sortProperties($rep->contents, self::$sort) as $obj) { $output .= $this->render($obj); } } else { foreach ($rep->contents as $obj) { $output .= $this->render($obj); } } return $output; } if (\is_string($rep->contents)) { $show_contents = false; // If it is the value representation of a string and its whitespace // was truncated in the header, always display the full string if ('string' !== $o->type || $o->value !== $rep) { $show_contents = true; } else { if (\preg_match('/(:?[\\r\\n\\t\\f\\v]| {2})/', $rep->contents)) { $show_contents = true; } elseif (self::$strlen_max && null !== ($vs = $o->getValueShort()) && BlobValue::strlen($vs) > self::$strlen_max) { $show_contents = true; } if (empty($o->encoding)) { $show_contents = false; } } if ($show_contents) { return '<pre>'.$this->escape($rep->contents)."\n</pre>"; } } if ($rep->contents instanceof Value) { return $this->render($rep->contents); } return ''; } /** * @psalm-param PluginMap $plugins * @psalm-param string[] $hints */ protected function getPlugin(array $plugins, array $hints): ?PluginInterface { if ($plugins = $this->matchPlugins($plugins, $hints)) { $plugin = \end($plugins); if (!isset($this->plugin_objs[$plugin]) && \is_subclass_of($plugin, PluginInterface::class)) { $this->plugin_objs[$plugin] = new $plugin($this); } return $this->plugin_objs[$plugin]; } return null; } protected static function renderJs(): string { return \file_get_contents(KINT_DIR.'/resources/compiled/shared.js').\file_get_contents(KINT_DIR.'/resources/compiled/rich.js'); } protected static function renderCss(): string { if (\file_exists(KINT_DIR.'/resources/compiled/'.self::$theme)) { return \file_get_contents(KINT_DIR.'/resources/compiled/'.self::$theme); } return \file_get_contents(self::$theme); } protected static function renderFolder(): string { return '<div class="kint-rich kint-folder"><dl><dt class="kint-parent"><nav></nav>Kint</dt><dd class="kint-foldout"></dd></dl></div>'; } }